Ben Carson: We need a holistic approach to HUD


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm going to say as a very poor kid who was raised in socialist Canada in Government Housing, when Carson talks about this he is absolutely accurate. Spend the three minutes to hear him talk about this, he is bang on and of all the candidates he always understood this best, Trump saw that in him it seems.

The socialist/quasi-communist strategy to the poor is to give you bread crumbs that sustain you and keep you dependent on the state. While quietly allowing the security apparatus and covert police to operate without accountability and interfere as needed. This ensures you will rarely if ever succeed while they will have an open path to success, even at the cost of the best and brightest not meeting their potential. Communism to me is evil.

This extends broadly across the system. There's a popular saying in Canada, "the police like them young and they like them poor". A system of exploitation from government at all levels, often covert all while promoting the fallacy that they are being "compassionate". Yes, many in social work and such enter their field to help, but they don't realize they hinder. They destroy hope, self sufficiency, ambition, opportunity and ones freedoms to use their God given talents to their maximum.

Ben Carson: We need a holistic approach to HUD
Ben Carson: We need a holistic approach to HUD
Sleepy Ben Carson is an experienced problem-solver. that's what we need in government. the only downside to him is his low energy.
I'm going to say as a very poor kid who was raised in socialist Canada in Government Housing, when Carson talks about this he is absolutely accurate. Spend the three minutes to hear him talk about this, he is bang on and of all the candidates he always understood this best, Trump saw that in him it seems.

The socialist/quasi-communist strategy to the poor is to give you bread crumbs that sustain you and keep you dependent on the state. While quietly allowing the security apparatus and covert police to operate without accountability and interfere as needed. This ensures you will rarely if ever succeed while they will have an open path to success, even at the cost of the best and brightest not meeting their potential. Communism to me is evil.

This extends broadly across the system. There's a popular saying in Canada, "the police like them young and they like them poor". A system of exploitation from government at all levels, often covert all while promoting the fallacy that they are being "compassionate". Yes, many in social work and such enter their field to help, but they don't realize they hinder. They destroy hope, self sufficiency, ambition, opportunity and ones freedoms to use their God given talents to their maximum.

Ben Carson: We need a holistic approach to HUD
Ben Carson: We need a holistic approach to HUD
So, according to your story..You were raised in a socialist state, with socialist housing, and have yet to escape the socialist lifestyle..Ok

Dumbazz Carson is not good for anything in government except as Surgeon General.

Why does he NOT want that job?

He is worthless at HUD.
Ben Carson will go down in history as the greatest cabinet secretary in the history of the world.
Here is what I find most interesting.
"Progressives" complain that Ben Carson has no "Housing" experience and yet the entire dept is trashed.
One would THINK that a "Progressive" would be open to something "new" being tried...but they are not.
"Progressives" at on record as anting to continue the same things that have always failed over and over and over.
Here is what I find most interesting.
"Progressives" complain that Ben Carson has no "Housing" experience and yet the entire dept is trashed.
One would THINK that a "Progressive" would be open to something "new" being tried...but they are not.
"Progressives" at on record as anting to continue the same things that have always failed over and over and over.
If Ben has ideas to make it better, he's a progressive....Try using a dictionary...
Here is what I find most interesting.
"Progressives" complain that Ben Carson has no "Housing" experience and yet the entire dept is trashed.
One would THINK that a "Progressive" would be open to something "new" being tried...but they are not.
"Progressives" at on record as anting to continue the same things that have always failed over and over and over.
If Ben has ideas to make it better, he's a progressive....Try using a dictionary...

LOL, just like it's colder because of Global Warming.
I'm going to say as a very poor kid who was raised in socialist Canada in Government Housing, when Carson talks about this he is absolutely accurate. Spend the three minutes to hear him talk about this, he is bang on and of all the candidates he always understood this best, Trump saw that in him it seems.

The socialist/quasi-communist strategy to the poor is to give you bread crumbs that sustain you and keep you dependent on the state. While quietly allowing the security apparatus and covert police to operate without accountability and interfere as needed. This ensures you will rarely if ever succeed while they will have an open path to success, even at the cost of the best and brightest not meeting their potential. Communism to me is evil.

This extends broadly across the system. There's a popular saying in Canada, "the police like them young and they like them poor". A system of exploitation from government at all levels, often covert all while promoting the fallacy that they are being "compassionate". Yes, many in social work and such enter their field to help, but they don't realize they hinder. They destroy hope, self sufficiency, ambition, opportunity and ones freedoms to use their God given talents to their maximum.

Ben Carson: We need a holistic approach to HUD
Ben Carson: We need a holistic approach to HUD
Best way to know what's wrong with Public Housing is live in it for a long time.
Ben Carson has.
Ben Carson: We need a holistic approach to HUD
There were some hopeful signs in his comments, such as getting on the ground, and working harder to leverage the experience of long time HUD employees. And you don't often hear traditional government bureaucrats willing to think holistically - they're usually in a bubble and short-sighted.

Just looking for some silver linings here.
Here is what I find most interesting.
"Progressives" complain that Ben Carson has no "Housing" experience and yet the entire dept is trashed.
One would THINK that a "Progressive" would be open to something "new" being tried...but they are not.
"Progressives" at on record as anting to continue the same things that have always failed over and over and over.
If Ben has ideas to make it better, he's a progressive....Try using a dictionary...
The term Progressive is a misnomer. They don't work for progress. They only claim to.
Here is what I find most interesting.
"Progressives" complain that Ben Carson has no "Housing" experience and yet the entire dept is trashed.
One would THINK that a "Progressive" would be open to something "new" being tried...but they are not.
"Progressives" at on record as anting to continue the same things that have always failed over and over and over.
If Ben has ideas to make it better, he's a progressive....Try using a dictionary...
The term Progressive is a misnomer. They don't work for progress. They only claim to.
Damn that Ben Carson!
Here is what I find most interesting.
"Progressives" complain that Ben Carson has no "Housing" experience and yet the entire dept is trashed.
One would THINK that a "Progressive" would be open to something "new" being tried...but they are not.
"Progressives" at on record as anting to continue the same things that have always failed over and over and over.
If Ben has ideas to make it better, he's a progressive....Try using a dictionary...

LOL, just like it's colder because of Global Warming.
Really!? I thought it was colder due to it being winter.....Imagine that..
Ben Carson: We need a holistic approach to HUD
There were some hopeful signs in his comments, such as getting on the ground, and working harder to leverage the experience of long time HUD employees. And you don't often hear traditional government bureaucrats willing to think holistically - they're usually in a bubble and short-sighted.

Just looking for some silver linings here.
All this stupid dumb sh!t Carson can do it talk.
Here is what I find most interesting.
"Progressives" complain that Ben Carson has no "Housing" experience and yet the entire dept is trashed.
One would THINK that a "Progressive" would be open to something "new" being tried...but they are not.
"Progressives" at on record as anting to continue the same things that have always failed over and over and over.
If Ben has ideas to make it better, he's a progressive....Try using a dictionary...

LOL, just like it's colder because of Global Warming.
Really!? I thought it was colder due to it being winter.....Imagine that..

You and thought don't belong in the same sentence.

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