Ben Carson, our soft spoken progressive RINO


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Ben Carson tells us we need to support “compassion action”, formally referred to a “compassionate conservativism” which really indicates Mr. Carson wants to use the federal government’s taxing and spending power to help various groups achieve the American Dream. This thinking of course is in line with RINOs and with progressives who ignore the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government, and if such “compassion action” is needed, it is to be found in those powers reserved by the States under our Constitution’s Tenth Amendment.

Of course, thinking people know that whenever our federal government creates a government cheese program, its ultimate objective is to create a dependent class with the expectation it will prostitute its vote to keep the free cheese coming their way. Were we not warned about dependency in the Federalist papers?


Carson also spends a good deal of his messaging on education. “I think the Department of Education should monitor institutions of higher education for political bias and withhold federal funding if it exists,” Carson once told a radio talk show host. So, instead of closing down the unconstitutional federal department of education, one of the most notorious political organizations in our Washington, and pink slipping its 5,000 + parasitic employees who live large on their blotted paychecks with an extravagant pension waiting for them, Mr. Carson’s view is to keep this unconstitutional department open and its employees in charge of guarding the Hen House. And Mr. Carson is supposed to be intelligent?

Mr. Carson also wants to share the wealth and legalize illegal aliens. SEE: Ben Carson: Borders Must Be Sealed to Keep Terrorists Out; Illegals Should Be Given Path to Amnesty

”He said there needs to be a way to “share the wealth and still maintain our borders, our integrity,” and he suggested that the “influx” of illegal immigrants would come to a halt if Latin American nations become more prosperous.

Regarding the country’s illegal immigrants, Carson said, “many of them have never known any other country … so where are you going to send them?”

Carson said the country must “provide them a way so that they don’t have to hide in the shadows” and “give them an opportunity to become guest-workers–they have to register, they have to enroll in a back tax program.”

Apparently Mr. Carson has no compassion for American citizens who are now suffering devastating social and financial consequence inflicted upon them from the 15-20 million illegal entrants who are currently here.

Carson sidesteps the whole illegal entrant issue by using the “progressives” talking point that we can’t round them all up and kick them out of the country. Of course, this narrative relieves Carson from having to take a stand and offering a number of specific steps which can be taken that would encourage illegal entrants to leave on their own: secure the border; severely punish employees who knowingly hire illegal entrants; cut off all welfare to households who harbor illegal entrants; forbid state issued drivers licenses to illegal entrants; immediately deport illegal entrants when convicted of a crime, or discovered during normal policing actions; enforce a new law that any illegal entrants identified after two months of its enactment may never enter the United States again or obtain a green card; and, start enforcing existing laws!

And when it comes to tax reform, Mr. Carson has no problem keeping alive the despotic tax calculated from profits, gains, salaries and other incomes, so long as everyone pays ten percent because of his religious beliefs. Of course, that idea punishes our most productive hard working wage earners by requiring them to pay more than the least productive, not to mention his idea allows the unproductive who live on the public dole to escape paying an equal share, or any share at all!

So, while Mr. Carson may be the soft spoke candidate in the room, he certainly exhibits ideas which are contrary to the principles under which our Constitution was adopted and in many ways he advocates what RINOs have been promoting for years!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
While he may have some good ideas, Mr. Carson is black and Comrade Obama has, through his actions and capitulations, ensured that NO black can be elected president for minimum 150 years.

Sad, that, but it's reality.
Carson lost all credibility when he proposed using drone attacks on our border to combat immigration and smuggling
While he may have some good ideas, Mr. Carson is black and Comrade Obama has, through his actions and capitulations, ensured that NO black can be elected president for minimum 150 years.

Sad, that, but it's reality.

