Being FORCED to stock up on essentials...

As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

As you laugh just remember the government can come in and confiscate your belongings, land and toss you in jail during a National Emergency if they feel you have caused a danger to society.

If you think I am joking look at what the Mayor in Illinois has passed and it can go from Local to Federal.

So laugh now because your laughter could turn into bitter tears...

Not only that those like Amazon are stopping those trying to make a profit off this National Emergency and Stores like Walmart and HEB are now making it stricter for people to buy excess supplies to hoard...

So laugh and also let hope when you finally run out you do not go begging because then you will be laughed at for being so arrogant and if you are trying to make a profit off this I hope you remember your Christian teachings and how Jesus would look at you but alas you will laugh and see nothing I read but let you mark your family with your sin and they will suffer for what you have done like it has been done before to those like you...
if the government tries to take what I have I won't need it after the bullets start flying nor will a few that try to take for the government

So you are willing to risk a Ruby Ridge style death for you and your family?

Get serious and if you are one of those that bough 17k bottles of Sanitizer then you deserve to have it confiscated because you are doing more harm than good!

Simple as that!
I didnt see him make any claim that he intends to sell his property. At a high mark up, or otherwise. None the less, there is a very important fact that unprepared sheep need to consider in a time like this... The preppers that many of you view as "hoarders" are merely everyday people who didnt take tomorrow granted. As such they by virtue of their lifestyle maintain a level of supply and preparedness that keeps them from becoming your competition when the rest of the masses are clearing the store shelves. We preppers by virtue of our lifestyle are actually performing a public service, by alleviating the strain on an already overtaxed commodity supply system.
another brilliant post and that wasn't being sarcastic
I buy extra just so I won't be caught in the middle of the sheeple stampede
You're resume proves why you were in Walmart to begin with. Next time wear a Dubya mask and the worshipers will let you move forward in line and may even grab the bill !
I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News
People are panicking

they are reacting to the shocking stimuli being flung at them by the liberal news media
You're resume proves why you were in Walmart to begin with. Next time wear a Dubya mask and the worshipers will let you move forward in line and may even grab the bill !
Walmart sells the same food that kroger or albertsons sell but at a lower price because of better management
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The very thing that they said not to do.............To GATHER IN LARGE GROUPS to LIMIT THE SPREAD..........As the ENTIRE RUNS TO STORES to empty the shelves..........................

Yeah that is really gonna help............LOL

Everything here in my part is basically sold out........unless you need vitamins.........those shelves are stocked ..........
Liberal media and leftist are pumping this thing up to be something of a threat. It's not. My great-grandmother died in the 1918 pandemic. My grandmother talked of her loss at 7 years old. We have antibiotics now. We can address upper respiratory infections. It was very cruel of fate to burden her with that. She told me children would tease her at school because her clothes weren't correct. How my greatgrandfather from Ireland learned how to sew pumping the old machine and make alterations to her clothes so others wouldn't tease her. One day, she wore a dress to school...another girl recognized that dress as one her mother had given to Good Will. The other girls teased her at class break. That grandmother went on to produced directly or indirectly 12 people who have served in the military our as police officers and firefighters. God Bless America.
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I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News

I went to Walmart, and I bought a loaf of bread, and a bag of cat food, oh and some Cool Ranch Doritos. These are things I was needing. Things I usually buy at Walmart every week or two. I needed the Cat Food because I always keep three bags, and when one get’s opened, and one did, I replace it in the circle. The bread was so I didn’t have a hole in my freezer where the loaf I got out was supposed to go. The Doritos, was because I am a Cool Ranch Doritos addict. I admit it. I love those damned things.

I wasn’t panic buying anything. I was getting my usual stuff at my usual time. Settle down, not everyone shopping is panic buying, and a vast majority of us are not panicking.
You're resume proves why you were in Walmart to begin with. Next time wear a Dubya mask and the worshipers will let you move forward in line and may even grab the bill !
Walmart sells the same food that kroger or albertsons sell but at a lower price of better management
Last time I shadowed any of those doors was on the way to Biscayne bay at 3AM on a Sun AM/1993 ? to fish and had to hit Walmart for a quart of 2 cycle. If I don't either know or recognize a shop owner they don't get my coinage. Fuck'em
I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News

I went to Walmart, and I bought a loaf of bread, and a bag of cat food, oh and some Cool Ranch Doritos. These are things I was needing. Things I usually buy at Walmart every week or two. I needed the Cat Food because I always keep three bags, and when one get’s opened, and one did, I replace it in the circle. The bread was so I didn’t have a hole in my freezer where the loaf I got out was supposed to go. The Doritos, was because I am a Cool Ranch Doritos addict. I admit it. I love those damned things.

