Ben Sasse has an important message for Trump supporters

Scholars could also point to progressives in the French and russian revolutions who suppressed any speech or ideas that did not conform to their liberal agenda

we see libs drunk with success and power who seek to root out and destroy all opposition to their left wing agenda
These idiots throw the word "Nazi" around so much and so inaccurately that it loses all meaning

They do the same with "Marxist" and "commie"

They might as well be saying "doodoo head".
You're describing the vacuity of the average extremist whose arguments have the depth of a sheet of paper. We hear the labels "homophobe", "cultist", "racist", "Trumpist", etc thrown around so much that they are simply toothless, especially when they are used in a vain attempt to stifle discussion. It never works and only makes the label writer look ridiculous.
trumpist and cultists are descriptors not invectives. Almost always accurate ones.

Homophobe is most often used when examples of homophobia are shown. Same for racist

You tards throw "Nazi" and "marxist" around with as much meaning as your would "asshole". It simply means you don't like the object of your attack.
On the contrary, "Trumpist" and "cultists" are most certainly designed to hold the one being so labelled up for derision and thus are worthless in a debate. It merely puts the label writer in the unenviable position of having the weaker argument. "Homophobe" is tossed around when someone merely remarks that he/she believes there is something sacred and special about a marriage bond between a man and a woman. It matters not that they have no objection to society deeming other relationships to be worthy of respect or that they treat all people with equal respect, they are labelled, some so far as to have the company they own be targeted for destruction, all over a nonsense label. Same for racist. To merely note, for example, that most violent crime is committed by young black males is enough to invoke the label. No, these are all labels wrongly used to the point of being meaningless. I do not use such labels, as they indicate the user has already lost the argument and is resorting to childish insults to hide their vacuity.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

It's like the Empire is beginning to strike back. (-:
And another solid Republican becomes an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult.

The shrinkage continues.
View attachment 453468

Trump obsession continues, must have posters of him all over your bedroom walls.
You do know that Sasse is a conservative Republican right?
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

I have an important message for Ben Sasse Primaried Out. Hit the road weasel, you're done.
He just won. He's in til '26! :auiqs.jpg:

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

There's a handful of Republicans who haven't handed their balls to Trump. He's not only right, but he's got some real stones! In his pants! Not in Trump's short-fingered vulgarian hands.

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Ben, Republican leaders have opted to embrace the madness. It looks like the RINOs will be creating that third political party.


Ben Sasse is a typical super pussified, nutless old school Republican who refuses to play the right game to win. He's stuck 25 years back, insulated on an island in Nebraska and afraid to acknowledge that the ways of Loon York and Mexifornia are closing in fast on his utopian island.
He and pussies like him are why the Left has gained so much ground over the last two decades.

Hahaha, he refused to play the right game to win?! Which game is that? The one that Trump played which turned a Republican super majority into a democratic super majority in only 4 years?!

You can thank China, the Scamdemic / Democrat Virus for that.
Trump had little to do with it.
Your Party of Filth can't win without anomalies and tens of millions of trespassing wetbacks...if you weren't shameless as fuck you'd be ashamed of yourself and you know it.

A skilled leader would have excelled in popularity and support during a pandemic. You're right, the Virus wasn't Trumps fault but his mishandling of it was. Wartime presidents don't often get voted out as they can use the conflict as a rally to unit the country and garner support. Trump took the opposite approach. Lied to the public, pretended that things were peachy when they weren't, deflected responsibility, and then flat out ignored it. Thats why he lost. Mind you he lost the House before the pandemic and then the Senate and Executive followed. Trumpism was rejected... Bigly

Donald took "no responsibility at all" for literally ANYTHING. The buck stopped somewhere else. You know, Democrat States, Democrat Governors, and well .. Baby-eating, Devil-worshipping lib-rul pedophiles. #Q

Anyone aware of the GOP's ability to so deftly manipulate their right-wing base from political event to national crisis to international incident and back over the past five decades, must also be surprised at how quickly Republican strategists failed so completely to counter the con man trump's theft of their rank-and-file voters.

