Ben Sasse has an important message for Trump supporters

What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
Haha, yeah I’m crabby. I started to research what this Q business is all about and got sucked into the Rabbit hole and saw how unbelievably crazy and disgusting these narratives are. They make Scientologists look sane. And then to see a congress woman, a national security advisor and our president coddle this stuff it is pretty infuriating. I’m sick of the lies and the garbage and would rather talk about policy but I don’t think we can get there until these people and these narratives get called out by a strong majority of people from all parties
You can end the lies and the garbage simply by stop spewing them.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
Haha, yeah I’m crabby. I started to research what this Q business is all about and got sucked into the Rabbit hole and saw how unbelievably crazy and disgusting these narratives are. They make Scientologists look sane. And then to see a congress woman, a national security advisor and our president coddle this stuff it is pretty infuriating. I’m sick of the lies and the garbage and would rather talk about policy but I don’t think we can get there until these people and these narratives get called out by a strong majority of people from all parties
Just let it go. Trump can’t do shit for four years. He ll be 78? Four years is a lifetime. Hell my kids will be in HS then!! We need to garner a road map to open up our country and get our kids back to school. Instead of focusing on this the Democrats are focusing on impeachment of a person who lost by seven million votes. That is fucking insanity. Biden has the House and the Senate. Make some changes and let’s get back on our feet. Forget this dirty partisan politics but that doesn’t sell viewers so the News Entertainment media gaslights both sides. It is most unfortunate and morons like the OP play right into it.
Biden has been focused on that and hasn’t said much of anything about Trump. But if you think Trump is irrelevant then just wait a couple weeks. He is laying low because of impeachment and once that is over he is going to hit the propaganda media stations hard and all these narratives I’m calling out as BS are going to jump to the forefront again. I was hoping for a censure as I didn’t think impeachment would pass but either way there needs to be punishment for his actions and he shouldn’t be enabled and incentivized to carry on with his lies. I don’t think your suggestion of ignoring it is going to make it fizzle out.republicans need to stand up against it and so far very few are
Dims need to be punished for swindling the election. Trump hasn't done a thing except tell the Democrat Reich where to get off. You're a bunch of fucking NAZIs.

On one is fooled.
There you go again sounding like a complete Tard. Trump plays dictator and try’s to skip the legal system to overthrow our democracy, an action that couldnt be any more dictator like and then the idiots like yourself try and call the Dems Nazis. It doesn’t get more Comical
When did Trump play dictator? Can you identify a single thing he did that was dictatorish? Of course you can't. You're spouting Dem NAZI talking points. How is he trying to "skip the legal system?" Just about everything you post is both absurd and an outright lie.
Yes I just identified a thing he did. Challenged our democracy by trying to illegally over turn our election so he can stay in power. Spewed propaganda and lies to his followers and inspired a resurrection. It literally doesn’t get more dictatorish than that
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
The Democrat Reich needs a boogyman.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
Haha, yeah I’m crabby. I started to research what this Q business is all about and got sucked into the Rabbit hole and saw how unbelievably crazy and disgusting these narratives are. They make Scientologists look sane. And then to see a congress woman, a national security advisor and our president coddle this stuff it is pretty infuriating. I’m sick of the lies and the garbage and would rather talk about policy but I don’t think we can get there until these people and these narratives get called out by a strong majority of people from all parties
You can end the lies and the garbage simply by stop spewing them.
I agree. Take your advice and stop spewing them then
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
Haha, yeah I’m crabby. I started to research what this Q business is all about and got sucked into the Rabbit hole and saw how unbelievably crazy and disgusting these narratives are. They make Scientologists look sane. And then to see a congress woman, a national security advisor and our president coddle this stuff it is pretty infuriating. I’m sick of the lies and the garbage and would rather talk about policy but I don’t think we can get there until these people and these narratives get called out by a strong majority of people from all parties
Just let it go. Trump can’t do shit for four years. He ll be 78? Four years is a lifetime. Hell my kids will be in HS then!! We need to garner a road map to open up our country and get our kids back to school. Instead of focusing on this the Democrats are focusing on impeachment of a person who lost by seven million votes. That is fucking insanity. Biden has the House and the Senate. Make some changes and let’s get back on our feet. Forget this dirty partisan politics but that doesn’t sell viewers so the News Entertainment media gaslights both sides. It is most unfortunate and morons like the OP play right into it.
Biden has been focused on that and hasn’t said much of anything about Trump. But if you think Trump is irrelevant then just wait a couple weeks. He is laying low because of impeachment and once that is over he is going to hit the propaganda media stations hard and all these narratives I’m calling out as BS are going to jump to the forefront again. I was hoping for a censure as I didn’t think impeachment would pass but either way there needs to be punishment for his actions and he shouldn’t be enabled and incentivized to carry on with his lies. I don’t think your suggestion of ignoring it is going to make it fizzle out.republicans need to stand up against it and so far very few are
Dims need to be punished for swindling the election. Trump hasn't done a thing except tell the Democrat Reich where to get off. You're a bunch of fucking NAZIs.

