Being FORCED to stock up on essentials...

You are a gun owner that supports people that are antigun? keep going tell some more lies
I supported Obama and he is anti-gun. However, he didnt want to push his beliefs on others.
I didnt ask you for your real name but nice to meet you dumbass.
Stop projecting
FYI only a dumbass would support people who oppose what they believe in
Only a dumbass thinks the person they support believes in everything they do. :cuckoo:
A gun owner who supports people who want to take their guns
Only the ignorant support that
people are spending their last days wishing they had lived more in the moment.

not me, my friends, not me!
Last days?

You know that like 97-99% survive this, right?
a guy (expert doctor) on Joe Rogan's podcast said 500K folks will least!
the ones that I have noticed that are dying are the elderly, those with respiratory problems or other medical conditions connected with the respiratory system.
people are spending their last days wishing they had lived more in the moment.

not me, my friends, not me!
Last days?

You know that like 97-99% survive this, right?
a guy (expert doctor) on Joe Rogan's podcast said 500K folks will least!
the ones that I have noticed that are dying are the elderly, those with respiratory problems or other medical conditions connected with the respiratory system.
That will change. Shortly CVDS stricken sheep will be dying of gunshot wounds; earned in their efforts to steal from others, what they failed to secure for themselves.
I'm glad you feel like a big man and can laugh at the anxiety of those who did not prepare.
Point being smart people prepare
So hell yes I'm laughing
I was in Lowes home improvement today getting some dirt for a spot I needed in the yard walked through its household supply area bunch of people looking for cleaning supplies. I told them if you had stuff like this stored away you wouldn't be looking for this stuff now

No, you didn’t say that. You thought it and walked around with a smug little grin on your face like an asshole.
I'm glad you feel like a big man and can laugh at the anxiety of those who did not prepare.
Point being smart people prepare
So hell yes I'm laughing
I was in Lowes home improvement today getting some dirt for a spot I needed in the yard walked through its household supply area bunch of people looking for cleaning supplies. I told them if you had stuff like this stored away you wouldn't be looking for this stuff now

No, you didn’t say that. You thought it and walked around with a smug little grin on your face like an asshole.
oh but hell yes I did say it
people are spending their last days wishing they had lived more in the moment.

not me, my friends, not me!
Last days?

You know that like 97-99% survive this, right?
a guy (expert doctor) on Joe Rogan's podcast said 500K folks will least!
the ones that I have noticed that are dying are the elderly, those with respiratory problems or other medical conditions connected with the respiratory system.
That will change. Shortly CVDS stricken sheep will be dying of gunshot wounds; earned in their efforts to steal from others, what they failed to secure for themselves.
it is what it is stupid people doing stupid shit
I'm glad you feel like a big man and can laugh at the anxiety of those who did not prepare.
Point being smart people prepare
So hell yes I'm laughing
I was in Lowes home improvement today getting some dirt for a spot I needed in the yard walked through its household supply area bunch of people looking for cleaning supplies. I told them if you had stuff like this stored away you wouldn't be looking for this stuff now

No, you didn’t say that. You thought it and walked around with a smug little grin on your face like an asshole.
oh but hell yes I did say it

No, you didn’t. Go have a can of soup, and watch Rocky IV again while you touch yourself.
As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

As you laugh just remember the government can come in and confiscate your belongings, land and toss you in jail during a National Emergency if they feel you have caused a danger to society.

If you think I am joking look at what the Mayor in Illinois has passed and it can go from Local to Federal.

So laugh now because your laughter could turn into bitter tears...

Not only that those like Amazon are stopping those trying to make a profit off this National Emergency and Stores like Walmart and HEB are now making it stricter for people to buy excess supplies to hoard...

So laugh and also let hope when you finally run out you do not go begging because then you will be laughed at for being so arrogant and if you are trying to make a profit off this I hope you remember your Christian teachings and how Jesus would look at you but alas you will laugh and see nothing I read but let you mark your family with your sin and they will suffer for what you have done like it has been done before to those like you...
I'm glad you feel like a big man and can laugh at the anxiety of those who did not prepare.
For me it is not that.
The interesting phenomena is what we are seeing is "mob mentality".
For whatever reason, when you take a group of individuals that share any common thought - those thoughts and emotions multiply within each person when they gather. So this is why perfectly sane people do insane things.
Like buying literally 10 times the toilet paper that they need, even though there is absolutely ZERO reason to do so. None.
UNLESS.... there is a force of reason to break the elevated response. Used to, the media and the government was that force of calm and reason. Today they are the very thing that causes the panic in the first place.
I'm glad you feel like a big man and can laugh at the anxiety of those who did not prepare.
Point being smart people prepare
So hell yes I'm laughing
I was in Lowes home improvement today getting some dirt for a spot I needed in the yard walked through its household supply area bunch of people looking for cleaning supplies. I told them if you had stuff like this stored away you wouldn't be looking for this stuff now

