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Benghazi - There is nothing there

And a biased hack she truly is. What an idiot.
Yo, just look at who was President before Bush? Bill Clinton!!!

The lesson being that in 1993, they failed to topple the World Trade Center and they came back on September 11, 2001, and succeeded. And so, like The Sullivans, they came back and hit the Cole.

Well, we're not absolutely certain, I believe, that the same people who did the World Trade Center bombing 1 were the same people who came back and did the Trade Center bombing 2 this time. There are indications that there were links between the original group and the Osama bin Laden networks. But there are still some questions about how the World Trade Center group was connected to Osama bin Laden and whether or not in fact Osama bin Laden had given the order for that operation. I don't think we know that firmly yet.

So yes, Bill Clinton deserves more BLAME!!!

View attachment 80862

Bwahahaha....look who the Republican's candidate is:


Yo, what is the matter with you? No answer to my Post? Can`t handle Fact, it`s normal for brainless Mini Puppets!!!

View attachment 80864

I don't respond to idiots but I'm willing to make an exception if you were to post something of substance.

Oh, I see, you only like pictures.....bwahahaha.....that's about all you understand?

Yo, No Substance I See!!! Empty Upstairs, like all of you Hillary Clinton Supporters!!!

Bwahahaha.....Trump supporters have been polled and they are the ones that are uneducated and uninformed. You FAIL....idiot.

Trump overwhelmingly leads rivals in support from less educated Americans

Who Are Donald Trump's Supporters, Really?

I stopped reading at the gay laugh that you did for like the 100th time this thread.
Oh so you consider the deaths of four good men and her stupidity, carelessness and incompetence a mole hill??

Guess we all see what kind of a biased uncaring Hitlery supporter you are.

A supporter who will overlook anything even death so you can vote for an incompetent for POTUS.

Carry on sheep.

Bengazi committee didn't find anything against Hillary. Anne Stevens is not blaming Hillary but blamed the REPUBLICANS..... Here you are still blaming Hillary. Who are you again?

Oh and you need a committee investigation to see incompetence?? I sure don't.

They had months of warnings. Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out.

If our State Department had done the same there would have been no Benghazi.

And of course they found no wrong doing. Did you think they would?? I sure didn't.

You can't be charged with incompetence even if it cost the lives of four men.

Who are you again??

Bwahaha...and you keep insisting you're not Republican. You're so hypocritically transparent, too.

If Republicans had wanted more security for Benghazi they shouldn't have voted no on it

GOP Busted On Benghazi: Voted To Cut Hundreds Of Millions In Embassy Security Funds Before Attack

You must have missed the administration rep who on national news the next day telling one and all that money wasn't an issue.

But then you don't want to believe your hero is an incompetent ass who doesn't know what the word classified means and sure didn't do a damned thing to save anyone at Benghazi.

Carry on you dim witted sheep.

So why don't you post the link.....

If the money wasn't an issue then why are they whining that the security wasn't increased?

You have no facts to back up your idiotic assumptions.

Carry on non-Republican lemming.

Well since I saw the Rep on TV the next day I suppose you can find the link if you really want to.

There are no assumptions. Hitlery and her State Department were grossly negligent and incompetent. If you can't see it then its because you are a blind partisan hack.

Carry on Democratic sheep.
A remark from the peanut gallery: Secretary Clinton didn't have a clue what was going on in Benghazi, she ignored the entirety of the situation, denied protection to our representatives when requested, and after the fact misrepresented the attack to down play it for political reasons. Did I summarize that right? This person showed poor situational awareness and if she's running for our president, she better change her spots.

The investigation is done.... Nothing there. End of the story.

Well if you need an investigation to show you what you should already see then of course the investigation is done.

Incompetence isn't a crime. To bad because if it were half of the clowns in DC wouldn't have a job.
I'm not the Trump supporter...
That's obvious you would never place the nation above your selfish wants. Trump is America first...that just doesn't seem to fit folks like you.

Only the gullible believe that he's America.....ask the ones who bought condos from his company or enrolled in his fake University. Of course he doesn't fit folks like me....we're not gullible.