That reasoning is so stupid. Does having a shitty white male President mean we won't elect another white male President? Not hardly.
Carson lost all credibility when he proposed using drone attacks on our border to combat immigration and smuggling

what the hell? I'm sure you can prove him saying that. Because I've never him say such a thing. links please and not left hate site, thanks
Carson lost all credibility when he proposed using drone attacks on our border to combat immigration and smuggling

what the hell? I'm sure you can prove him saying that. Because I've never him say such a thing. links please and not left hate site, thanks

I sure can because I am an informed voter who follows the news and keeps track of the bull that candidates say

Carson calls for drone strikes on border 'caves' -
Ben Carson tells us we need to support “compassion action”, formally referred to a “compassionate conservativism” which really indicates Mr. Carson wants to use the federal government’s taxing and spending power to help various groups achieve the American Dream. This thinking of course is in line with RINOs and with progressives who ignore the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government, and if such “compassion action” is needed, it is to be found in those powers reserved by the States under our Constitution’s Tenth Amendment.

Of course, thinking people know that whenever our federal government creates a government cheese program, its ultimate objective is to create a dependent class with the expectation it will prostitute its vote to keep the free cheese coming their way. Were we not warned about dependency in the Federalist papers?


Carson also spends a good deal of his messaging on education. “I think the Department of Education should monitor institutions of higher education for political bias and withhold federal funding if it exists,” Carson once told a radio talk show host. So, instead of closing down the unconstitutional federal department of education, one of the most notorious political organizations in our Washington, and pink slipping its 5,000 + parasitic employees who live large on their blotted paychecks with an extravagant pension waiting for them, Mr. Carson’s view is to keep this unconstitutional department open and its employees in charge of guarding the Hen House. And Mr. Carson is supposed to be intelligent?

Mr. Carson also wants to share the wealth and legalize illegal aliens. SEE: Ben Carson: Borders Must Be Sealed to Keep Terrorists Out; Illegals Should Be Given Path to Amnesty

”He said there needs to be a way to “share the wealth and still maintain our borders, our integrity,” and he suggested that the “influx” of illegal immigrants would come to a halt if Latin American nations become more prosperous.

Regarding the country’s illegal immigrants, Carson said, “many of them have never known any other country … so where are you going to send them?”

Carson said the country must “provide them a way so that they don’t have to hide in the shadows” and “give them an opportunity to become guest-workers–they have to register, they have to enroll in a back tax program.”

Apparently Mr. Carson has no compassion for American citizens who are now suffering devastating social and financial consequence inflicted upon them from the 15-20 million illegal entrants who are currently here.

Carson sidesteps the whole illegal entrant issue by using the “progressives” talking point that we can’t round them all up and kick them out of the country. Of course, this narrative relieves Carson from having to take a stand and offering a number of specific steps which can be taken that would encourage illegal entrants to leave on their own: secure the border; severely punish employees who knowingly hire illegal entrants; cut off all welfare to households who harbor illegal entrants; forbid state issued drivers licenses to illegal entrants; immediately deport illegal entrants when convicted of a crime, or discovered during normal policing actions; enforce a new law that any illegal entrants identified after two months of its enactment may never enter the United States again or obtain a green card; and, start enforcing existing laws!

And when it comes to tax reform, Mr. Carson has no problem keeping alive the despotic tax calculated from profits, gains, salaries and other incomes, so long as everyone pays ten percent because of his religious beliefs. Of course, that idea punishes our most productive hard working wage earners by requiring them to pay more than the least productive, not to mention his idea allows the unproductive who live on the public dole to escape paying an equal share, or any share at all!

So, while Mr. Carson may be the soft spoke candidate in the room, he certainly exhibits ideas which are contrary to the principles under which our Constitution was adopted and in many ways he advocates what RINOs have been promoting for years!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Who is pure enough for you?
Ben Carson tells us we need to support “compassion action”, formally referred to a “compassionate conservativism” which really indicates Mr. Carson wants to use the federal government’s taxing and spending power to help various groups achieve the American Dream. This thinking of course is in line with RINOs and with progressives who ignore the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government, and if such “compassion action” is needed, it is to be found in those powers reserved by the States under our Constitution’s Tenth Amendment.