No, you didn’t say that. You thought it and walked around with a smug little grin on your face like an asshole.
oh but hell yes I did say it

No, you didn’t. Go have a can of soup, and watch Rocky IV again while you touch yourself.
WOW dumbass I really don't care if you think I didn't say it all that matters is a few people were set on the path of prepping yesterday because of me and what I said to them.
As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

As you laugh just remember the government can come in and confiscate your belongings, land and toss you in jail during a National Emergency if they feel you have caused a danger to society.

If you think I am joking look at what the Mayor in Illinois has passed and it can go from Local to Federal.

So laugh now because your laughter could turn into bitter tears...

Not only that those like Amazon are stopping those trying to make a profit off this National Emergency and Stores like Walmart and HEB are now making it stricter for people to buy excess supplies to hoard...

So laugh and also let hope when you finally run out you do not go begging because then you will be laughed at for being so arrogant and if you are trying to make a profit off this I hope you remember your Christian teachings and how Jesus would look at you but alas you will laugh and see nothing I read but let you mark your family with your sin and they will suffer for what you have done like it has been done before to those like you...
if the government tries to take what I have I won't need it after the bullets start flying nor will a few that try to take for the government
As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

As you laugh just remember the government can come in and confiscate your belongings, land and toss you in jail during a National Emergency if they feel you have caused a danger to society.

If you think I am joking look at what the Mayor in Illinois has passed and it can go from Local to Federal.

So laugh now because your laughter could turn into bitter tears...

Not only that those like Amazon are stopping those trying to make a profit off this National Emergency and Stores like Walmart and HEB are now making it stricter for people to buy excess supplies to hoard...

So laugh and also let hope when you finally run out you do not go begging because then you will be laughed at for being so arrogant and if you are trying to make a profit off this I hope you remember your Christian teachings and how Jesus would look at you but alas you will laugh and see nothing I read but let you mark your family with your sin and they will suffer for what you have done like it has been done before to those like you...
if the government tries to take what I have I won't need it after the bullets start flying nor will a few that try to take for the government

So you are willing to risk a Ruby Ridge style death for you and your family?

Get serious and if you are one of those that bough 17k bottles of Sanitizer then you deserve to have it confiscated because you are doing more harm than good!

Simple as that!
As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

As you laugh just remember the government can come in and confiscate your belongings, land and toss you in jail during a National Emergency if they feel you have caused a danger to society.

If you think I am joking look at what the Mayor in Illinois has passed and it can go from Local to Federal.

So laugh now because your laughter could turn into bitter tears...

Not only that those like Amazon are stopping those trying to make a profit off this National Emergency and Stores like Walmart and HEB are now making it stricter for people to buy excess supplies to hoard...

So laugh and also let hope when you finally run out you do not go begging because then you will be laughed at for being so arrogant and if you are trying to make a profit off this I hope you remember your Christian teachings and how Jesus would look at you but alas you will laugh and see nothing I read but let you mark your family with your sin and they will suffer for what you have done like it has been done before to those like you...
if the government tries to take what I have I won't need it after the bullets start flying nor will a few that try to take for the government

So you are willing to risk a Ruby Ridge style death for you and your family?

Get serious and if you are one of those that bough 17k bottles of Sanitizer then you deserve to have it confiscated because you are doing more harm than good!

Simple as that!
I didnt see him make any claim that he intends to sell his property. At a high mark up, or otherwise. None the less, there is a very important fact that unprepared sheep need to consider in a time like this... The preppers that many of you view as "hoarders" are merely everyday people who didnt take tomorrow granted. As such they by virtue of their lifestyle maintain a level of supply and preparedness that keeps them from becoming your competition when the rest of the masses are clearing the store shelves. We preppers by virtue of our lifestyle are actually performing a public service, by alleviating the strain on an already overtaxed commodity supply system.
As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

As you laugh just remember the government can come in and confiscate your belongings, land and toss you in jail during a National Emergency if they feel you have caused a danger to society.

