Ben Rhodes...the new liar's Rice


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Get a load of this bullshit. And you trust Obama to protect you?

"And we’re going to continue to do that. That will be a focus of discussion here in Turkey. With respect to refugees, we have the most extensive security vetting that we have ever had to deal with Syrian refugees coming into the United States that involves not just the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department, but also our intelligence community, the National Counterterrorism Center, so that anybody who comes to the United States, we are carefully vetting against all of our information."

Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes claims proper vetting procedures and databases are in place for Syrian refugees contradicting sworn FBI congressional testimony that sufficient databases don't exist.
This after the FBI said they don't have the resources to vet all of the refugees? Obungles should get his people's ducks in a row, some say one thing others say different.

But the left loons will feel better...content in the knowledge Dear Leader will keep them safe. Freaking morons
The question all morning has been on the French bombing attacks in Syria against Isis. Evidently the exact coordinates for their targets were provided by the US ...which begs the question, why didn't we take these targets out months ago. Maybe we need to ask Ben.
The question all morning has been on the French bombing attacks in Syria against Isis. Evidently the exact coordinates for their targets were provided by the US ...which begs the question, why didn't we take these targets out months ago. Maybe we need to ask Ben.

Excellent question..ask away but all you'll get is excuses and mumbo jumbo
Anyone Remember how this government was of THE PEOPLE for THE PEOPLE?

We tried to warn the people about putting in this THUG Obama and then he filled up our government with more thugs and now they just don't care what we think about it,.

they're going to STEAMROLL over us whether we like it not. seriously, People out there speak up and tell these people YOU EMPLOY to do as you ask, not just what they damn well please. THEY ARE still going to flood us with these people/so called, refugees that they helped in CREATING by bombing all these countries over in the middle east.

my gawd wake the hell up
Alabama and Michigan tell Obama to stick his refugees where the sun doesn't shine, they are having no part of it. Pesky state's rights :)
Obama says its Assads fault...the chaos in Syria...I thought it was climate change (Sanders). And /or Bush (Clinton). They need to get the story straight.
Anyone Remember how this government was of THE PEOPLE for THE PEOPLE?

We tried to warn the people about putting in this THUG Obama and then he filled up our government with more thugs and now they just don't care what we think about it,.

they're going to STEAMROLL over us whether we like it not. seriously, People out there speak up and tell these people YOU EMPLOY to do as you ask, not just what they damn well please. THEY ARE still going to flood us with these people/so called, refugees that they helped in CREATING by bombing all these countries over in the middle east.

my gawd wake the hell up
the answer to this problem is one thousand seven hundred and seventy six. ;)
Well there you have it folks. Obama has finished his remarks at the G20 conference. We are doing all we can. Our strategy is working. Isis is contained. The unprecedented coalition is in place. We are winning....but there is a long way to go. Allahu Akbar!

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