Benghazi Hero’s Dad Reveals Bombshell Document That Could PROVE Hillary Lied [VIDEO]

Trolling and spamming does not make it true, Frank. You cannot accept the truth that it was not what you want it to be.

The American electorate knows your interp is false.

Trot along. That is not going to change.

Jake, Hillary knew it was a terrorist attack and said so.

Why did she lie about a terror attack on the anniversary of 9/11?

“We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack—not a protest"- Hillary Clinton helping Obama cover up a terrorist attack at Benghazi
Your mischaracterization does not stand up in the committee, Frank.

Keep spamming and trolling, which will catch up to you.

Jake, I keep reposting in the hopes you're not totally retarded and can understand Hillary's admission that she helped Obama cover up a terror attack
i'm afraid that boat has sailed for starkey, sorry jake, but you are in the top five faithful libs on this board. hillary justifies the means, damn the costs. some feel that way about the republicans. we can't lose that, it's healthy.
however, "i misspoke" is the new whatever.
Trolling and spamming does not make it true, Frank. You cannot accept the truth that it was not what you want it to be.

The American electorate knows your interp is false.

Trot along. That is not going to change.

Jake, Hillary knew it was a terrorist attack and said so.

Why did she lie about a terror attack on the anniversary of 9/11?

“We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack—not a protest"- Hillary Clinton helping Obama cover up a terrorist attack at Benghazi
Your mischaracterization does not stand up in the committee, Frank.

Keep spamming and trolling, which will catch up to you.

Jake, I keep reposting in the hopes you're not totally retarded and can understand Hillary's admission that she helped Obama cover up a terror attack
the pattern i see with respect to benghazi, no one mentioned hillary after it happened, now no one mentions obama. pretty slick.
Trolling and spamming does not make it true, Frank. You cannot accept the truth that it was not what you want it to be.

The American electorate knows your interp is false.

Trot along. That is not going to change.

Jake, Hillary knew it was a terrorist attack and said so.

Why did she lie about a terror attack on the anniversary of 9/11?

“We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack—not a protest"- Hillary Clinton helping Obama cover up a terrorist attack at Benghazi
i'm not sure which is more scary, misleading intentionally the country just before a national election,
or the Americans so easily misled.
They're only smiling because sheep like you buy into their lies...
Name one factual lie, as opposed to everything Pubs say, fool.
How about the fact that Hillary sent an email to Chelsea stating it was a terrorist attack, then told the American people it was caused by a video???

Face it, your defense of Hillary exposed you as a fool and a tool.
How about the fact you have no evidence of 'wrongdoing.'

How about the fact you have no evidence of a 'crime.'

How about the fact you have no evidence of a 'cover up.'

How about the fact that House republicans have admitted that 'Benghazi' is about politics, not finding 'facts' or 'the truth.'

And how about the fact that the 'Benghazi' committee has found no evidence of 'wrongdoing,' of a 'crime,' of a 'cover up,' and whose chairman admitted Thursday’s 'hearing' revealed nothing new or relevant.

Those are the only facts which matter – not the right's baseless, unfounded speculation, spin, and lies.

Face it: you have nothing, you never did; all you have is an unwarranted hatred of Clinton, and the well-deserved contempt of the American people.
But doesn't logical reasoning point to a cover up? The majority of personnel that were in Benghazi were CIA. The compound was not officially recognized by the State Dept. The guards hired to keep watch of the outside of the compound were locals. They were trying to keep a low profile which is not consistent with a diplomatic mission.
It's unfortunate that the republicans are a bunch of dupes going after Hillary in an ill-fated attempt at keeping her out of the White House. They are missing an opportunity to expose an even larger conspiracy.

Yes, that Obama was arming Al Qaeda, ISIS and Islamic Jihad through the Consulate.

Right. We already know that
Then the only question I have as a follow up is did it hurt when you were dropped on your head as a child?