On one is fooled.
There you go again sounding like a complete Tard. Trump plays dictator and try’s to skip the legal system to overthrow our democracy, an action that couldnt be any more dictator like and then the idiots like yourself try and call the Dems Nazis. It doesn’t get more Comical
When did Trump play dictator? Can you identify a single thing he did that was dictatorish? Of course you can't. You're spouting Dem NAZI talking points. How is he trying to "skip the legal system?" Just about everything you post is both absurd and an outright lie.
Yes I just identified a thing he did. Challenged our democracy by trying to illegally over turn our election so he can stay in power. Spewed propaganda and lies to his followers and inspired a resurrection. It literally doesn’t get more dictatorish than that
How did he "illegally" try to overturn the election? Everything he did was 100% legal.

He lied to his followers? You mean he didn't tell the 100% truth like Biden? You are a special kind of stupid, and gullible.

Where is the crime of "inspiring" in the federal code?

Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison? How about ending freedom of speech? How about swindling an election?
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
The Democrat Reich needs a boogyman.
Yep but more so the News Entertainment Media. No one is going to watch CNN if they only cover actual news.
These idiots throw the word "Nazi" around so much and so inaccurately that it loses all meaning

They do the same with "Marxist" and "commie"

They might as well be saying "doodoo head".
Oh, it's entirely accurate. The paralels are uncanny. Just take the Democrat's Reichstag fire. We're hearing all the same hysterical rhetoric the NAZIs spewed after the original Reichstag fire. The Democrat Reich has repeatedly threatened to lock up anyone who disputes its version of the facts.

The only people involved in the Jan 6 terrorist attack was right wing Trump terrorists. There is no doubt what happened. You are enemies of this country.
There was no terrorist attack. That's a NAZI lie.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
Haha, yeah I’m crabby. I started to research what this Q business is all about and got sucked into the Rabbit hole and saw how unbelievably crazy and disgusting these narratives are. They make Scientologists look sane. And then to see a congress woman, a national security advisor and our president coddle this stuff it is pretty infuriating. I’m sick of the lies and the garbage and would rather talk about policy but I don’t think we can get there until these people and these narratives get called out by a strong majority of people from all parties
You can end the lies and the garbage simply by stop spewing them.
I agree. Take your advice and stop spewing them then
I saw this. He was brutally honest. Either the GOP kicks trump to the curb or they will be the GOPQ.

