Being FORCED to stock up on essentials...

I go to Walmart simply because I can get almost everything I need all in one stop. I don't have to waste fuel and other resources going to a supermarket then going to a clothing store then maybe a hardware store.
I go to Walmart simply because I can get almost everything I need all in one stop. I don't have to waste fuel and other resources going to a supermarket then going to a clothing store then maybe a hardware store.

Walmart's great, especially when they mark things down or close them out. I snarfed up a sizeable quantity of ammunition when they went full-retard a couple months ago and closed out their pistol ammo. A year before that, they marked down all their AR rifles to less than half of the original price, and someone snarfed them all up.

Most all Walmarts also have the discontinued items aisle where you can find some good bargains.
oh but hell yes I did say it

No, you didn’t. Go have a can of soup, and watch Rocky IV again while you touch yourself.
WOW dumbass I really don't care if you think I didn't say it all that matters is a few people were set on the path of prepping yesterday because of me and what I said to them.

Wow, you’re important now!


more dumbassery from you?

You should be out setting more lost souls on the path to enlightenment and freeze-dried lentils! The world needs your wisdom now more than ever!
Excellent comment
In school now when the teacher says "Let's take role," lots of students run out of the classroom and over to the bathrooms where they stuff any rolls of toilet paper into their backpacks.
I never underestimate the ignorance of the non-productive half of this country. They elected the equivalent of a kenyan lawn jockey..... twice.... because he could read a teleprompter better than them.
What is being seen around the world with EMPTY SHELVES is PANIC .......PERIOD...
In the place where I live there aren't any empty shelves. Including the ones with toilet paper. What shelf was really almost empty was that with antibacterial wet napkins.

Though, in my country there are much fewer registered cases of the virus than that in the US. It may be that everything is ahead yet.
Funny to watch the supermarket down the street this morning.

Parking lot was full an hour before the store opened.

Inside? Chaos.

People buying large quantities of illogical things.

Crews frantically trying to "face up" the shelves - moving remaining items forward so the shelves looked full.

Expect that by mid-afternoon there'll be riots as people start fighting over who gets the last can of such critical essentials organic toothpicks!

I knew people were largely stupid, self-absorbed herd animals, but even I am shocked by just how right I was. It's a fucking respiratory virus, not a hurricane or zombie apocalypse, for the love of God. At no point in time are any of these hoarding fools going to be hunkered down in the basement with their loved ones, unable to traverse the distance to a Walmart without risking life and limb.

Fucking dimwits.
I guess some people think the TP imparts some type of immunity. i had to go to Safeway at 4:30am. I was thinking about wiping the store out but in the end I only got 2 12 packs of TP

Be sure to thank the Koch Brothers for that.

You do know they manufacture the majority of TP brands, right?

Why do you call them the Koch brothers? One died recently.

I don't think he has affected the supply of paper and neither is the one who is still alive. People are just f-ing stupid.

No one has affected the supply of tissue paper at all. Even if the factories that manufacture it - many of which are located in the US - had to shut down because every single worker they had was sick - highly unlikely - every single one of the major chain stores has distribution center warehouses stocked up against the need to resupply all the stores in their distribution area for a while.

I'm at least as disgusted by the hoarding of bottled water. What the fuck do these morons think is going to happen to the water supply? The fucking water companies are run by computers. At most, they need a handful of guys with the sniffles to come in and make sure the buttons get pushed. Even in Stephen King's "The Stand", it took a couple of months after nearly the entire population died for the utility companies to finally go offline.
Was in a Safeway and a Fred Meyer earlier today. Plenty of most of the items people are bitching about but Safeway had no toilet paper and Fred Meyer had just slightly less than the normal amount. Checked it out of curiosity but was really shopping for the best price on corned beef as my wife is terminally Irish. Safeway had the best price and best quality - good stock.

I toyed with the idea of buying a big stock from Fred and take it across the street to the Safeway where I could hawk it out of my trunk for $10/roll and people would pay it willingly "cause' the shelves were empty". Lazy liberals; not smart enough to check the other stores. They think of everyone else as "victims" but are such willing victims themselves!


A victim is a gift from God.
Fail to take advantage of a God-given victim and your are spurning a Gift From God and you'll burn in Hell.

Still, I just can't bring myself to shoot fish in a barrel so I didn't play the TP game.

Not today.

Selling TP in a crisis will get you a nice trip to jail as a man learned Thursday.

Pity. A couple of months before all this nonsense, our head office at my work sent us a whole box full of little hand sanitizers that hang on the belt loop to give away to clients. Since our office considers that sort of thing cheesy, and therefore doesn't do it, we still have the entire box sitting in the corner of the break room. Damned shame I can't take it to the local Walmart parking lot and go, "Pssst! Hey, man. Wanna score some hand sanitizer?"

What's the world coming to when you can't profit off of the painful stupidity of others?
In school now when the teacher says "Let's take role," lots of students run out of the classroom and over to the bathrooms where they stuff any rolls of toilet paper into their backpacks.

They would never say that. The would say, "Let's take roll."
Only in FL. Some I saw would have my head buried so deep she'd call me Mr PpppprincipppaLLLLLL !

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