I wasn’t panic buying anything. I was getting my usual stuff at my usual time. Settle down, not everyone shopping is panic buying, and a vast majority of us are not panicking.
I think everyone should have a supply of food and necessities on hand

its only common sense
You're resume proves why you were in Walmart to begin with. Next time wear a Dubya mask and the worshipers will let you move forward in line and may even grab the bill !
Walmart sells the same food that kroger or albertsons sell but at a lower price of better management
Last time I shadowed any of those doors was on the way to Biscayne bay at 3AM on a Sun AM/1993 ? to fish and had to hit Walmart for a quart of 2 cycle. If I don't either know or recognize a shop owner they don't get my coinage. Fuck'em
Good for you

but why should I care?
Walmart...the store of Red States.

The cat food I use for my furry babies is cheaper there than anywhere else. The drink mix my Wife Loves is cheaper there. The coffee I drink every day is cheaper. The creamer I use comes from Publix. I know, whatever.

It is nothing more than saving a little money. The bag of cat food for one example, cost exactly what it does at Publix, but it is an 18lbs bag instead of 13. So I can feed my babies, longer, for the same cash.

I ran into this when I bought a Kia Sedona in 2005. The Ford Van with the same bells and whistles cost nearly twice what the Kia did. Now, I understand getting two for the price of one, but getting one for the price of two seemed dumb.

So I am always going to try and find the best quality I can, for the best price I can, and if that is at Walmart, I am not going to complain. I am not a fan of their meat, but I get that at Publix usually, or a local butchers.

Now, how is it bad to save money, and get more for my money? Or do Blue State folks regularly pay more than they have to for stuff?
I didn't work and save so other lazy asses could eat
2 Thessalonians 3:10 ESV /

For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.

Proverbs 19:15 ESV /
Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger.
I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News

I went to Walmart, and I bought a loaf of bread, and a bag of cat food, oh and some Cool Ranch Doritos. These are things I was needing. Things I usually buy at Walmart every week or two. I needed the Cat Food because I always keep three bags, and when one get’s opened, and one did, I replace it in the circle. The bread was so I didn’t have a hole in my freezer where the loaf I got out was supposed to go. The Doritos, was because I am a Cool Ranch Doritos addict. I admit it. I love those damned things.

I wasn’t panic buying anything. I was getting my usual stuff at my usual time. Settle down, not everyone shopping is panic buying, and a vast majority of us are not panicking.
I think everyone should have a supply of food and necessities on hand

its only common sense

I agree, and I usually have most of what I need for at least two weeks, or longer. Except Cool Ranch Doritos. I buy those only when I can’t resist any longer. If I had five bags around, I’d eat them in about three days. I’d skip meals to eat the damned Doritos.

Those I buy one at a time, and only when I am there for something else. Although I find myself finding excuses to get something else now and then.
What is being seen around the world with EMPTY SHELVES is PANIC .......PERIOD.....

When Hurricanes comes a blowing.........this is what happens........and the same thing that happens right before a Hurricane is HAPPENING..............ALL OVER THE WORLD.

MOBS.........LIONS ........TIGERS................AND...........BEARS.
If you live long enough you see legitimate panics before natural disasters such as hurricanes. Batteries, burgers and bourbon would ordinarily top the essentials list. This panic looks like it originated with the New York transgender community.

Close, it originated with the NY Times.

Actually, this panic started with KABC TV in Los Angeles that wanted to create fear and sent a film crew to Chino Hills. Despite the hispanic name, Chino Hills is an Asian community and ABC wanted to film lots of people wearing masks. But they found that the Chinese community had a run on toilet paper and water. None of the regular stores had seen anything like it. but the camera crews focused on the empty shelves and the national network picked it up and ran with it as if this were the norm across the nation. Soon the entire DNC media was hyping the shit out of this 24/7 and we had a real panic.

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