Ben Carson: We need a holistic approach to HUD

Here is what I find most interesting.
"Progressives" complain that Ben Carson has no "Housing" experience and yet the entire dept is trashed.
One would THINK that a "Progressive" would be open to something "new" being tried...but they are not.
"Progressives" at on record as anting to continue the same things that have always failed over and over and over.
If Ben has ideas to make it better, he's a progressive....Try using a dictionary...

LOL, just like it's colder because of Global Warming.
Really!? I thought it was colder due to it being winter.....Imagine that..

You and thought don't belong in the same sentence.
Are you saying that it's not winter?

That's a preposterous comparison.

Nobody has called Carson "fake".

Carson went to great schools, too. So, given his claims of no family money, one has to ask who paid for his education. One doesn't work their way through school to becoming a brain surgeon - nor can one do that today.

And, the charges against Obama not doing enough fly in the face of the Republican congressmen who have opposed Obama's direction on this - even to the point of saying that their OBJECTIVE was motivated by no higher cause than causing the failure of the US president!!

If Carson is to be successful in helping those in need it will require a VERY DIFFERENT congress than Obama had.

Plus, Carson has said NOTHING about what his direction might be.
Here is what I find most interesting.
"Progressives" complain that Ben Carson has no "Housing" experience and yet the entire dept is trashed.
One would THINK that a "Progressive" would be open to something "new" being tried...but they are not.
"Progressives" at on record as anting to continue the same things that have always failed over and over and over.
If Ben has ideas to make it better, he's a progressive....Try using a dictionary...

LOL, just like it's colder because of Global Warming.
Really!? I thought it was colder due to it being winter.....Imagine that..

You and thought don't belong in the same sentence.
Are you saying that it's not winter?

I'm saying you like to try and sit on the fence so you can have it both ways.
Not the way I play.
You trying say that any success Carson might have is because he is necessarily "Progressive" makes you look stupid.
I am also saying that your entire ideology is based on fraud.
Here is what I find most interesting.
"Progressives" complain that Ben Carson has no "Housing" experience and yet the entire dept is trashed.
One would THINK that a "Progressive" would be open to something "new" being tried...but they are not.
"Progressives" at on record as anting to continue the same things that have always failed over and over and over.
You have no support for your opinions here.

Saying HUD is trashed requires some sort of supporting argument. In fact, it requires something more than simply disagreeing with the direction.

You are suggesting that progressives aren't open to improvement, and that is absolute garbage.
If Ben has ideas to make it better, he's a progressive....Try using a dictionary...

LOL, just like it's colder because of Global Warming.
Really!? I thought it was colder due to it being winter.....Imagine that..

You and thought don't belong in the same sentence.
Are you saying that it's not winter?

I'm saying you like to try and sit on the fence so you can have it both ways.
Not the way I play.
You trying say that any success Carson might have is because he is necessarily "Progressive" makes you look stupid.
I am also saying that your entire ideology is based on fraud.
Hmmm, you know my entire ideology....I find that hard to believe, but please don't stop projecting...
"Holistic" simply means viewing the subject as a whole instead of focusing on parts. Dr. Carson correctly says that putting a roof over the heads of the needy is important but that isn't all we need to do. He further states that government is important because it promotes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (do libs disagree with that)? Carson further explains that government can do more than encourage generation after generation of people to be dependent on government. Who could disagree with that profound statement from a Black man who rose above the cliches and the democrat party plantation? After hearing nothing but race based platitudes and political cliches from democrats (and some republicans) for the last fifty years of the failed LBJ "great society" it's a pleasure to listen to someone like Dr. Carson. The left hates it because the racist left has done nothing for Black people except use them as a political tool.
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LOL, just like it's colder because of Global Warming.
Really!? I thought it was colder due to it being winter.....Imagine that..

You and thought don't belong in the same sentence.
Are you saying that it's not winter?

I'm saying you like to try and sit on the fence so you can have it both ways.
Not the way I play.
You trying say that any success Carson might have is because he is necessarily "Progressive" makes you look stupid.
I am also saying that your entire ideology is based on fraud.
Hmmm, you know my entire ideology....I find that hard to believe, but please don't stop projecting...

I do indeed.
You do not have a single original thought, you think only what you are told.
Your "religion" started with Acid Rain, it then moved to Global Cooling. Ted Danson said we had 7 years to change things....30 years ago.
THEN it changed to Global Warming...only that didn't work out as the temps flat lined for 20 years.
Then it became "Climate Change", that way your side could try and claim being correct no matter what was going on.
Now nothing is happening, we aren't losing any coastlines, cities are not under water, and nobodies children are frying in the hot sun.
In short, you swallowed Al Gore's jizz before anyone could "prove" anything. Classic premature ejaculation.
If Ben has ideas to make it better, he's a progressive....Try using a dictionary...

LOL, just like it's colder because of Global Warming.
Really!? I thought it was colder due to it being winter.....Imagine that..

You and thought don't belong in the same sentence.
Are you saying that it's not winter?

I'm saying you like to try and sit on the fence so you can have it both ways.
Not the way I play.
You trying say that any success Carson might have is because he is necessarily "Progressive" makes you look stupid.
I am also saying that your entire ideology is based on fraud.
I'd point out that ANY success in HUD will be seen as progressive if it helps people.

