Benghazi Hero’s Dad Reveals Bombshell Document That Could PROVE Hillary Lied [VIDEO]

How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

We could have thwarted the Benghazi attack by beefing up security at the Consulate. How would you have prevented 9/11, round up all young Muslim males???
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

and the dozen attacks and 50 dead at our embassies around the world.

they conveniently forget that.
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

We could have thwarted the Benghazi attack by beefing up security at the Consulate. How would you have prevented 9/11, round up all young Muslim males???

we could have avoided 9/11 if baby bush hadn't ignored the presidential daily briefing of august, 2001, that said bin laden determined to strike inside US using our planes and if he had paid attention to FBI reports that there were people taking flying lessons who only wanted to learn to steer, not take off and land.

no one believes the attack on benghazi could have been avoided. and if the point were to make sure things like it could never happen again, the multiple reports and hearings would have sufficed and the wingers would have brought in people like petraeus. but they didn't.

I win. :)
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

and the dozen attacks and 50 dead at our embassies around the world.

they conveniently forget that.

They deaths occurred OUTSIDE of the embassies. Are we truly the world police and responsible for crime OUTSIDE our Embassies?
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

We could have thwarted the Benghazi attack by beefing up security at the Consulate. How would you have prevented 9/11, round up all young Muslim males???

we could have avoided 9/11 if baby bush hadn't ignored the presidential daily briefing of august, 2001, that said bin laden determined to strike inside US using our planes and if he had paid attention to FBI reports that there were people taking flying lessons who only wanted to learn to steer, not take off and land.

no one believes the attack could have been avoided.

I win. :)

OK. President Jilly received the briefing...what are your orders?

How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

and the dozen attacks and 50 dead at our embassies around the world.

they conveniently forget that.

They deaths occurred OUTSIDE of the embassies. Are we truly the world police and responsible for crime OUTSIDE our Embassies?

facile argument.....
Both administrations and Congress are responsible for the lapses in embassy protection. What bugs me is that protection was not upgraded when asked for, out of State discretionary fund, and the Congress keeps dragging its feet on these issues.

Both Administrations??? Obama 1 & 2 right?
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

and the dozen attacks and 50 dead at our embassies around the world.

they conveniently forget that.
Both parties "conveniently forget" their own errors while blaming the other side. The Bushies fucked up badly in the embassy attacks during that time, and I don't think Benghazi brings any luster to the BHO administration.

We need our parties to be concerned about the Nation not just their power, prestige, and position.
the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

and the dozen attacks and 50 dead at our embassies around the world.

they conveniently forget that.

They deaths occurred OUTSIDE of the embassies. Are we truly the world police and responsible for crime OUTSIDE our Embassies?

facile argument.....

Facile is just another way of say "winning"
the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

We could have thwarted the Benghazi attack by beefing up security at the Consulate. How would you have prevented 9/11, round up all young Muslim males???

we could have avoided 9/11 if baby bush hadn't ignored the presidential daily briefing of august, 2001, that said bin laden determined to strike inside US using our planes and if he had paid attention to FBI reports that there were people taking flying lessons who only wanted to learn to steer, not take off and land.

no one believes the attack could have been avoided.

I win. :)

OK. President Jilly received the briefing...what are your orders?


probably start by looking into it and not telling the guy who brought the report that he had "covered his ass". I also probably would have listened to the briefings on bin laden given by the prior administration instead of only demanding info on Iraq.

how's that for a start. it's pretty much what anyone competent and whose agenda wasn't to attack Iraq would have done.
Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

and the dozen attacks and 50 dead at our embassies around the world.

they conveniently forget that.

They deaths occurred OUTSIDE of the embassies. Are we truly the world police and responsible for crime OUTSIDE our Embassies?

facile argument.....

Facile is just another way of say "winning"

it was actually a nice way of saying absurd.

but it's ok sweetie. I still like you.
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

We could have thwarted the Benghazi attack by beefing up security at the Consulate. How would you have prevented 9/11, round up all young Muslim males???
Could have raised airport security to at least try to thwart the hijackings Bush was warned could be part of a plot to attack the U.S.
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the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

We could have thwarted the Benghazi attack by beefing up security at the Consulate. How would you have prevented 9/11, round up all young Muslim males???

we could have avoided 9/11 if baby bush hadn't ignored the presidential daily briefing of august, 2001, that said bin laden determined to strike inside US using our planes and if he had paid attention to FBI reports that there were people taking flying lessons who only wanted to learn to steer, not take off and land.

no one believes the attack could have been avoided.

