Believing In A God Is Evil


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
If we can agree that lying is wrong and spreading a lie is wrong and therefore evil. Then we must conclude that believing in god and preaching the belief in god is wrong and clearly evil.

There are only truths and untruths. Truths have factual evidence to make truth self evident. Untruths are any variety of statements, beliefs or information passed on from one person to any other not supported by facts.

Religious people want to believe what they say is true. That does not relieve them of the consequences of telling or believing a lie if what they believe turns out to be untrue.

These people want to believe that they are good. Wanting to believe what you think and do just isn't good enough. Those ISIS Muslims believe they are doing good when they cut off the heads of non believers. They believe just as strongly as any Christian believes what they choose to believe.

I submit that those that want so dearly to believe in a god get busy and prove this or any god's factual existence is true or admit they have been lying to themselves and promoting a lie to others and in doing so continuing to promote a giant fraud on society. Fraud is wrong therefore evil.
Sort of like idiots who believe we evolved from apes?

Ya it makes MUCH more sense and there is SO much more factual supporting information that man was placed on this earth by a sky fairy independent of all other life.

UMMMmmm...???? Sky fairies ..Or evolution ???? Jeepers!!??? Tough call...!!! :lol:
If we can agree that lying is wrong and spreading a lie is wrong and therefore evil. Then we must conclude that believing in god and preaching the belief in god is wrong and clearly evil.

There are only truths and untruths. Truths have factual evidence to make truth self evident. Untruths are any variety of statements, beliefs or information passed on from one person to any other not supported by facts.

Religious people want to believe what they say is true. That does not relieve them of the consequences of telling or believing a lie if what they believe turns out to be untrue.

These people want to believe that they are good. Wanting to believe what you think and do just isn't good enough. Those ISIS Muslims believe they are doing good when they cut off the heads of non believers. They believe just as strongly as any Christian believes what they choose to believe.

I submit that those that want so dearly to believe in a god get busy and prove this or any god's factual existence is true or admit they have been lying to themselves and promoting a lie to others and in doing so continuing to promote a giant fraud on society. Fraud is wrong therefore evil.
So do you believe in anything spiritual or is it strictly what we can see and touch is real and nothing else?
Sort of like idiots who believe we evolved from apes?

Ya it makes MUCH more sense and there is SO much more factual supporting information that man was placed on this earth by a sky fairy independent of all other life.

UMMMmmm...???? Sky fairies ..Or evolution ???? Jeepers!!??? Tough call...!!! :lol:
If you want to believe that dogs morphed into cats, go ahead. It only shows how utterly stupid you are. :lol:
A belief in a god is not evil. Some people have done evil (bad) things because of a belief in a god but let's not paint all with the same stroke.

PS. Sorry SJ but evolution is true. Don't be one of the last to deny it. You'll end up looking like those flat-earthers.
A belief in a god is not evil. Some people have done evil (bad) things because of a belief in a god but let's not paint all with the same stroke.

PS. Sorry SJ but evolution is true. Don't be one of the last to deny it. You'll end up looking like those flat-earthers.
Found the missing link yet?
If we can agree that lying is wrong and spreading a lie is wrong and therefore evil. Then we must conclude that believing in god and preaching the belief in god is wrong and clearly evil.

There are only truths and untruths. Truths have factual evidence to make truth self evident. Untruths are any variety of statements, beliefs or information passed on from one person to any other not supported by facts.

Religious people want to believe what they say is true. That does not relieve them of the consequences of telling or believing a lie if what they believe turns out to be untrue.

These people want to believe that they are good. Wanting to believe what you think and do just isn't good enough. Those ISIS Muslims believe they are doing good when they cut off the heads of non believers. They believe just as strongly as any Christian believes what they choose to believe.

I submit that those that want so dearly to believe in a god get busy and prove this or any god's factual existence is true or admit they have been lying to themselves and promoting a lie to others and in doing so continuing to promote a giant fraud on society. Fraud is wrong therefore evil.
So do you believe in anything spiritual or is it strictly what we can see and touch is real and nothing else?

Spiritual? Anything? Just because we might not be able to touch or see something does that make it "spiritual"? I believe in atoms and the components of atoms.

