Being It's Freezing This Week, Do We Have Any Great "It's So Cold" Jokes Using Democrats?

It's as cold as a Republican's heart.

It's colder than the shoulder Republicans turn on minorities and poor people.
:funnyface::laugh2::laugh: It's the coldest week of the year, and probably for the winter, and especially in the northeast. So lets have some fun with all of our favorite Democrats. Anyone have one for Hillary? Or Wasserman,or maybe even Al Gore?
We definitely have the comical talent here in the room. So lets hear some!

it's so cold the rightwingnut imbecile's brain froze and he posted a thread like this.
Rexx, formerly known as "TheSeventhTiger", who had to change his forum identity out of embarrassment over not being funny, is asking others to help him make some jokes. Does it get any more pathetic?
Democrats huddled around Hillary Clinton at her speech last night, begging her to keep talking so they could stay warm.
Squirrels in DC are actually "Running Into Hillary" to stay warm. I guess Richard Gere had a "No Vacancy" sign.
:funnyface::laugh2::laugh: It's the coldest week of the year, and probably for the winter, and especially in the northeast. So lets have some fun with all of our favorite Democrats. Anyone have one for Hillary? Or Wasserman,or maybe even Al Gore?
We definitely have the comical talent here in the room. So lets hear some!

it's so cold the rightwingnut imbecile's brain froze and he posted a thread like this.
It's so cold you responded to it.
if we had this cold wave on a Presidential or Mid-term week, the democrats would lose most races because the dead wouldn't of been able to dig themselves out.
:funnyface::laugh2::laugh: It's the coldest week of the year, and probably for the winter, and especially in the northeast. So lets have some fun with all of our favorite Democrats. Anyone have one for Hillary? Or Wasserman,or maybe even Al Gore?
We definitely have the comical talent here in the room. So lets hear some!

it's so cold the rightwingnut imbecile's brain froze and he posted a thread like this.
It's so cold you responded to it.

no. i made fun of it.

but nice try. :thup:
i think i have some great replies, but gonna save them for later tonight being most of us are still sleeping. but hey! its gona be 77 degrees in Florida!
What does Gore have to do with anything?

Oh, I get it. You're _still_ mancrushing over Gore's pudgy figure.
No, but just ten years ago he said we would be doomed today. Another lefty Looney prediction that was wrong. Climate change is a joke.
Rexx, formerly known as "TheSeventhTiger", who had to change his forum identity out of embarrassment over not being funny, is asking others to help him make some jokes. Does it get any more pathetic?
On the bright side, he's not you.
:funnyface::laugh2::laugh: It's the coldest week of the year, and probably for the winter, and especially in the northeast. So lets have some fun with all of our favorite Democrats. Anyone have one for Hillary? Or Wasserman,or maybe even Al Gore?
We definitely have the comical talent here in the room. So lets hear some!

It's so cold scientists were able for the first time in many years to actually count the money being spent by DC.
:funnyface::laugh2::laugh: It's the coldest week of the year, and probably for the winter, and especially in the northeast. So lets have some fun with all of our favorite Democrats. Anyone have one for Hillary? Or Wasserman,or maybe even Al Gore?
We definitely have the comical talent here in the room. So lets hear some!
It's so cold that Hillary actually told the truth one time.

You really think Hell froze over?
No, but just ten years ago he said we would be doomed today. Another lefty Looney prediction that was wrong. Climate change is a joke.

No, Gore didn't say any such thing. He said action had to be initiated by now to prevent damage further down the line. Non-morons clearly understand the difference. You don't, because none of you cultists are very bright, and you can only parrot whatever talking points your cult spoonfeeds you.

So, you were wrong about this. You and your cult have been wrong about every single thing for decades running. That's why the whole planet correctly defines you as brainless cultists.

In contrast, the scientists have gotten everything right for decades running. That's why the science have such credibility in the eyes of the world.

If you want the same credibility, you have to stop sucking so hard at the science. Whining on message boards about how unfair it is that you get laughed at will not gain you any credibility with normal people. Yes, your fellow cult brethren will give you accolades for such whining, but everyone else will roll their eyes and walk away. For your sake, I hope the warm fuzzy feeling you gain from your cult affiliation is worth the endless humiliation bestowed upon you by the rest of the world.
Rexx's comedic inspirations are Gallagher, Corky, and, Carrot Top. lol

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