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Ben Carson Says Poverty Is A ‘State Of Mind’

I actually think Carson makes a valid point, the message probably could have been delivered a little better, but there is a big problem with the culture and mindset of our poor that can only be solved by better education, community programs, and positive influences to help them understand that anything is possible. There are many many kids out there that have no concept of what the old fashioned "American Dream" is. It would sure be great to bring that spirit back.
Community programs? Like what?
Sports, crafts, arts lead by well rounded mentors... anything that keeps the kids off the streets and out of trouble
And who funds these "programs"? Let me guess...the taxpayers? How about a little parental guidance? Oh, that's right, the parents are too busy dealing (and doing) drugs to be bothered with raising their children.
Yes funded by the tax payers... Many parents are on drugs or working two jobs or beating/neglecting their kids... so if you don't think community programs would benefit our kids and communities then what's your solution? How do you improve "parental guidance"?
Maybe if the liberals would stop giving taxpayer's money to the worthless PARENTS of these neglected kids and spend it on the KIDS instead, the taxpayers wouldn't object so much.
That's exactly what I've been saying in this thread... help the kids. We should all be able to agree about that
Community programs? Like what?
Sports, crafts, arts lead by well rounded mentors... anything that keeps the kids off the streets and out of trouble
And who funds these "programs"? Let me guess...the taxpayers? How about a little parental guidance? Oh, that's right, the parents are too busy dealing (and doing) drugs to be bothered with raising their children.
Yes funded by the tax payers... Many parents are on drugs or working two jobs or beating/neglecting their kids... so if you don't think community programs would benefit our kids and communities then what's your solution? How do you improve "parental guidance"?
Maybe if the liberals would stop giving taxpayer's money to the worthless PARENTS of these neglected kids and spend it on the KIDS instead, the taxpayers wouldn't object so much.
That's exactly what I've been saying in this thread... help the kids. We should all be able to agree about that
Help them, yes. But don't perpetuate the problem by subsidizing the fucked up parents.
You can be broke without being poor....Barry did that to 92,000.000 Americans when he stopped counting them as unemployed.

After 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies there were 92,000,000 unemployed and you Klowns still want trickle down?

Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force. According to The Washington Post, many economists agree the shrinking labor force participation rate is largely explained by a demographic shift, wherein "baby boomers are starting to retire en masse"

Demographics have always played a big role in the rise and fall of the labor force. Between 1960 and 2000, the labor force in the United States surged from 59 percent to a peak of 67.3 percent. That was largely due to the fact that more women were entering the labor force while improvements in health and information technology allowed Americans to work more years.

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002.

The incredible shrinking labor force

TOTAL HORSESHIT. Unemployment at the end of 2008 was 6.8%......4 years later it was as high as 18% and 26% in some areas....worse than the 1930's. And the 2008 debt was $10.6T.....when Barry left office it was $19T. Your lies are tiresome...no, loathsome....you should be deported.


PRIVATE sector jobs Feb 2009 - 110,699,000

PRIVATE sector jobs MARCH 2010 - 107,379,000 (TRUMPS RECESSION BOTTOM)

PRIVATE sector jobs Feb 2009 - 123,452,000



Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Dec 2, 2016

Under President Obama's leadership, the economy has added 15.5 million private sector jobs over the last 81 months.






You can be broke without being poor....Barry did that to 92,000.000 Americans when he stopped counting them as unemployed.

After 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies there were 92,000,000 unemployed and you Klowns still want trickle down?

Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force. According to The Washington Post, many economists agree the shrinking labor force participation rate is largely explained by a demographic shift, wherein "baby boomers are starting to retire en masse"

Demographics have always played a big role in the rise and fall of the labor force. Between 1960 and 2000, the labor force in the United States surged from 59 percent to a peak of 67.3 percent. That was largely due to the fact that more women were entering the labor force while improvements in health and information technology allowed Americans to work more years.

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002.

The incredible shrinking labor force

TOTAL HORSESHIT. Unemployment at the end of 2008 was 6.8%......4 years later it was as high as 18% and 26% in some areas....worse than the 1930's. And the 2008 debt was $10.6T.....when Barry left office it was $19T. Your lies are tiresome...no, loathsome....you should be deported.
“So is hunger apparently. Let’s Jedi Mind trick ourselves into eating a steak.”

People on Twitter took Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson to task after he said that poverty was a “state of mind.”

The neurosurgeon, who previously caught heat for suggesting that slaves who were brought to America were “immigrants,” made the controversial comment during a SiriusXM Radio interview with Armstrong Williams released Wednesday.

”I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind,” said Carson. “You take somebody that has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and I guarantee you in a little while they’ll be right back up there.”

Carson’s comments sparked anger among Twitter users, including “Star Trek” actor George Takei. Here’s a sampling:

More: Ben Carson Says Poverty Is A ‘State Of Mind,’ Folks On Twitter Give Him A Piece Of Theirs

Well, Carson certainly lit up Twitter with his bizarre comment about poverty. Some very funny and imaginative ones.

I've worked on inner city housing projects. That's where Ben Carson grew up. Anyone who does not understand that for many poverty is a mindset and a way of life is fucking ignorant.

