Being Black is Not an Excuse

Blacks and Hispanics commit More Murders even in their own countries.
You want 6-10 times the Murder rate as USA Whites?
Go to USA Cities... or Black/Hispanic countries.
They kill at multiples.. EVERYWHERE.


Anyone see the pattern here?

EDIT. (to last page and below)
IM2 is a High Frequency TROLL who contributes NOTHING to any debate.
Just Combative High Testosterone Afro-babble to last word multiple threads.

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Concern yourself with the higher amount of white violence.
"Higher amounts of white violence"? Higher than what?

What's the point of spitting in the wind?

Higher than black violence. Whites are spitting in a tornado. Fix the white community and shut up about us.
Blacks and Hispanics commit More Murders even in their own countries.
You wany 6 or 7 times the Murder rate as USA Whites?
Go to USA Cities or Black/Hispanic countries


Anyone see the pattern here?

I see a pattern of psychosis from the poster.
Please excuse the butterfly------she has decided that melanin is far more
than a cosmetic issue-------it is a CULT
Melanin isnt cosmetic. Its genetic. There is a reason whites lack the ability to produce enough melanin to protect them from the sun. Its a genetic mutation easily pinpointed by DNA.

lots of genetically transmitted conditions are COSMETIC. "mutation" ???------the entire human genome is made up of MUTATIONS-------the accumulation of "MUTATIONS" is called EVOLUTION
Melanin isnt cosmetic though. It provides a function. Yes mutation. In your case a mutation that destines you for extinction.

I am EXTREMELY white-------my grandmother was so also------she lived to age
97. My mother is also extremely white ----98 years old and no sign at all of
dementia. You have some sort of reason to believe that persons who
produce "more melanin" -----are hardier than person who produce "less melanin"?
It is my clinical impression that MELANIN producers in my city have a high incidence of alcoholism, diabetes, and death due to gunshot would to the head.
For likely congenital reasons---they also have a somewhat lesser total
blood red cell volume. The good news for Melanin producers is that they
also seem to have a lesser incidence of Multiple Sclerosis. ------based on the
data, I see no reason to imagine that melanin is protective of survival in the world
today or ----predictably, in the future. You are engaging in wishful thinking
I am left handed-------which as far as longevity is concerned is
a risk. -------but my grandmother who died at age 97 was a lefty too

Every race in the world possess melanin in their skin cells, every human being, except albinos who possess none. The darker the individual’s color, the more melanin is present in skin cells. The reason for the presence of melanin in epithelial cells is because it affords the skin protection from damaging infrared radiation present in sunlight. It also appears to facilitate the production of vitamin D by skin, our largest organ. Attributions to its effect in some other areas are anecdotal at best and are usually cited in attempts to disparage or belittle other groups.

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Every race in the world possess melanin in their skin cells, every human being, except albinos who possess none. The darker the individual’s color, the more melanin is present in skin cells. The reason for the presence of melanin in epithelial cells is because it affords the skin protection from damaging infrared radiation present in sunlight. It also appears to facilitate the production of vitamin D by skin, our largest organ. Attributions to its effect in some other areas are anecdotal at best and are usually cited in attempts to disparage or belittle other groups....
PC simpleton/apologism.
No one with any education thinks Race is just about Skin Color/melanin! Already covered in this thread.

Races are SETS of features/chemistry/physiology born of thousands/Tens of thousands of years of separate geographical evolution.
So that even if a pygmy was an albino he would be easily distinguishable from a Scandinavian or NE Asian.
Australian Aboriginals and sub-Saharan Africans, are both peoples of color, but are very different Races Genetically.

'Black' is not race but a colloquialism/nickname mostly used for a USA Hybrid mixture of that is, app and on Average, 75% sub-Saharan, and 25% Caucasian.
ergo, and ie, they are, on Average, midway (85) between the White 100 IQ and sub-Saharan 70.

Just some basic stuff.
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Wait, let me guess, you MORON.
You are going to post things like World War figures to show blacks aren't more violent.

Yes, we've seen this stupid Chimp trick many times. Doh!

Well Mr Stupid, the two are NOT analogous.
Blacks were never capable of anything but Local Genocide, and have been doing plenty of it for 100,000 years.

So we can only judge what they do with what they have, and in the SAME societies.

The Black (and to a lesser extent Hispanic) Murder rates are Much higher in the USA, Europe, and worldwide.
Calm down Wong.

Look at this Asian fool.

You know I will make you look foolish. That's why you don't want to debate with me about who has been the most violent.

I can bring up genocide, Jim Crow, wars of empire in Mexico, the Caribbean, Philippines, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. Overthrow of governments, support for dictators. Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, drones

But black people are violent to whites ? Well maybe if I throw in black genocides against whites that will help to speed things up, except that there have been none. At least none that have killed over a million whites.