You're the one that would put the nation at risk supporting such a buffoon.

You aren't gullible??

Guess swallowing Hitlery's bullshit hook line and sinker doesn't make you gullible??

Guess again.

Madame President. That shows everyone how gullible you are. Idiot.

Carry on gullible sheep.
By this point in the election cycle, Republicans were counting on Hillary being officially blamed for the deaths in Benghazi and under indictment for treason

What do you have now Republicans? Calling Hillary silly names and making fun of her age?
By this point in the election cycle, Republicans were counting on Hillary being officially blamed for the deaths in Benghazi and under indictment for treason

What do you have now Republicans? Calling Hillary silly names and making fun of her age?

Nah. I'm not a Rep but I sure know incompetence when I see it and so does the FBI.

How bout you? Surely you don't think she and her State Department handled Benghazi with any degree of competence??

Oh wait. I forgot you could care less. Never mind.
Bwahahaha....look who the Republican's candidate is:


Yo, what is the matter with you? No answer to my Post? Can`t handle Fact, it`s normal for brainless Mini Puppets!!!

View attachment 80864

I don't respond to idiots but I'm willing to make an exception if you were to post something of substance.

Oh, I see, you only like pictures.....bwahahaha.....that's about all you understand?

Yo, No Substance I See!!! Empty Upstairs, like all of you Hillary Clinton Supporters!!!

Bwahahaha.....Trump supporters have been polled and they are the ones that are uneducated and uninformed. You FAIL....idiot.

Trump overwhelmingly leads rivals in support from less educated Americans

Who Are Donald Trump's Supporters, Really?

I stopped reading at the gay laugh that you did for like the 100th time this thread.

Sure you did, hypocrite.
Bengazi committee didn't find anything against Hillary. Anne Stevens is not blaming Hillary but blamed the REPUBLICANS..... Here you are still blaming Hillary. Who are you again?

Oh and you need a committee investigation to see incompetence?? I sure don't.

They had months of warnings. Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out.

If our State Department had done the same there would have been no Benghazi.

And of course they found no wrong doing. Did you think they would?? I sure didn't.

You can't be charged with incompetence even if it cost the lives of four men.

Who are you again??

Bwahaha...and you keep insisting you're not Republican. You're so hypocritically transparent, too.

If Republicans had wanted more security for Benghazi they shouldn't have voted no on it

GOP Busted On Benghazi: Voted To Cut Hundreds Of Millions In Embassy Security Funds Before Attack

You must have missed the administration rep who on national news the next day telling one and all that money wasn't an issue.

But then you don't want to believe your hero is an incompetent ass who doesn't know what the word classified means and sure didn't do a damned thing to save anyone at Benghazi.

Carry on you dim witted sheep.

So why don't you post the link.....

If the money wasn't an issue then why are they whining that the security wasn't increased?

You have no facts to back up your idiotic assumptions.

Carry on non-Republican lemming.

Well since I saw the Rep on TV the next day I suppose you can find the link if you really want to.

Translation: There is no link because I made it up.

There are no assumptions. Hitlery and her State Department were grossly negligent and incompetent. If you can't see it then its because you are a blind partisan hack.

You still haven't proven how she was negligent and incompetent. Bush had many more embassy attacks and the majority of Republicans still defend him, even against the worst attack we had in our country (9/11), so enough of your bullshit.

Carry on Republican hypocrite lemming.
A remark from the peanut gallery: Secretary Clinton didn't have a clue what was going on in Benghazi, she ignored the entirety of the situation, denied protection to our representatives when requested, and after the fact misrepresented the attack to down play it for political reasons. Did I summarize that right? This person showed poor situational awareness and if she's running for our president, she better change her spots.

The investigation is done.... Nothing there. End of the story.

Well if you need an investigation to show you what you should already see then of course the investigation is done.
Dummy....the last one was by a Republican witch hunt.....and they found nothing. How many investigations do you need to understand "there is nothing there"?

Incompetence isn't a crime. To bad because if it were half of the clowns in DC wouldn't have a job.

