Ben Carson takes the lead in new national poll

Considering Clinton's downward trend, I would not describe her lead as comfortable.

Go Ben go!
Clinton leads comfortably as for the Democrats. Trump is in trouble. Big trouble.
Donald Trump Falls: Ben Carson Surges To Lead In Poll

Thanks for posting it.

Here the details:

IBD/TIPP, released 03.10.2015:
900 Adults, MoE = +/-3.0
of them, 377 RRV, MoE = +/-5.0

Carson 24
Trump 17
Rubio 11
Fiorina 9
Bush 8
Cruz 6
Kasich 4
Ryan 3
Huckabee 2
Christie 2
all others 1 or less

Margin: Carson +7

IBD/TIPP, released 03.10.2015:
900 Adults, MoE = +/-3.0
of them, 344 DRV, MoE = +/-5.0

Clinton 42
Biden 22
Sanders 18

Margin: Clinton +20

Why in the hell did they poll Ryan (R-WI) in this poll?
Holy shit.

I've seen many "experts" (cough) who are putting their money on Rubio, and the numbers are bearing that out if you think that the "outsider" types are ultimately doomed if they're too flawed.

The media is doubtlessly going to start pinning him down on some of his prior comments.
  • Thanks
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Holy shit.

I've seen many "experts" (cough) who are putting their money on Rubio, and the numbers are bearing that out if you think that the "outsider" types are ultimately doomed if they're too flawed.

The media is doubtlessly going to start pinning him down on some of his prior comments.

Yes indeed. Carson will be the new "red meat" for the media and Democrat pundits. Trump will get a rest. They're going to have to choose their words though since they will appear racist going after a Black man.
Holy shit.

I've seen many "experts" (cough) who are putting their money on Rubio, and the numbers are bearing that out if you think that the "outsider" types are ultimately doomed if they're too flawed.

The media is doubtlessly going to start pinning him down on some of his prior comments.

Yes indeed. Carson will be the new "red meat" for the media and Democrat pundits. Trump will get a rest. They're going to have to choose their words though since they will appear racist going after a Black man.
But he is a conservative black man. It is within the rules for the media to do everything in its power to rip him apart. Look for "Uncle Ben" to become the new "Uncle Tom".
I notice Carson went up in the polls since republicans found out that he used to throw rocks at cars as a teen. The republican mind in action.
Clinton leads comfortably as for the Democrats. Trump is in trouble. Big trouble.
Donald Trump Falls: Ben Carson Surges To Lead In Poll
Which is probably why he went crawling back to

From your link:

Peak Trump?

Other polls show Trump's support slipping in recent weeks. The Real Clear Politics average of six national polls shows him falling from 30.5% in mid-September to 23.3% by the end of the month. That average does not include the IBD/TIPP findings.

"Things appear to be catching up with Trump on multiple fronts," said Raghavan Mayur, president of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, which conducts IBD's monthly poll. "In addition to facing increasing attacks from other candidates, Trump's boycott of Fox News may have set him back," Mayur said, noting that the poll was being conducted during Trump's self-imposed hiatus.

When asked on CNBC about his slipping poll numbers, Trump said that "if I fell behind badly, I would certainly get out."

Carson's gain comes after his controversial remarks on "Meet the Press" that he couldn't support a Muslim for president. :thup:

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Donald Trump Falls: Ben Carson Surges To Lead In Poll
Holy shit.

I've seen many "experts" (cough) who are putting their money on Rubio, and the numbers are bearing that out if you think that the "outsider" types are ultimately doomed if they're too flawed.

The media is doubtlessly going to start pinning him down on some of his prior comments.

Carly! Carly! Carly! And for veep--Carson. :thup: ( as of this post in time )
IBD / TIPP lied at the article and claimed that it was the best pollster of 2004 and 2008. It was not. So, I got a good laugh out of that one.

Carson is actually very, very hard Right, but he has a quiet, reasoned manner in which he expresses himself. And there is no doubt that he is a brilliant surgeon who has contributed some pretty awesome things to our world. But I question whether he would have the gravitas it takes to be President. That being said, I can understand why some Republicans are giving him a chance.

