Being FORCED to stock up on essentials...

The very thing that they said not to do.............To GATHER IN LARGE GROUPS to LIMIT THE SPREAD..........As the ENTIRE RUNS TO STORES to empty the shelves..........................

Yeah that is really gonna help............LOL

Everything here in my part is basically sold out........unless you need vitamins.........those shelves are stocked ..........

I saw plenty of booze too. Evidently that stuff is useless against Coronavirus but if you drink enough of it, you'll forget you have it.
This is the MEDIA HYPE.........with EVERY OTHER WORD...................LOOK WHAT TRUMP HAS DONE.


I've been on this planet a while................And HAVE NEVER SEEN US THIS BAT SHIT CRAZY........

This whole thing is PATHETIC
I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News
One thing this Coronavirus can do & rid this nation of stupid fuckers like you.

People are supposed to stay at home for two weeks without supplies?
Liberal media and leftist are pumping this thing up to be something of a threat. It's not. My great-grandmother died in the 1918 pandemic. My grandmother talked of her loss at 7 years old. We have antibiotics now. We can address upper respiratory infections. It was very cruel of fate to burden her with that. She told me children would tease her at school because her clothes weren't correct. How my greatgrandfather from Ireland learned how to sew pumping the old machine and make alterations to her clothes so others wouldn't tease her. One day, she wore a dress to school...another girl recognized that dress as one her mother had given to Good Will. The other girls teased her at class break. That grandmother went on to produced directly or indirectly 12 people who have served in the military our as police officers and firefighters. God Bless America.

And she did it with no help from the Federal Government.
I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News
One thing this Coronavirus can do & rid this nation of stupid fuckers like you.

People are supposed to stay at home for two weeks without supplies?

Maybe in the future they will know to keep a few days of supplies on hand. We do.
I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News
One thing this Coronavirus can do & rid this nation of stupid fuckers like you.

People are supposed to stay at home for two weeks without supplies?

It could, but it seems to be hitting the high-population liberal Democrat-controlled strongholds the worst.

Maybe we should call it the "Commievirus" instead.
I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News
One thing this Coronavirus can do & rid this nation of stupid fuckers like you.

People are supposed to stay at home for two weeks without supplies?
Deer come in my yard about you.........YUM YUM.........A country boy will survive.........You libs living in HIVES........well don't think you will see the deer running down the street in Manhatan.....

Oops...........Why I love being in FLY OVER STATES...........Love the country.....ENJOY your city life.
They want this madness to go on.

Barack Obama has weighed in on the debate over measures to halt the spread of coronavirus, suggesting that cancelling large gatherings and public events could slow the spread of the virus.

The former US President tweeted a graph that he said illustrated how cancelling major events could delay the peak of an outbreak.

He wrote: “If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), here’s a useful primer as to why these measures can slow the spread of the virus and save lives. We have to look out for each other.”

If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), here’s a useful primer as to why these measures can slow the spread of the virus and save lives. We have to look out for each other. How canceled events and self-quarantines save lives, in one chart

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) March 12, 2020
Coronavirus: Barack Obama says cancelling major events will slow spread of virus

..I always have extra TP and a full bag of dog food in need for me to panic....
Liberal media and leftist are pumping this thing up to be something of a threat. It's not. My great-grandmother died in the 1918 pandemic. My grandmother talked of her loss at 7 years old. We have antibiotics now. We can address upper respiratory infections. It was very cruel of fate to burden her with that. She told me children would tease her at school because her clothes weren't correct. How my greatgrandfather from Ireland learned how to sew pumping the old machine and make alterations to her clothes so others wouldn't tease her. One day, she wore a dress to school...another girl recognized that dress as one her mother had given to Good Will. The other girls teased her at class break. That grandmother went on to produced directly or indirectly 12 people who have served in the military our as police officers and firefighters. God Bless America.
Actually 95% of our antibiotics are made in China. And they have threatened to withhold them.
They want this madness to go on.

Barack Obama has weighed in on the debate over measures to halt the spread of coronavirus, suggesting that cancelling large gatherings and public events could slow the spread of the virus.

The former US President tweeted a graph that he said illustrated how cancelling major events could delay the peak of an outbreak.

He wrote: “If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), here’s a useful primer as to why these measures can slow the spread of the virus and save lives. We have to look out for each other.”

