BENGHAZI: Who really cares??

Counsel to the President Kathryn H. Ruemmler submitted a letter to the Senate which described a phone call former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton placed on the night of September 11, 2012 but reveals no phone calls were made by President Obama during the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

He let voice mail pickup that 3:00 AM phone call. He needed his sleep for Jay Z and Vegas the next day.
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No. There was an attack at Benghazi at a consulate in Libya where the ambassador happened to be.

There were no protests in Benghazi before the attack. guess that dog won't hunt.

Yes they were wrong about that. But they admitted that fact by late September, so that dog ain't been huntin for a while.

What about your claim that no one saw or knew about that video? Weren't there protest in like 20 or more countries?

Again. There were no protest in Benghazi before the attack. Guess if they saw this video no one was bothered by it.

Nice dodge. You said hardly anyone saw or knew about the video. Yet there was turmoil over it throughout the ME for at least a week.
does 24 hours really constitutue a "campaign"???

fess up you liars - you just want some Democrat blood and you don't care how you go for it.
Yes they were wrong about that. But they admitted that fact by late September, so that dog ain't been huntin for a while.

What about your claim that no one saw or knew about that video? Weren't there protest in like 20 or more countries?

Again. There were no protest in Benghazi before the attack. Guess if they saw this video no one was bothered by it.

Nice dodge. You said hardly anyone saw or knew about the video. Yet there was turmoil over it throughout the ME for at least a week.

Not a dodge. Simple fact. There were no demonstrations in Benghazi. You know Benghazi where AQ attacked the consulate?

Apparantly the Libyans weren't concerned enough to demonstrate about it.
Good to see you're taking a stand against such racial bullshit. I guess 6 years after it started is progress.

Ill assume you are just ignorant of the fact that I've been ridiculing racist bullcrap since I started posting on this board. Which was about 8+ years ago.
It really is amazing. When we were attacked on 9/11/01, the country rallied around the president. When our diplomatic mission in Benghazi was attacked on 9/11/12, Republicans couldn't wait to blame the president.

I don't remember President Bush lying to the people about what happened on 9/11. I don't remember him trying to cover it up for political reasons. Or having administration officials out blaming us and our Freedom of speech for 9/11.

So considering the vastly different ways both President Bush and President Obama Responded to their 9/11 terrorist attacks, it's pretty obvious why the reaction what they did was significantly different.

President Bush demonstrated leadership. President Obama ran away and tried to cover up what really happened. Yet you and a bunch of other people still thought he deserved reelection. Go figure.
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Radical right isn't getting any traction on this "cover-up" conspiracy.
Better stick to birth certificates, American people aren't buying into the 24 hour conspiracy cover-up theory.

You can neg rep, shout liar liar pants on fire, and turn purple with apoplectic faux rage all you want.

Folks aren't buying it.
I agree with the second part, we should tell the host country wherever we have a base that we are closing it in 30 days unless they agree to pay the entire cost of keeping the base in their country. If they can't or won't pay the bill, close the base and bring our people and our equipement home.

That is assuming that the only benefit is to the host country. I don't believe that to be true.

But the benefits to us have to be weighed against the cost and that cost has to include adaquate security.

Our bases in Korea, Japan, Germany serve no purpose but to protect those countries. With modern aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, and sattelite communication we can take care of US interests anywhere in the world without expensive bases.

We do pump a lot of money into their economies, and we are stupid to do that without getting anything in return.

total bullshit.

you probably don't even know ramstein and landstuhl.
Radical right isn't getting any traction on this "cover-up" conspiracy.
Better stick to birth certificates, American people aren't buying into the 24 hour conspiracy cover-up theory.

You can neg rep, shout liar liar pants on fire, and turn purple with apoplectic faux rage all you want.

Folks aren't buying it.

It is a demonstrable fact you you are a liar.

That is the truth. You know it. I know it. We all know it.
Radical right isn't getting any traction on this "cover-up" conspiracy.
Better stick to birth certificates, American people aren't buying into the 24 hour conspiracy cover-up theory.

You can neg rep, shout liar liar pants on fire, and turn purple with apoplectic faux rage all you want.

Folks aren't buying it.

What difference does it make, right? We all know the truth. Some don't posses the fortitude to admit it.
Radical right isn't getting any traction on this "cover-up" conspiracy.
Better stick to birth certificates, American people aren't buying into the 24 hour conspiracy cover-up theory.

You can neg rep, shout liar liar pants on fire, and turn purple with apoplectic faux rage all you want.

