Belgium: Newcomer rapes his social worker in his prison cell


Nov 14, 2012
A Moroccan illegal migrant, who was arrested ten days after his arrival for burglary and aggravated theft raped his social worker who was assigned to him prior to his scheduled release. The horrible creature was labeled "aggressive", even with a sign in his cell, nevertheless the social worker had to go there alone.

"A Moroccan migrant who was jailed for burglary just days after arriving illegally in Belgium has been charged with raping a social worker in his prison cell during a visit to discuss his scheduled release.

Younes. I., 25, had only been in Belgium for ten days when he was arrested back in February for robbery and aggravated theft in Antwerp.

He was jailed after being found in possession of stolen goods including a watch and jewelry, as well as carrying a screwdriver. He was found to have been part of a gang targeting a residential street in the Belgian port city.

During his sentencing hearing, the court learned the suspect had been staying in Belgium illegally, but instead of enforcing a deportation order, the judge sentenced Younes I. to ten months in prison and a fine of €800.

The convict had been due for release in a few weeks and on Sept. 2, a social worker was assigned to his case to visit him in prison and discuss his future plans.

However, once alone with the social worker in his prison cell, Younes I. took the opportunity to rape her for several minutes before any reinforcements arrived to restrain him."

A Moroccan illegal migrant, who was arrested ten days after his arrival for burglary and aggravated theft raped his social worker who was assigned to him prior to his scheduled release. The horrible creature was labeled "aggressive", even with a sign in his cell, nevertheless the social worker had to go there alone.

"A Moroccan migrant who was jailed for burglary just days after arriving illegally in Belgium has been charged with raping a social worker in his prison cell during a visit to discuss his scheduled release.

Younes. I., 25, had only been in Belgium for ten days when he was arrested back in February for robbery and aggravated theft in Antwerp.

He was jailed after being found in possession of stolen goods including a watch and jewelry, as well as carrying a screwdriver. He was found to have been part of a gang targeting a residential street in the Belgian port city.

During his sentencing hearing, the court learned the suspect had been staying in Belgium illegally, but instead of enforcing a deportation order, the judge sentenced Younes I. to ten months in prison and a fine of €800.

The convict had been due for release in a few weeks and on Sept. 2, a social worker was assigned to his case to visit him in prison and discuss his future plans.

However, once alone with the social worker in his prison cell, Younes I. took the opportunity to rape her for several minutes before any reinforcements arrived to restrain him."

A woman I know visited Morrocco with her fiancé, where she said a Moroccan man offered to buy her.
I just returned from Brussels Friday night. Parts of that city have become really run down. The hotel I was staying at was about a 20 minute walk down to the city center where the Grand Palace and restaurants and shops are. I had to walk by the Congress train station which was filled with migrants camping out on the stairway and on the sidewalk, leaving trash and garbage everywhere. Really sad.
A Moroccan illegal migrant, who was arrested ten days after his arrival for burglary and aggravated theft raped his social worker who was assigned to him prior to his scheduled release.

Perfect. They were about to release this guy back on the street, where he would have raped others there. In between his burglaries and other thefts.
Perfect. They were about to release this guy back on the street, where he would have raped others there. In between his burglaries and other thefts.
It is incredible idiocy to do that in a cell. There is no chance to get away with it. Just a proof what animal the "perp" is.
It is incredible idiocy to do that in a cell. There is no chance to get away with it.

You are thinking rationally. This was an animal whom, in any real justice system should never have been considered for release but was. He did not care that in mere weeks he would be out, all he knew is that he needed sex and there was this pretty girl in his cell right in front of him.

He probably would have killed her. Released, he would have raped and murdered on the street. On the street, he can only survive by burglary, rape and assault--- for all you know, he prefers the cell where he gets everything he needs given to him easy and free--- food, shelter, clothing, showers. Including women to rape.

Just an idea how stupid the justice system really is.

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