Benghazi; no cover up. No lies, no negligence, no lack of security.

If everything was peaches and cream in Benghazi why do we have a dead Ambassador on our hands?

Who said it was Peaches and Cream? Fact is it was an attack on America and the republican candidate did not stand with America that day. His untimely attack on the president give our enemies hope that they can divide us further.

Fair enough.

Do you believe Obama has lessened any hope our enemies have of dividing us?
Of course the pubs will try to use this for political gain. Mittens was the first out of the block to do so. They are unscrupulous in their quest to regain power.

Nope they'll use this administrations corrupt policies and politics agaisnt them.....You have no answer for Benghazi other than blaming it on a film

which is hilarious since liberals always back video games, movies, and music when people blame shit on them....but in this case........hmmmmmm

I'll blame the terrorist and unlike Mr. Sketch who blames the administration. No better than people who on 9-12-2001 blamed President Bush.

Are you seriously trying to say that the film in question had nothing to do with the protests thoughout the Arab world? Or was it all a ruse to hide the fact that terrorist were planning an attack on an American outpost? Perhap you think that the Obama Administration faked the whole thing to hide the fact that we got attacked again?
It is astounding that liberals will praise Obama for any and all things. His lack of response to this terrorist attack, and his idiotic blaming of a goddamned video is so un-presidential...he should be impeached immediately.

He does not have the balls to be a good CIC.

He is too apologetic to god-forsaken Islam and the goddamned radical Muslims to speak the truth about what happened. We got attacked ON HIS WATCH and he did absolutely NOTHING about it...except to try to blame it on a video despite KNOWING that it was an attack by radical fucking Muslims.

Obama is the lowest form of liar!

Liars such as LilOlLady take lessons from him daily!

THIS :clap2:
If everything was peaches and cream in Benghazi why do we have a dead Ambassador on our hands?

Who said it was Peaches and Cream? Fact is it was an attack on America and the republican candidate did not stand with America that day. His untimely attack on the president give our enemies hope that they can divide us further.

What truly divides us all is an administration who would lie for days on end trying to convince everyone that this was a spontaneous attack by a crowd over a video.
If everything was peaches and cream in Benghazi why do we have a dead Ambassador on our hands?

Who said it was Peaches and Cream? Fact is it was an attack on America and the republican candidate did not stand with America that day. His untimely attack on the president give our enemies hope that they can divide us further.

Democrats did that for 8 years...starting with Bush reading to kids....yeah they blamed Bush for remaining calm and not sounding the alarm bell in a room full of children

Which Leader of the Democrats are you claiming did that?

In reality here is what they did.

Members of Congress promised to "stand together" and vowed revenge in the aftermath of terror attacks Tuesday that killed hundreds, perhaps thousands, in Washington and New York.

Tuesday evening, lawmakers gathered on the steps of the Capitol for a symbolic display of unity and an apparently spontaneous chorus of "God Bless America."

"Senators and House members, Democrats and Republicans will stand shoulder-to-shoulder to fight this evil that has perpetrated on this nation," said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Illinois. "We will stand together to make sure that those who have brought forth this evil deed will pay the price."

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, assailed the "despicable acts" and declared that Congress would convene Wednesday.

"As the representatives of the people, we are here to declare that our resolve has not been weakened by these horrific and cowardly acts," he said.

Congress vows unity, reprisals for attacks - CNN
If everything was peaches and cream in Benghazi why do we have a dead Ambassador on our hands?

Who said it was Peaches and Cream? Fact is it was an attack on America and the republican candidate did not stand with America that day. His untimely attack on the president give our enemies hope that they can divide us further.

Lil Ol Lady made it sound like everything was fine there in the OP.
If everything was peaches and cream in Benghazi why do we have a dead Ambassador on our hands?

Who said it was Peaches and Cream? Fact is it was an attack on America and the republican candidate did not stand with America that day. His untimely attack on the president give our enemies hope that they can divide us further.

Obama provided aid and comfort by putting his reelection and trip to Las Vegas ahead of actually dealing with the planned attack in a straightforward manner.

It is obvious that acknowledging the facts that his administration failed to provide security would not have been politically expedient. So he chose to do the cowardly thing and blame it on a man exercising his free speech...

He's Obumbler in Chief.
It is astounding that liberals will praise Obama for any and all things. His lack of response to this terrorist attack, and his idiotic blaming of a goddamned video is so un-presidential...he should be impeached immediately.

He does not have the balls to be a good CIC.

He is too apologetic to god-forsaken Islam and the goddamned radical Muslims to speak the truth about what happened. We got attacked ON HIS WATCH and he did absolutely NOTHING about it...except to try to blame it on a video despite KNOWING that it was an attack by radical fucking Muslims.