After 3 years and how many investigations later you haven't figured out yet that you are only hurting your cause. Stupid republican dupes.
i'm afraid that boat has sailed for starkey, sorry jake, but you are in the top five faithful libs on this board. hillary justifies the means, damn the costs. some feel that way about the republicans. we can't lose that, it's healthy.
however, "i misspoke" is the new whatever.
You are talking out of your butt. I am a mainstream Republican, and you with Frank are far right loons. The committee has not made the conclusions you and Frank jump to. Tis what its.
Name one factual lie, as opposed to everything Pubs say, fool.
How about the fact that Hillary sent an email to Chelsea stating it was a terrorist attack, then told the American people it was caused by a video???

Face it, your defense of Hillary exposed you as a fool and a tool.
How about the fact you have no evidence of 'wrongdoing.'

How about the fact you have no evidence of a 'crime.'

How about the fact you have no evidence of a 'cover up.'

How about the fact that House republicans have admitted that 'Benghazi' is about politics, not finding 'facts' or 'the truth.'

And how about the fact that the 'Benghazi' committee has found no evidence of 'wrongdoing,' of a 'crime,' of a 'cover up,' and whose chairman admitted Thursday’s 'hearing' revealed nothing new or relevant.

Those are the only facts which matter – not the right's baseless, unfounded speculation, spin, and lies.

Face it: you have nothing, you never did; all you have is an unwarranted hatred of Clinton, and the well-deserved contempt of the American people.
But doesn't logical reasoning point to a cover up? The majority of personnel that were in Benghazi were CIA. The compound was not officially recognized by the State Dept. The guards hired to keep watch of the outside of the compound were locals. They were trying to keep a low profile which is not consistent with a diplomatic mission.
It's unfortunate that the republicans are a bunch of dupes going after Hillary in an ill-fated attempt at keeping her out of the White House. They are missing an opportunity to expose an even larger conspiracy.

Yes, that Obama was arming Al Qaeda, ISIS and Islamic Jihad through the Consulate.

Right. We already know that
Then the only question I have as a follow up is did it hurt when you were dropped on your head as a child?

After 3 years and how many investigations later you haven't figured out yet that you are only hurting your cause. Stupid republican dupes.

The Benghazi Terror attack. What did she know? When did she lie about knowing it?
i'm afraid that boat has sailed for starkey, sorry jake, but you are in the top five faithful libs on this board. hillary justifies the means, damn the costs. some feel that way about the republicans. we can't lose that, it's healthy.
however, "i misspoke" is the new whatever.
You are talking out of your butt. I am a mainstream Republican, and you with Frank are far right loons. The committee has not made the conclusions you and Frank jump to. Tis what its.

The Committee hasn't cleared your girl either as you keep saying
i'm not sure which is more scary, misleading intentionally the country just before a national election, or the Americans so easily misled.
That is a good question. Why is the committee misleading the country, wash?

Jake snorts the Obama Kool-Aid straight from the can.

Hillary admitted it was a terror attack, Jake
Where does the committee concluded she did wrong, Frank. Your conclusion does not matter.
i'm afraid that boat has sailed for starkey, sorry jake, but you are in the top five faithful libs on this board. hillary justifies the means, damn the costs. some feel that way about the republicans. we can't lose that, it's healthy.
however, "i misspoke" is the new whatever.
You are talking out of your butt. I am a mainstream Republican, and you with Frank are far right loons. The committee has not made the conclusions you and Frank jump to. Tis what its.

The Committee hasn't cleared your girl either as you keep saying
You are mischaracterizing what I wrote, deliberately. I said nothing of the sort about being "cleared". Where has the committee concluded she did wrong.
i'm afraid that boat has sailed for starkey, sorry jake, but you are in the top five faithful libs on this board. hillary justifies the means, damn the costs. some feel that way about the republicans. we can't lose that, it's healthy.
however, "i misspoke" is the new whatever.
You are talking out of your butt. I am a mainstream Republican, and you with Frank are far right loons. The committee has not made the conclusions you and Frank jump to. Tis what its.