White people even screw over and r violent to each other.

How about the millions of white Americans who were exploited, screwed over by the other white americans. Just look what Rockefeller did to his workers, how dozens of immigrant women burnt to death around hundred years ago in clothing factory in New Yorks Lower East Side because the doors were locked and windows barred.

This is too easy and I've only got through about 0.0000000000001% of the stuff of violence i have about whites.

At the serious level, though, whites have committed evils on a scale way beyond those of blacks. Because whites over the past 500 years have had vastly more power than blacks. It is not even close
the blacks committed everything you have stated
the blacks in the US are more murderous than whites...this is undeniable
blacks commit violent crimes at a much higher rate--therefore more violent

Whites have been and continue to be the most violent racial group on this country. The opinions of white racists don't count.
the problem is --they are not opinions but facts

The facts show that whites have committed more killings and violence than anyone else by a wide margin since this nation started. Your words are opinions based on a psychosis that has you believing that you are superior because your skin is pink.
once again --per capita'--please prove the whites committed more killings per capita--that's murderers, not victims
the blacks are superior --at crime/murder/rape
Calm down Wong.

Look at this Asian fool.

You know I will make you look foolish. That's why you don't want to debate with me about who has been the most violent.

I can bring up genocide, Jim Crow, wars of empire in Mexico, the Caribbean, Philippines, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. Overthrow of governments, support for dictators. Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, drones

But black people are violent to whites ? Well maybe if I throw in black genocides against whites that will help to speed things up, except that there have been none. At least none that have killed over a million whites.

White people even screw over and r violent to each other.

How about the millions of white Americans who were exploited, screwed over by the other white americans. Just look what Rockefeller did to his workers, how dozens of immigrant women burnt to death around hundred years ago in clothing factory in New Yorks Lower East Side because the doors were locked and windows barred.

This is too easy and I've only got through about 0.0000000000001% of the stuff of violence i have about whites.

At the serious level, though, whites have committed evils on a scale way beyond those of blacks. Because whites over the past 500 years have had vastly more power than blacks. It is not even close
the blacks committed everything you have stated
the blacks in the US are more murderous than whites...this is undeniable
blacks commit violent crimes at a much higher rate--therefore more violent

Whites have been and continue to be the most violent racial group on this country. The opinions of white racists don't count.
the problem is --they are not opinions but facts

The facts show that whites have committed more killings and violence than anyone else by a wide margin since this nation started. Your words are opinions based on a psychosis that has you believing that you are superior because your skin is pink.
once again --per capita'--please prove the whites committed more killings per capita--that's murderers, not victims
the blacks are superior --at crime/murder/rape

No. I will continue to say whites commit more crime, not just one category of crime because that's true. You don't get to divide by 1,000 anymore.
Actually, it's because white genetics didn't originate on earth.Black genetics did.

Then explain how scientists were able to trace all modern humans back to the mitochondrial EVE. And I suppose your Neaderthal genetic connections imply the Neanderthals flew here from the Pleiades
and mated with the black folks...thereby making you the white bahs-turds you are tiday.
Sumeria. There were giants on the earth in those days.
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for Blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites (per 100,000), and the victim rate 6 times higher (per 100,000). Most murders were intraracial, with 84% of white homicide victims murdered by whites, and 93% of black victims murdered by blacks.[33]

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey in 2002, the black arrest rate for robbery was 8.55 times higher than whites, and blacks were 16 times more likely to be incarcerated for robbery than non-Hispanic whites.
Robberies with white victims and black offenders were more than 12 times more common than the reverse.[38][....]​
Only 12 blacks per 100,000 were arrested for murder and or negligent homicide in 2016. Wow...if thats 8 times the rate of whites we can sleep better at night knowing how relatively few murders are occuring in this vast nation of ours. For rvery 10,000 blacks the murder rate is 1.2. ..and for every 1000 blacks the value of the statistic falls below ONE. Per capita? Heh heh do the math...
That is at least 8x the rate of whites and about 6x the rate of Hispanics. Third-world stuff. As the thread title suggests, being black is not an excuse.

12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
Actually, it's because white genetics didn't originate on earth.Black genetics did.

Then explain how scientists were able to trace all modern humans back to the mitochondrial EVE. And I suppose your Neaderthal genetic connections imply the Neanderthals flew here from the Pleiades
and mated with the black folks...thereby making you the white bahs-turds you are tiday.
Sumeria. There were giants on the earth in those days.
So are you giving me a biblical origin for white folks or are you talking secularly.
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
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Then of course, there was my #132 to JQPUBLIC1.
Which is Also/definitely something to "lose sleep over."

abu afak to JQPUBLIC1 said:
You make Black Crime sound so Miniscule! In fact it's Pandemic. "1 in 10,000" is it?