The lies, misrepresentation, misinformation, baseless allegations, lies of omission, and more, these were, and are the tools of the political trade for the Republican Party. So, why did the Republican leaders misread the minds of the voters they spent fifty years brainwashing?

How the 74 million RWNJs, so famous for consistently electing candidates that legislated against their constituents' best interests, were so easily and quickly turned into a cult with the sole purpose of making their cult leader the authoritarian dictator of the United States, is the question now plaguing GOP leaders.


On one hand, no one saw this coming. On the other hand, it was hiding in plain sight.

Until Trump showed up, no national Republican politicians had a firm grasp of the anger, frustration and paranoia that animated the party's base. Trump knew right where they were - listening to talk radio, just WAITING for someone to come along and speak directly to them. Just SITTING there, waiting. But Republican politicians were talking over their heads.

So his strategy as simple. He spoke at their/his level, he hit all the issues, he used all the right terms and phrases. And he had two more things working for them: His "celebrity", and his childish temperament and behaviors, which they interpreted as being anti-PC, one of their hottest buttons. He ran a con. He found his marks and then ingratiated himself with them.

Most amazingly to me, he never stopped speaking to them, and them alone. If he were not so clownish and incompetent, he might have pulled off the same con twice.

Until trump came along, no national Republican wanted to tap into that level of lunacy and paranoia and release it on the nation. Just look at what these 74 million trump Nazis are capable of doing and defending, the widespread planning of the insurrection, the financing made available by GOP donors, the willingness and preparation for lynching elected officials of both parties, and the violence and deaths of an attempted coup.

Add to this the cooperation they received from Republican legislators, and those same legislators' refusal to convict the wannabe führer, regardless of the seriousness of the evidence presented.

The trump Nazis, including those in Congress, have proven themselves to be traitors and/or the defenders of traitors.

Yeah, the years and years of building anger and frustration and paranoia really manifested in something ugly, and the GOP politicians just didn't go there. If you're saying the politicians knew it was there but avoided it, I guess that's possible too.

But holy crap, Trump certainly drew it out. He was the match that lit the flame. These people have literally become radicalized, just waiting for the right spark. I didn't see it all this time and it's been a shock. They aren't who I thought they were.

The past four years were a shock to anyone with a brain. I knew it would be a Mr Toad's Wild Ride but thought he might grow into the job. Obviously not. Even Lindsey Graham warned us, and then - (pussy that he is) - threw on his kneepads and went straight down the drain.

As did Ted Cruz, as did Nikki Haley, as did Marco Rubio, as did Kayliegh McEnany.... Wimpage upon wimpage.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
It's like the Empire is beginning to strike back. (-:

Yep - FACT: Ben Sasse is a real conservative. Trump supporters aren't.
They've (Evangelicals in particular) abandoned their faith and jointed a cult.


Ben Sasse is a establishment republican.

Often Trump supporters are not fond of establishment republicans as it is difficult to tell the difference between them and establishment democrats. Much depends on who donated enough money to buy them out. We may elect them but they don’t always represent us.

Now Trump is not really a republican but he is interested in helping the citizens of our nation out. Trump puts our nation first. Establishment republicans are often globalists. Trump is definitely not a globalist. That’s why he was elected.

Some people in our nation love it and are damn proud of it. They want to see our nation continue to be the top nation in the world. Such people support Trump not establishment republicans or establishment democrats.

Trump does not care about this country. Trump played to the fears of Americans and told them exactly what they wanted to hear. For example, coal is dying in the US because Americans do not want to live near coal plants. That is why Trump failed to turn the coal industry around. There are a lot of Americans who have jobs thank to free trade. Trump dragged us to the bottom as he encouraged the rise of right wing fascists who stormed our capital in a attempted coup.
Nothing but NAZI talking points.

“Nothing but NAZI talking points?”