We are now seeing four candidates come into double digits more and more often: Trump, Carson, Fiorina and Rubio. Trump and Carson switch 1st and 2nd place more often than most realize, while Fiorina and Rubio do the same with 3rd and 4th. Bush is at a distant 5th, sometimes 6th place.
I notice Carson went up in the polls since republicans found out that he used to throw rocks at cars as a teen. The republican mind in action.

Have they arrested Hillary yet? Has Biden fondled any more women? Is Bernie the new Santa Claus this season?
IBD / TIPP lied at the article and claimed that it was the best pollster of 2004 and 2008. It was not. So, I got a good laugh out of that one.

Carson is actually very, very hard Right, but he has a quiet, reasoned manner in which he expresses himself. And there is no doubt that he is a brilliant surgeon who has contributed some pretty awesome things to our world. But I question whether he would have the gravitas it takes to be President. That being said, I can understand why some Republicans are giving him a chance.

We are now seeing four candidates come into double digits more and more often: Trump, Carson, Fiorina and Rubio. Trump and Carson switch 1st and 2nd place more often than most realize, while Fiorina and Rubio do the same with 3rd and 4th. Bush is at a distant 5th, sometimes 6th place.

Anyone would be a step up from Obama. What a total turkey he is. Putin, China, and Iran are eating Obama's lunch. I sure hope Mexico doesn't seize the opportunity to invade us before we finally get a President with balls.
Clinton leads comfortably as for the Democrats. Trump is in trouble. Big trouble.
Donald Trump Falls: Ben Carson Surges To Lead In Poll

An interesting tidbit in that article is the stuff of which Sander's support is made. Half is 18-24 year olds, the part of America most comfortable with and most eager for wealth redistribution.
Greedy suckers.

I notice Carson went up in the polls since republicans found out that he used to throw rocks at cars as a teen. The republican mind in action.

Those polled on their preference for Sanders were those who are registered Dem or who lean that way. In other words, Repub opinion of him was not considered, rendering your statement idiotic.
I'm shocked!

I've seen many "experts" (cough) who are putting their money on Rubio, and the numbers are bearing that out if you think that the "outsider" types are ultimately doomed if they're too flawed...

Just a few months ago Rubio was deemed not quite ready for prime time but he seemingly is growing up before our eyes. He could capture some of the youth vote and if he tapped a Carson or Fiorina for VP, he could grab Florida and some minority and fence sitters that might otherwise vote for Hillary. In the event Biden enters and wins the nomination, the age contrast would be nearly 30 years.

Either way the next 12 months could be the most interesting presidential election campaign in decades.
It certainly has been up until now.
I notice Carson went up in the polls since republicans found out that he used to throw rocks at cars as a teen. The republican mind in action.

Have they arrested Hillary yet? Has Biden fondled any more women? Is Bernie the new Santa Claus this season?

What's mrs. clinton and bidenbernie got to do with Ben Carson's numbers being in the dump till he confessed to throwing rocks at cars when he was a kid? It sounded almost like he was bragging, or didn't you notice? We had years of a prezdent bush who blew up frogs as a child. Seems like some repub voters like those qualities in a leader.
IBD / TIPP lied at the article and claimed that it was the best pollster of 2004 and 2008. It was not. So, I got a good laugh out of that one.

Carson is actually very, very hard Right, but he has a quiet, reasoned manner in which he expresses himself. And there is no doubt that he is a brilliant surgeon who has contributed some pretty awesome things to our world. But I question whether he would have the gravitas it takes to be President. That being said, I can understand why some Republicans are giving him a chance.

We are now seeing four candidates come into double digits more and more often: Trump, Carson, Fiorina and Rubio. Trump and Carson switch 1st and 2nd place more often than most realize, while Fiorina and Rubio do the same with 3rd and 4th. Bush is at a distant 5th, sometimes 6th place.

Anyone would be a step up from Obama. What a total turkey he is. Putin, China, and Iran are eating Obama's lunch. I sure hope Mexico doesn't seize the opportunity to invade us before we finally get a President with balls.

Not true . Obama is doing a good job . I know u can never admit that .

I like how an international treaty wh IRAN is bad thing . Oh , and having Mid East countries take on ISIS is another bad thing .

Yall are crazy !

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