Believe in Something. Even If It Means Sacrificing Everything

How does kneeling in silence translate into pissing on America? Partisan hyperbole?

The American flag represents all the people of this country. Disrespecting our flag is a big F-U to all Americans; at least the ones that believe they are real Americans. It's also divisive as it is really a racial thing.

And how does ignoring police brutality responsibly address that problem? Ignorance I shall truly bliss, I guess.

You can say that again, because ignorance is what this is all about. Show me one case where an officer broke the law in the line of duty and not punished for it. There is no police brutality out there. The brutality that does surface is dealt with properly by our authorities. An officer can face charges, dismissal, and even prison time.

And how does kneeling address the problem (that really isn't there)? If these overgrown morons wanted to do something about police shootings, they would dedicate their time to schools to teach kids to obey all commands of a police officer. Because after all, every police shooting has one thing in common: the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). The solution is to listen to the cops when they order you to do something. However this is too simplistic for liberals to understand. They don't like simple solutions to anything.

How odd is it that some Right Wingers will claim they are constitutoriginalists when it comes to the second amendment, but all too willing to forget the first.

Who forgot about the first? When did anybody on the right say it should be illegal to do what they are doing?
Kneeling before the flag is not a sign of disrespect. Kneeling is a submissive posture. Submission is what you want.

Remember, saying the problem does not exist does not make the problem disappear.

Correct. Kneeling is not disrespectful to the flag, it's why you're kneeling that is.

Respect is how one views it. For instance, a coworker of mine is a retired Cleveland police officer and a diehard Browns fan. After the kneeling started, he called his friends and family to advise them that the NFL is no longer welcome in his home. They are still welcome to his house, just not to watch football.

His wife was more outraged than he was. After all, she's the one that sat up every night hoping her husband was going to come home after work. She's the one that became frantic every time there was a police involved shooting. Who can blame her for not wanting football in her home?

He probably flies a blue line American flag . Which is disrespectful to the flag as well isn’t it?

No, it isn't. That's besides the fact most people don't even know what the blue line flag is.
IF Nike gains someone to replace your money, then they have lost nothing. Seems pretty simple.

Nike themselves have said this ad campaign is targeted towards 15-17 year old, their future customers. It seems Nike is willing to lose people like you to ensure a strong future customer base. You are looking 20 minutes down the road, they are looking 10 years.

I seriously doubt anybody is going to change shoe companies because of KaperKlown. They will lose customers, but not gain any additional ones.

On one hand I have a guy on the internet that uses stupid nicknames like KaperKlown and on the other I have a proven corporation that has had a greater than 50% stock value growth in the last 12 months.

Which one do I think holds more value in this discussion?

That is a tough one, but I think I will stick with the proven folks.

Nike has been successful for well over a year now. This means nothing unless sales level off or drop. Take note that as their stock prices rose, they weren't involved in politics. Now they changed that, and I'm willing to bet it's going to have negative ramifications. For the life of me, I can't see anything positive coming out of it for Nike.

You are not who this ad campaign is geared towards, so you will never get it. This is about 15-17 year olds, not us middle aged dudes

And who buys them their shoes? Us old folk.

Right now that is partially true. Again, they are looking at their customer base 10 years down the road.

Also, I am willing to bet most parents cave when little Jimmy comes home all sad because everyone but him has the latest LeBrons.
The ad is nothing more than an attempt to access emotion in order to sell a product. No matter what happens, it will cost Nike money they didn't have to lose if they had picked someone else.

Again, two very simple concepts that don't even warrant arguing with.
Nike will lose the money I was going to spend, while they didn't have to, and that's a fact (because they won't be getting the money they would have been), not simply my view any way you want to look at it.

It's going to happen, they won't be getting that money I would have spent, and it is the result of the decision they made. :21:

IF Nike gains someone to replace your money, then they have lost nothing. Seems pretty simple.

Nike themselves have said this ad campaign is targeted towards 15-17 year old, their future customers. It seems Nike is willing to lose people like you to ensure a strong future customer base. You are looking 20 minutes down the road, they are looking 10 years.

