Benghazi chair ignored lawyer who contradicted his opinion of Benghazi attack

Cut the shit...I watched the Benghazi hearings and I saw witness after witness come forward and testify as to what really went down that night. People were demoted, people were given hour long polygraph tests once a week to see if they could find those that were leaking information to the press. We later found out that reporters were having their cellphone records confiscated so they could trace their calls to potential leakers. We know that it was a weapons exchange to put them into the hands of al qaeda to fight a proxy war against Assad. We know that the attack lasted 7 hours and that stand down orders were given. We also know that several Seal team members refused the order and came up behind the paid CIA mercenaries and started firing on them. The mercenaries, believing that they had been betrayed took it out on Stevens by killing him but not before he was sodomized repeatedly. The WH knew ALL about this and they purposely covered it up and they sent some lackey to do the Sunday talk show circuit to make the claim that it was a riot due to some youtube video.

This dog and pony show that is this investigation is a joke just like Iran/Contra, the Warren Commission, the 9/11 hearings, etc,etc.....just something to placate the people. Seriously, this country is absolutely full of stupid fucks with no critical thinking skills....but hey, keep waving those "Go Team Demcrat" and "Go Team Neocon" flags because that makes it all better. You would be better off waving a shit-filled diaper on a stick because at the end of the day, it's always the same bunch of shit.
Sure the U.S. Military acted properly. What else would you expect from the guy who was in charge of the U.S. Military at the time? The fact is that a Military commander only operates out of orders from the civilian command. Even an order to "stand down" would be interpreted as "acting properly" in the convoluted military/political jargon used in defense of the administration.

We are so glad that you have investigated this matter properly and come up with that conclusion....:woohoo:
Democrats: Benghazi chairman ignores statement by GOP lawyer

Just another example of Party over Country...over and over and over...and...

Now let's charge back the majority of the expense for this overblown witch hunt to the Republicans who drove it for political purposes.
It's now gone on for over 1,300 days at a minimum cost of 22 million dollars to the U.S. Taxpayers.
10 commissions involved
33 hearings
11 reports
money well spent. but i would like to get some of that clinton impeachment money back.

solyndra, cash for clunkers, shrimp on the treadmill, seven million for mark penn to start the birther movement, climate change... you get the idea.

four Americans killed only matters if it happens to you right?.

i find it hard to put a price on them, or the scandal about leaving them to die covered up.

it's all coming out, just in time for Bernie to get the nomination. also, i've never heard anything about the military not acting properly, it was the leadership that failed, then scandalized it.

i think the emails will tell the story of where obama and hillary were that night. we've already seen a lot, but there's so much more.

So you are the kind on wingnut that just ignores facts. Probably a Trumpite.
sorry for the families.

Yes, we all are. Everything was done that could be done. It is sad when the deaths of innocents are politicized for political gain.
or covered up to win an election.
So are the wingnuts really gonna try to take another swing a this after whiffing so badly last October??
The committee wanted to get at the truth but in collusion with the Hildebeast the media turned it into a selfie for Hillary. These investigations need to be done properly and Hillary shouldn't be allowed to dictate terms on how it is conducted.

Truth is, Hillary has worse problems than Benghazi. Benghazi simply illustrates her tendency toward criminal negligence. Too bad those guys lost their lives because of it. We still have a bunch of retards still willing to vote for Hillary so she can cause more Benghazis.
Party over country is exactly what the Dims do. They are willing to install a deeply flawed candidate simply because she is their best opportunity to hang on to the established cronyism in government and continue lining their pockets with cash. Dead heroes mean nothing to them. The rule of law means nothing. National security. Their only hope is to throw so much shit out there that the average American gives up. Liberals turned the party of JFK into the party of shit.
So are the wingnuts really gonna try to take another swing a this after whiffing so badly last October??
The committee wanted to get at the truth but in collusion with the Hildebeast the media turned it into a selfie for Hillary. These investigations need to be done properly and Hillary shouldn't be allowed to dictate terms on how it is conducted.

Truth is, Hillary has worse problems than Benghazi. Benghazi simply illustrates her tendency toward criminal negligence. Too bad those guys lost their lives because of it. We still have a bunch of retards still willing to vote for Hillary so she can cause more Benghazis.
Hillary has so many chinks in her armor, i'm confident Trump will get in.
Party over country is exactly what the Dims do. They are willing to install a deeply flawed candidate simply because she is their best opportunity to hang on to the established cronyism in government and continue lining their pockets with cash. Dead heroes mean nothing to them. The rule of law means nothing. National security. Their only hope is to throw so much shit out there that the average American gives up. Liberals turned the party of JFK into the party of shit.
JFK wasn't so great. Jackie was though.
Sure the U.S. Military acted properly. What else would you expect from the guy who was in charge of the U.S. Military at the time? The fact is that a Military commander only operates out of orders from the civilian command. Even an order to "stand down" would be interpreted as "acting properly" in the convoluted military/political jargon used in defense of the administration.

We are so glad that you have investigated this matter properly and come up with that conclusion....:woohoo:
sorry jimbo no rating from me, this boards needs a loser button. But you're not on ignore.
Party over country is exactly what the Dims do. They are willing to install a deeply flawed candidate simply because she is their best opportunity to hang on to the established cronyism in government and continue lining their pockets with cash. Dead heroes mean nothing to them. The rule of law means nothing. National security. Their only hope is to throw so much shit out there that the average American gives up. Liberals turned the party of JFK into the party of shit.
JFK wasn't so great. Jackie was though.
I agree he was overrated and the unfortunate history played a role but he pushed lower taxes and personal responsibility "ask not what your country can do...", the dims wouldn't give him the time of day today.
So are the wingnuts really gonna try to take another swing a this after whiffing so badly last October??
The committee wanted to get at the truth but in collusion with the Hildebeast the media turned it into a selfie for Hillary. These investigations need to be done properly and Hillary shouldn't be allowed to dictate terms on how it is conducted.

Yup, I remember how certain committee members complained about how the committee was held live instead of behind closed doors. Don't blame them at all for being mad that she made them all look like doofuses.

How dastardly of her.

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