Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

not real Christians, racist pretend Christian democrats. and the KKK does still exist but is very small and useless. However they have been replaced by antifa and BLM.

no, they are 4th century, c bible christians - short for crucifiers who wrote the c bible ...


choosing the party most to their apeal at the time - redfish.
Let's explore that. Is there anything in the Bible to indicate that Mary was born without original sin? What context can you offer to counter what is written in the Bible? Context would suggest you understand Romans 5:12, also. I suspect you want to defend the catholic doctrine that rewrites the Bible but whatever for?
In Luke's Gospel, the Angel greets Mary with "kecharitomene". It is a Greek word that means that grace has already been given, so it's not an action but an identity. Over the years scholars have used 'full of grace', 'highly graced', 'highly favored'. Because of the past-perfect tense and the fullness of that grace, it eclipses Original Sin upon Mary's conception.

In the Catholic Church, Apostolic tradition also plays a great part of who we are. Early on, some churches acknowledged this about Mary while others did not give it much importance. However, it never went away and it had always been a grassroots celebration--not anything mandated by rulers or leaders. People took the celebration to the parish priests, who over time, took it to bishops (dioceses), then to archbishops in archdioceses. Then about eighteen hundred years later, it wound its way to Rome where it was discussed by Cardinals. Why all this time? Because on this issue, some agreed and some disagreed. It was pretty much equally divided. The Cardinals couldn't decide, so it went to the Pope.

This was an issue of exCathedra (where the decision by the Pope would be 'infallible' meaning future popes could not overrule his decision). Pope Pius IX, in December 1854, agreed with the designation of the Immaculate Conception became Catholic Dogma.

About three years later, a beautiful lady appeared to a young peasant girl named Bernadette. Bernadette asked the lady who she was, the answer was, "I am the Immaculate Conception." Bernadette did not know the words or what they meant.
If God exists and the percentage of people who believe in God drops, does God cease to exist? Is this a “majority rules” thingie?
The Christians see the writing on the wall.

Thus their attempts to expose more children to christianity.

Trying to convince rational adults of this magical nonsense doesn't work.

So they target young minds.
In Luke's Gospel, the Angel greets Mary with "kecharitomene". It is a Greek word that means that grace has already been given, so it's not an action but an identity. Over the years scholars have used 'full of grace', 'highly graced', 'highly favored'. Because of the past-perfect tense and the fullness of that grace, it eclipses Original Sin upon Mary's conception.

In the Catholic Church, Apostolic tradition also plays a great part of who we are. Early on, some churches acknowledged this about Mary while others did not give it much importance. However, it never went away and it had always been a grassroots celebration--not anything mandated by rulers or leaders. People took the celebration to the parish priests, who over time, took it to bishops (dioceses), then to archbishops in archdioceses. Then about eighteen hundred years later, it wound its way to Rome where it was discussed by Cardinals. Why all this time? Because on this issue, some agreed and some disagreed. It was pretty much equally divided. The Cardinals couldn't decide, so it went to the Pope.

This was an issue of exCathedra (where the decision by the Pope would be 'infallible' meaning future popes could not overrule his decision). Pope Pius IX, in December 1854, agreed with the designation of the Immaculate Conception became Catholic Dogma.

About three years later, a beautiful lady appeared to a young peasant girl named Bernadette. Bernadette asked the lady who she was, the answer was, "I am the Immaculate Conception." Bernadette did not know the words or what they meant.
Seems pretty complicated.

Although, a book written by many authors, most unknown and unknown to each other could account for the contradictory and disjointed nature of the Bible. It's just difficult to imagine an omni-everything God being so careless about details in a book written about him that affects the eternal ''soul'' of his children.
Although, a book written by many authors, most unknown and unknown to each other could account for the contradictory and disjointed nature of the Bible. It's just difficult to imagine an omni-everything God being so careless about details in a book written about him that affects the eternal ''soul'' of his children.
I find it helpful to keep in mind, Not everything in the Bible is about me.

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