I believe that much if not most of human desire, at least for much of our existence is really just hormones. I believe that most if not all religious faith is a defense against fear, fear of death mostly. I believe that much if not most of that reaction to faith is satisfied by the stories of heaven and having a daddy figure give you a thumbs up for your life. Most people want more than life has given them. It is an easy sell to believe that there is more waiting if you are good little boys and girls.

Spiritual? I saw some psychics on the Justice Channel solve some tough cases..but that is just TV..make believe. We as human beings can WANT a lot harder than the facts and reality can allow.
Sort of like idiots who believe we evolved from apes?

Ya it makes MUCH more sense and there is SO much more factual supporting information that man was placed on this earth by a sky fairy independent of all other life.

UMMMmmm...???? Sky fairies ..Or evolution ???? Jeepers!!??? Tough call...!!! :lol:
If you want to believe that dogs morphed into cats, go ahead. It only shows how utterly stupid you are. :lol:

I don't know about cats/dogs...but the evidence is pretty clear that dogs and horses are fairly closely genetically linked.
Christians believe that GOD is in control. ISIS believes THEY must be in control because their god isn't powerful enough to take care issues himself. ISIS even destroys ancient monuments in an effort to eradicate history they disagree with. They are mostly young men who have no regard for their elders. They don't see themselves as sinners. They see themselves as working their way into a heaven of their OWN design, where THEY will be in control.

They hate Christians because they see hypocrisy. In this they are correct. The vast majority of people professing to be Christian today are hypocrites. They don't see themselves as sinners saved by grace, they see themselves as holding to TRADITIONS that in fact many no longer believe 100% in. They pick and choose for their OWN convenience sake.

Do ALL Christians believe that the entire Universe was created and in 6 days? Do ALL Christians believe that there was a Worldwide Flood. Do ALL Christians believe that Moses with God's help lead the Israelites out of Egypt? Do ALL Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of GOD? Do ALL Christians believe that Jesus was born to a virgin, died on the cross and arose from the dead? Apparently NOT!

And as a result, for the last 50 years the United States has been sending mixed signals, and has become a HUMANISTIC example to the world. So, I cannot totally fault ISIS. Christians once believed that real change happens when the soul of a person is indwelled by the Holy Spirit. Today most people calling themselves Christians believe that social reform is how to change society. ISIS believes that cutting off the heads of those disagreeing with them will change society. So it would seem that WATERED DOWN Christianity and ISIS both believe that all that matters is HUMAN EDEAVOR.

BUT the reality is that ATHEISM is want watered down CHRISTIANITY. MAINLINE Christians have been doing everything to appease nonbelievers instead of still being a shinning example of faithful humility. As a result, the United States is quickly evolving into an exact copy of what was left behind in the Old World. And ISIS is doing everything in UNDER ITS OWN POWER to subjugate the people in a FALSE BELIEF that ISIS can save society from itself.

GOD only can save. Setting up a FALSE belief surrounding CLIMATE CHANGE will not save anyone.
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A belief in a god is not evil. Some people have done evil (bad) things because of a belief in a god but let's not paint all with the same stroke.

PS. Sorry SJ but evolution is true. Don't be one of the last to deny it. You'll end up looking like those flat-earthers.
Then let's see some proof. And I don't mean proof like "You're just not smart enough to understand science" or "Evolution is accepted by the scientific community". I mean solid proof. I'll wait (but I won't hold my breath).
If we can agree that lying is wrong and spreading a lie is wrong and therefore evil. Then we must conclude that believing in god and preaching the belief in god is wrong and clearly evil.

There are only truths and untruths. Truths have factual evidence to make truth self evident. Untruths are any variety of statements, beliefs or information passed on from one person to any other not supported by facts.

Religious people want to believe what they say is true. That does not relieve them of the consequences of telling or believing a lie if what they believe turns out to be untrue.

These people want to believe that they are good. Wanting to believe what you think and do just isn't good enough. Those ISIS Muslims believe they are doing good when they cut off the heads of non believers. They believe just as strongly as any Christian believes what they choose to believe.