But hey...that's the Dimocraps for ya. Gotta keep the darkies on their plantation...poor and uneducated.

lol, one more racist who thinks poverty is all about black people.
So, just remember that if you're poor, sick, and hungry - it's only a state of mind.
so you just added sick and hungry to the topic?

we have carefully fostered a state of learned helplessness in this country so as to keep people dependent
You can be broke without being poor....Barry did that to 92,000.000 Americans when he stopped counting them as unemployed.

After 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies there were 92,000,000 unemployed and you Klowns still want trickle down?

Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force. According to The Washington Post, many economists agree the shrinking labor force participation rate is largely explained by a demographic shift, wherein "baby boomers are starting to retire en masse"

Demographics have always played a big role in the rise and fall of the labor force. Between 1960 and 2000, the labor force in the United States surged from 59 percent to a peak of 67.3 percent. That was largely due to the fact that more women were entering the labor force while improvements in health and information technology allowed Americans to work more years.

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002.

The incredible shrinking labor force

TOTAL HORSESHIT. Unemployment at the end of 2008 was 6.8%......4 years later it was as high as 18% and 26% in some areas....worse than the 1930's. And the 2008 debt was $10.6T.....when Barry left office it was $19T. Your lies are tiresome...no, loathsome....you should be deported.
umm how do you think that contradicts what JonKoch wrote? What exactly Is the lie you're claiming?
And interesting shifting of goal posts. Let's look deeper. You say that at the end of 2012, the UE rate was as high as 18% and 26%. Two of the worst places are El Centro, CA and Yuma, AZ. December 2012 their UE rates were 24.7% and 22.7%. (highs for 2012 were 30.9% and 24.7%) So you are correct there. But you're comparing it to the National average of 6.8% at the end of 2008. But in December 2008, the UE rate for El Centro was 23.3% and in Yuma, it was 16.6%

The areas that reached Depression level unemployment ALWAYS have high unemployment.
El Centro CA Unemployment rate.PNG
Yuma AZ unemployment.PNG

El Centro CA Unemployment rate.PNG
Yuma AZ unemployment.PNG
Somebody needs to buy Ben a muzzle... or train him to count to Ten before opening his mouth...

Then again, given the grave shortcomings of his boss along those same lines, actually, he fits right in, doesn't he?
So Ben Carson thinks poverty is a state of mind, but the pyramids being used to store grain is real. And he brags about stabbing someone.

The lunatics are sitting behind the desk in the asylum.
I actually think Carson makes a valid point, the message probably could have been delivered a little better, but there is a big problem with the culture and mindset of our poor that can only be solved by better education, community programs, and positive influences to help them understand that anything is possible. There are many many kids out there that have no concept of what the old fashioned "American Dream" is. It would sure be great to bring that spirit back.

There is an old saying....

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

It makes a lot of sense except....What do you do when there are no more fish in the pond?

Poor communities are poor because economic opportunities have dried up. Not just in ghettos and slums but in rural communities in Appalachia and many farming communities

To imply that the people in these communities are suffering just because they lack "the right stuff" is simplistic and is damaging public policy
Typical Republican...the poor deserve what happens to them

It is reflected in Trumps budget
”I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind,” said Carson. “You take somebody that has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and I guarantee you in a little while they’ll be right back up there.”

I actually don't disagree with what he said. What I disagree with is what he DIDN'T say.

Yes, it is state of mind, but state of mind is a VERY complex matter not to be downplayed. We are born into, and spend a lifetime in, a flow of circumstance and it takes monumental effort to swim against that flow, to behave and think against what is ingrained.
I actually think Carson makes a valid point, the message probably could have been delivered a little better, but there is a big problem with the culture and mindset of our poor that can only be solved by better education, community programs, and positive influences to help them understand that anything is possible. There are many many kids out there that have no concept of what the old fashioned "American Dream" is. It would sure be great to bring that spirit back.

There is an old saying....

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

It makes a lot of sense except....What do you do when there are no more fish in the pond?

Poor communities are poor because economic opportunities have dried up. Not just in ghettos and slums but in rural communities in Appalachia and many farming communities

To imply that the people in these communities are suffering just because they lack "the right stuff" is simplistic and is damaging public policy

Until recently most people who moved and started over did so because their current situation sucked and they left seeking something better.

If we want them to stay where they are, things need to be brought to them, but not hand outs. When one provides a means to live without the need to work, one subsidizes the status quo.
umm how do you think that contradicts what JonKoch wrote? What exactly Is the lie you're claiming?
And interesting shifting of goal posts. Let's look deeper. You say that at the end of 2012, the UE rate was as high as 18% and 26%. Two of the worst places are El Centro, CA and Yuma, AZ. December 2012 their UE rates were 24.7% and 22.7%. (highs for 2012 were 30.9% and 24.7%) So you are correct there. But you're comparing it to the National average of 6.8% at the end of 2008. But in December 2008, the UE rate for El Centro was 23.3% and in Yuma, it was 16.6%

The areas that reached Depression level unemployment ALWAYS have high unemployment.

Everything he said was a fucking lie....what was the REAL unemployment rate in the black inner-cities under Obama? As high as 40%. Your numbers are FAKE same as the rest of your claims about pretty much everything. I can create a graph claiming anything, I can stage fake polling that says anything, I can claim Obama raped dogs he didn't eat, saying "sources close to the White House" told me so.

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