BENGHAZI: Who really cares??

Over 4000 men and women died in one of the biggest cover ups in American history and not a peep out of you guys. Over 400 marines died in Lebanon and not a peep out of you guys. Now all of the sudden you guys are worried about government oversight? Yes, weshould get answers about the failures on Benghazi, but don't come on here with supposed outrage when it is nothing more than political circle-jerk. If a republican were in office at the time idiot progressives would be on here saying the exact same thing you guys are saying.

you can take your conspiracy bullshit to the conspiracy thread. The US did not do 9/11, Lebanon, or Dharan.

Benghazi is about a president that lied for political gain. Lied to the american people and lied to the UN two weeks later when everyone in the world knew he was lying.

But all thats just fine because he is the first black president and its his job to "get even"
Nobody cared when the Pentagon under George Bush lied about the nature of Pat Tillman's death. Nobody was held to account for this travesty.

I doubt that had there not been a "neegro sleeping" in the white house and a lilly white republican were there sleeping instead, the public would care more or less.

The difference here is that there was a reason to not tell all we knew in Lybia. There was and still is no reason to not come clean about a true American hero who gave up high seven figures to go fight in Afghanistan.

Jesus. Are you really this stupid??

What they did tell us was a pack of lies. A video?? A fucking video that no one knew about or saw was the reason for Benghazi?? You believe that?? Hell they repeated it for two weeks. You seem to think thats AOK while your telling us about Pat Tillman and how wrong the Bush Pentagon was.

And you can take your negro bullshit and shove it up your ass. Barry's State Department under Clinton fucked up big time. No addtional security and they certainly didn't close the embassy down. Four dead men obviously doesn't matter to you.

???? Perhaps you think the State Run Press made all this up?

Egypt Protests Against Anti-Islam Film (VIDEO) : African Spotlight

There was no attack at the Lybian Emabassy.

No. There was an attack at Benghazi at a consulate in Libya where the ambassador happened to be.

There were no protests in Benghazi before the attack. guess that dog won't hunt.
The GOP needs to stop trying to use this as a bludgeon against the administration it is just alienating them further. Moderates see that they aren't concerned about security - just in trying to sling mud. They don't like it.

Now, get out front on reviewing the cost-benefit of every overseas facility (including the full cost of securing the facility) and you might actually make some progress.

I agree with the second part, we should tell the host country wherever we have a base that we are closing it in 30 days unless they agree to pay the entire cost of keeping the base in their country. If they can't or won't pay the bill, close the base and bring our people and our equipement home.
I care. It's patently obvious that the denizens in the White House lied to the American people about the Benghazi attack to avoid having to deal with the truth during the election process.

The republicans are ignoring that fact and bitching about proper security for embassies. They are part of the cover-up or idiots. Probably both.

Wait, didn't the WH start describing the incident as a terrorist attack two weeks after the attack, at the end of September? At least 5 weeks before the election?

WH described it that way the next day.

The Preisdent did call it an "act of terror" then. But just to be honest they (spokesman or women) for the first two weeks spewed the talking points, always claimed that the best information we have at present.... spontanious response to a video..... Of course they always qualified that with the fact that an investigation was ongoing and that we will wait until they finish before we will know for sure what happened. But just to give the conspiricy nuts the benefit of the doubt..... more than 5 full weeks before the election..... : Benghazi Timeline
They lied to the world with no remorse and these Left-wing nutters are lapping it up. It's amazing how they thrive on the party line when they know that Obama and Clinton are lying to them. They lack the fortitude to look themselves in the mirror as they put their fingers in both ears and shout BUUUSSSHHH!
They lied to the world with no remorse and these Left-wing nutters are lapping it up. It's amazing how they thrive on the party line when they know that Obama and Clinton are lying to them. They lack the fortitude to look themselves in the mirror as they put their fingers in both ears and shout BUUUSSSHHH!

right its BUUUUSSSSHHHH and RACISM. telling the truth is nowhere in their lexicon of talking points
Jesus. Are you really this stupid??

What they did tell us was a pack of lies. A video?? A fucking video that no one knew about or saw was the reason for Benghazi?? You believe that?? Hell they repeated it for two weeks. You seem to think thats AOK while your telling us about Pat Tillman and how wrong the Bush Pentagon was.

And you can take your negro bullshit and shove it up your ass. Barry's State Department under Clinton fucked up big time. No addtional security and they certainly didn't close the embassy down. Four dead men obviously doesn't matter to you.

???? Perhaps you think the State Run Press made all this up?

Egypt Protests Against Anti-Islam Film (VIDEO) : African Spotlight

There was no attack at the Lybian Emabassy.

No. There was an attack at Benghazi at a consulate in Libya where the ambassador happened to be.

There were no protests in Benghazi before the attack. guess that dog won't hunt.

Yes they were wrong about that. But they admitted that fact by late September, so that dog ain't been huntin for a while.

What about your claim that no one saw or knew about that video? Weren't there protest in like 20 or more countries?
I care. It's patently obvious that the denizens in the White House lied to the American people about the Benghazi attack to avoid having to deal with the truth during the election process.

The republicans are ignoring that fact and bitching about proper security for embassies. They are part of the cover-up or idiots. Probably both.

Wait, didn't the WH start describing the incident as a terrorist attack two weeks after the attack, at the end of September? At least 5 weeks before the election?

WH described it that way the next day.

