Ben Carson to endorse Trump tomorrow. Holy Toledo.

Title says it all. I'm shocked and stunned that he would endorse Trump of all people.

Ben Carson plans to endorse Trump

Trump's campaign people didn't post phony Tweets about his quitting the campaign a few weeks ago. Maybe Sleepy Ben is still pissed about that, ya' think? And exacting his revenge in very much a passive-aggressive manner.
Feeling the black burn, bozo?

No, why should I, DuhTex.?
I just ordered in another case of popcorn.
Carson was probably coerced into this endorsement. Either that or Carson is about as authentic a "Christian" as Cruz.
Because you're losing, loser.

If you're referring to my sig endorsement of Sanders, I don't expect him to win the nomination. I know the fix is in for Hillary. But I vote my conscience, unlike no-mind rednecks like yourself who vote for whoever is winning.
He really is an idiot savant.

Yes, idiots separate co-joined twins everyday.

You're a fucking racist.

Clearly you've thought this through. I think your race-card card privileges should be revoked.

Carson either is a savant or he's on anti-psychotic meds. I'm thinkin' it's meds, looking at the most common side effects:

Common side effects of antipsychotic medications include:

Banning an entire religion from entering the US? That's awful.

You're assuming he wants to permanently ban all Muslims from entering America. To that extent, I think people have forgotten what the word "temporary" means. Show me an instance where he said "I want to ban all Muslims from entering America, permanently."

My condemnation isn't based on permanence. Its based on the criteria. Banning someone from entering the united States because of their religion?

That's nuts. If we're talking about a specific country that we're having an specific issue with, sure. But we're not a war with Islam. Why then would we treat any follower of an entire religion as some suspect to be barred from our nation?

That's a horrible idea. It would be a recruiting wet dream for militant Islam. It wipes our ass with our concept of religious freedom. And puts the US on firm, unambiguous anti-Islam footing. You can't make credible argument that the United States isn't anti-Muslim...when we ban all Muslims from entering our country.

It would shred decades of work by our State Department and even former Presidents that the US isn't at war with Islam, isn't against Muslims. Enrage many of our Muslim allies. Validate the claims of our enemies. There would literally be a religious test to get in this country.

That it isn't 'permanent' is irrelevant. Japanese internment wasn't 'permanent'. It was still a horrible idea. Both while it was happening and in retrospect.

If terrorists "cared" about their families, they wouldn't put them in constant danger. They wouldn't send their children out with suicide vests into crowds of people killing scores of innocents. That's a flaw in Trump's reasoning. Terrorists don't care about their families, at least from my standpoint.

Whether or not you 'agree' with Trump's reasoning on if terrorists care about their families is utterly irrelevant. Trump's standard doesn't require ANY material support from the parents. ANY advocacy of terrorist activities, training, foreknowledge, anything. It merely requires the family *exist* for them to be murdered. Families that will invariably include women and children. Trump insisted it be the *whole* family that be wiped out. Civilians that have committed no crime....but we kill out of retaliation.

That's an explicit war crime. Its also repugnant. Its doesn't matter if you're a conservative, moderate or liberal. Its loathsome.

Should we start with Mildred Frazier and William McVeigh? Do you we blow up their house with a laser guided bomb....or just show up and shoot them in the fucking head?

And the libel laws? I noticed that kind of fell off your list.
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So Carson makes off with the balance of his campaign donations and a possible spot in a Duck administration....not a bad haul for a guy who could barely stay awake during the debates. :eusa_snooty:
He really is an idiot savant.

Yes, idiots separate co-joined twins everyday.

You're a fucking racist.

Clearly you've thought this through. I think your race-card card privileges should be revoked.

Carson either is a savant or he's on anti-psychotic meds. I'm thinkin' it's meds, looking at the most common side effects:

Common side effects of antipsychotic medications include:

Carson did a decent job on your lobotomy, Mona...
Meet The Press interview of Trump.

DONALD TRUMP: Good morning, Chuck.

CHUCK TODD: Let me get your reaction, do you think this matters, what's going on here with Dr. Carson?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, I feel badly for Ben. I've gotten to like Ben. And it's a tough thing. I mean, he writes a book where he went after his mother, hit her on the head, or wanted to hit her on the head with a hammer. Hitting a friend in the face with a lock, with a padlock, hard in the face, stabbing somebody, only to be broken up by a belt buckle.

Which, if you know about belt buckles, they turn and they twist. I don't think they're going to stop a knife with the force of a strong man. And when he writes that he has pathological disease in a book, now he obviously wrote this book prior to thinking about running for office, I assume. But he said he has pathological disease--

CHUCK TODD: So you don't believe him? You don't believe him, do you?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, if you have pathological disease, that's a problem. I mean, he wrote it. I didn't write it. But he's going to have to explain a lot of things away. The scholarship situation, the dinner with Westmoreland when Westmoreland wasn't there. And the pyramids. You know, a pyramid is a solid structure, essentially. Other than a little area for the pharaoh. And you don't put grain in a pyramid because it's all solid.

CHUCK TODD: You know, you've done a lot of--

DONALD TRUMP: You're going to large,

CHUCK TODD: You've done a lot of--

DONALD TRUMP: structural beams in those days.

CHUCK TODD: You've done a little political trick here. You have referenced every negative connotation that you can pick up on on Dr. Carson. Number one, you obviously believe he's a threat to your standing in the polls. Number two, you believe these are pretty serious.
Title says it all. I'm shocked and stunned that he would endorse Trump of all people.

Ben Carson plans to endorse Trump

Why not? They are both outsiders.

That means they agree on policy?


I don't know what Carson's policies were, do you?

Unlike Trump, he sounded like a fiscal conservative. Though I only heard snippets. Economics is why I'd never vote for Trump. I'm a free market capitalist. Carson struck me as a good guy who believes in freedom, so his endorsement of Trump blows that away.

Which is why I phrased it the way I did ...
You people continue to underestimate Trump.

Trump is a despot who thinks it's the right of government to infringe on our freedom with the unlimited force of government guns. "Underestimat(ing)" him has nothing to do with it, it's what he says he wants to do
You people continue to underestimate Trump.

Trump is a despot who thinks it's the right of government to infringe on our freedom with the unlimited force of government guns. "Underestimat(ing)" him has nothing to do with it, it's what he says he wants to do

So you would rather vote for one of these bought and paid for politicians who openly lie to you then laugh at you when you vote for them like a sucker?
You people continue to underestimate Trump.

Trump is a despot who thinks it's the right of government to infringe on our freedom with the unlimited force of government guns. "Underestimat(ing)" him has nothing to do with it, it's what he says he wants to do

So you would rather vote for one of these bought and paid for politicians who openly lie to you then laugh at you when you vote for them like a sucker?

Don't know who you're referring to
Meet The Press interview of Trump.

DONALD TRUMP: Well, I feel badly for Ben. I've gotten to like Ben. And it's a tough thing. I mean, he writes a book where he went after his mother, hit her on the head, or wanted to hit her on the head with a hammer. Hitting a friend in the face with a lock, with a padlock, hard in the face, stabbing somebody, only to be broken up by a belt buckle.

Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump, Saying ‘We Buried the Hatchet’

Ohhhhh...bad choice of words, Ben!


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