I win. :)

OK. President Jilly received the briefing...what are your orders?

To a warning that terrorists were preparing to hijack planes in the U.S. to attack us?

Raise airport security.
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right inside
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

We could have thwarted the Benghazi attack by beefing up security at the Consulate. How would you have prevented 9/11, round up all young Muslim males???
Could have raised airport security to at least try to thwart the hijackings Bush was warned could be part of a plot to attack the U.S.

Well, first of all, it's more likely than not that the CIA had a hand in 9/11 so nothing would have prevented it. I ask the question just to see how much of a disconnect there is between the "Bush could have prevented 911" and the steps that should have been taken to prevent it.

Were we going to do an FDR and round up all young Muslim males?

Were we going to shoot down off-course fully loaded US commercial airliners?

I usually just get drool back
Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

We could have thwarted the Benghazi attack by beefing up security at the Consulate. How would you have prevented 9/11, round up all young Muslim males???

we could have avoided 9/11 if baby bush hadn't ignored the presidential daily briefing of august, 2001, that said bin laden determined to strike inside US using our planes and if he had paid attention to FBI reports that there were people taking flying lessons who only wanted to learn to steer, not take off and land.

no one believes the attack could have been avoided.

I win. :)

OK. President Jilly received the briefing...what are your orders?

To a warning that terrorists were preparing to hijack planes in the U.S. to attack us?

Raise airport security.



Tell me more!!

Do we profile young Muslim males?
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

and the dozen attacks and 50 dead at our embassies around the world.

they conveniently forget that.

They deaths occurred OUTSIDE of the embassies. Are we truly the world police and responsible for crime OUTSIDE our Embassies?

facile argument.....

Facile is just another way of say "winning"

it was actually a nice way of saying absurd.

but it's ok sweetie. I still like you.

All those attacks happened OUTSIDE of the compounds which, before now, was actually foreign soil.
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right inside
the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

We could have thwarted the Benghazi attack by beefing up security at the Consulate. How would you have prevented 9/11, round up all young Muslim males???
Could have raised airport security to at least try to thwart the hijackings Bush was warned could be part of a plot to attack the U.S.

Well, first of all, it's more likely than not that the CIA had a hand in 9/11 so nothing would have prevented it. I ask the question just to see how much of a disconnect there is between the "Bush could have prevented 911" and the steps that should have been taken to prevent it.

Were we going to do an FDR and round up all young Muslim males?

Were we going to shoot down off-course fully loaded US commercial airliners?

I usually just get drool back
Your conspiracy theories are not part of the conversation. And I said nothing about shooting down commercial jets.

You get a warning that terrorists are preparing to hijack airplanes, you raise airport security. Who knows why that sounds too complicated for ya? :dunno:
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.

We could have thwarted the Benghazi attack by beefing up security at the Consulate. How would you have prevented 9/11, round up all young Muslim males???

we could have avoided 9/11 if baby bush hadn't ignored the presidential daily briefing of august, 2001, that said bin laden determined to strike inside US using our planes and if he had paid attention to FBI reports that there were people taking flying lessons who only wanted to learn to steer, not take off and land.

no one believes the attack could have been avoided.

I win. :)

OK. President Jilly received the briefing...what are your orders?

To a warning that terrorists were preparing to hijack planes in the U.S. to attack us?

Raise airport security.



Tell me more!!

Do we profile young Muslim males?
No, you profile everyone at the airports.

You raise airport security and there's at least an opportunity to thwart the attack.

You do what Bush did -- which was absolutely fucking nothing -- and there's no chance at preventing the attack.
her own emails proved that she lied. there is no question about that. it has been established by her own written records.
Nobody cares she's a liar..

They started to think her being exposed would make her unelectable.

Now that she's been paraded in front of cameras and the media has declared her as looking she has the support she needs. The rats jumped off the Titanic too soon. Now the Bitch is Back.

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