If you think I am joking look at what the Mayor in Illinois has passed and it can go from Local to Federal.

So laugh now because your laughter could turn into bitter tears...

Not only that those like Amazon are stopping those trying to make a profit off this National Emergency and Stores like Walmart and HEB are now making it stricter for people to buy excess supplies to hoard...

So laugh and also let hope when you finally run out you do not go begging because then you will be laughed at for being so arrogant and if you are trying to make a profit off this I hope you remember your Christian teachings and how Jesus would look at you but alas you will laugh and see nothing I read but let you mark your family with your sin and they will suffer for what you have done like it has been done before to those like you...
It’s all bull shit, as this column points out.

America Is a Sham
Policy changes in reaction to the coronavirus reveal how absurd so many of our rules are to begin with.
In every single one of these cases, it’s not just that most of these practices are accepted as “standard.” It’s that they are a way to punish people, to make lives more difficult, or to make sure that money keeps flowing upward. Up until now activists and customers have been meant to believe that the powers that be could neverchange these policies—it would be too expensive, or too unwieldy, or would simply upset the way things are done. But now, faced suddenly with an environment in which we’re all supposed to at least appear to be focused on the common good, the rule-makers have decided it’s OK to suspend them. It’s a crisis, after all. Everyone’s got to do their part.

So what will happen when the crisis passes? Yes, it’s worth asking yourself now, in the early days of this pandemic, how you might change your behavior, what temporary adjustments in your lifestyle you might adopt permanently in the after times—whether that’s working from home, or cutting back on airplane travel. But it’s also worth asking if we are willing to allow governments and corporations to return to business as usual. When everything’s back to normal, will we accept cities cutting off their poorest residents’ water, or evicting the sick, or throwing someone in jail because they can’t afford to pay a fine?
America Is a Sham
I'm glad you feel like a big man and can laugh at the anxiety of those who did not prepare.
Point being smart people prepare
So hell yes I'm laughing
I was in Lowes home improvement today getting some dirt for a spot I needed in the yard walked through its household supply area bunch of people looking for cleaning supplies. I told them if you had stuff like this stored away you wouldn't be looking for this stuff now

No, you didn’t say that. You thought it and walked around with a smug little grin on your face like an asshole.
oh but hell yes I did say it

No, you didn’t. Go have a can of soup, and watch Rocky IV again while you touch yourself.
WOW dumbass I really don't care if you think I didn't say it all that matters is a few people were set on the path of prepping yesterday because of me and what I said to them.

Wow, you’re important now!


As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

As you laugh just remember the government can come in and confiscate your belongings, land and toss you in jail during a National Emergency if they feel you have caused a danger to society.

If you think I am joking look at what the Mayor in Illinois has passed and it can go from Local to Federal.

So laugh now because your laughter could turn into bitter tears...

Not only that those like Amazon are stopping those trying to make a profit off this National Emergency and Stores like Walmart and HEB are now making it stricter for people to buy excess supplies to hoard...

So laugh and also let hope when you finally run out you do not go begging because then you will be laughed at for being so arrogant and if you are trying to make a profit off this I hope you remember your Christian teachings and how Jesus would look at you but alas you will laugh and see nothing I read but let you mark your family with your sin and they will suffer for what you have done like it has been done before to those like you...
if the government tries to take what I have I won't need it after the bullets start flying nor will a few that try to take for the government

So you are willing to risk a Ruby Ridge style death for you and your family?

Get serious and if you are one of those that bough 17k bottles of Sanitizer then you deserve to have it confiscated because you are doing more harm than good!

Simple as that!
Yes it's just that simple and no I'm not going to do more harm I'll defend myself which I have that right to do.
Point being smart people prepare
So hell yes I'm laughing
I was in Lowes home improvement today getting some dirt for a spot I needed in the yard walked through its household supply area bunch of people looking for cleaning supplies. I told them if you had stuff like this stored away you wouldn't be looking for this stuff now

No, you didn’t say that. You thought it and walked around with a smug little grin on your face like an asshole.
oh but hell yes I did say it

No, you didn’t. Go have a can of soup, and watch Rocky IV again while you touch yourself.
WOW dumbass I really don't care if you think I didn't say it all that matters is a few people were set on the path of prepping yesterday because of me and what I said to them.

Wow, you’re important now!


more dumbassery from you?

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