BENGHAZI: Who really cares??

Speaking of 4 murdered Americans........remember those 4 American cops in the Seattle area who were ambushed while they drank coffee and all died? No? Yeah, it was a big story for...oh, a day or two. Did anyone give much of a shit? Yeah, for a day or two. Did anyone demand a study to find out how the lunatic got his gun? Why he targeted innocent cops? What has been done since to stop it from ever happening again?

Nah. Because all dead Americans aren't equal apparantly. Heroic Americans who die serving the citizens of this country while in North Africa somehow warrant far more sympathy and concern that those who die working right here on our own streets.

Well let me 'splain it to you. An American ambassador and three other Americans were killed in a terrorist attack and we were lied to about it. By the President of the United States. That's why it's a big deal.
Patrick Tillman Sr. believes he will never get the truth, and he says he is resigned to that now. But he wants everyone in the chain of command, from Tillman's direct supervisors to the one-star general who conducted the latest investigation, to face discipline for "dishonorable acts." He also said the soldiers who killed his son have not been adequately punished.

"Maybe lying's not a big deal anymore," he said. "Pat's dead, and this isn't going to bring him back. But these guys should have been held up to scrutiny, right up the chain of command, and no one has."

That their son was famous opened up the situation to problems, the Tillmans say, in part because of the devastating public relations loss his death represented for the military. Mary Tillman says the government used her son for weeks after his death, perpetuating an untrue story to capitalize on his altruism -- just as the Abu Ghraib prison scandal was erupting publicly. She said she was particularly offended when President Bush offered a taped memorial message to Tillman at a Cardinals football game shortly before the presidential election last fall. She again felt as though her son was being used, something he never would have wanted.

"Every day is sort of emotional," Mary Tillman said. "It just keeps slapping me in the face. To find that he was killed in this debacle -- everything that could have gone wrong did -- it's so much harder to take. We should not have been subjected to all of this. This lie was to cover their image. I think there's a lot more yet that we don't even know, or they wouldn't still be covering their tails.

"If this is what happens when someone high profile dies, I can only imagine what happens with everyone else."

Tillman's Parents Are Critical Of Army
Speaking of 4 murdered Americans........remember those 4 American cops in the Seattle area who were ambushed while they drank coffee and all died? No? Yeah, it was a big story for...oh, a day or two. Did anyone give much of a shit? Yeah, for a day or two. Did anyone demand a study to find out how the lunatic got his gun? Why he targeted innocent cops? What has been done since to stop it from ever happening again?

Nah. Because all dead Americans aren't equal apparantly. Heroic Americans who die serving the citizens of this country while in North Africa somehow warrant far more sympathy and concern that those who die working right here on our own streets.

If the President and his spokespeople had tried to mislead the American people as to who killed them and what their motive was I suspect it would be. Perhaps you remember when Obama said the Cambridge police acted stupidly when they arrested Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates no one died there but that got nation wide attention and a beer summit. If the President had just told the truth about Benghazi from the start this story would already be done it's his ego and unwillingness to admit he screwed up that keeps it alive.
Speaking of 4 murdered Americans........remember those 4 American cops in the Seattle area who were ambushed while they drank coffee and all died? No? Yeah, it was a big story for...oh, a day or two. Did anyone give much of a shit? Yeah, for a day or two. Did anyone demand a study to find out how the lunatic got his gun? Why he targeted innocent cops? What has been done since to stop it from ever happening again?

Nah. Because all dead Americans aren't equal apparantly. Heroic Americans who die serving the citizens of this country while in North Africa somehow warrant far more sympathy and concern that those who die working right here on our own streets.

Could the shooting have been prevented as it could have been in Benghazi?

Did the administration tell a whopper of a lie about the shooting for two weeks as they did after Benghazi?

Are you saying that Obama had some part to play in the shooting???
Speaking of 4 murdered Americans........remember those 4 American cops in the Seattle area who were ambushed while they drank coffee and all died? No? Yeah, it was a big story for...oh, a day or two. Did anyone give much of a shit? Yeah, for a day or two. Did anyone demand a study to find out how the lunatic got his gun? Why he targeted innocent cops? What has been done since to stop it from ever happening again?

Nah. Because all dead Americans aren't equal apparantly. Heroic Americans who die serving the citizens of this country while in North Africa somehow warrant far more sympathy and concern that those who die working right here on our own streets.