I seriously doubt anybody is going to change shoe companies because of KaperKlown. They will lose customers, but not gain any additional ones.

I bet you also doubted people would stop watching football.

My neighbors, hubby, and I have not watched football in 2 years.

No more nike Anything!

Football viewership has been declining for the past 6 to 7 years and did not decline any faster after the kneeling started.

You stopped watching it, I started again after about a 10 year break!

Keep deluding yourself. You may be the resistance, but we are the opposition. Our offence is winning.
I seriously doubt anybody is going to change shoe companies because of KaperKlown. They will lose customers, but not gain any additional ones.

On one hand I have a guy on the internet that uses stupid nicknames like KaperKlown and on the other I have a proven corporation that has had a greater than 50% stock value growth in the last 12 months.

Which one do I think holds more value in this discussion?

That is a tough one, but I think I will stick with the proven folks.

Nike has been successful for well over a year now. This means nothing unless sales level off or drop. Take note that as their stock prices rose, they weren't involved in politics. Now they changed that, and I'm willing to bet it's going to have negative ramifications. For the life of me, I can't see anything positive coming out of it for Nike.

You are not who this ad campaign is geared towards, so you will never get it. This is about 15-17 year olds, not us middle aged dudes

And who buys them their shoes? Us old folk.

Right now that is partially true. Again, they are looking at their customer base 10 years down the road.

Also, I am willing to bet most parents cave when little Jimmy comes home all sad because everyone but him has the latest LeBrons.

You obviously don't know us trump supporters. We sit our kids down to watch foxnews and knock some sense into them. No longer Jill Stein supporters, lol
The ad is nothing more than an attempt to access emotion in order to sell a product. No matter what happens, it will cost Nike money they didn't have to lose if they had picked someone else.

Again, two very simple concepts that don't even warrant arguing with.
Nike will lose the money I was going to spend, while they didn't have to, and that's a fact (because they won't be getting the money they would have been), not simply my view any way you want to look at it.

It's going to happen, they won't be getting that money I would have spent, and it is the result of the decision they made. :21:

IF Nike gains someone to replace your money, then they have lost nothing. Seems pretty simple.

Nike themselves have said this ad campaign is targeted towards 15-17 year old, their future customers. It seems Nike is willing to lose people like you to ensure a strong future customer base. You are looking 20 minutes down the road, they are looking 10 years.

I seriously doubt anybody is going to change shoe companies because of KaperKlown. They will lose customers, but not gain any additional ones.

I bet you also doubted people would stop watching football.

My neighbors, hubby, and I have not watched football in 2 years.

No more nike Anything!

Football viewership has been declining for the past 6 to 7 years and did not decline any faster after the kneeling started.

You stopped watching it, I started again after about a 10 year break!

Keep deluding yourself. You may be the resistance, but we are the opposition. Our offence is winning.

Time will tell, and I am not the resistance, I am the guy standing off the the side laughing at the sheep from both parties.
On one hand I have a guy on the internet that uses stupid nicknames like KaperKlown and on the other I have a proven corporation that has had a greater than 50% stock value growth in the last 12 months.

Which one do I think holds more value in this discussion?

That is a tough one, but I think I will stick with the proven folks.

Nike has been successful for well over a year now. This means nothing unless sales level off or drop. Take note that as their stock prices rose, they weren't involved in politics. Now they changed that, and I'm willing to bet it's going to have negative ramifications. For the life of me, I can't see anything positive coming out of it for Nike.

You are not who this ad campaign is geared towards, so you will never get it. This is about 15-17 year olds, not us middle aged dudes

And who buys them their shoes? Us old folk.

Right now that is partially true. Again, they are looking at their customer base 10 years down the road.

Also, I am willing to bet most parents cave when little Jimmy comes home all sad because everyone but him has the latest LeBrons.

You obviously don't know us trump supporters. We sit our kids down to watch foxnews and knock some sense into them. No longer Jill Stein supporters, lol

Oh, I do know you Trump supporters, all too well. The last thing you would ever allow is a child to have a mind of their own or their own views and ideas.

