BENGHAZI: Who really cares??

Governments cover-up information on deaths all the time. Remember Pat Tilman? That was a huge fiasco of cover-up. The families care a lot Im sure. And someone in the govt should be assigned to update them.

But the entire GOP party seems obsessed with this. Why? Most Americans dont.

Congress has a Constitutional mandate of oversight, as long as the administration is stonewalling them they will continue to ask. Are you aware that the DOJ won't even release the FBI interviews with the survivors to congress? There's a boat load of lying going on and it's time for it to stop.

I agree. No one will ever hear the real story because I'm sure those involved have been threatened to within an inch of their lives.

Was there a Stand Down order given??

Were a General and an Admiral relieved of command because they refused that order??

Hillary's State Department fucked up big time and four men, including an ambassador, are dead because their fuck ups.

Security should have been beefed up or failing that the embassy should have been closed. Other embassies and the RC pulled out BECAUSE of those threats. If those measure had been taken Benghazi would be a non item.

Hell. Barry jetted off to Vegas for his fundraiser while it was going on.

We do know that the administratioin lied its ass off for almost two weeks about the incident and we all know Hillary won't get the boot and no heads will roll in State. In fact. Nothing will be done at all.

It will be just four dead men that folks like Bucs could give shit one about.
Who really cares? Is that the question?

We should all care when the president and his minions lie to the american public about the deaths of american citizens.

You libs have been ranting "Bush lied about WMDs" for years. But in the case of Benghazi where obama clearly lied for political reasons, you don't care---------bullshit, you are a bunch of partisan hypocrites----every fricken one of you.
Nobody cared when the Pentagon under George Bush lied about the nature of Pat Tillman's death. Nobody was held to account for this travesty.

I doubt that had there not been a "neegro sleeping" in the white house and a lilly white republican were there sleeping instead, the public would care more or less.

The difference here is that there was a reason to not tell all we knew in Lybia. There was and still is no reason to not come clean about a true American hero who gave up high seven figures to go fight in Afghanistan.
Im still shocked at just how hard the right is pushing Benghazi. I gotta ask....what exactly do they think they'll achieve out of it? Embarrass Obama? Get him impeached? Get him to just resign? Nah. Not realistic. They'll mostly just alienate more independent voters.

The people who deeply care about this as a political issue...well, they all voted for Romney. Independents are kinda split on everything. Thats why they're independent. So, some who voted Romney may be alienated. Some who voted Obama may drift to the right. But some may just get sick of it all.

Because most people dont give a fuck about it. In fact, most find it frustrating that so many politicians (mostly GOP) are putting a HUGE amount of energy and time into something that, big picture, really doesn't affect the daily lives of Americans all that much.

Just a word of advice to Republicans: Let it go. If you ever want to be in power again, this is but one small step in a long walk back. Let it go. You may be right or wrong. But either way, you aren't gonna gain any ground with Benghazi.

Hell, Water-bottle-Gate probably did more to hurt your public image than Benghazi is helping it.

Yeah...what difference does it make that 4 Americans died while the Neeeegro slept?

You're not helping. Shut up if you are going to undermine serious discussion with your nonsense.

The blood of those victims is on all of our hands if the truth is allowed to be hidden. Justice requires truth.

And screw politics. The truth is more important than how it makes us look. Doing what is right is more important than winning elections for the sake of power. What the heck is the point of winning elections if we are going to turn around and destroy what we were elected to be good stewards over?

Good to see you're taking a stand against such racial bullshit. I guess 6 years after it started is progress.
I care. It's patently obvious that the denizens in the White House lied to the American people about the Benghazi attack to avoid having to deal with the truth during the election process.

The republicans are ignoring that fact and bitching about proper security for embassies. They are part of the cover-up or idiots. Probably both.
Nobody cared when the Pentagon under George Bush lied about the nature of Pat Tillman's death. Nobody was held to account for this travesty.

I doubt that had there not been a "neegro sleeping" in the white house and a lilly white republican were there sleeping instead, the public would care more or less.

The difference here is that there was a reason to not tell all we knew in Lybia. There was and still is no reason to not come clean about a true American hero who gave up high seven figures to go fight in Afghanistan.

So the president gets carte blanch to lie to the American people because he's black?

Gee, I didn't know that.
Im still shocked at just how hard the right is pushing Benghazi. I gotta ask....what exactly do they think they'll achieve out of it?

It's merely Lindsey Graham's effort to prove he's "one o' the guys" (i.e. heteros).

