Ben Carson: Still Nutty as a fruitcake

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.
look at you trying to bait......
Hook line and sinker. You people aren't very smart.
what are you talking about ? your attempt here was clear as day
You don't really get this thread do you?
yeah i got it. You want to play that game of calling the OP a racist because you think that's what the left does when people attack i said...clear as people are not that bright or clever

Please concerned posters of all stripe, post this image whenever people lament the Black problem in America and wonder what is the cause or propose more liberal 'solutions' when they haven't fixed the last ones!
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.
look at you trying to bait......
Hook line and sinker. You people aren't very smart.
what are you talking about ? your attempt here was clear as day
You don't really get this thread do you?
yeah i got it. You want to play that game of calling the OP a racist because you think that's what the left does when people attack i said...clear as people are not that bright or clever
I have your stupid ass cornered. You sure you want to proceed? Please do, I have nothing but more contempt to dump on you racist assholes.
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?

Er, Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. He probably knows more about the human brain than you do. Funny you call him nutty, perhaps you should inquire as to how he could help you out of your delirium.
You racist fuck. You racist mother fuckers always compare blacks to clowns? I hear your dog whistle you racist piece of shit.

If what you say about democrats being the party of racists were true, then why do the majority of blacks always vote democrat?

Entitlement programs revised and/or initially created as part of LBJ's "Great Society" series of programs.

And in getting his racist fellow Southerners to go along with his programs he appealed to their sense of racism AND personal political gain.


But those programs not only DIDN'T work as well for America nor American Blacks as they worked to help the Progressive Democrats gain or retain power, but those programs have created a dependency in generations of American Blacks and shoved a wedge in the traditionally strong and proud Black families. So the children have no positive male role models growing up.

So they grow wild and learn to steal and sell drugs and then you fear them and spend more on law enforcement, the justice system, car insurance, retail goods, alarm systems, guns and ammo and practice and lessons and accessories and guard dogs and better fences and rising death tolls in all parts of the community and Zimmerman/Trayvon incidents and Big Mike incidents and Police contempt for these young gangsters who become inured to violence after being programmed by hours upon hours of gangsta rap crap and being racially profiled because young Black men ARE likely to be up to no good if given a chance if they were anything like the guys I grew up with in MY neighborhood.

Don't get me started on this subject.

But if you do, I'm ready.

I'd post a quote from a shrewd political observer, Irving Kristol.

That's all the clue I'll give you.

So what you're saying is blacks like the dependency on the government?
It's all you are offering them. I've never seen a democrat celebrate the individual success of a black person. I do see them being attacked for having the gall to do so though.

You're party celebrates certain blacks, but chastises most of them for being freeloaders, thugs, and welfare dependents. Don't take my word, read some of these posts on usmb.

And your attitude is so subtly racist you think you are being fair or nice to Blacks.

What your baseline assumption seems to be is that Republicans are supposed to pander to and glad hand anyone who is Black, without regard for their character or actions.

By just accepting ALL Blacks as monolithic you demonstrate a lack of caring or concern or interest in the plight of Blacks, so open up that racist mind of yours and try to learn something from this thread.

I believe in judging each man, no matter his color or anything (as long as he isn't a Muslim) as an individual.

If he is a freeloader, thug or welfare dependent we will treat him like a man but not pretend to overlook his situation out of political correctness and then just smile in the faces of those freeloaders, thugs and welfare dependents and then try to use them or screw them over, insult them or just forget about them when their backs are turned.

That seems like what you guys do and it hasn't been working for fifty years now.

Don't you think it's time to try something different???
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?

Er, Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. He probably knows more about the human brain than you do. Funny you call him nutty, perhaps you should inquire as to how he could help you out of your delirium.

Great slam!

look at you trying to bait......
Hook line and sinker. You people aren't very smart.
what are you talking about ? your attempt here was clear as day
You don't really get this thread do you?
yeah i got it. You want to play that game of calling the OP a racist because you think that's what the left does when people attack i said...clear as people are not that bright or clever
I have your stupid ass cornered. You sure you want to proceed? Please do, I have nothing but more contempt to dump on you racist assholes.
oh your playing this game as well...boring
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?

Er, Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. He probably knows more about the human brain than you do. Funny you call him nutty, perhaps you should inquire as to how he could help you out of your delirium.
being a neurosurgeon does not mean every word out his mouth must be amazing.
I like Ben Carson and have never been disappointed when hearing him speak. From what I have heard from him so far I can see me being in his camp. I just think so many voters have been disgusted with Obama that giving another black a chance as POTUS would most likely be very difficult if not impossible this soon after the 'debacle of the century.'
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?

Er, Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. He probably knows more about the human brain than you do. Funny you call him nutty, perhaps you should inquire as to how he could help you out of your delirium.
being a neurosurgeon does not mean every word out his mouth must be amazing.

Nor must every word you type onto these pages be incorrect.
Stop the racists shit. Blacks are more racists than white and that is a fact. They are considered minorities in large part because of broken homes, but also in large part due to living in high poverty areas and the lack of a chance and the resources to get out or vision to see what there life could be like. I blame the liberals for their policies that hurt blacks and many other minorities groups, but the GOp isn't much better.