I voted for Gary Johnson, but took my 15 year old (at the time) to a Bernie rally held at the local college. It was a great experience for him. I allow him to have his own mind, you might want to try it some time.
How does kneeling in silence translate into pissing on America? Partisan hyperbole?

The American flag represents all the people of this country. Disrespecting our flag is a big F-U to all Americans; at least the ones that believe they are real Americans. It's also divisive as it is really a racial thing.

And how does ignoring police brutality responsibly address that problem? Ignorance I shall truly bliss, I guess.

You can say that again, because ignorance is what this is all about. Show me one case where an officer broke the law in the line of duty and not punished for it. There is no police brutality out there. The brutality that does surface is dealt with properly by our authorities. An officer can face charges, dismissal, and even prison time.

And how does kneeling address the problem (that really isn't there)? If these overgrown morons wanted to do something about police shootings, they would dedicate their time to schools to teach kids to obey all commands of a police officer. Because after all, every police shooting has one thing in common: the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). The solution is to listen to the cops when they order you to do something. However this is too simplistic for liberals to understand. They don't like simple solutions to anything.

How odd is it that some Right Wingers will claim they are constitutoriginalists when it comes to the second amendment, but all too willing to forget the first.

Who forgot about the first? When did anybody on the right say it should be illegal to do what they are doing?
Kneeling before the flag is not a sign of disrespect. Kneeling is a submissive posture. Submission is what you want.

Remember, saying the problem does not exist does not make the problem disappear.

Correct. Kneeling is not disrespectful to the flag, it's why you're kneeling that is.

Respect is how one views it. For instance, a coworker of mine is a retired Cleveland police officer and a diehard Browns fan. After the kneeling started, he called his friends and family to advise them that the NFL is no longer welcome in his home. They are still welcome to his house, just not to watch football.

His wife was more outraged than he was. After all, she's the one that sat up every night hoping her husband was going to come home after work. She's the one that became frantic every time there was a police involved shooting. Who can blame her for not wanting football in her home?
Kneeling is not their problem. The Browns are their problem.

And what of the minority parents who worry every time their children leave the house? What about Tamil Rice's family? He was given three seconds by a Cleveland cop before he was shot dead at a playground.

And a Grand Jury acquitted the officer as they should have. WTF do you want a police officer to do when he gets a call about a nut waiving a gun around and pointing it at motorists? Then when he arrives, the suspect pulls the gun on him.

As for the parents, the best thing they can do to protect their children is to teach them to respect our police officers. That's how you avoid bad things from happening. The problem in the black community is children are taught the police are their enemy. That's why bad things happen to them.
I remember reading an investment book one time. The author asked why does McDonald's have commercials? After all, everybody in American knows who McDonald's is and where to find one.

The answer is to keep people reminded that they are there. It's suggestive. Show a model big mac on a big screen, many folks will get the desire to have a Big Mac within the next couple of hours if not days.

The American consumer seldom looks for quality these days. We look at what's the cheapest price.

That is so true, and the thing someone starting a business needs to know and address, is how they need to market what makes their product worth buying. If they want to jump into business and think they are capable of competing with companies that deal in volume over quality, it's going to be a rough road for them.

Do it better, make it better, provide the customer with the value you are charging them for, make sure they know it, and never give them a reason to question your motives or the idea that your product and service to them is your primary concern. Don't fight for everyone, fight for the people you want to come through the door, spend the money they will need to spend to buy the products/services you are selling, and tailor your business expectations to meet that specific demand. Let the cheap people fight over the cheap shit. :21:

Nike could have chosen over a million other people to sponsor the ad. Instead they punted, and traded controversy for product, and will lose some money no matter what. They chose a prospective buyer over a return customer, and are gambling one offsets the other. Which if nothing else, means they don't care about you, their products, or the service they are providing you as a customer.

Fuck 'em.

Nike didn't need anybody to represent them. But I don't care if it's siding with the right or the left, anytime you put politics in your business, it's a stupid thing to do. After all, we are a pretty evenly divided country. Why piss off half of your potential customers? It makes no business sense whatsoever.
I remember reading an investment book one time. The author asked why does McDonald's have commercials? After all, everybody in American knows who McDonald's is and where to find one.