I submit that those that want so dearly to believe in a god get busy and prove this or any god's factual existence is true or admit they have been lying to themselves and promoting a lie to others and in doing so continuing to promote a giant fraud on society. Fraud is wrong therefore evil.
So do you believe in anything spiritual or is it strictly what we can see and touch is real and nothing else?

Spiritual? Anything? Just because we might not be able to touch or see something does that make it "spiritual"? I believe in atoms and the components of atoms.

I believe that much if not most of human desire, at least for much of our existence is really just hormones. I believe that most if not all religious faith is a defense against fear, fear of death mostly. I believe that much if not most of that reaction to faith is satisfied by the stories of heaven and having a daddy figure give you a thumbs up for your life. Most people want more than life has given them. It is an easy sell to believe that there is more waiting if you are good little boys and girls.

Spiritual? I saw some psychics on the Justice Channel solve some tough cases..but that is just TV..make believe. We as human beings can WANT a lot harder than the facts and reality can allow.
So. 'No'? If it is not in a high school science book it is some person's delusions?
If we can agree that lying is wrong and spreading a lie is wrong and therefore evil. Then we must conclude that believing in god and preaching the belief in god is wrong and clearly evil.

There are only truths and untruths. Truths have factual evidence to make truth self evident. Untruths are any variety of statements, beliefs or information passed on from one person to any other not supported by facts.

Religious people want to believe what they say is true. That does not relieve them of the consequences of telling or believing a lie if what they believe turns out to be untrue.

These people want to believe that they are good. Wanting to believe what you think and do just isn't good enough. Those ISIS Muslims believe they are doing good when they cut off the heads of non believers. They believe just as strongly as any Christian believes what they choose to believe.

I submit that those that want so dearly to believe in a god get busy and prove this or any god's factual existence is true or admit they have been lying to themselves and promoting a lie to others and in doing so continuing to promote a giant fraud on society. Fraud is wrong therefore evil.


As for being good or bad what makes you think your abstract human constructs apply to God?

God exists and the proof of God's existence lies around you every day.

What more truth do you need?

*****HAPPY SMILE*****

If we can agree that lying is wrong and spreading a lie is wrong and therefore evil. Then we must conclude that believing in god and preaching the belief in god is wrong and clearly evil.

There are only truths and untruths. Truths have factual evidence to make truth self evident. Untruths are any variety of statements, beliefs or information passed on from one person to any other not supported by facts.

Religious people want to believe what they say is true. That does not relieve them of the consequences of telling or believing a lie if what they believe turns out to be untrue.

These people want to believe that they are good. Wanting to believe what you think and do just isn't good enough. Those ISIS Muslims believe they are doing good when they cut off the heads of non believers. They believe just as strongly as any Christian believes what they choose to believe.

I submit that those that want so dearly to believe in a god get busy and prove this or any god's factual existence is true or admit they have been lying to themselves and promoting a lie to others and in doing so continuing to promote a giant fraud on society. Fraud is wrong therefore evil.
So do you believe in anything spiritual or is it strictly what we can see and touch is real and nothing else?

Spiritual? Anything? Just because we might not be able to touch or see something does that make it "spiritual"? I believe in atoms and the components of atoms.

I believe that much if not most of human desire, at least for much of our existence is really just hormones. I believe that most if not all religious faith is a defense against fear, fear of death mostly. I believe that much if not most of that reaction to faith is satisfied by the stories of heaven and having a daddy figure give you a thumbs up for your life. Most people want more than life has given them. It is an easy sell to believe that there is more waiting if you are good little boys and girls.

Spiritual? I saw some psychics on the Justice Channel solve some tough cases..but that is just TV..make believe. We as human beings can WANT a lot harder than the facts and reality can allow.


How do you know what are facts and reality?

If facts and reality rule then why have some abstract construct like good and evil?


Sort of like idiots who believe we evolved from apes?

Ya it makes MUCH more sense and there is SO much more factual supporting information that man was placed on this earth by a sky fairy independent of all other life.

UMMMmmm...???? Sky fairies ..Or evolution ???? Jeepers!!??? Tough call...!!! :lol:
If you want to believe that dogs morphed into cats, go ahead. It only shows how utterly stupid you are. :lol:

I don't know about cats/dogs...but the evidence is pretty clear that dogs and horses are fairly closely genetically linked.
Is that your proof of evolution, or is that your speculation based on similarities?
Sort of like idiots who believe we evolved from apes?