He's never (really) had a whole-lotta-luck, with that.
Im still shocked at just how hard the right is pushing Benghazi. I gotta ask....what exactly do they think they'll achieve out of it? Embarrass Obama? Get him impeached? Get him to just resign? Nah. Not realistic. They'll mostly just alienate more independent voters.
Don't report on possible Gov't Malfeasance and Corruption because you may alienate a voting block known as "retards".

People concentrating on the skin color of the politician or how he drinks from a bottle shows just how stupid and easily manipulated Americans really are.
Nobody cared when the Pentagon under George Bush lied about the nature of Pat Tillman's death. Nobody was held to account for this travesty.

I doubt that had there not been a "neegro sleeping" in the white house and a lilly white republican were there sleeping instead, the public would care more or less.

The difference here is that there was a reason to not tell all we knew in Lybia. There was and still is no reason to not come clean about a true American hero who gave up high seven figures to go fight in Afghanistan.

Jesus. Are you really this stupid??

What they did tell us was a pack of lies. A video?? A fucking video that no one knew about or saw was the reason for Benghazi?? You believe that?? Hell they repeated it for two weeks. You seem to think thats AOK while your telling us about Pat Tillman and how wrong the Bush Pentagon was.

And you can take your negro bullshit and shove it up your ass. Barry's State Department under Clinton fucked up big time. No addtional security and they certainly didn't close the embassy down. Four dead men obviously doesn't matter to you.
Nobody cared when the Pentagon under George Bush lied about the nature of Pat Tillman's death. Nobody was held to account for this travesty.

I doubt that had there not been a "neegro sleeping" in the white house and a lilly white republican were there sleeping instead, the public would care more or less.

The difference here is that there was a reason to not tell all we knew in Lybia. There was and still is no reason to not come clean about a true American hero who gave up high seven figures to go fight in Afghanistan.

Jesus. Are you really this stupid??

What they did tell us was a pack of lies. A video?? A fucking video that no one knew about or saw was the reason for Benghazi?? You believe that?? Hell they repeated it for two weeks. You seem to think thats AOK while your telling us about Pat Tillman and how wrong the Bush Pentagon was.

And you can take your negro bullshit and shove it up your ass. Barry's State Department under Clinton fucked up big time. No addtional security and they certainly didn't close the embassy down. Four dead men obviously doesn't matter to you.

It's incredible that some of these people do not care. They put their partisan politics above their patriotism if they ever had any to begin with.
Nobody cared when the Pentagon under George Bush lied about the nature of Pat Tillman's death. Nobody was held to account for this travesty.

I doubt that had there not been a "neegro sleeping" in the white house and a lilly white republican were there sleeping instead, the public would care more or less.

The difference here is that there was a reason to not tell all we knew in Lybia. There was and still is no reason to not come clean about a true American hero who gave up high seven figures to go fight in Afghanistan.

Jesus. Are you really this stupid??

What they did tell us was a pack of lies. A video?? A fucking video that no one knew about or saw was the reason for Benghazi?? You believe that?? Hell they repeated it for two weeks. You seem to think thats AOK while your telling us about Pat Tillman and how wrong the Bush Pentagon was.

And you can take your negro bullshit and shove it up your ass. Barry's State Department under Clinton fucked up big time. No addtional security and they certainly didn't close the embassy down. Four dead men obviously doesn't matter to you.

It's incredible that some of these people do not care. They put their partisan politics above their patriotism if they ever had any to begin with.

It really is amazing. When we were attacked on 9/11/01, the country rallied around the president. When our diplomatic mission in Benghazi was attacked on 9/11/12, Republicans couldn't wait to blame the president.
Jesus. Are you really this stupid??

What they did tell us was a pack of lies. A video?? A fucking video that no one knew about or saw was the reason for Benghazi?? You believe that?? Hell they repeated it for two weeks. You seem to think thats AOK while your telling us about Pat Tillman and how wrong the Bush Pentagon was.

And you can take your negro bullshit and shove it up your ass. Barry's State Department under Clinton fucked up big time. No addtional security and they certainly didn't close the embassy down. Four dead men obviously doesn't matter to you.

It's incredible that some of these people do not care. They put their partisan politics above their patriotism if they ever had any to begin with.

It really is amazing. When we were attacked on 9/11/01, the country rallied around the president. When our diplomatic mission in Benghazi was attacked on 9/11/12, Republicans couldn't wait to blame the president.