The answer is to keep people reminded that they are there. It's suggestive. Show a model big mac on a big screen, many folks will get the desire to have a Big Mac within the next couple of hours if not days.

The American consumer seldom looks for quality these days. We look at what's the cheapest price.

That is so true, and the thing someone starting a business needs to know and address, is how they need to market what makes their product worth buying. If they want to jump into business and think they are capable of competing with companies that deal in volume over quality, it's going to be a rough road for them.

Do it better, make it better, provide the customer with the value you are charging them for, make sure they know it, and never give them a reason to question your motives or the idea that your product and service to them is your primary concern. Don't fight for everyone, fight for the people you want to come through the door, spend the money they will need to spend to buy the products/services you are selling, and tailor your business expectations to meet that specific demand. Let the cheap people fight over the cheap shit. :21:

Nike could have chosen over a million other people to sponsor the ad. Instead they punted, and traded controversy for product, and will lose some money no matter what. They chose a prospective buyer over a return customer, and are gambling one offsets the other. Which if nothing else, means they don't care about you, their products, or the service they are providing you as a customer.

Fuck 'em.

Nike didn't need anybody to represent them. But I don't care if it's siding with the right or the left, anytime you put politics in your business, it's a stupid thing to do. After all, we are a pretty evenly divided country. Why piss off half of your potential customers? It makes no business sense whatsoever.

Nike is nothing but people representing them, that has always been their path to sales, even going back to my days in high school when they would sponsor track athletes. MJ, Tiger, Lebron, all the best of the best were used by Nike to represent them
I remember reading an investment book one time. The author asked why does McDonald's have commercials? After all, everybody in American knows who McDonald's is and where to find one.

The answer is to keep people reminded that they are there. It's suggestive. Show a model big mac on a big screen, many folks will get the desire to have a Big Mac within the next couple of hours if not days.

The American consumer seldom looks for quality these days. We look at what's the cheapest price.

That is so true, and the thing someone starting a business needs to know and address, is how they need to market what makes their product worth buying. If they want to jump into business and think they are capable of competing with companies that deal in volume over quality, it's going to be a rough road for them.

Do it better, make it better, provide the customer with the value you are charging them for, make sure they know it, and never give them a reason to question your motives or the idea that your product and service to them is your primary concern. Don't fight for everyone, fight for the people you want to come through the door, spend the money they will need to spend to buy the products/services you are selling, and tailor your business expectations to meet that specific demand. Let the cheap people fight over the cheap shit. :21:

Nike could have chosen over a million other people to sponsor the ad. Instead they punted, and traded controversy for product, and will lose some money no matter what. They chose a prospective buyer over a return customer, and are gambling one offsets the other. Which if nothing else, means they don't care about you, their products, or the service they are providing you as a customer.

Fuck 'em.

Nike didn't need anybody to represent them. But I don't care if it's siding with the right or the left, anytime you put politics in your business, it's a stupid thing to do. After all, we are a pretty evenly divided country. Why piss off half of your potential customers? It makes no business sense whatsoever.

Nike is nothing but people representing them, that has always been their path to sales, even going back to my days in high school when they would sponsor track athletes. MJ, Tiger, Lebron, all the best of the best were used by Nike to represent them

If they actually believe that, then maybe they should have chose a less controversial representative. This guy is not only the most controversial in the entire football league, he's the most controversial in all of sports. Not a good move by Nike.
How does kneeling in silence translate into pissing on America? Partisan hyperbole?

The American flag represents all the people of this country. Disrespecting our flag is a big F-U to all Americans; at least the ones that believe they are real Americans. It's also divisive as it is really a racial thing.

And how does ignoring police brutality responsibly address that problem? Ignorance I shall truly bliss, I guess.

You can say that again, because ignorance is what this is all about. Show me one case where an officer broke the law in the line of duty and not punished for it. There is no police brutality out there. The brutality that does surface is dealt with properly by our authorities. An officer can face charges, dismissal, and even prison time.