If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), here’s a useful primer as to why these measures can slow the spread of the virus and save lives. We have to look out for each other. How canceled events and self-quarantines save lives, in one chart

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) March 12, 2020
Coronavirus: Barack Obama says cancelling major events will slow spread of virus

I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News
One thing this Coronavirus can do & rid this nation of stupid fuckers like you.

People are supposed to stay at home for two weeks without supplies?
Deer come in my yard about you.........YUM YUM.........A country boy will survive.........You libs living in HIVES........well don't think you will see the deer running down the street in Manhatan.....

Oops...........Why I love being in FLY OVER STATES...........Love the country.....ENJOY your city life.

They'll be eating each other if this continues, like this guy in Milwaukee did. Apparently he thought the black ones were the tastiest...

No, you didn’t say that. You thought it and walked around with a smug little grin on your face like an asshole.
oh but hell yes I did say it

No, you didn’t. Go have a can of soup, and watch Rocky IV again while you touch yourself.
WOW dumbass I really don't care if you think I didn't say it all that matters is a few people were set on the path of prepping yesterday because of me and what I said to them.

Wow, you’re important now!


more dumbassery from you?

You should be out setting more lost souls on the path to enlightenment and freeze-dried lentils! The world needs your wisdom now more than ever!
They want this madness to go on.

Barack Obama has weighed in on the debate over measures to halt the spread of coronavirus, suggesting that cancelling large gatherings and public events could slow the spread of the virus.

The former US President tweeted a graph that he said illustrated how cancelling major events could delay the peak of an outbreak.

He wrote: “If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), here’s a useful primer as to why these measures can slow the spread of the virus and save lives. We have to look out for each other.”

If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), here’s a useful primer as to why these measures can slow the spread of the virus and save lives. We have to look out for each other. How canceled events and self-quarantines save lives, in one chart

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) March 12, 2020
Coronavirus: Barack Obama says cancelling major events will slow spread of virus

View attachment 312585

When will you assfucks quit lying.

An National Health Emergency was called in April of that year.

You people are just plain stupid.
I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News

I went to Walmart, and I bought a loaf of bread, and a bag of cat food, oh and some Cool Ranch Doritos. These are things I was needing. Things I usually buy at Walmart every week or two. I needed the Cat Food because I always keep three bags, and when one get’s opened, and one did, I replace it in the circle. The bread was so I didn’t have a hole in my freezer where the loaf I got out was supposed to go. The Doritos, was because I am a Cool Ranch Doritos addict. I admit it. I love those damned things.

I wasn’t panic buying anything. I was getting my usual stuff at my usual time. Settle down, not everyone shopping is panic buying, and a vast majority of us are not panicking.
I think everyone should have a supply of food and necessities on hand

its only common sense

I agree, and I usually have most of what I need for at least two weeks, or longer. Except Cool Ranch Doritos. I buy those only when I can’t resist any longer. If I had five bags around, I’d eat them in about three days. I’d skip meals to eat the damned Doritos.

Those I buy one at a time, and only when I am there for something else. Although I find myself finding excuses to get something else now and then.

Same with me and ice cream. :)
They want this madness to go on.

Barack Obama has weighed in on the debate over measures to halt the spread of coronavirus, suggesting that cancelling large gatherings and public events could slow the spread of the virus.

The former US President tweeted a graph that he said illustrated how cancelling major events could delay the peak of an outbreak.

He wrote: “If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), here’s a useful primer as to why these measures can slow the spread of the virus and save lives. We have to look out for each other.”

If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), here’s a useful primer as to why these measures can slow the spread of the virus and save lives. We have to look out for each other. How canceled events and self-quarantines save lives, in one chart

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) March 12, 2020
Coronavirus: Barack Obama says cancelling major events will slow spread of virus

View attachment 312585

When will you assfucks quit lying.

An National Health Emergency was called in April of that year.

You people are just plain stupid.
HHS..............not the Stratford ACT.......Which allows Disaster Relief funds to be released along with FEMA.............Along with allowing assistance across State Lines.........

And your side SWOONED AT WHATEVER OBAMA SAID.............We didn't attack your asses, and the Swine Flu ran it's course................just like this one will....................Except ELECTION YEAR........and your side is WEAPONIZING A VIRUS FOR POLITICS........

Nice job you bunch of Peckerwoods.

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