Of course, thinking people know that whenever our federal government creates a government cheese program, its ultimate objective is to create a dependent class with the expectation it will prostitute its vote to keep the free cheese coming their way. Were we not warned about dependency in the Federalist papers?


Carson also spends a good deal of his messaging on education. “I think the Department of Education should monitor institutions of higher education for political bias and withhold federal funding if it exists,” Carson once told a radio talk show host. So, instead of closing down the unconstitutional federal department of education, one of the most notorious political organizations in our Washington, and pink slipping its 5,000 + parasitic employees who live large on their blotted paychecks with an extravagant pension waiting for them, Mr. Carson’s view is to keep this unconstitutional department open and its employees in charge of guarding the Hen House. And Mr. Carson is supposed to be intelligent?

Mr. Carson also wants to share the wealth and legalize illegal aliens. SEE: Ben Carson: Borders Must Be Sealed to Keep Terrorists Out; Illegals Should Be Given Path to Amnesty

”He said there needs to be a way to “share the wealth and still maintain our borders, our integrity,” and he suggested that the “influx” of illegal immigrants would come to a halt if Latin American nations become more prosperous.

Regarding the country’s illegal immigrants, Carson said, “many of them have never known any other country … so where are you going to send them?”

Carson said the country must “provide them a way so that they don’t have to hide in the shadows” and “give them an opportunity to become guest-workers–they have to register, they have to enroll in a back tax program.”

Apparently Mr. Carson has no compassion for American citizens who are now suffering devastating social and financial consequence inflicted upon them from the 15-20 million illegal entrants who are currently here.

Carson sidesteps the whole illegal entrant issue by using the “progressives” talking point that we can’t round them all up and kick them out of the country. Of course, this narrative relieves Carson from having to take a stand and offering a number of specific steps which can be taken that would encourage illegal entrants to leave on their own: secure the border; severely punish employees who knowingly hire illegal entrants; cut off all welfare to households who harbor illegal entrants; forbid state issued drivers licenses to illegal entrants; immediately deport illegal entrants when convicted of a crime, or discovered during normal policing actions; enforce a new law that any illegal entrants identified after two months of its enactment may never enter the United States again or obtain a green card; and, start enforcing existing laws!

And when it comes to tax reform, Mr. Carson has no problem keeping alive the despotic tax calculated from profits, gains, salaries and other incomes, so long as everyone pays ten percent because of his religious beliefs. Of course, that idea punishes our most productive hard working wage earners by requiring them to pay more than the least productive, not to mention his idea allows the unproductive who live on the public dole to escape paying an equal share, or any share at all!

So, while Mr. Carson may be the soft spoke candidate in the room, he certainly exhibits ideas which are contrary to the principles under which our Constitution was adopted and in many ways he advocates what RINOs have been promoting for years!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Who is pure enough for you?

The only one pure enough for the loserterian is the person that wants to get rid of the federal government and go back to 1785. Any and all government spending is seen as evil by this moron.
I just love that Europeans stole this country from the native already living here, exploited immigrant/slave labor at every opportunity, and are now mad at Hispanics for crossing our borders. America was BUILT on the principle of taking stuff that doesn't belong to you
I just love that Europeans stole this country from the native already living here, exploited immigrant/slave labor at every opportunity, and are now mad at Hispanics for crossing our borders. America was BUILT on the principle of taking stuff that doesn't belong to you
Does anyone want to guess the political leanings here?
Republican. voted for george w bush in 2004 and ron paul in 2012
Ben Carson tells us we need to support “compassion action”, formally referred to a “compassionate conservativism” which really indicates Mr. Carson wants to use the federal government’s taxing and spending power to help various groups achieve the American Dream. This thinking of course is in line with RINOs and with progressives who ignore the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government, and if such “compassion action” is needed, it is to be found in those powers reserved by the States under our Constitution’s Tenth Amendment.