And how does kneeling address the problem (that really isn't there)? If these overgrown morons wanted to do something about police shootings, they would dedicate their time to schools to teach kids to obey all commands of a police officer. Because after all, every police shooting has one thing in common: the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). The solution is to listen to the cops when they order you to do something. However this is too simplistic for liberals to understand. They don't like simple solutions to anything.

How odd is it that some Right Wingers will claim they are constitutoriginalists when it comes to the second amendment, but all too willing to forget the first.

Who forgot about the first? When did anybody on the right say it should be illegal to do what they are doing?
Kneeling before the flag is not a sign of disrespect. Kneeling is a submissive posture. Submission is what you want.

Remember, saying the problem does not exist does not make the problem disappear.

Correct. Kneeling is not disrespectful to the flag, it's why you're kneeling that is.

Respect is how one views it. For instance, a coworker of mine is a retired Cleveland police officer and a diehard Browns fan. After the kneeling started, he called his friends and family to advise them that the NFL is no longer welcome in his home. They are still welcome to his house, just not to watch football.

His wife was more outraged than he was. After all, she's the one that sat up every night hoping her husband was going to come home after work. She's the one that became frantic every time there was a police involved shooting. Who can blame her for not wanting football in her home?

He probably flies a blue line American flag . Which is disrespectful to the flag as well isn’t it?

No, it isn't. That's besides the fact most people don't even know what the blue line flag is.

Most people don’t know what KAP was protesting about .

That blue line flag desecrates the flag our military flies !
I believe in being a BAD TEAMMATE

I believe in posting my ideological views on my team logo, and flipping the bird at any of my teammates who do not agree, and I also call them names too

My name is Colin, and if you notice that I am anti-white, anti-America, and anti-cop without a single incident in my own life to justify any of that, fuck off. Don't notice I am a commie worth tens of millions $$$ either. And yeah, I got preferential Affirmative Action treatment my whole life... and as a result I am a bigot who hates....
I remember reading an investment book one time. The author asked why does McDonald's have commercials? After all, everybody in American knows who McDonald's is and where to find one.

The answer is to keep people reminded that they are there. It's suggestive. Show a model big mac on a big screen, many folks will get the desire to have a Big Mac within the next couple of hours if not days.

The American consumer seldom looks for quality these days. We look at what's the cheapest price.

That is so true, and the thing someone starting a business needs to know and address, is how they need to market what makes their product worth buying. If they want to jump into business and think they are capable of competing with companies that deal in volume over quality, it's going to be a rough road for them.

Do it better, make it better, provide the customer with the value you are charging them for, make sure they know it, and never give them a reason to question your motives or the idea that your product and service to them is your primary concern. Don't fight for everyone, fight for the people you want to come through the door, spend the money they will need to spend to buy the products/services you are selling, and tailor your business expectations to meet that specific demand. Let the cheap people fight over the cheap shit. :21:

Nike could have chosen over a million other people to sponsor the ad. Instead they punted, and traded controversy for product, and will lose some money no matter what. They chose a prospective buyer over a return customer, and are gambling one offsets the other. Which if nothing else, means they don't care about you, their products, or the service they are providing you as a customer.

Fuck 'em.

Nike didn't need anybody to represent them. But I don't care if it's siding with the right or the left, anytime you put politics in your business, it's a stupid thing to do. After all, we are a pretty evenly divided country. Why piss off half of your potential customers? It makes no business sense whatsoever.

Nike is nothing but people representing them, that has always been their path to sales, even going back to my days in high school when they would sponsor track athletes. MJ, Tiger, Lebron, all the best of the best were used by Nike to represent them

If they actually believe that, then maybe they should have chose a less controversial representative. This guy is not only the most controversial in the entire football league, he's the most controversial in all of sports. Not a good move by Nike.

What is it that Trump has proven to us all...any press is good press...

Time will tell if it were a good move, again it was not done to make folks such as you and I happy
The American flag represents all the people of this country. Disrespecting our flag is a big F-U to all Americans; at least the ones that believe they are real Americans. It's also divisive as it is really a racial thing.