If you even recognized incompetence your party wouldn't have doofus Trumpf running as your candidate...and Bush wouldn't have been qualified to be President, so quit acting like you recognize incompetence when you're incompetent yourself.
By this point in the election cycle, Republicans were counting on Hillary being officially blamed for the deaths in Benghazi and under indictment for treason

What do you have now Republicans? Calling Hillary silly names and making fun of her age?

Nah. I'm not a Rep but I sure know incompetence when I see it and so does the FBI.
Of course you're not.........bwahahaha!

How bout you? Surely you don't think she and her State Department handled Benghazi with any degree of competence??
Not any less competence than Bush with his 20 + embassy attacks. How come Republicans didn't have those investigated and claimed Bush was incompetent?

Or Ronald Reagan"s.......which was worse than Benghazi? I'll Tell you why....because you and the rest of the Republican party are just a bunch of hypocrites. If you really cared you would have made as much noise with Reagan and Bush....but you didn't because you really don't care.

Around dawn on October 23, 1983, I was in Beirut, Lebanon, when a suicide bomber drove a truck laden with the equivalent of twenty-one thousand pounds of TNT into the heart of a U.S. Marine compound, killing two hundred and forty-one servicemen. The U.S. military command, which regarded the Marines’ presence as a non-combative, “peace-keeping mission,” had left a vehicle gate wide open, and ordered the sentries to keep their weapons unloaded. The only real resistance the suicide bomber had encountered was a scrim of concertina wire. When I arrived on the scene a short while later to report on it for the Wall Street Journal, the Marine barracks were flattened. From beneath the dusty, smoking slabs of collapsed concrete, piteous American voices could be heard, begging for help. Thirteen more American servicemen later died from injuries, making it the single deadliest attack on American Marines since the Battle of Iwo Jima.

Six months earlier, militants had bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, too, killing sixty-three more people, including seventeen Americans. Among the dead were seven C.I.A. officers, including the agency’s top analyst in the Middle East, an immensely valuable intelligence asset, and the Beirut station chief.

There were more than enough opportunities to lay blame for the horrific losses at high U.S. officials’ feet. But unlike today’s Congress, congressmen did not talk of impeaching Ronald Reagan, who was then President, nor were any subpoenas sent to cabinet members.
Ronald Reagan’s Benghazi - The New Yorker

Oh wait. I forgot you could care less. Never mind.

Not any less than you and the Republican minions who never said "boo" under Reagan and Bush when worse attacks took place. Your hypocrisy has no bounds, lemming.
Oh and you need a committee investigation to see incompetence?? I sure don't.

They had months of warnings. Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously enough to pull their people out.

If our State Department had done the same there would have been no Benghazi.

And of course they found no wrong doing. Did you think they would?? I sure didn't.

You can't be charged with incompetence even if it cost the lives of four men.

Who are you again??

Bwahaha...and you keep insisting you're not Republican. You're so hypocritically transparent, too.

If Republicans had wanted more security for Benghazi they shouldn't have voted no on it

GOP Busted On Benghazi: Voted To Cut Hundreds Of Millions In Embassy Security Funds Before Attack

You must have missed the administration rep who on national news the next day telling one and all that money wasn't an issue.

But then you don't want to believe your hero is an incompetent ass who doesn't know what the word classified means and sure didn't do a damned thing to save anyone at Benghazi.

Carry on you dim witted sheep.

So why don't you post the link.....

If the money wasn't an issue then why are they whining that the security wasn't increased?

You have no facts to back up your idiotic assumptions.

Carry on non-Republican lemming.

Well since I saw the Rep on TV the next day I suppose you can find the link if you really want to.

Translation: There is no link because I made it up.

There are no assumptions. Hitlery and her State Department were grossly negligent and incompetent. If you can't see it then its because you are a blind partisan hack.

You still haven't proven how she was negligent and incompetent. Bush had many more embassy attacks and the majority of Republicans still defend him, even against the worst attack we had in our country (9/11), so enough of your bullshit.

Carry on Republican hypocrite lemming.

Nope. Saw it on TV and I'm sure many others did as well.

Oh and Charlene Lamb was her name. Just in case you want to know.