Of course, thinking people know that whenever our federal government creates a government cheese program, its ultimate objective is to create a dependent class with the expectation it will prostitute its vote to keep the free cheese coming their way. Were we not warned about dependency in the Federalist papers?


Carson also spends a good deal of his messaging on education. “I think the Department of Education should monitor institutions of higher education for political bias and withhold federal funding if it exists,” Carson once told a radio talk show host. So, instead of closing down the unconstitutional federal department of education, one of the most notorious political organizations in our Washington, and pink slipping its 5,000 + parasitic employees who live large on their blotted paychecks with an extravagant pension waiting for them, Mr. Carson’s view is to keep this unconstitutional department open and its employees in charge of guarding the Hen House. And Mr. Carson is supposed to be intelligent?

Mr. Carson also wants to share the wealth and legalize illegal aliens. SEE: Ben Carson: Borders Must Be Sealed to Keep Terrorists Out; Illegals Should Be Given Path to Amnesty

”He said there needs to be a way to “share the wealth and still maintain our borders, our integrity,” and he suggested that the “influx” of illegal immigrants would come to a halt if Latin American nations become more prosperous.

Regarding the country’s illegal immigrants, Carson said, “many of them have never known any other country … so where are you going to send them?”

Carson said the country must “provide them a way so that they don’t have to hide in the shadows” and “give them an opportunity to become guest-workers–they have to register, they have to enroll in a back tax program.”

Apparently Mr. Carson has no compassion for American citizens who are now suffering devastating social and financial consequence inflicted upon them from the 15-20 million illegal entrants who are currently here.

Carson sidesteps the whole illegal entrant issue by using the “progressives” talking point that we can’t round them all up and kick them out of the country. Of course, this narrative relieves Carson from having to take a stand and offering a number of specific steps which can be taken that would encourage illegal entrants to leave on their own: secure the border; severely punish employees who knowingly hire illegal entrants; cut off all welfare to households who harbor illegal entrants; forbid state issued drivers licenses to illegal entrants; immediately deport illegal entrants when convicted of a crime, or discovered during normal policing actions; enforce a new law that any illegal entrants identified after two months of its enactment may never enter the United States again or obtain a green card; and, start enforcing existing laws!

And when it comes to tax reform, Mr. Carson has no problem keeping alive the despotic tax calculated from profits, gains, salaries and other incomes, so long as everyone pays ten percent because of his religious beliefs. Of course, that idea punishes our most productive hard working wage earners by requiring them to pay more than the least productive, not to mention his idea allows the unproductive who live on the public dole to escape paying an equal share, or any share at all!

So, while Mr. Carson may be the soft spoke candidate in the room, he certainly exhibits ideas which are contrary to the principles under which our Constitution was adopted and in many ways he advocates what RINOs have been promoting for years!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!


The Federalist thing that was the PROPAGANDA of it's day to sell the STRONG FEDERAL GOV'T over the states rights Articles of Confederation???

They were talking about JUDGES on that particular quote you know? lol

In arguing that the independence of judges could only be assured by making a fixed provision for their support, Hamilton made a profound and realistic social observation: "In the general course of human nature, a power over a man's subsistence amounts to a power over his will."

The rest of your screed is the same brainless muddle. Shocking

While he may have some good ideas, Mr. Carson is black and Comrade Obama has, through his actions and capitulations, ensured that NO black can be elected president for minimum 150 years.

Sad, that, but it's reality.

lol, You mean in the CONservative party? Probably true Bubs
I just love that Europeans stole this country from the native already living here, exploited immigrant/slave labor at every opportunity, and are now mad at Hispanics for crossing our borders. America was BUILT on the principle of taking stuff that doesn't belong to you
Does anyone want to guess the political leanings here?


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