You can say that again, because ignorance is what this is all about. Show me one case where an officer broke the law in the line of duty and not punished for it. There is no police brutality out there. The brutality that does surface is dealt with properly by our authorities. An officer can face charges, dismissal, and even prison time.

And how does kneeling address the problem (that really isn't there)? If these overgrown morons wanted to do something about police shootings, they would dedicate their time to schools to teach kids to obey all commands of a police officer. Because after all, every police shooting has one thing in common: the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police officer(s). The solution is to listen to the cops when they order you to do something. However this is too simplistic for liberals to understand. They don't like simple solutions to anything.

Who forgot about the first? When did anybody on the right say it should be illegal to do what they are doing?
Kneeling before the flag is not a sign of disrespect. Kneeling is a submissive posture. Submission is what you want.

Remember, saying the problem does not exist does not make the problem disappear.

Correct. Kneeling is not disrespectful to the flag, it's why you're kneeling that is.

Respect is how one views it. For instance, a coworker of mine is a retired Cleveland police officer and a diehard Browns fan. After the kneeling started, he called his friends and family to advise them that the NFL is no longer welcome in his home. They are still welcome to his house, just not to watch football.

His wife was more outraged than he was. After all, she's the one that sat up every night hoping her husband was going to come home after work. She's the one that became frantic every time there was a police involved shooting. Who can blame her for not wanting football in her home?

He probably flies a blue line American flag . Which is disrespectful to the flag as well isn’t it?

No, it isn't. That's besides the fact most people don't even know what the blue line flag is.

Most people don’t know what KAP was protesting about .

That blue line flag desecrates the flag our military flies !

No it does not because the blue line was not meant in protest or disrespect.

I think most people know what he was protesting about, anti-police and anti-law and order. I also believe most Americans are pro-police. So let's look at the numbers:

At the latest survey which was about ten years go, we had 3/4 million police officers in the US. That's just officers, not investigators, not retired officers, just the officers currently serving the public.

We would have to assume most if not all of those officers are against KaperKlown. Then we assume each one has a love one: spouse, children parents...... Now add in those detectives (most of whom were police officers) auxiliary police officers, retired police officers, bailiffs, prison guards, corrections officers, parole officers, you're talking about a lot of people here just in the uniform.

Outside of that organization, you have people like myself, simple civilians.

I think this move by Nike will affect a lot of people, and their sales will show it within six months.
A punk like kapernick still getting to people. Wow o wow. Sad statement for us if see can't ignore links like him. I don't care what he does or what he says because I am smart enough not to let it affect me. How about you? Not so much?
Kneeling before the flag is not a sign of disrespect. Kneeling is a submissive posture. Submission is what you want.

Remember, saying the problem does not exist does not make the problem disappear.

Correct. Kneeling is not disrespectful to the flag, it's why you're kneeling that is.

Respect is how one views it. For instance, a coworker of mine is a retired Cleveland police officer and a diehard Browns fan. After the kneeling started, he called his friends and family to advise them that the NFL is no longer welcome in his home. They are still welcome to his house, just not to watch football.

His wife was more outraged than he was. After all, she's the one that sat up every night hoping her husband was going to come home after work. She's the one that became frantic every time there was a police involved shooting. Who can blame her for not wanting football in her home?

He probably flies a blue line American flag . Which is disrespectful to the flag as well isn’t it?

No, it isn't. That's besides the fact most people don't even know what the blue line flag is.

Most people don’t know what KAP was protesting about .

That blue line flag desecrates the flag our military flies !

No it does not because the blue line was not meant in protest or disrespect.

I think most people know what he was protesting about, anti-police and anti-law and order. I also believe most Americans are pro-police. So let's look at the numbers:

At the latest survey which was about ten years go, we had 3/4 million police officers in the US. That's just officers, not investigators, not retired officers, just the officers currently serving the public.

