BENGHAZI: Who really cares??

So you need endless congressional hearings in order to split that hair?

Grow up - work the real problem

Thank you for ignoring the rest of what I posted and the question I asked. :eek:

Yeah, he won't talk about the lying as he tries to deflect to the other party. Typical.

A) You haven't established "lying."
B) I've never "deflected" to any party

so C) just keep spewing for no apparrent reason

and D) just keep losing elections

I get it - you just can't understand why everyone else isn't as pissed off as you are about this.
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So you need endless congressional hearings in order to split that hair?

Grow up - work the real problem

Thank you for ignoring the rest of what I posted and the question I asked. :eek:

Yeah, he won't talk about the lying as he tries to deflect to the other party. Typical.

The question I have is simple. How is it possible that the WH was lying to cover up the fact that it was a terrorist attack because of the upcoming election in Nov., when by the end of September they fully admitted that it was a pre-planned terrorist attack and not caused by the video. A full 5 weeks before the election?
Thank you for ignoring the rest of what I posted and the question I asked. :eek:

Yeah, he won't talk about the lying as he tries to deflect to the other party. Typical.

A) You haven't established "lying."
B) I've never "deflected" to any party

so C) just keep spewing for no apparrent reason

and D) just keep losing elections

I get it - you just can't understand why everyone else isn't as pissed off as you are about this.

A) You haven't established "lying."
B) I've never "deflected" to any party

so C) just keep spewing for no apparrent reason

and D) just keep losing elections

I get it - you just can't understand why everyone else isn't as pissed off as you are about this.


Right back atcha, hack.

We both know they are lying, the issue here is that you do not have the moral fortitude to admit it.
No. There was an attack at Benghazi at a consulate in Libya where the ambassador happened to be.

There were no protests in Benghazi before the attack. guess that dog won't hunt.

Yes they were wrong about that. But they admitted that fact by late September, so that dog ain't been huntin for a while.

What about your claim that no one saw or knew about that video? Weren't there protest in like 20 or more countries?

Explain why they have refused to give congress the statements from the survivors on 5 occasions? Come on this one should be easy.

Because of their knowledge of the secret CIA weapons smuggling operations from the Annex of course :eusa_whistle:. And the Senator on the Select committee know this. But they also know that it can't be made's a conspiricy. :eusa_silenced:
Thank you for ignoring the rest of what I posted and the question I asked. :eek:

Yeah, he won't talk about the lying as he tries to deflect to the other party. Typical.

The question I have is simple. How is it possible that the WH was lying to cover up the fact that it was a terrorist attack because of the upcoming election in Nov., when by the end of September they fully admitted that it was a pre-planned terrorist attack and not caused by the video. A full 5 weeks before the election?

The answer I have is equally simple: By then it was common knowledge and they HAD to admit what happened.

Before that, they covered it and continued witn the political campaign.

As Obama's hero once said, you can't fool all the people all the time.

They tried, though.
We both know they are lying, the issue here is that you do not have the moral fortitude to admit it.

I'm sure I'm keeping you from your WMD, Patt Tillman, Jessica Lynch, rally, so trundle right along.

Your lie is that you pretend to be about the honesty while all you are into are hyperpartisan attacks.

We're not fooled

Who's we, are you pregnant again?

THAT'S what you got????

Just think how many billygoats are safely crossing bridges while you troll away here ....
???? Perhaps you think the State Run Press made all this up?

Egypt Protests Against Anti-Islam Film (VIDEO) : African Spotlight

There was no attack at the Lybian Emabassy.

No. There was an attack at Benghazi at a consulate in Libya where the ambassador happened to be.

There were no protests in Benghazi before the attack. guess that dog won't hunt.

Yes they were wrong about that. But they admitted that fact by late September, so that dog ain't been huntin for a while.

What about your claim that no one saw or knew about that video? Weren't there protest in like 20 or more countries?

Again. There were no protest in Benghazi before the attack. Guess if they saw this video no one was bothered by it.
Nobody cared when the Pentagon under George Bush lied about the nature of Pat Tillman's death. Nobody was held to account for this travesty.

I doubt that had there not been a "neegro sleeping" in the white house and a lilly white republican were there sleeping instead, the public would care more or less.

The difference here is that there was a reason to not tell all we knew in Lybia. There was and still is no reason to not come clean about a true American hero who gave up high seven figures to go fight in Afghanistan.

Jesus. Are you really this stupid??
No, but you are.

What they did tell us was a pack of lies. A video?? A fucking video that no one knew about or saw was the reason for Benghazi?? You believe that?? Hell they repeated it for two weeks. You seem to think thats AOK while your telling us about Pat Tillman and how wrong the Bush Pentagon was.
So, set aside for a moment the well-known reasons for the "telling us that", are you saying that Bush should have been impeached, hung by his thumbs, etc...--all of the shit you say should happen to President Obama--because the Bush administration did lie about Pat Tillman? don't seem that upset about Corporal Tillman's death.

As for what I know the person you're responding COULD read what I have written:

Jesus, can you really be this intellecutally lazy?

And you can take your negro bullshit and shove it up your ass. Barry's State Department under Clinton fucked up big time. No addtional security and they certainly didn't close the embassy down. Four dead men obviously doesn't matter to you.

It refers to what was said earlier in the thread dickless when a conservative made it a race issue...I know it's hard to imagine but it happened.

And their death means just as much to me as Pat Tillman's means to you apparently.
Thank you for ignoring the rest of what I posted and the question I asked. :eek:

Yeah, he won't talk about the lying as he tries to deflect to the other party. Typical.

A) You haven't established "lying."
B) I've never "deflected" to any party

so C) just keep spewing for no apparrent reason

and D) just keep losing elections

I get it - you just can't understand why everyone else isn't as pissed off as you are about this.

Neg reps this??? Because you "won't tolerate an attitude like that"

what are you - 8 years old?
LOL, these guys know that Obama and Clinton lied to them and all they can do is holler BUUUSSSHHH! Obama taught them that.
Before that, they covered it and continued witn the political campaign.

for a full 24 hours ...

the bastards

Grow up - get over it - and address real issues.

That, sir, is an outright lie.

Full 24 hours my ass.

How can you blatantly lie like that?

Admit that the White House ran a misinformation campaign on Benghazi. Everyone on the nation saw it. Are you blind?
Before that, they covered it and continued witn the political campaign.

for a full 24 hours ...

the bastards

Grow up - get over it - and address real issues.

That, sir, is an outright lie.

Full 24 hours my ass.

How can you blatantly lie like that?

Admit that the White House ran a misinformation campaign on Benghazi. Everyone on the nation saw it. Are you blind?

He knows the truth but lacks the fortitude.
Yeah, he won't talk about the lying as he tries to deflect to the other party. Typical.

A) You haven't established "lying."
B) I've never "deflected" to any party

so C) just keep spewing for no apparrent reason

and D) just keep losing elections

I get it - you just can't understand why everyone else isn't as pissed off as you are about this.

Neg reps this??? Because you "won't tolerate an attitude like that"

what are you - 8 years old?

He's rubber, you're glue...
A) You haven't established "lying."
B) I've never "deflected" to any party

so C) just keep spewing for no apparrent reason

and D) just keep losing elections

I get it - you just can't understand why everyone else isn't as pissed off as you are about this.

Neg reps this??? Because you "won't tolerate an attitude like that"

what are you - 8 years old?

He's rubber, you're glue...

and your a fag.

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