Ben Carson: Still Nutty as a fruitcake

You can tell when the leftist fanatics are really scared of somebody and can't refute what he says.

The call him names, denigrate him personally, and attack him unceasingly. But they never get around to addressing what he actually said.

Dr. Carson seems to be a t the top of their destruction list now. It's not hard to figure out why.
When they can't refute what he said, all they have left is to scream at him and try to destroy him.
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?

It's not Carson's fault really. It's just that to be paid attention to in his party, he has to utter increasingly weird shit.

So we get statements like universal healthcare is worse than slavery and we roll our eyes.

Even Fox's Wallace knows the guy is unelectable and has said as much.

Will Ben be the first one out of the clown car

I see the little Mrs. is in the back seat where, as a LW misogynist, you'd have her riding.

Your truest selves are revealed in the most telltale yet subtle ways.
Looks like yet another USMB thread has turned into a namecalling and insulting match.

No surprise. Not many people here can actually adddress an issue.
The problem is that there is no issue. Carson is officiall a nobody. Bt the Dems can't stand an articulate clean black man who isn't on their plantation. So they have to lynch him verbally.
Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?

It's not Carson's fault really. It's just that to be paid attention to in his party, he has to utter increasingly weird shit.

So we get statements like universal healthcare is worse than slavery and we roll our eyes.

Even Fox's Wallace knows the guy is unelectable and has said as much.

Will Ben be the first one out of the clown car


It is obviously a liberal peabrain's view of politics.

One GLARING sign that it is full of mush for brain stupidity?

If it was a GOP car it would look like this.

Carson has gotten into a lot of trouble for his gaffes, but I'm not sure enough notice has been taken of the less controversial fluff that makes up his let's-call-it political stances. He is a very good speaker who spends his time saying things no less nonsensical than the very bad speakers who appear before and after him at the same venues. He's a man who combines the policy chops of Sarah Palin with the self-assurance of Newt Gingrich, and I'm not sure that would wear very well on the campaign trail:

For Carson, the canary in the American coalmine is political correctness. It’s a theme that’s woven into his stump speech, one that he’s now delivering four or five times a week, in states in every corner of the country — he has only 13 free days on his calendar between now and the end of the year.

I ask Carson why he believes this minor moral failing is so crucial. “The reason that is very troubling to me is that it's the very same thing that happened to the Roman Empire,” he says, growing serious. “They were extremely powerful. There was no way anybody could overcome them. But these philosophers, with the long flowing white robes and the long white beards, they could wax eloquently on every subject, but nothing was right and nothing was wrong. They soon completely lost sight of who they were.”

The Roman Empire fell because of political correctness and because of the failings of the Roman philosopher class? That's certainly a curious spin on history. And it's strange, slightly conspiratorial notions like this that dominate Carson's rhetoric.

Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up?

It's not Carson's fault really. It's just that to be paid attention to in his party, he has to utter increasingly weird shit.

So we get statements like universal healthcare is worse than slavery and we roll our eyes.

Even Fox's Wallace knows the guy is unelectable and has said as much.

Will Ben be the first one out of the clown car

No, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden will emerge first followed by the old lady that can't tell the truth, Hilary Clinton. Great group of clowns, laughs and gaffes in that bunch!
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Hazel nut provides the perfect example of the liberal intellectual wasteland, a toxic cocktail of lies, misdirection, and hyperbole.

It would be nice to see some reference about where this article came from, but hazelnuts purpose is not integrity of reporting but the personal denigration of someone he considers a threat to his extreme leftist agenda.

" the political chops of Sarah palin" clever but absolutely correct. Sarah Palin was certainly more prescient about Putin than Obama ever was, and Barack Obama I would suggest had much less international exposure and experience before he entered the senate race than Carson has now. The maturity and wisdom of an accomplished world class neurosurgeon, who was apparently respected enough to attend the presidents prayer breakfasts, is light years ahead of our uninvolved and narcissistic president.

"The self assurance of newt Gingrich" I think hazel likes to hear himself write. Nothing could be further from the truth. Newt is a brilliant but arrogant blowhard who has a very high opinion of himself. Ben Carson is a humble, thoughtful, reluctant warrior who has publicly stated that there are times when citizens have to step outside their comfort zone to save their country from decay. He is in no way throwing his hat in the ring for self aggrandizement .

Whoever was writing the article described political correctness as a "minor moral failing" in order to diminish Carson's concern about it. He or she is not reporting here but editorializing and brings a heavy dose of condescension into the recipe for belittling the doctor.

According to the interview Carson never said political correctness brought down the Roman Empire but that is how it is portrayed. How about some context to these statements. Another writer on this thread said Carson equated obamacare to slavery when the truth is that Carson said obamacare is the worst thing to happen to this country since slavery. Continuing on the editorial part of the interview the writer calls Carson's views strange and slightly conspiratorial, further insinuating that Carson is in the same class as birthers and wing nuts that are so demonized by the left.

Slick rhetoric cannot hide the deficiencies of hazels arguments. His post cannot stand up to logic, the facts, or the truth. That someone of such limited honesty and intellect should try to diminish a man of giant accomplishment, naked brilliance, and unapologetic patriotism shows that the only fruitcake here is the one full of hazelnuts.
Are democrats determined to double down on racism in a critical political season? Carson is the guy you would most want to meet if you were downed with a brain embolism such as V.P Biden survived. Only a fool or a complete racist idiot would describe Carson to be "nutty as a fruitcake".

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