State Department Official Charlene Lamb Testified Before The House Oversight Committee That Budget Cuts Had Nothing To Do With Security Decisions In Benghazi. REP. DANA ROHRABACHER (R-CA): “It has been suggested the budget cuts are responsible for lack of security in Benghazi, and I’d like to ask Ms. Lamb, you made this decision personally, was there any budget consideration and lack of budget that led you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?” CHARLENE LAMB: “No, sir.” (U.S. House Of Representatives, Oversight And Government Reform Committee, Hearing, 10/10/12)

Of course you could have looked that up on your own but why bother. You've made up your mind that Hitlery is just a great gal and would make a fine POTUS. LMAO
By this point in the election cycle, Republicans were counting on Hillary being officially blamed for the deaths in Benghazi and under indictment for treason

What do you have now Republicans? Calling Hillary silly names and making fun of her age?

Nah. I'm not a Rep but I sure know incompetence when I see it and so does the FBI.
Of course you're not.........bwahahaha!

How bout you? Surely you don't think she and her State Department handled Benghazi with any degree of competence??
Not any less competence than Bush with his 20 + embassy attacks. How come Republicans didn't have those investigated and claimed Bush was incompetent?

Or Ronald Reagan"s.......which was worse than Benghazi? I'll Tell you why....because you and the rest of the Republican party are just a bunch of hypocrites. If you really cared you would have made as much noise with Reagan and Bush....but you didn't because you really don't care.

Around dawn on October 23, 1983, I was in Beirut, Lebanon, when a suicide bomber drove a truck laden with the equivalent of twenty-one thousand pounds of TNT into the heart of a U.S. Marine compound, killing two hundred and forty-one servicemen. The U.S. military command, which regarded the Marines’ presence as a non-combative, “peace-keeping mission,” had left a vehicle gate wide open, and ordered the sentries to keep their weapons unloaded. The only real resistance the suicide bomber had encountered was a scrim of concertina wire. When I arrived on the scene a short while later to report on it for the Wall Street Journal, the Marine barracks were flattened. From beneath the dusty, smoking slabs of collapsed concrete, piteous American voices could be heard, begging for help. Thirteen more American servicemen later died from injuries, making it the single deadliest attack on American Marines since the Battle of Iwo Jima.

Six months earlier, militants had bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, too, killing sixty-three more people, including seventeen Americans. Among the dead were seven C.I.A. officers, including the agency’s top analyst in the Middle East, an immensely valuable intelligence asset, and the Beirut station chief.

There were more than enough opportunities to lay blame for the horrific losses at high U.S. officials’ feet. But unlike today’s Congress, congressmen did not talk of impeaching Ronald Reagan, who was then President, nor were any subpoenas sent to cabinet members.
Ronald Reagan’s Benghazi - The New Yorker

Oh wait. I forgot you could care less. Never mind.

Not any less than you and the Republican minions who never said "boo" under Reagan and Bush when worse attacks took place. Your hypocrisy has no bounds, lemming.

Did they have months of warnings for those attacks?? I doubt it.

Oh and the op is about Benghazi, not Bush. Deflect much??

Carry on Dem sheep.
I'm not the Trump supporter...
That's obvious you would never place the nation above your selfish wants. Trump is America first...that just doesn't seem to fit folks like you.

Only the gullible believe that he's America.....ask the ones who bought condos from his company or enrolled in his fake University. Of course he doesn't fit folks like me....we're not gullible.

You're the one that would put the nation at risk supporting such a buffoon.

You aren't gullible??
No, I'm not the one supporting the buffoon that even Republicans despise. You are.

Guess swallowing Hitlery's bullshit hook line and sinker doesn't make you gullible??
You mean swallowing the bullshit that you and other lame Republicans want to make into something when it is nothing? Only idiots like you are swallowing that.

Guess again.
There is no guessing......Hillary is by far much more qualified to lead the country than any of the 17 clowns your party threw into the ring. Trumpf isn't even qualified.

Madame President. That shows everyone how gullible you are. Idiot.
We'll see in November. Of course....you and the rest of the gullibles will be claiming that the election was rigged....maybe demand an investigation, the only thing your party is expert on.