That statement is an outstanding example of projection. It’s the Democratic Party that thinks and acts like Nazis.


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

The concept emerged from Sigmund Freud’s work on defense mechanisms and was further refined by his daughter, Anna Freud, and other prominent figures in psychology.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Ben Sasse is a spinless turd.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
Haha, yeah I’m crabby. I started to research what this Q business is all about and got sucked into the Rabbit hole and saw how unbelievably crazy and disgusting these narratives are. They make Scientologists look sane. And then to see a congress woman, a national security advisor and our president coddle this stuff it is pretty infuriating. I’m sick of the lies and the garbage and would rather talk about policy but I don’t think we can get there until these people and these narratives get called out by a strong majority of people from all parties
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

I'd like to take this video seriously, but he turned the comments off, so I cannot see the public reaction.

. . . and most intelligent folks know that Google messes with the likes on these videos.

So we don't really know.

. . . and, he used the psyop term "conspiracy theories."

When ever someone leans into that rather than using logic and positive arguments, I get skeptical.

OTH, he did make a lot of good points.

. . and, he has been in the establishment sine at least 2007, so that doesn't bode well. One can make a special pleading and nice speech, but it doesn't have to be genuine.

It doesn't really acknowledge the reality of the situation, which was admitted to in Time magazine, he is obviously a Lincoln Republican, and he, along with the corporatist dems and the oligarchs did what they accused the Russians and Cambridge Analytica of doing, but on such a large scale, most Americans have no idea what they were doing, or the interests they were voting for.

This explains the behavior of judges, lawyers, state and local leaders. . all of it. When he sits there and uses terms like, "conspiracy theory," and a major publication like TIME, admits. . . yeah, they were all in on it, there WAS a conspiracy, to make sure the .01% could keep destroying the nation and integrating it with all the global institutions for the benefit of the top 5% of the wealthiest corporations and elite wealthiest Americans. . . why would anyone WANT to stay a Republican or continue participating in a corrupt system?

Stunning: TIME admits well-funded cabal of influencers worked behind-the-scenes to ‘save’ 2020 election


". . .According to Time, the conspiracy included business and labor, as well as “a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election – an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted.”

In detailing the actions brought about by the conspiracy, the piece speaks of every complaint made on the right about the election — only with a favorable spin:

Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. After Election Day, they monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result.

Terms like “disinformation” being subjective to liberal interpretations, of course. Bad actors spread false information we are told, with the left appointing itself the arbiter of the truth.

Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, was quoted to say that “every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated.”

. . . so, when the establishment ADMITS there was a conspiracy, and an establishment Republican belittles those who point it out, and then refuses to let his constituents comment on his speech? Nah. . . Imma going to have to call bullshit.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
Haha, yeah I’m crabby. I started to research what this Q business is all about and got sucked into the Rabbit hole and saw how unbelievably crazy and disgusting these narratives are. They make Scientologists look sane. And then to see a congress woman, a national security advisor and our president coddle this stuff it is pretty infuriating. I’m sick of the lies and the garbage and would rather talk about policy but I don’t think we can get there until these people and these narratives get called out by a strong majority of people from all parties
Just let it go. Trump can’t do shit for four years. He ll be 78? Four years is a lifetime. Hell my kids will be in HS then!! We need to garner a road map to open up our country and get our kids back to school. Instead of focusing on this the Democrats are focusing on impeachment of a person who lost by seven million votes. That is fucking insanity. Biden has the House and the Senate. Make some changes and let’s get back on our feet. Forget this dirty partisan politics but that doesn’t sell viewers so the News Entertainment media gaslights both sides. It is most unfortunate and morons like the OP play right into it.
It's like the Empire is beginning to strike back. (-:

Yep - FACT: Ben Sasse is a real conservative. Trump supporters aren't.
They've (Evangelicals in particular) abandoned their faith and jointed a cult.


Ben Sasse is a establishment republican.