If the President and his spokespeople had tried to mislead the American people as to who killed them and what their motive was I suspect it would be. Perhaps you remember when Obama said the Cambridge police acted stupidly when they arrested Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates no one died there but that got nation wide attention and a beer summit. If the President had just told the truth about Benghazi from the start this story would already be done it's his ego and unwillingness to admit he screwed up that keeps it alive.

an alternative is that Obama isn't smart enough to know he screwed up.
Speaking of 4 murdered Americans........remember those 4 American cops in the Seattle area who were ambushed while they drank coffee and all died? No? Yeah, it was a big story for...oh, a day or two. Did anyone give much of a shit? Yeah, for a day or two. Did anyone demand a study to find out how the lunatic got his gun? Why he targeted innocent cops? What has been done since to stop it from ever happening again?

Nah. Because all dead Americans aren't equal apparantly. Heroic Americans who die serving the citizens of this country while in North Africa somehow warrant far more sympathy and concern that those who die working right here on our own streets.

If the President and his spokespeople had tried to mislead the American people as to who killed them and what their motive was I suspect it would be. Perhaps you remember when Obama said the Cambridge police acted stupidly when they arrested Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates no one died there but that got nation wide attention and a beer summit. If the President had just told the truth about Benghazi from the start this story would already be done it's his ego and unwillingness to admit he screwed up that keeps it alive.

an alternative is that Obama isn't smart enough to know he screwed up.

Very distinct possibility.
BENGHAZI: Who really cares??

If it were a family member of yours, you might care more
Im still shocked at just how hard the right is pushing Benghazi. I gotta ask....what exactly do they think they'll achieve out of it? Embarrass Obama? Get him impeached? Get him to just resign? Nah. Not realistic. They'll mostly just alienate more independent voters.

The people who deeply care about this as a political issue...well, they all voted for Romney. Independents are kinda split on everything. Thats why they're independent. So, some who voted Romney may be alienated. Some who voted Obama may drift to the right. But some may just get sick of it all.

Because most people dont give a fuck about it. In fact, most find it frustrating that so many politicians (mostly GOP) are putting a HUGE amount of energy and time into something that, big picture, really doesn't affect the daily lives of Americans all that much.

Just a word of advice to Republicans: Let it go. If you ever want to be in power again, this is but one small step in a long walk back. Let it go. You may be right or wrong. But either way, you aren't gonna gain any ground with Benghazi.

Hell, Water-bottle-Gate probably did more to hurt your public image than Benghazi is helping it.

Yeah...what difference does it make that 4 Americans died while the Neeeegro slept?

Really?? The first part of your post stood alone... and then you play some stupid racial shit??

And people wonder why lefties keep calling Conservatives and REPs racist?? They have one off individuals such as yourself that they can easily point to to paint the false picture over us all

:eusa_whistle:Well dude you can call it anything you want. You can bring up racist whenever you want too. The thing doesn't change the truth about that coward of a piece of * * * * we have running this country at this time. Go ahead and follow that black piece of * * * * all you want. We want the truth...thats all.
Benghazi is nothing but a political sideshow for the cons. Come on 2014...

:razz:No dude...its not a sideshow...its a coverup the left has its hands in. And they know its going to hurt them when the truth comes out. Thats why the left is always deflecting. Take your blinders off for once.
Ok. The fudging idiots obviously didn't get my point.

Was Benghazi a tragedy? A cover-up? A clusterfuck? A lot of lies? Yep. Sure was.

Do most Americans truly care that much about it? Nope.

So, if Obama, and more importantly the Democrats, is so much of a threat to our country, so much of a threat to our future, and so horrible for our economy and safety, then it would seem the #1 priority, above ALL else, would be to WIN the 2014 House and Senate elections, and WIN the 2016 Presidential election.

And to WIN it, you must defeat the Democrats. And this Benghazi shit just isn't doing it. Im trying to help you idiot right wingers out on this. This isn't an issue that will help you win. In fact, its making people sick, because we have so many more issues that directly affect OUR lives, like current gas prices for example, and rising food prices, and rising RENT prices......all falling under the umbrella of JOBS.

But no. The GOP reps are still fanatical about Benghazi. They dont grasp my point, that even if everything they criticize the president and Dems for on this is 100% true, it is NOT gonna help them win any votes, and in fact, may lose them some because the moderates and independents simply dont give a fuck about this, and care more about our daily lives INSIDE the borders of the US, not about shit happening in North Africa.
Ok. The fudging idiots obviously didn't get my point.

Was Benghazi a tragedy? A cover-up? A clusterfuck? A lot of lies? Yep. Sure was.