Carry on gullible lemming.
A remark from the peanut gallery: Secretary Clinton didn't have a clue what was going on in Benghazi, she ignored the entirety of the situation, denied protection to our representatives when requested, and after the fact misrepresented the attack to down play it for political reasons. Did I summarize that right? This person showed poor situational awareness and if she's running for our president, she better change her spots.

The investigation is done.... Nothing there. End of the story.

Well if you need an investigation to show you what you should already see then of course the investigation is done.
Dummy....the last one was by a Republican witch hunt.....and they found nothing. How many investigations do you need to understand "there is nothing there"?

Incompetence isn't a crime. To bad because if it were half of the clowns in DC wouldn't have a job.

If you even recognized incompetence your party wouldn't have doofus Trumpf running as your candidate...and Bush wouldn't have been qualified to be President, so quit acting like you recognize incompetence when you're incompetent yourself.

Madame President 2016??

Speaking of a doofus. You fit the bill idiot. LOL
I'm not the Trump supporter...
That's obvious you would never place the nation above your selfish wants. Trump is America first...that just doesn't seem to fit folks like you.

Only the gullible believe that he's America.....ask the ones who bought condos from his company or enrolled in his fake University. Of course he doesn't fit folks like me....we're not gullible.

You're the one that would put the nation at risk supporting such a buffoon.

You aren't gullible??
No, I'm not the one supporting the buffoon that even Republicans despise. You are.

Guess swallowing Hitlery's bullshit hook line and sinker doesn't make you gullible??
You mean swallowing the bullshit that you and other lame Republicans want to make into something when it is nothing? Only idiots like you are swallowing that.

Guess again.
There is no guessing......Hillary is by far much more qualified to lead the country than any of the 17 clowns your party threw into the ring. Trumpf isn't even qualified.

Madame President. That shows everyone how gullible you are. Idiot.
We'll see in November. Of course....you and the rest of the gullibles will be claiming that the election was rigged....maybe demand an investigation, the only thing your party is expert on.

Carry on gullible lemming.

Who says I'm voting for Trump?? You?? Nice to know you know what I will be doing.

Carry on you Dem idiot.
Bwahaha...and you keep insisting you're not Republican. You're so hypocritically transparent, too.

If Republicans had wanted more security for Benghazi they shouldn't have voted no on it

GOP Busted On Benghazi: Voted To Cut Hundreds Of Millions In Embassy Security Funds Before Attack

You must have missed the administration rep who on national news the next day telling one and all that money wasn't an issue.

But then you don't want to believe your hero is an incompetent ass who doesn't know what the word classified means and sure didn't do a damned thing to save anyone at Benghazi.

Carry on you dim witted sheep.

So why don't you post the link.....

If the money wasn't an issue then why are they whining that the security wasn't increased?

You have no facts to back up your idiotic assumptions.

Carry on non-Republican lemming.

Well since I saw the Rep on TV the next day I suppose you can find the link if you really want to.

Translation: There is no link because I made it up.

There are no assumptions. Hitlery and her State Department were grossly negligent and incompetent. If you can't see it then its because you are a blind partisan hack.

You still haven't proven how she was negligent and incompetent. Bush had many more embassy attacks and the majority of Republicans still defend him, even against the worst attack we had in our country (9/11), so enough of your bullshit.

Carry on Republican hypocrite lemming.

Nope. Saw it on TV and I'm sure many others did as well.

Oh and Charlene Lamb was her name. Just in case you want to know.

State Department Official Charlene Lamb Testified Before The House Oversight Committee That Budget Cuts Had Nothing To Do With Security Decisions In Benghazi. REP. DANA ROHRABACHER (R-CA): “It has been suggested the budget cuts are responsible for lack of security in Benghazi, and I’d like to ask Ms. Lamb, you made this decision personally, was there any budget consideration and lack of budget that led you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?” CHARLENE LAMB: “No, sir.” (U.S. House Of Representatives, Oversight And Government Reform Committee, Hearing, 10/10/12)

Of course you could have looked that up on your own but why bother. You've made up your mind that Hitlery is just a great gal and would make a fine POTUS. LMAO

You are such a lemming. Charlene Lamb (R-CA) resigned shortly after that. She didn't want to be put in the spotlight and Republicans in their investigations never mentioned her and her lack of competence.