Folks aren't buying it.

It is a demonstrable fact you you are a liar.

That is the truth. You know it. I know it. We all know it.

Because you say so ....

someone of your demonstrated integrity ?????

ohhhh .... that's really gonna leave a mark.

Stop foaming at the mouth and prove me wrong then liar
Radical right isn't getting any traction on this "cover-up" conspiracy.
Better stick to birth certificates, American people aren't buying into the 24 hour conspiracy cover-up theory.

You can neg rep, shout liar liar pants on fire, and turn purple with apoplectic faux rage all you want.

Folks aren't buying it.

It is a demonstrable fact you you are a liar.

That is the truth. You know it. I know it. We all know it.

Because you say so ....

someone of your demonstrated integrity ?????

ohhhh .... that's really gonna leave a mark.

Stop foaming at the mouth and prove me wrong then liar

Heh, actually I am chuckling while I have a slice of pizza and a glass of milk for lunch. You have already been proven wrong. This had nothing to do with a YouTube video. Obama, Clinton, Rice and you are full of manure and you know it. Liar.
Radical right isn't getting any traction on this "cover-up" conspiracy.
Better stick to birth certificates, American people aren't buying into the 24 hour conspiracy cover-up theory.

You can neg rep, shout liar liar pants on fire, and turn purple with apoplectic faux rage all you want.

Folks aren't buying it.

It is a demonstrable fact you you are a liar.

That is the truth. You know it. I know it. We all know it.

Because you say so ....

someone of your demonstrated integrity ?????

ohhhh .... that's really gonna leave a mark.

Stop foaming at the mouth and prove me wrong then liar

The entire nation saw the White House disinformation campaign. How did you miss it?

For weeks, Obama's acolytes lied to the American people and told them that the deaths in Benghazi were the result of a demonstration inspired by a Youtube video. That was their story and they stuck to it until facts got in the way.

How can you deny that?

Whining and throwing shit, denying and crying will not change the fact that you are lying about the Benghazi incident.

The usual idiotic tactic of attacking people who tell the truth about your hero isn't going to work here. You have been caught in a lie and anyone with a triple-digit IQ can see it.

The 24-hour bullshit you're trying to peddle just doesn't cut it. Do you actually expect people to believe that people working directly for the President of the United States were uninformed as to the actual events surrounding Benghazi?

That's what you're trying to sell with your 24-hour bullshit. Do you think the people who work for him purposely contradicted him? Do you think the president was actually telling the public the truth about Benghazi with his comment about a terrorist act? Are the acts of an organized mob not terrorism?

Yeah, I saw the press conference less than 24 hours after the attack where he called it terrorism.

Sorry you must have slept through that one.

But keep trying to claim different - you lose votes everytime you open your mouth
Yeah, I saw the press conference less than 24 hours after the attack where he called it terrorism.

Sorry you must have slept through that one.

But keep trying to claim different - you lose votes everytime you open your mouth

It's the republican affliction of hearing what you want to hear and not what was actually said
Right back atcha, hack.

We both know they are lying, the issue here is that you do not have the moral fortitude to admit it.

I'm sure I'm keeping you from your WMD, Patt Tillman, Jessica Lynch, rally, so trundle right along.

Your lie is that you pretend to be about the honesty while all you are into are hyperpartisan attacks.

We're not fooled

This is my point. Absolutely zip about the thousands of American deaths for 8 years...then presto, Obama is in office when there are deaths in the middle east and it's all of the sudden cause for concern. Which is fine...Americans all have short attention spans on these things. But the specter of Presidential malfeasance is easily just as evident in the cases of Lynch, Tillman and likely hundreds of others we've never heard about.

The hypocrisy of the Right Wing is so palpable that it's borderline comedic.

Left wing liberals = WGAF?

Rest of the moral world = WTF?
Ask the families of the four murdered men who cares and ask them what they think about the adiminstration trying to pass off a bullshit video as the motive for the attack and murders.
Speaking of 4 murdered Americans........remember those 4 American cops in the Seattle area who were ambushed while they drank coffee and all died? No? Yeah, it was a big story for...oh, a day or two. Did anyone give much of a shit? Yeah, for a day or two. Did anyone demand a study to find out how the lunatic got his gun? Why he targeted innocent cops? What has been done since to stop it from ever happening again?

Nah. Because all dead Americans aren't equal apparantly. Heroic Americans who die serving the citizens of this country while in North Africa somehow warrant far more sympathy and concern that those who die working right here on our own streets.

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