We would have to assume most if not all of those officers are against KaperKlown. Then we assume each one has a love one: spouse, children parents...... Now add in those detectives (most of whom were police officers) auxiliary police officers, retired police officers, bailiffs, prison guards, corrections officers, parole officers, you're talking about a lot of people here just in the uniform.

Outside of that organization, you have people like myself, simple civilians.

I think this move by Nike will affect a lot of people, and their sales will show it within six months.

Oh suddenly intent matters? Kaps protest is nothing to do with the military. And he’s not against police , he’s against police brutality.
Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.

Nike going to take their $39B worth and help whatever the hell cause this disrespect of America is over?
Kap going to?
Any NFL player?

Leftists are just bullshitters who invented a new excuse to piss on America.

The unemployed third rate QB no NFL team wants does have one big fan though:
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Well, let's review.

Kaepernick knelt silently to protest racial inequities and police brutality.

Trump took his protest as disrespecting the flag, servicemen and A,Erica in general.

Other players joined Kaepernick's kneeling, silent protest.

Trump spurred his followers and the NFL owners (a less competent group of people can be found only in the West Wing) to fire the protesting players making the issue not only NOT about what the protests were about, but a cultural dividing red meat issue to distract from his own legal jeopardy.

And the distraction works for his followers, but no one else. Cultural wedge issues carry far more weight with the culturally dispossessed than critical issues of crime and conspiracy in the White House. Trump truly could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and non one among his followers would care.

Why does the cultural issue of Trump's open disdain for southerners play at all among his followers, many of whom are southerners themselves? What Svengali like grip does he hold on their minds?
Pissing on America because of why? Police brutality and inequality?

Ok shitforbrains, name one thing the NFL millionaires did with their millions to combat this supposed claim.


Just more Leftard excuses to piss on the nation they hate.

Now go demand Nike and the NFL put their hundreds of billions into fighting your BS cause.

Oh yeah. You know it’s BS and so do they thus no one does anything.
How does kneeling in silence translate into pissing on America? Partisan hyperbole?

And how does ignoring police brutality responsibly address that problem? Ignorance I shall truly bliss, I guess.

What about is peaceful protest is unAmerican? Without regard to the first amendment, that problem is solved.

How odd is it that some Right Wingers will claim they are constitutoriginalists when it comes to the second amendment, but all too willing to forget the first.
Correct. Kneeling is not disrespectful to the flag, it's why you're kneeling that is.

Respect is how one views it. For instance, a coworker of mine is a retired Cleveland police officer and a diehard Browns fan. After the kneeling started, he called his friends and family to advise them that the NFL is no longer welcome in his home. They are still welcome to his house, just not to watch football.

His wife was more outraged than he was. After all, she's the one that sat up every night hoping her husband was going to come home after work. She's the one that became frantic every time there was a police involved shooting. Who can blame her for not wanting football in her home?

He probably flies a blue line American flag . Which is disrespectful to the flag as well isn’t it?

No, it isn't. That's besides the fact most people don't even know what the blue line flag is.

Most people don’t know what KAP was protesting about .

That blue line flag desecrates the flag our military flies !

No it does not because the blue line was not meant in protest or disrespect.

I think most people know what he was protesting about, anti-police and anti-law and order. I also believe most Americans are pro-police. So let's look at the numbers:

At the latest survey which was about ten years go, we had 3/4 million police officers in the US. That's just officers, not investigators, not retired officers, just the officers currently serving the public.

We would have to assume most if not all of those officers are against KaperKlown. Then we assume each one has a love one: spouse, children parents...... Now add in those detectives (most of whom were police officers) auxiliary police officers, retired police officers, bailiffs, prison guards, corrections officers, parole officers, you're talking about a lot of people here just in the uniform.

Outside of that organization, you have people like myself, simple civilians.

I think this move by Nike will affect a lot of people, and their sales will show it within six months.

Oh suddenly intent matters? Kaps protest is nothing to do with the military. And he’s not against police , he’s against police brutality.

Pretty sure his Police Pigs socks was against the police and not police brutality.

That Nike slogan means absolutely nothing because it can be used to justify every suicide bomber and school shooter who ever existed. As meaningless as "Just do it".....just do WHAT?

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