Do most Americans truly care that much about it? Nope.

So, if Obama, and more importantly the Democrats, is so much of a threat to our country, so much of a threat to our future, and so horrible for our economy and safety, then it would seem the #1 priority, above ALL else, would be to WIN the 2014 House and Senate elections, and WIN the 2016 Presidential election.

And to WIN it, you must defeat the Democrats. And this Benghazi shit just isn't doing it. Im trying to help you idiot right wingers out on this. This isn't an issue that will help you win. In fact, its making people sick, because we have so many more issues that directly affect OUR lives, like current gas prices for example, and rising food prices, and rising RENT prices......all falling under the umbrella of JOBS.

But no. The GOP reps are still fanatical about Benghazi. They dont grasp my point, that even if everything they criticize the president and Dems for on this is 100% true, it is NOT gonna help them win any votes, and in fact, may lose them some because the moderates and independents simply dont give a fuck about this, and care more about our daily lives INSIDE the borders of the US, not about shit happening in North Africa.
When did the moderates and independents appoint you to decide what they do and don't give a fuck about?
Ok. The fudging idiots obviously didn't get my point.

Was Benghazi a tragedy? A cover-up? A clusterfuck? A lot of lies? Yep. Sure was.

Do most Americans truly care that much about it? Nope.

So, if Obama, and more importantly the Democrats, is so much of a threat to our country, so much of a threat to our future, and so horrible for our economy and safety, then it would seem the #1 priority, above ALL else, would be to WIN the 2014 House and Senate elections, and WIN the 2016 Presidential election.

And to WIN it, you must defeat the Democrats. And this Benghazi shit just isn't doing it. Im trying to help you idiot right wingers out on this. This isn't an issue that will help you win. In fact, its making people sick, because we have so many more issues that directly affect OUR lives, like current gas prices for example, and rising food prices, and rising RENT prices......all falling under the umbrella of JOBS.

But no. The GOP reps are still fanatical about Benghazi. They dont grasp my point, that even if everything they criticize the president and Dems for on this is 100% true, it is NOT gonna help them win any votes, and in fact, may lose them some because the moderates and independents simply dont give a fuck about this, and care more about our daily lives INSIDE the borders of the US, not about shit happening in North Africa.

you obama worshipers are all spun up about Rubio taking a sip of water, but you care nothing about incompetence in government that was the direct cause of the deaths of 4 americans in Libya.

you are a joke, your credibility is zero---every one of you
Ok. The fudging idiots obviously didn't get my point.

Was Benghazi a tragedy? A cover-up? A clusterfuck? A lot of lies? Yep. Sure was.

Do most Americans truly care that much about it? Nope.

So, if Obama, and more importantly the Democrats, is so much of a threat to our country, so much of a threat to our future, and so horrible for our economy and safety, then it would seem the #1 priority, above ALL else, would be to WIN the 2014 House and Senate elections, and WIN the 2016 Presidential election.

And to WIN it, you must defeat the Democrats. And this Benghazi shit just isn't doing it. Im trying to help you idiot right wingers out on this. This isn't an issue that will help you win. In fact, its making people sick, because we have so many more issues that directly affect OUR lives, like current gas prices for example, and rising food prices, and rising RENT prices......all falling under the umbrella of JOBS.

But no. The GOP reps are still fanatical about Benghazi. They dont grasp my point, that even if everything they criticize the president and Dems for on this is 100% true, it is NOT gonna help them win any votes, and in fact, may lose them some because the moderates and independents simply dont give a fuck about this, and care more about our daily lives INSIDE the borders of the US, not about shit happening in North Africa.

Ok, got it. Now those of us who are interested will discuss because we don't care about votes, we care about what happened in Benghazi. You made your point and have been repeating it over and over. Again, we got it.
Let's try to be honest. Benghazi is the only thing the GOP has...They are wasted and desperate.
No, that's not it at all Jim. It's about what happened in Benghazi. You Democrats are seeing nothing but politics and how you might bend them. The rest of us are talking about what happened.
Benghazi is nothing but a political sideshow for the cons. Come on 2014...

The sideshow is all about embarassing the President. They already have all the classified information on the Benghazi attack.

Exclusive - Susan Rice Extended Interview Pt. 1 - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 02/14/13 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

The president has already embarrassed himself.

The democrats and the press went after Nixon for nearly 2 years after some of his stooges broke into an office at the Watergate. I guess An American Ambassador murdered due to shoddy security doesn't come close to that, right?

You commies bore me to tears..

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