That IS the measure of HUD. It's the whole reason it exists.

So far, I really don't believe you know what Carson is going to do. But, his statements make it sound like his view includes the idea that helping poor people is best accomplished by kicking them to the street.

And, that certainly isn't going to be seen as success at HUD.
That's a preposterous comparison.

Nobody has called Carson "fake".

Carson went to great schools, too. So, given his claims of no family money, one has to ask who paid for his education. One doesn't work their way through school to becoming a brain surgeon - nor can one do that today.

And, the charges against Obama not doing enough fly in the face of the Republican congressmen who have opposed Obama's direction on this - even to the point of saying that their OBJECTIVE was motivated by no higher cause than causing the failure of the US president!!

If Carson is to be successful in helping those in need it will require a VERY DIFFERENT congress than Obama had.

Plus, Carson has said NOTHING about what his direction might be.
And give you assholes something to be critical of?
Why on Earth would he do that?
Really!? I thought it was colder due to it being winter.....Imagine that..

You and thought don't belong in the same sentence.
Are you saying that it's not winter?

I'm saying you like to try and sit on the fence so you can have it both ways.
Not the way I play.
You trying say that any success Carson might have is because he is necessarily "Progressive" makes you look stupid.
I am also saying that your entire ideology is based on fraud.
Hmmm, you know my entire ideology....I find that hard to believe, but please don't stop projecting...

I do indeed.
You do not have a single original thought, you think only what you are told.
Your "religion" started with Acid Rain, it then moved to Global Cooling. Ted Danson said we had 7 years to change things....30 years ago.
THEN it changed to Global Warming...only that didn't work out as the temps flat lined for 20 years.
Then it became "Climate Change", that way your side could try and claim being correct no matter what was going on.
Now nothing is happening, we aren't losing any coastlines, cities are not under water, and nobodies children are frying in the hot sun.
In short, you swallowed Al Gore's jizz before anyone could "prove" anything. Classic premature ejaculation.
So, your view is that Ted Danson and Al Gore are climatologists?

Just curious -
That's a preposterous comparison.

Nobody has called Carson "fake".

Carson went to great schools, too. So, given his claims of no family money, one has to ask who paid for his education. One doesn't work their way through school to becoming a brain surgeon - nor can one do that today.

And, the charges against Obama not doing enough fly in the face of the Republican congressmen who have opposed Obama's direction on this - even to the point of saying that their OBJECTIVE was motivated by no higher cause than causing the failure of the US president!!

If Carson is to be successful in helping those in need it will require a VERY DIFFERENT congress than Obama had.

Plus, Carson has said NOTHING about what his direction might be.
And give you assholes something to be critical of?
Why on Earth would he do that?
Let me help:

If you have no ideas whatsoever just don't post.

Or, find somewhere people think ad hom is a sign of intelligence.
LOL, just like it's colder because of Global Warming.
Really!? I thought it was colder due to it being winter.....Imagine that..

You and thought don't belong in the same sentence.
Are you saying that it's not winter?

I'm saying you like to try and sit on the fence so you can have it both ways.
Not the way I play.
You trying say that any success Carson might have is because he is necessarily "Progressive" makes you look stupid.
I am also saying that your entire ideology is based on fraud.
I'd point out that ANY success in HUD will be seen as progressive if it helps people.

That IS the measure of HUD. It's the whole reason it exists.

So far, I really don't believe you know what Carson is going to do. But, his statements make it sound like his view includes the idea that helping poor people is best accomplished by kicking them to the street.

And, that certainly isn't going to be seen as success at HUD.

Thank you for proving my point. The entire premise of "Progressivism" is that if ANYTHNG helps anyone they are responsible for it.
They NEVER do ANYTHING different, they always do the same thing over and over and over.

The ONLY idea ANY "Progressive" EVER espouses is " Make the rich pay".
Sorry that is silly and stupid and vapid.
ben carson thinks no muslim should ever be president of the united states.

that's the kind of thinking we need in government.
Sleepy Ben Carson is an experienced problem-solver. that's what we need in government. the only downside to him is his low energy.

Well, that, and the fact that he has no idea how to go about doing the job.

That's not my opinion. It's his.
You and thought don't belong in the same sentence.
Are you saying that it's not winter?

I'm saying you like to try and sit on the fence so you can have it both ways.
Not the way I play.
You trying say that any success Carson might have is because he is necessarily "Progressive" makes you look stupid.
I am also saying that your entire ideology is based on fraud.
Hmmm, you know my entire ideology....I find that hard to believe, but please don't stop projecting...

I do indeed.
You do not have a single original thought, you think only what you are told.
Your "religion" started with Acid Rain, it then moved to Global Cooling. Ted Danson said we had 7 years to change things....30 years ago.
THEN it changed to Global Warming...only that didn't work out as the temps flat lined for 20 years.
Then it became "Climate Change", that way your side could try and claim being correct no matter what was going on.
Now nothing is happening, we aren't losing any coastlines, cities are not under water, and nobodies children are frying in the hot sun.
In short, you swallowed Al Gore's jizz before anyone could "prove" anything. Classic premature ejaculation.
So, your view is that Ted Danson and Al Gore are climatologists?

Just curious -

My view is that are idots and anyone who believes them are the same.

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