The GOP went Q and tRump quite sometime ago. Facts don't matter anymore. It's all about loyalty and blind devotion to stupid conspiracy theories. They traded their faith for a cult of personality and it's a very sad thing to watch play out.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
Haha, yeah I’m crabby. I started to research what this Q business is all about and got sucked into the Rabbit hole and saw how unbelievably crazy and disgusting these narratives are. They make Scientologists look sane. And then to see a congress woman, a national security advisor and our president coddle this stuff it is pretty infuriating. I’m sick of the lies and the garbage and would rather talk about policy but I don’t think we can get there until these people and these narratives get called out by a strong majority of people from all parties
Just let it go. Trump can’t do shit for four years. He ll be 78? Four years is a lifetime. Hell my kids will be in HS then!! We need to garner a road map to open up our country and get our kids back to school. Instead of focusing on this the Democrats are focusing on impeachment of a person who lost by seven million votes. That is fucking insanity. Biden has the House and the Senate. Make some changes and let’s get back on our feet. Forget this dirty partisan politics but that doesn’t sell viewers so the News Entertainment media gaslights both sides. It is most unfortunate and morons like the OP play right into it.
Biden has been focused on that and hasn’t said much of anything about Trump. But if you think Trump is irrelevant then just wait a couple weeks. He is laying low because of impeachment and once that is over he is going to hit the propaganda media stations hard and all these narratives I’m calling out as BS are going to jump to the forefront again. I was hoping for a censure as I didn’t think impeachment would pass but either way there needs to be punishment for his actions and he shouldn’t be enabled and incentivized to carry on with his lies. I don’t think your suggestion of ignoring it is going to make it fizzle out.republicans need to stand up against it and so far very few are
Dims need to be punished for swindling the election. Trump hasn't done a thing except tell the Democrat Reich where to get off. You're a bunch of fucking NAZIs.

On one is fooled.
There you go again sounding like a complete Tard. Trump plays dictator and try’s to skip the legal system to overthrow our democracy, an action that couldnt be any more dictator like and then the idiots like yourself try and call the Dems Nazis. It doesn’t get more Comical
When did Trump play dictator? Can you identify a single thing he did that was dictatorish? Of course you can't. You're spouting Dem NAZI talking points. How is he trying to "skip the legal system?" Just about everything you post is both absurd and an outright lie.
Yes I just identified a thing he did. Challenged our democracy by trying to illegally over turn our election so he can stay in power. Spewed propaganda and lies to his followers and inspired a resurrection. It literally doesn’t get more dictatorish than that
How did he "illegally" try to overturn the election? Everything he did was 100% legal.

He lied to his followers? You mean he didn't tell the 100% truth like Biden? You are a special kind of stupid, and gullible.

Where is the crime of "inspiring" in the federal code?

Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison? How about ending freedom of speech? How about swindling an election?
He lied about the election being stolen for months. He told his followers that Pence could reject the votes when he could not legally do so. He literally told a mob of thousands to go fight against our democratic process which elected Joe Biden. All because he can’t take losing. He had plenty of time to challenge the election legally. He couldn’t even present a case that had enough merit to go to trail. That’s pathetic
I saw this. He was brutally honest. Either the GOP kicks trump to the curb or they will be the GOPQ.

The GOP went Q and tRump quite sometime ago. Facts don't matter anymore. It's all about loyalty and blind devotion to stupid conspiracy theories. They traded their faith for a cult of personality and it's a very sad thing to watch play out.
When a political party worships one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The support for trump is falling dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the GOPQ wants to continue in their worship, it will be their loss.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
The Democrat Reich needs a boogyman.
Yep but more so the News Entertainment Media. No one is going to watch CNN if they only cover actual news.
You sound like a Lou Dobbs supporter! :laughing0301:
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
The Democrat Reich needs a boogyman.
Yep but more so the News Entertainment Media. No one is going to watch CNN if they only cover actual news.
You sound like a Lou Dobbs supporter! :laughing0301:
Lou Dobbs is an old man. I don't watch old men talking. Does that turn you on? Weirdo.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
Trump is a distant memory but you keep bringing him up. Weirdo.
Distant memory?! There is an impeachment trial happening next week?! You need to formulate better arguments
He is a distant memory to most but the Democrats won’t let it go. You need to get your head out of the sand. If the Democrats stopped talking about him no one would bring him up. Jeezuz
Didn’t the House Minority leader just fly down to Maralago and release a photo of him meeting with Trump. Didn’t a congresswoman give a presser yesterday and proclaim that the GOP is the party of Trump? You’re argument is failing miserably when held to the facts
No idea. He lost the election and cannot do anything for another four years. That’s a lifetime. Just move on. The more you bring him up the more his presence is felt. How you a mostly logical person doesn’t see that is mind boggling. I disagree with you when it comes to politics on most issues but usually you’re somewhat logical. Having a bad day?
Haha, yeah I’m crabby. I started to research what this Q business is all about and got sucked into the Rabbit hole and saw how unbelievably crazy and disgusting these narratives are. They make Scientologists look sane. And then to see a congress woman, a national security advisor and our president coddle this stuff it is pretty infuriating. I’m sick of the lies and the garbage and would rather talk about policy but I don’t think we can get there until these people and these narratives get called out by a strong majority of people from all parties
Just let it go. Trump can’t do shit for four years. He ll be 78? Four years is a lifetime. Hell my kids will be in HS then!! We need to garner a road map to open up our country and get our kids back to school. Instead of focusing on this the Democrats are focusing on impeachment of a person who lost by seven million votes. That is fucking insanity. Biden has the House and the Senate. Make some changes and let’s get back on our feet. Forget this dirty partisan politics but that doesn’t sell viewers so the News Entertainment media gaslights both sides. It is most unfortunate and morons like the OP play right into it.
Biden has been focused on that and hasn’t said much of anything about Trump. But if you think Trump is irrelevant then just wait a couple weeks. He is laying low because of impeachment and once that is over he is going to hit the propaganda media stations hard and all these narratives I’m calling out as BS are going to jump to the forefront again. I was hoping for a censure as I didn’t think impeachment would pass but either way there needs to be punishment for his actions and he shouldn’t be enabled and incentivized to carry on with his lies. I don’t think your suggestion of ignoring it is going to make it fizzle out.republicans need to stand up against it and so far very few are
Dims need to be punished for swindling the election. Trump hasn't done a thing except tell the Democrat Reich where to get off. You're a bunch of fucking NAZIs.