Obama is the lowest form of liar!

Liars such as LilOlLady take lessons from him daily!

Oh, c'mon now. Barry had a lot on his mind at the time and besides he had to pack for his jaunt out to Vegas.
Of course the pubs will try to use this for political gain. Mittens was the first out of the block to do so. They are unscrupulous in their quest to regain power.

Nope they'll use this administrations corrupt policies and politics agaisnt them.....You have no answer for Benghazi other than blaming it on a film

which is hilarious since liberals always back video games, movies, and music when people blame shit on them....but in this case........hmmmmmm

I'll blame the terrorist and unlike Mr. Sketch who blames the administration. No better than people who on 9-12-2001 blamed President Bush.

Are you seriously trying to say that the film in question had nothing to do with the protests thoughout the Arab world? Or was it all a ruse to hide the fact that terrorist were planning an attack on an American outpost? Perhap you think that the Obama Administration faked the whole thing to hide the fact that we got attacked again?

So you don't have any issue with the fact that Ambassador Stevens begged over and over for security other than Libyan militias?

So you don't have any issue with the fact that drones were overhead for all those hours and no action was taken ?


On Saturday, Gary Berntsen told CBS News that U.S. military officials had been able to watch the attack through unmanned aerial drones in the sky above Benghazi, and criticised them for being too slow to respond.

'They stood, and they watched, and our people died,' he said.

Defense Department officials considered sending troops in to rescue the ambassador and staff, but ultimately decided not to.

Stevens repeatedly pleaded with the State Department to ramp up his security team in Libyain the weeks, days and hours leading up to the terrorist attack, newly released cables have revealed.

The ambassador warned officials of a 'security vacuum' in Libya 'that is being exploited by independent actors' in one cable that described rapidly deteriorating security conditions.

'Islamic extremists are able to attack the Red Cross with impunity,' he wrote. 'What we have seen are not random crimes of opportunity but rather targeted discriminate attacks.'

Stevens said the attackers would not be deterred 'until authorities are at least as capable.'

Libya consulate attack: Second U.S. building attacked in Benghazi was CIA base | Mail Online
More progressive wishful thinking....... As if the last month of the Administration hiding behind a lie about a video never happened.
Who said it was Peaches and Cream? Fact is it was an attack on America and the republican candidate did not stand with America that day. His untimely attack on the president give our enemies hope that they can divide us further.

Democrats did that for 8 years...starting with Bush reading to kids....yeah they blamed Bush for remaining calm and not sounding the alarm bell in a room full of children

Which Leader of the Democrats are you claiming did that?

In reality here is what they did.

Members of Congress promised to "stand together" and vowed revenge in the aftermath of terror attacks Tuesday that killed hundreds, perhaps thousands, in Washington and New York.

Tuesday evening, lawmakers gathered on the steps of the Capitol for a symbolic display of unity and an apparently spontaneous chorus of "God Bless America."

"Senators and House members, Democrats and Republicans will stand shoulder-to-shoulder to fight this evil that has perpetrated on this nation," said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Illinois. "We will stand together to make sure that those who have brought forth this evil deed will pay the price."

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, assailed the "despicable acts" and declared that Congress would convene Wednesday.

"As the representatives of the people, we are here to declare that our resolve has not been weakened by these horrific and cowardly acts," he said.

Congress vows unity, reprisals for attacks - CNN

Bullshit....they were carping the day of....I lived it....they were bitching for EIGHT years about it.....they blamed Bush and Bush only....Hell you have Biden still talking about 2 wars on a credit card, which he voted for.....
If everything was peaches and cream in Benghazi why do we have a dead Ambassador on our hands?

Who said it was Peaches and Cream? Fact is it was an attack on America and the republican candidate did not stand with America that day. His untimely attack on the president give our enemies hope that they can divide us further.

What truly divides us all is an administration who would lie for days on end trying to convince everyone that this was a spontaneous attack by a crowd over a video.

No not really with all the riots the film was creating in the Arab world. It was statements from Romeny like this:

"It's disgraceful that the Obama Administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks."

The "sympathy" was expressed not by someone in the administration, but by a tweeter in the besieged embassy in Cairo. The fact that the tweets were written in fear doesn't excuse them (it does make them understandable), but it is ridiculous to blame Obama for them. Oh, and, by the way, Barack Obama has spent the past three years killing Islamist terrorists. Mitt Romney could acknowledge that, I suppose....