How many GOP reps go into high black neighborhoods to hold speeches and to serve food and volunteer and reach out to the black communities? I've NEVER see that telavised.
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?
A racist will always show their true colors, hazel nutter never fails.
“The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.”

It's an ignorant and ridiculous spin on history, completely devoid of merit, particularly given the fact there's no such thing as 'political correctness,' during the Roman Empire or today.
Shows Carson needs to stick to brain surgery
Stop the racists shit. Blacks are more racists than white and that is a fact. They are considered minorities in large part because of broken homes, but also in large part due to living in high poverty areas and the lack of a chance and the resources to get out or vision to see what there life could be like. I blame the liberals for their policies that hurt blacks and many other minorities groups, but the GOp isn't much better.

How many GOP reps go into high black neighborhoods to hold speeches and to serve food and volunteer and reach out to the black communities? I've NEVER see that telavised.

Okay natrualgas

I take that to mean you will be thrilled to watch this entire speech and tell us how Mitt Romney wanted to help Black America. Then, please tell us whether you think his plans would have worked or not.

And why they would have or would not have worked.
Stop the racists shit. Blacks are more racists than white and that is a fact. They are considered minorities in large part because of broken homes, but also in large part due to living in high poverty areas and the lack of a chance and the resources to get out or vision to see what there life could be like. I blame the liberals for their policies that hurt blacks and many other minorities groups, but the GOp isn't much better.

How many GOP reps go into high black neighborhoods to hold speeches and to serve food and volunteer and reach out to the black communities? I've NEVER see that telavised.

Okay natrualgas

I take that to mean you will be thrilled to watch this entire speech and tell us how Mitt Romney wanted to help Black America. Then, please tell us whether you think his plans would have worked or not.

And why they would have or would not have worked.

Do me a favor and don't ever use Romney as an example. He's not what I call on the right. I never liked him and his investment company is a prime example of bad business owners.
Ted Cruz is even more of a blowhard and unelectable than Ben Carson.

I agree people on the right and left need to quit focusing on them, because they wont win.

Were you even old enough to vote in 2012?

How about 2008?

You have been listening to the liberal media and don't yet realize they have lied to you about Cruz.

Best qualified person we know is going to run in 2016.

You like America?

Ted Cruz #1 priority is helping get America fixed and back on the right track.

He has the skill and determination to get it done.

The naysayers are small people.

Don't you be like them.
Stop the racists shit. Blacks are more racists than white and that is a fact. They are considered minorities in large part because of broken homes, but also in large part due to living in high poverty areas and the lack of a chance and the resources to get out or vision to see what there life could be like. I blame the liberals for their policies that hurt blacks and many other minorities groups, but the GOp isn't much better.

How many GOP reps go into high black neighborhoods to hold speeches and to serve food and volunteer and reach out to the black communities? I've NEVER see that telavised.

Okay natrualgas

I take that to mean you will be thrilled to watch this entire speech and tell us how Mitt Romney wanted to help Black America. Then, please tell us whether you think his plans would have worked or not.

And why they would have or would not have worked.

Do me a favor and don't ever use Romney as an example. He's not what I call on the right. I never liked him and his investment company is a prime example of bad business owners.

I'll do no such thing.

It isn't cool or trendy or chic to go through life stupidly.

Yet that's the road you are on.

And you think your closed mindedness is something to be proud of.

It ain't, boy.

See, you have no basis in reality for believing what you said n your post.

All you know is what his opponents want you to parrot.

And it looks like they have themselves a real squawker.

You will make them proud.

Because you are wrong.

But you are following the Progressive game plan so they love it that you are going into the front lines of online 'battle' even though their answers don't hold up against real questions you'll get from Conservatives.

But just like Saddam and the Ayatollah sent 10 year olds into battle in the 10 year long Iran/Iraq war which killed more than 1,000,000 people, the Libs are sending you into battle with talking points which are guaranteed losers when met with facts.

But you don't know that.

If you did you would no longer espouse their unworkable ideas or be proud of your identification as one of them.

If you disagree with all of this there's a great way to prove it.

Just prove your statements and stick around to see the rebuttals that your misinformation prompts.

Then maybe you will learn something here.

If not, then learn the hard way.

Stay stuck on stupid and get your feelings hurt on these pages every day because your liberal media only gives you enough faulty info to get you to toe their line and then wade into 'battle' only to get your clock cleaned, leaving you humiliated.

In the open marketplace of ideas yours are like 720p TV sets when 1040p has been the resolution standard for years and is now being made obsolete by an even newer TV industry standard. Yet you are still behind the curve and behind even your fellow looney libs who have been posting here and know they come to these pages regularly under armed and ill prepared by their liberal media for the battles they will face against better informed Conservatives.

Conservatives often consume both sides of the news by watching/reading RW AND LW news.

And those who don't do that at least get their news from a more reliable news source, FOX NEWS.

This allows us to learn the truth and regularly wipe the floor with Libs in debate.

Just because our sources don't lie to us and yours do.

So, get ready for the education you have missed until now, boy.


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