People like you keep droning on about "where is the missing link"?

It is right in front of you every time you go to the zoo.

We share 98% of the same genetics as a chimp or a gorilla. Those animals were on this planet many millions of years before modern humans. Unless you think your sky fairy took an ape and gave it the extra 2% in some crazy god lab to make humans then it is beyond OBVIOUS that we evolved somehow from apes. The problem with finding intact skeletons that show all the small degrees of physical change is easy to answer,

Human beings and their ancestors were and are prey animals to the larger carnivorous animals. Even in Africa today and the Arctic you will be hard pressed to find an ape corpse lying around in the jungle or Savannah or an old Eskimo corpse up north where they got eaten or swept out to sea.

Not that many animals of any description got buried before they got consumed.
If we can agree that lying is wrong and spreading a lie is wrong and therefore evil. Then we must conclude that believing in god and preaching the belief in god is wrong and clearly evil.

There are only truths and untruths. Truths have factual evidence to make truth self evident. Untruths are any variety of statements, beliefs or information passed on from one person to any other not supported by facts.

Religious people want to believe what they say is true. That does not relieve them of the consequences of telling or believing a lie if what they believe turns out to be untrue.

These people want to believe that they are good. Wanting to believe what you think and do just isn't good enough. Those ISIS Muslims believe they are doing good when they cut off the heads of non believers. They believe just as strongly as any Christian believes what they choose to believe.

I submit that those that want so dearly to believe in a god get busy and prove this or any god's factual existence is true or admit they have been lying to themselves and promoting a lie to others and in doing so continuing to promote a giant fraud on society. Fraud is wrong therefore evil.


As for being good or bad what makes you think your abstract human constructs apply to God?

God exists and the proof of God's existence lies around you every day.

What more truth do you need?

*****HAPPY SMILE*****


You can construct your fairy tale to account for any set of circumstances. Superman had his Cryptonite but that was just something the author thought up to make the story more interesting. What if Superman had no green rocks to be asceered of? Why he would have been on a par with YOUR sky fairy. Lordy! Lordy! with his super skills SM could have built regular humans easy as pie!

The FACT is that you can dream up any thing you want about your god except where to find a single fact to support it's existence.
If we can agree that lying is wrong and spreading a lie is wrong and therefore evil. Then we must conclude that believing in god and preaching the belief in god is wrong and clearly evil.

There are only truths and untruths. Truths have factual evidence to make truth self evident. Untruths are any variety of statements, beliefs or information passed on from one person to any other not supported by facts.

Religious people want to believe what they say is true. That does not relieve them of the consequences of telling or believing a lie if what they believe turns out to be untrue.

These people want to believe that they are good. Wanting to believe what you think and do just isn't good enough. Those ISIS Muslims believe they are doing good when they cut off the heads of non believers. They believe just as strongly as any Christian believes what they choose to believe.

I submit that those that want so dearly to believe in a god get busy and prove this or any god's factual existence is true or admit they have been lying to themselves and promoting a lie to others and in doing so continuing to promote a giant fraud on society. Fraud is wrong therefore evil.
So do you believe in anything spiritual or is it strictly what we can see and touch is real and nothing else?

Spiritual? Anything? Just because we might not be able to touch or see something does that make it "spiritual"? I believe in atoms and the components of atoms.

I believe that much if not most of human desire, at least for much of our existence is really just hormones. I believe that most if not all religious faith is a defense against fear, fear of death mostly. I believe that much if not most of that reaction to faith is satisfied by the stories of heaven and having a daddy figure give you a thumbs up for your life. Most people want more than life has given them. It is an easy sell to believe that there is more waiting if you are good little boys and girls.

Spiritual? I saw some psychics on the Justice Channel solve some tough cases..but that is just TV..make believe. We as human beings can WANT a lot harder than the facts and reality can allow.


How do you know what are facts and reality?

If facts and reality rule then why have some abstract construct like good and evil?



That is a silly argument. Death is bad. Pain is bad. Lying is bad. Etc....

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