The Committee hasn't cleared your girl either as you keep saying
You are mischaracterizing what I wrote, deliberately. I said nothing of the sort about being "cleared". Where has the committee concluded she did wrong.

The Committee hasn't concluded ANYTHING right now, so please stop saying they cleared her or found she did no wrong
i'm afraid that boat has sailed for starkey, sorry jake, but you are in the top five faithful libs on this board. hillary justifies the means, damn the costs. some feel that way about the republicans. we can't lose that, it's healthy.
however, "i misspoke" is the new whatever.
You are talking out of your butt. I am a mainstream Republican, and you with Frank are far right loons. The committee has not made the conclusions you and Frank jump to. Tis what its.

The Committee hasn't cleared your girl either as you keep saying
And the FBI is still investigating her.
The first and only time Jake will meet the Truth is when they're both circling the event horizon of a Black Hole
BTW. I congratulate Hillary for finally going nuclear on Obama. She could have deleted the "We know it's a terror attack e-mail" but she let them out in the open. She's going to have Obama stop the FBI investigation now
i'm afraid that boat has sailed for starkey, sorry jake, but you are in the top five faithful libs on this board. hillary justifies the means, damn the costs. some feel that way about the republicans. we can't lose that, it's healthy.
however, "i misspoke" is the new whatever.
You are talking out of your butt. I am a mainstream Republican, and you with Frank are far right loons. The committee has not made the conclusions you and Frank jump to. Tis what its.

The Committee hasn't cleared your girl either as you keep saying
You are mischaracterizing what I wrote, deliberately. I said nothing of the sort about being "cleared". Where has the committee concluded she did wrong.
The Committee hasn't concluded ANYTHING right now, so please stop saying they cleared her or found she did no wrong
Frank, I have not said anything of the sort; that is a mischaractrization of yours. I have said that they have made no conclusions she did wrong doing. After three years, and the statements of two Congressmen and a former staffer that they are trying to hurt her campaign, I doubt they will. 50% of GOP think like I do.
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.

I agree.

Clinton's State Department did nothing and four very good men died.

Anyone with an ounce of brains knows this.

Of course being incompetent isn't a criminal offense.

Of course the lefty loons on this board have no problem with Clinton's incompetence.

They will vote for her anyway and defend her to the death.

Just goes to show. You can't cure stupid.

Oh and no one will be held accountable for those deaths. But the buck will always stop at her desk.
How can you people keep claiming that the hearing "didn't prove anything" when it most certainly did prove a number of key things? How? Did you watch the hearing? Can you read? Have you read the transcript? Some very important facts were brought to light during the hearing, and when faced with them Hillary told a number of obvious lies and distortions.

the chair of the committee said it didn't prove anything.

but keep going.... it's amusing. stupid and ignorant... but amusing.

Actually, the chairman said the opposite. He said the committee's investigation has brought out a number of important new facts and evidence. Go read his opening statement. Go read his comments later during the hearing, when he pointed out some of the disclosures that had come to light and that Hillary had been forced to face during the hearing.

Part of the problem is that you guys just don't care that Hillary's incompetence got four Americans killed and that she participated in a cover-up that tried to get us to believe that the attack was a spontaneous incident and not a planned assault. You don't care how much Hillary lied because you reject traditional notions of right and wrong and honesty and integrity.
I always find it amusing watching the right chastise the left for voting for Hilllary despite their preceived notion her incompetence failed to protect 4 Americans on the other side of the planet; even though they voted for Bush after his incompetence allowed 3000 people to die on 9.11 right here inside our own border.
Both administrations and Congress are responsible for the lapses in embassy protection. What bugs me is that protection was not upgraded when asked for, out of State discretionary fund, and the Congress keeps dragging its feet on these issues.

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