That is another lie just like Obama, Clinton and Rice lied. You Lefties have no morals. But look who you have for an example ~shrug~
I care. It's patently obvious that the denizens in the White House lied to the American people about the Benghazi attack to avoid having to deal with the truth during the election process.

The republicans are ignoring that fact and bitching about proper security for embassies. They are part of the cover-up or idiots. Probably both.

Wait, didn't the WH start describing the incident as a terrorist attack two weeks after the attack, at the end of September? At least 5 weeks before the election?
Jesus. Are you really this stupid??

What they did tell us was a pack of lies. A video?? A fucking video that no one knew about or saw was the reason for Benghazi?? You believe that?? Hell they repeated it for two weeks. You seem to think thats AOK while your telling us about Pat Tillman and how wrong the Bush Pentagon was.

And you can take your negro bullshit and shove it up your ass. Barry's State Department under Clinton fucked up big time. No addtional security and they certainly didn't close the embassy down. Four dead men obviously doesn't matter to you.

It's incredible that some of these people do not care. They put their partisan politics above their patriotism if they ever had any to begin with.

It really is amazing. When we were attacked on 9/11/01, the country rallied around the president. When our diplomatic mission in Benghazi was attacked on 9/11/12, Republicans couldn't wait to blame the president.

Kinda tells you weho the real patriots are right there - doesn't it?
I care. It's patently obvious that the denizens in the White House lied to the American people about the Benghazi attack to avoid having to deal with the truth during the election process.

The republicans are ignoring that fact and bitching about proper security for embassies. They are part of the cover-up or idiots. Probably both.

Wait, didn't the WH start describing the incident as a terrorist attack two weeks after the attack, at the end of September? At least 5 weeks before the election?

WH described it that way the next day.
Nobody cared when the Pentagon under George Bush lied about the nature of Pat Tillman's death. Nobody was held to account for this travesty.

I doubt that had there not been a "neegro sleeping" in the white house and a lilly white republican were there sleeping instead, the public would care more or less.

The difference here is that there was a reason to not tell all we knew in Lybia. There was and still is no reason to not come clean about a true American hero who gave up high seven figures to go fight in Afghanistan.

Jesus. Are you really this stupid??

What they did tell us was a pack of lies. A video?? A fucking video that no one knew about or saw was the reason for Benghazi?? You believe that?? Hell they repeated it for two weeks. You seem to think thats AOK while your telling us about Pat Tillman and how wrong the Bush Pentagon was.

And you can take your negro bullshit and shove it up your ass. Barry's State Department under Clinton fucked up big time. No addtional security and they certainly didn't close the embassy down. Four dead men obviously doesn't matter to you.

???? Perhaps you think the State Run Press made all this up?

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There was no attack at the Lybian Emabassy.
Over 4000 men and women died in one of the biggest cover ups in American history and not a peep out of you guys. Over 400 marines died in Lebanon and not a peep out of you guys. Now all of the sudden you guys are worried about government oversight? Yes, weshould get answers about the failures on Benghazi, but don't come on here with supposed outrage when it is nothing more than political circle-jerk. If a republican were in office at the time idiot progressives would be on here saying the exact same thing you guys are saying.
The GOP needs to stop trying to use this as a bludgeon against the administration it is just alienating them further. Moderates see that they aren't concerned about security - just in trying to sling mud. They don't like it.

Now, get out front on reviewing the cost-benefit of every overseas facility (including the full cost of securing the facility) and you might actually make some progress.
Jesus. Are you really this stupid??

What they did tell us was a pack of lies. A video?? A fucking video that no one knew about or saw was the reason for Benghazi?? You believe that?? Hell they repeated it for two weeks. You seem to think thats AOK while your telling us about Pat Tillman and how wrong the Bush Pentagon was.

And you can take your negro bullshit and shove it up your ass. Barry's State Department under Clinton fucked up big time. No addtional security and they certainly didn't close the embassy down. Four dead men obviously doesn't matter to you.

It's incredible that some of these people do not care. They put their partisan politics above their patriotism if they ever had any to begin with.

It really is amazing. When we were attacked on 9/11/01, the country rallied around the president. When our diplomatic mission in Benghazi was attacked on 9/11/12, Republicans couldn't wait to blame the president.

Well I'm not a Rep and I blame Barry's State Department. This was cut and dried. All they had to do was beef up security or shut the embassy down. Benghazi would have been a non issue.

Instead we got a pack of lies and a POTUS who jetted off to Vegas for his fund raiser.

Didn't see Bush jetting off to a fundraiser on 9-11.

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