1 In 3 Black Males Will Go To Prison In Their Lifetime, Report Warns | HuffPost
abu afak to JQPUBLIC1 said:
1 In 3 Black Males Will Go To Prison In Their Lifetime, Report Warns

By Saki Knafo

One in every three black males born today can expect to go to prison at some point in their life, compared with one in every six Latino males, and one in every 17 white males, if current incarceration trends continue.".."
It's Miniscule right Umboku?
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.

You know nothing about stats AFLAC.
Then of course, there was my #132 to JQPUBLIC1.
Which is Also/definitely something to "lose sleep over."

abu afak to JQPUBLIC1 said:
You make Black Crime sound so Miniscule! In fact it's Pandemic. "1 in 10,000" is it?

1 In 3 Black Males Will Go To Prison In Their Lifetime, Report Warns | HuffPost
abu afak to JQPUBLIC1 said:
1 In 3 Black Males Will Go To Prison In Their Lifetime, Report Warns

By Saki Knafo

One in every three black males born today can expect to go to prison at some point in their life, compared with one in every six Latino males, and one in every 17 white males, if current incarceration trends continue.".."
It's Miniscule right Umboku?

And that's supposed to mean exactly what given the knowledge of racism in the criminal justice system?

The racism of the US justice system in 10 charts

Talk abut another topic Aflac before you get embarrassed again. There are plenty of other topics here at USMB.

Certainly you will find one in which you know what you are talking about.
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
BLACKS HAVE A MURDER RATE OF 12/100,000 WHILE WHITES HAVE 1.5/100,000. That's 8x higher.

This is the point where race pimps have problems with racist statistics.
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
BLACKS HAVE A MURDER RATE OF 12/100,000 WHILE WHITES HAVE 1.5/100,000. That's 8x higher.

This is the point where race pimps have problems with racist statistics.

Actually that's not what the stat says and still you are here talking about very low numbers in just one single category of crime. How about the other 29 categories where white lead in 27 of them?.
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.

Well coming from a race of people who stained the 20th Century with the blood of millions, I wonder where you get the audacity to point your bloody fingers at Blacks. And the UNODC, your map source, is headed by a RUSSIAN COMMUNIST. You do know their bloody history don't you? After finding that a Russian, Yury Fedotov, was head of the UNODC, I wondered just how deeply corrupt he is. Undoubtedly he is tied to crime boss Putin who, speaking of murderers, is one of the worst. He is also a racist.

Child, you've made a bad mistake if you think your little outdated world map proves Blacks are more prone to homicide and violence than white people are.

If you are going to play the statistics game with me you need to come with the most current data. Your world homicide map is more than 7 years old. Noticeably though, on your old map I see a number of Caucasian countries with murder rates in the range of 10- 19.99 per 100 thousand. Putin's Russia and Greenland stand out as examples that Pink Mutants like you are well represented among killers.

But if race is to be used as a barometer for murderous tendencies, I can also add Mexico, Nicaragua and Colombia to the list of Caucasian countries with the worst murder rates. A number of lists show the countries with the worst homicide rates but Russia, conspicuously, is never listed. I wonder why? Digging deeper I found what I needed anyway:

If you want to posit race as a factor in homicide or violence, the Russian Federation rate was 12.1 per 100 thousand in 2014. But the rate was about 4 points higher in 2010.
Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 4.46.58 AM.png

Looking at Russia's Homicide rates from 1990 through 2007, you had better NEVER
bring up the USA Black murder rate again.

Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 4.58.08 AM.png

Still, I don't see that a rate of 12 or more precisely 11.75 arrests for homicide out of every 100,000 blacks or m12.1 per 100 thousand homicide arrests for Russians is all that alarming.

That means that out of 42 million Blacks, 4935 were arrested for homicide or negligent Homicide in 2016. So the 41,995,065 blacks who didn't commit murder are stigmatized , in your eyes, by the few who did. But since the Russians have a population of around 150,000,000 that means there were 18150 Russian murders in 2014. Because of their larger population in relation to American Blacks their 12.1 per 100 K rate left about 4 times the number of dead bodies t American Black's 11.75 per 100 K did.

Russia has had record setting homicide rates for years. And that can't be blamed on Blacks.
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.

Well coming from a race of people who stained the 20th Century with the blood of millions, I wonder where you get the audacity to point your bloody fingers at Blacks. And the UNODC, your map source, is headed by a RUSSIAN COMMUNIST. You do know their bloody history don't you? After finding that a Russian, Yury Fedotov, was head of the UNODC, I wondered just how deeply corrupt he is. Undoubtedly he is tied to crime boss Putin who, speaking of murderers, is one of the worst. He is also a racist.

Child, you've made a bad mistake if you think your little outdated world map proves Blacks are more prone to homicide and violence than white people are.