Often Trump supporters are not fond of establishment republicans as it is difficult to tell the difference between them and establishment democrats. Much depends on who donated enough money to buy them out. We may elect them but they don’t always represent us.

Now Trump is not really a republican but he is interested in helping the citizens of our nation out. Trump puts our nation first. Establishment republicans are often globalists. Trump is definitely not a globalist. That’s why he was elected.

Some people in our nation love it and are damn proud of it. They want to see our nation continue to be the top nation in the world. Such people support Trump not establishment republicans or establishment democrats.

Trump does not care about this country. Trump played to the fears of Americans and told them exactly what they wanted to hear. For example, coal is dying in the US because Americans do not want to live near coal plants. That is why Trump failed to turn the coal industry around. There are a lot of Americans who have jobs thank to free trade. Trump dragged us to the bottom as he encouraged the rise of right wing fascists who stormed our capital in a attempted coup.

Your example of coal is a good one.

Coal is a huge portion of our energy even still and employs tens of thousand of workers, directly and is important for large numbers of communities.

Trump speaking out for those people, whom Hillary was actively working AGAINST, and Biden will be too,

was completely legitimate and completely normal and healthy politics.

That you people pretend it is not, and manage to convince large percentages of the population that is was not, is a sign of how UNhealthy our culture is.

The rest of your post is mostly partisan shit.

Trump lied to them by giving them false hope instead of telling them the truth. Coal will continue to decline as natural gas is plentiful and cleaner.

You are the one who is partisan shit. You can't face facts.


Electricity production by coal peaked during the Bush Administration. It has steadily dropped under Obama and Trump. Under Trump, electricity generated by coal dropped to 966,000 gigawatthours in 2019.


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What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
Haha, yeah I’m crabby. I started to research what this Q business is all about and got sucked into the Rabbit hole and saw how unbelievably crazy and disgusting these narratives are. They make Scientologists look sane. And then to see a congress woman, a national security advisor and our president coddle this stuff it is pretty infuriating. I’m sick of the lies and the garbage and would rather talk about policy but I don’t think we can get there until these people and these narratives get called out by a strong majority of people from all parties
Just let it go. Trump can’t do shit for four years. He ll be 78? Four years is a lifetime. Hell my kids will be in HS then!! We need to garner a road map to open up our country and get our kids back to school. Instead of focusing on this the Democrats are focusing on impeachment of a person who lost by seven million votes. That is fucking insanity. Biden has the House and the Senate. Make some changes and let’s get back on our feet. Forget this dirty partisan politics but that doesn’t sell viewers so the News Entertainment media gaslights both sides. It is most unfortunate and morons like the OP play right into it.
Biden has been focused on that and hasn’t said much of anything about Trump. But if you think Trump is irrelevant then just wait a couple weeks. He is laying low because of impeachment and once that is over he is going to hit the propaganda media stations hard and all these narratives I’m calling out as BS are going to jump to the forefront again. I was hoping for a censure as I didn’t think impeachment would pass but either way there needs to be punishment for his actions and he shouldn’t be enabled and incentivized to carry on with his lies. I don’t think your suggestion of ignoring it is going to make it fizzle out.republicans need to stand up against it and so far very few are
Biden has been focused on that and hasn’t said much of anything about Trump. But if you think Trump is irrelevant then just wait a couple weeks. He is laying low because of impeachment and once that is over he is going to hit the propaganda media stations hard and all these narratives I’m calling out as BS are going to jump to the forefront again. I was hoping for a censure as I didn’t think impeachment would pass but either way there needs to be punishment for his actions and he shouldn’t be enabled and incentivized to carry on with his lies. I don’t think your suggestion of ignoring it is going to make it fizzle out.republicans need to stand up against it and so far very few are

I give his first couple of weeks a solid A as do most normal Americans. Trumpettes will of course, give Uncle Joe credit for nothing, and nope ... it sure doesn't appear that any of them will grow a pair anytime soon!


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