Ben Carson to endorse Trump tomorrow. Holy Toledo.

Same here.

Not mine

All the contrary

Bless Dr Ben Carson!
Do you vote here?

I might or I might not

What's your problem blue witchy poo?:laugh:
I didn't think so.

So tell us

why don't you like Dr Ben Carson? you have a problem with him?

what is it that you dislike so much from him?

The man who has been calling for decency, humility, and civility is backing the candidate who least represents these things. I know lots of Christians who believed he was the best choice who feel completely betrayed by this. My wife being one of them and she is not political.

I thought something was off when he started acting as though he was cheated in Iowa because Cruz and Rubio cited the CNN story that he was dropping out. And then I heard his campaign schedule which had him doing little to no campaigning and yet he stayed in the race essentially to save face. It felt off.

So yeah I'm disappointed. So are many people
And he loses my respect overnight.


If your respect hinged only on who he endorsed for president, then with all due respect, you have taken a petty, childish attitude.

Thus goes the divisiveness in party politics

Supporting someone who stands against everything you claim to stand for is hypocrisy. Why should I respect that? Why should I respect someone who betrays why people stood with him?

If violating ones principles is not reason enough to lose respect for someone what is?
oh hi guys, member me?:deal:

Trump/Carson 16.

I have inside info nobody else has.....

And yet Trump has specifically said his VP would be someone with Washington know how. He's going to pick someone in the establishment if he has a chance
Ben Carson, "yes today I have my stabbing knife out, I mean my endorsing knife, I mean I'm endorsing mr. trump for no good reason. All you people that thought I was a Christian, har har. Shit happens. I just would like to stab I mean hug all you people that supported me. I know you wanted to elect a Neurosurgeon who speaks softly and is well respected in his field, but instead let's elect this Mussolini wannabe who called a whole country rapists and encourages his violent followers with un-Christianlike rhetoric."

Same thing.
I really like what Carson's saying in the Press Conference. 'It's time to end the Special Interest/Political Class stranglehold on the nation.'

Nice job Dr. Carson. :thup:
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will the lefties get all upset after the election

when Trump runs around the countryside like Obama did

with a podium that says "president elect"

Notice how low key Trump was just now. He's got supporters punching out protestors and a campaign manager grabbing female reporters and pushing them to the floor. So of course we're now seeing a "kinder, gentler" clown show.

What a fucking phony this SOB is. I wonder what he did to get Carson to endorse him. Carson and his campaign is the antithesis of Trump in every way.
Title says it all. I'm shocked and stunned that he would endorse Trump of all people.

Ben Carson plans to endorse Trump

Trump's campaign people didn't post phony Tweets about his quitting the campaign a few weeks ago. Maybe Sleepy Ben is still pissed about that, ya' think? And exacting his revenge in very much a passive-aggressive manner.
Feeling the black burn, bozo?

No, why should I, DuhTex.?
I just ordered in another case of popcorn.
Carson was probably coerced into this endorsement. Either that or Carson is about as authentic a "Christian" as Cruz.
Ben Carson, "yes today I have my stabbing knife out, I mean my endorsing knife, I mean I'm endorsing mr. trump for no good reason. All you people that thought I was a Christian, har har. Shit happens. I just would like to stab I mean hug all you people that supported me. I know you wanted to elect a Neurosurgeon who speaks softly and is well respected in his field, but instead let's elect this Mussolini wannabe who called a whole country rapists and encourages his violent followers with un-Christianlike rhetoric."

Same thing.

That about says it in a nutshell. Carson is getting something out of this, not just civic pride.
Title says it all. I'm shocked and stunned that he would endorse Trump of all people.

Ben Carson plans to endorse Trump

Trump's campaign people didn't post phony Tweets about his quitting the campaign a few weeks ago. Maybe Sleepy Ben is still pissed about that, ya' think? And exacting his revenge in very much a passive-aggressive manner.
Feeling the black burn, bozo?

No, why should I, DuhTex.?
I just ordered in another case of popcorn.
Carson was probably coerced into this endorsement. Either that or Carson is about as authentic a "Christian" as Cruz.
Because you're losing, loser.
Ben Carson, "yes today I have my stabbing knife out, I mean my endorsing knife, I mean I'm endorsing mr. trump for no good reason. All you people that thought I was a Christian, har har. Shit happens. I just would like to stab I mean hug all you people that supported me. I know you wanted to elect a Neurosurgeon who speaks softly and is well respected in his field, but instead let's elect this Mussolini wannabe who called a whole country rapists and encourages his violent followers with un-Christianlike rhetoric."

Same thing.
You like to make shit up, that much is clear. Too bad being a smear mongering liar is good enough for you.

I just heard the press conference, it can only help Trump. He said he prayed about it so I guess all the offended Christians worship a different god?

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