If you are going to play the statistics game with me you need to come with the most current data. Your world homicide map is more than 7 years old. Noticeably though, on your old map I see a number of Caucasian countries with murder rates in the range of 10- 19.99 per 100 thousand. Putin's Russia and Greenland stand out as examples that Pink Mutants like you are well represented among killers.

But if race is to be used as a barometer for murderous tendencies, I can also add Mexico, Nicaragua and Colombia to the list of Caucasian countries with the worst murder rates. A number of lists show the countries with the worst homicide rates but Russia, conspicuously, is never listed. I wonder why? Digging deeper I found what I needed anyway:

If you want to posit race as a factor in homicide or violence, the Russian Federation rate was 12.1 per 100 thousand in 2014. But the rate was about 4 points higher in 2010.
View attachment 185468

Looking at Russia's Homicide rates from 1990 through 2007, you had better NEVER
bring up the USA Black murder rate again.

View attachment 185471

Still, I don't see that a rate of 12 or more precisely 11.75 arrests for homicide out of every 100,000 blacks or m12.1 per 100 thousand homicide arrests for Russians is all that alarming.

That means that out of 42 million Blacks, 4935 were arrested for homicide or negligent Homicide in 2016. So the 41,995,065 blacks who didn't commit murder are stigmatized , in your eyes, by the few who did. But since the Russians have a population of around 150,000,000 that means there were 18150 Russian murders in 2014. Because of their larger population in relation to American Blacks their 12.1 per 100 K rate left about 4 times the number of dead bodies t American Black's 11.75 per 100 K did.

Russia has had record setting homicide rates for years. And that can't be blamed on Blacks.
Wouldn't your belabored efforts be better spent in trying to prevent the horrific violent crime rate in the black community than defending it? Walk down to your local corner and inform those fine young gang bangers of their evil ways or something.
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
BLACKS HAVE A MURDER RATE OF 12/100,000 WHILE WHITES HAVE 1.5/100,000. That's 8x higher.

This is the point where race pimps have problems with racist statistics.
Uh yeah we DO have problems with RACIST statistics. a homicide rate of 12 per 100 K is negligible for a population of 42, million people. But a 12 per 100 K homicide rate for the Russians with a population of 150,000,000 is HUGE>>>

4935 back American bodies vs 18150 white Russian bodies. And the Russians were MUCH worse in the past
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.

Well coming from a race of people who stained the 20th Century with the blood of millions, I wonder where you get the audacity to point your bloody fingers at Blacks. And the UNODC, your map source, is headed by a RUSSIAN COMMUNIST. You do know their bloody history don't you? After finding that a Russian, Yury Fedotov, was head of the UNODC, I wondered just how deeply corrupt he is. Undoubtedly he is tied to crime boss Putin who, speaking of murderers, is one of the worst. He is also a racist.

Child, you've made a bad mistake if you think your little outdated world map proves Blacks are more prone to homicide and violence than white people are.

If you are going to play the statistics game with me you need to come with the most current data. Your world homicide map is more than 7 years old. Noticeably though, on your old map I see a number of Caucasian countries with murder rates in the range of 10- 19.99 per 100 thousand. Putin's Russia and Greenland stand out as examples that Pink Mutants like you are well represented among killers.

But if race is to be used as a barometer for murderous tendencies, I can also add Mexico, Nicaragua and Colombia to the list of Caucasian countries with the worst murder rates. A number of lists show the countries with the worst homicide rates but Russia, conspicuously, is never listed. I wonder why? Digging deeper I found what I needed anyway:

If you want to posit race as a factor in homicide or violence, the Russian Federation rate was 12.1 per 100 thousand in 2014. But the rate was about 4 points higher in 2010.
View attachment 185468

Looking at Russia's Homicide rates from 1990 through 2007, you had better NEVER
bring up the USA Black murder rate again.

View attachment 185471

Still, I don't see that a rate of 12 or more precisely 11.75 arrests for homicide out of every 100,000 blacks or m12.1 per 100 thousand homicide arrests for Russians is all that alarming.

That means that out of 42 million Blacks, 4935 were arrested for homicide or negligent Homicide in 2016. So the 41,995,065 blacks who didn't commit murder are stigmatized , in your eyes, by the few who did. But since the Russians have a population of around 150,000,000 that means there were 18150 Russian murders in 2014. Because of their larger population in relation to American Blacks their 12.1 per 100 K rate left about 4 times the number of dead bodies t American Black's 11.75 per 100 K did.

Russia has had record setting homicide rates for years. And that can't be blamed on Blacks.
Wouldn't your belabored efforts be better spent in trying to prevent the horrific violent crime rate in the black community than defending it? Walk down to your local corner and inform those fine young gang bangers of their evil ways or something.
whatsa matta...math too hard for ya? Tell ya set the example since you are so worried about violent Black crime... lead the way and tell the Hells Angels to desist with their wicked ways.

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