Romney's Statement After the First Death in Libya Slanders Obama - Jeffrey Goldberg - The Atlantic
BENGHAZI; NO COVER UP. NO LIES, NO NEGLIGENCE, NO LACK OF SECURITY. Only Radical Right Wing Extremist propaganda used for political gains.

There was an attack on the Consulate in Benghazi and four Americans die not by fire but by smoke inhalation from the fire an Obama immediately referred to the attack as an “act of terrorism” and thereafter.

What difference does it make if the fire was started by protestors or terrorist, four Americans are dead and seven Libyan security. By a mob protesting the anti-Muhammad video or by terrorist.

Fact is there were a 7 hour standoff and the terrorist never penetrated the consulate and never come in contact with any Americans. All Americans were evacuated except the four that died from smoke inhalation because they could not be found for evacuation and that tell me that there were sufficient security. American and Libyan. If there were a 7 hour standoff by security who were the security? Imaginary security? It appears to be an unfortunate accident due to separations of the four from security that was evacuating.

There is no evidence of a cover up, no lies, no negligence and no lack of security, but there is evidence of a tragedy being taken advantage of for political gains and that a disgrace and dirty politics at the highest at the bottom of the cesspool.

I got something to say to Trump that Obama cannot say, FUCK YOU. You fucking little weasel.
Democrats did that for 8 years...starting with Bush reading to kids....yeah they blamed Bush for remaining calm and not sounding the alarm bell in a room full of children

Which Leader of the Democrats are you claiming did that?

In reality here is what they did.

Members of Congress promised to "stand together" and vowed revenge in the aftermath of terror attacks Tuesday that killed hundreds, perhaps thousands, in Washington and New York.

Tuesday evening, lawmakers gathered on the steps of the Capitol for a symbolic display of unity and an apparently spontaneous chorus of "God Bless America."

"Senators and House members, Democrats and Republicans will stand shoulder-to-shoulder to fight this evil that has perpetrated on this nation," said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Illinois. "We will stand together to make sure that those who have brought forth this evil deed will pay the price."

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, assailed the "despicable acts" and declared that Congress would convene Wednesday.

"As the representatives of the people, we are here to declare that our resolve has not been weakened by these horrific and cowardly acts," he said.

Congress vows unity, reprisals for attacks - CNN

Bullshit....they were carping the day of....I lived it....they were bitching for EIGHT years about it.....they blamed Bush and Bush only....Hell you have Biden still talking about 2 wars on a credit card, which he voted for.....

Well then Buckey it shouldn't be hard to find some quotes of the Democrat leaders in Congress who blamed Bush and not the terrorist. Lets have um!
Of course the pubs will try to use this for political gain. Mittens was the first out of the block to do so. They are unscrupulous in their quest to regain power.

"Will" try?? No, they've been trying. Not succeeding, though.

Only Radical Right Wing Extremist propaganda used for political gains.
There was an attack on the Consulate in Benghazi and four Americans die not by fire but by smoke inhalation from the fire an Obama immediately referred to the attack as an “act of terrorism” and thereafter.
What difference does it make if the fire was started by protestors or terrorist, four Americans are dead and seven Libyan security. By a mob protesting the anti-Muhammad video or by terrorist.
Fact is there were a 7 hour standoff and the terrorist never penetrated the consulate and never come in contact with any Americans. All Americans were evacuated except the four that died from smoke inhalation because they could not be found for evacuation and that tell me that there were sufficient security. American and Libyan. If there were a 7 hour standoff by security who were the security? Imaginary security? It appears to be an unfortunate accident due to separations of the four from security that was evacuating.
There is no evidence of a cover up, no lies, no negligence and no lack of security, but there is evidence of a tragedy being taken advantage of for political gains and that a disgrace and dirty politics at the highest at the bottom of the cesspool.

I got something to say to Trump that Obama cannot say, FUCK YOU. You fucking little weasel.

The point is, that it shows a lack of leadership judgment.
They should have been pulled out of there by June, because of the many previous attacks.
The British and Red Cross showed good leadership by pulling their people out of there.
We should have done the same thing and they would still be alive like the British and Red Cross workers are.

Yes, it did. A serious lack of judgement. How difficult would it have been to remove a few people from a dangerous situtation? And with all the attacks that had been occuring in the area for months, how is it that they didn't already know who was behind it?

I am amazed at how the liberals can minimize anything when it comes to Obama.

And two of the victims weren't killed till the last few hours of the 7-hour attack. I suppose libs will now claim that it was the fire that raped the ambassador.

Obama did not say it was a terrorist attack at any time. An act of terror by protesters is not the same thing. We all know damn well what was claimed for over a week and the Obama administration still isn't telling the truth. Obama has spent more time condemning a video than he has the terrorists.

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