The following reveals that Charlene Lamb, a Republican was the one that made that decision

3. Charlene Lamb was allegedly directly responsible for lowering security by first pushing for requests for help to not be made, claiming there were political reasons for this decision. Then, when continued levels of high protection were requested in spite of her demands, she ignored them anyway. Her lack of action may have contributed to the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens,Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.
Read more at Benghazi Timeline: Charlene Lamb Resignation Leaves Unanswered Consulate Deaths [Op-Ed]

Again, even in your attempt to redeem your position you provide another piece of evidence on just how incompetent Republicans are, and how they try to blame others for their own mistakes. Charlene Lamb, a Republican, who was monitoring the events in Benghazi never mentioned "terrorists" but you the conservative minions never held her accountable for that....hypocrites.

1. The first fact is that Charlene Lamb, who as the State Department official stationed in Washington, was allegedly monitoring electronically from that post what was happening in real time in Benghazi, Libya. This means she would have been intimately aware of what was really going on.

2. Despite having first hand knowledge, Charlene Lamb would not answer the question of Representative Dan Burton (R-IN):

“You Miss Lamb…have described these attackers in a number of ways but you don’t mention terrorist at all. Why is that? I mean the compound had been attacked once before and breached. And these people had all these weapons; projectiles, grenades, all kinds of weapons. Why would you call this anything other than a terrorist attack? And why do you call them attackers?”

In reply, Charlene Lamb dodged the question:

“I have just presented the facts as they have come across. I am not making any judgement on my own and I am leaving that to others.”

Benghazi Timeline: Charlene Lamb Resignation Leaves Unanswered Consulate Deaths [Op-Ed]

So carry on, lemming. Show us how ignorant and hypocritical you really are.
Madame President 2016??

Speaking of a doofus. You fit the bill idiot. LOL

Are you trying to change the subject now that I have embarrassed you by presenting evidence that a "Republican" was actually responsible for the casualties in Benghazi?

Carry on ignorant lemming.
I'm not the Trump supporter...
That's obvious you would never place the nation above your selfish wants. Trump is America first...that just doesn't seem to fit folks like you.

Only the gullible believe that he's America.....ask the ones who bought condos from his company or enrolled in his fake University. Of course he doesn't fit folks like me....we're not gullible.

You're the one that would put the nation at risk supporting such a buffoon.

You aren't gullible??
No, I'm not the one supporting the buffoon that even Republicans despise. You are.

Guess swallowing Hitlery's bullshit hook line and sinker doesn't make you gullible??
You mean swallowing the bullshit that you and other lame Republicans want to make into something when it is nothing? Only idiots like you are swallowing that.

Guess again.
There is no guessing......Hillary is by far much more qualified to lead the country than any of the 17 clowns your party threw into the ring. Trumpf isn't even qualified.

Madame President. That shows everyone how gullible you are. Idiot.
We'll see in November. Of course....you and the rest of the gullibles will be claiming that the election was rigged....maybe demand an investigation, the only thing your party is expert on.

Carry on gullible lemming.

Who says I'm voting for Trump?? You?? Nice to know you know what I will be doing.

Carry on you Dem idiot.

You don't have any other "Republican" choices, do you. Oh, I forgot.....bwahahaha....you're not a Republican.

Did they have months of warnings for those attacks?? I doubt it.
Bush did. See, you haven't even looked into it, but you care so much about 4 people being killed and not 3k, right?

Oh and the op is about Benghazi, not Bush. Deflect much??
No, just pointing out your hypocrisy, which you try to cover up by claiming I'm deflecting. How come you don't care about those attacks?

Carry on hypocrite lemming.
Claudette has been silenced........bawahahaha.....she has no response after being embarrassed for her hypocrisy.

Carry on hypocrite lemming....I knew you had nothing.

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