On one is fooled.
There you go again sounding like a complete Tard. Trump plays dictator and try’s to skip the legal system to overthrow our democracy, an action that couldnt be any more dictator like and then the idiots like yourself try and call the Dems Nazis. It doesn’t get more Comical
When did Trump play dictator? Can you identify a single thing he did that was dictatorish? Of course you can't. You're spouting Dem NAZI talking points. How is he trying to "skip the legal system?" Just about everything you post is both absurd and an outright lie.
Yes I just identified a thing he did. Challenged our democracy by trying to illegally over turn our election so he can stay in power. Spewed propaganda and lies to his followers and inspired a resurrection. It literally doesn’t get more dictatorish than that
How did he "illegally" try to overturn the election? Everything he did was 100% legal.

He lied to his followers? You mean he didn't tell the 100% truth like Biden? You are a special kind of stupid, and gullible.

Where is the crime of "inspiring" in the federal code?

Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison? How about ending freedom of speech? How about swindling an election?
He lied about the election being stolen for months. He told his followers that Pence could reject the votes when he could not legally do so. He literally told a mob of thousands to go fight against our democratic process which elected Joe Biden. All because he can’t take losing. He had plenty of time to challenge the election legally. He couldn’t even present a case that had enough merit to go to trail. That’s pathetic
Those are all NAZI lies. The Democrat Reich swindled the election. the proof is irrefutable. More comes out every day. Pointing out facts is not a crime. All but two of the judges were Democrats. There's a reason they conducted the swindle in Democrat counties.

I could go on an on, but I tire of repeating these facts 10,000 times.

Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
I saw this. He was brutally honest. Either the GOP kicks trump to the curb or they will be the GOPQ.

The GOP went Q and tRump quite sometime ago. Facts don't matter anymore. It's all about loyalty and blind devotion to stupid conspiracy theories. They traded their faith for a cult of personality and it's a very sad thing to watch play out.
When a political party worships one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The support for trump is falling dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the GOPQ wants to continue in their worship, it will be their loss.
When a political party is obsessed with one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The hatred for trump is rising dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the Democrats wants to continue in their obsession, it will be their loss.

FIXED IT FOR YA....Leftist sheep
I saw this. He was brutally honest. Either the GOP kicks trump to the curb or they will be the GOPQ.

The GOP went Q and tRump quite sometime ago. Facts don't matter anymore. It's all about loyalty and blind devotion to stupid conspiracy theories. They traded their faith for a cult of personality and it's a very sad thing to watch play out.
When a political party worships one person over their well established policies and principles...they have lost their way. The support for trump is falling dramatically, especially after January 6th. If the GOPQ wants to continue in their worship, it will be their loss.
No one worships Trump, NAZI. Worshipping politicians is a fetish of the Democrat Reich.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?

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