He spoke of it in a general sense as an act of terror.

His administration then promptly went about the business of misinforming the public.
The GOP needs to stop trying to use this as a bludgeon against the administration it is just alienating them further. Moderates see that they aren't concerned about security - just in trying to sling mud. They don't like it.

Now, get out front on reviewing the cost-benefit of every overseas facility (including the full cost of securing the facility) and you might actually make some progress.

I agree with the second part, we should tell the host country wherever we have a base that we are closing it in 30 days unless they agree to pay the entire cost of keeping the base in their country. If they can't or won't pay the bill, close the base and bring our people and our equipement home.

That is assuming that the only benefit is to the host country. I don't believe that to be true.

But the benefits to us have to be weighed against the cost and that cost has to include adaquate security.
Wait, didn't the WH start describing the incident as a terrorist attack two weeks after the attack, at the end of September? At least 5 weeks before the election?

WH described it that way the next day.

He spoke of it in a general sense as an act of terror.

His administration then promptly went about the business of misinforming the public.

He knows the truth and flat out doesn't care.
Wait, didn't the WH start describing the incident as a terrorist attack two weeks after the attack, at the end of September? At least 5 weeks before the election?

WH described it that way the next day.

He spoke of it in a general sense as an act of terror.

His administration then promptly went about the business of misinforming the public.

Again, you want how many months of congressional hearings to split that hair?

Knock yourself out - but don't keep acting surprised when you lose elections.
WH described it that way the next day.

He spoke of it in a general sense as an act of terror.

His administration then promptly went about the business of misinforming the public.

Again, you want how many months of congressional hearings to split that hair?

How about they just admit that they screwed up and then covered it up the best they could. We all know it. Is that to difficult for them?
The GOP needs to stop trying to use this as a bludgeon against the administration it is just alienating them further. Moderates see that they aren't concerned about security - just in trying to sling mud. They don't like it.

Now, get out front on reviewing the cost-benefit of every overseas facility (including the full cost of securing the facility) and you might actually make some progress.

I agree with the second part, we should tell the host country wherever we have a base that we are closing it in 30 days unless they agree to pay the entire cost of keeping the base in their country. If they can't or won't pay the bill, close the base and bring our people and our equipement home.

That is assuming that the only benefit is to the host country. I don't believe that to be true.

But the benefits to us have to be weighed against the cost and that cost has to include adaquate security.

Our bases in Korea, Japan, Germany serve no purpose but to protect those countries. With modern aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, and sattelite communication we can take care of US interests anywhere in the world without expensive bases.

We do pump a lot of money into their economies, and we are stupid to do that without getting anything in return.
He spoke of it in a general sense as an act of terror.

His administration then promptly went about the business of misinforming the public.

Again, you want how many months of congressional hearings to split that hair?

How about they just admit that they screwed up and then covered it up the best they could. We all know it. Is that to difficult for them?

they could do that as long as they are not under oath. Oops, I think Hillary and Panetta were under oath, lying under oath is a crime----------unless Bubba did it and it was about sex with a 19 year old staffer.
Over 4000 men and women died in one of the biggest cover ups in American history and not a peep out of you guys. Over 400 marines died in Lebanon and not a peep out of you guys. Now all of the sudden you guys are worried about government oversight? Yes, weshould get answers about the failures on Benghazi, but don't come on here with supposed outrage when it is nothing more than political circle-jerk. If a republican were in office at the time idiot progressives would be on here saying the exact same thing you guys are saying.

you can take your conspiracy bullshit to the conspiracy thread. The US did not do 9/11, Lebanon, or Dharan.

Benghazi is about a president that lied for political gain. Lied to the american people and lied to the UN two weeks later when everyone in the world knew he was lying.

But all thats just fine because he is the first black president and its his job to "get even"

Sorry I wasn't clearer, by cover-up I meant " weapons of mass destruction" and the push to get us into a war with a country that had nothing to do with 911. And as a far as Lebanon goes, 400 marines died and your god Reagen did nothing. You are just being dishonest with yourself. If a republican were president during Benghazi you would be defending him and progressives on here would be asking for answers. I just see a parallel in regards to the Iraq war. Politics is so toxic now that people will defend their team regardless of consequences. Both parties have usefull idiots like you that support them regardless of their actions.
I agree with the second part, we should tell the host country wherever we have a base that we are closing it in 30 days unless they agree to pay the entire cost of keeping the base in their country. If they can't or won't pay the bill, close the base and bring our people and our equipement home.

That is assuming that the only benefit is to the host country. I don't believe that to be true.

But the benefits to us have to be weighed against the cost and that cost has to include adaquate security.

Our bases in Korea, Japan, Germany serve no purpose but to protect those countries. With modern aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, and sattelite communication we can take care of US interests anywhere in the world without expensive bases.

We do pump a lot of money into their economies, and we are stupid to do that without getting anything in return.

I believe we do benefit from bases in Korea and Germany. Japan is more questionable in my opinion.
However, rather than you and me quibbling over that, how about we agree to force DoD, state, CIA, provide justification for each base and we apply a strict cost v benefit approach to determining which bases to shut down?
???? Perhaps you think the State Run Press made all this up?

Egypt Protests Against Anti-Islam Film (VIDEO) : African Spotlight

There was no attack at the Lybian Emabassy.

No. There was an attack at Benghazi at a consulate in Libya where the ambassador happened to be.

There were no protests in Benghazi before the attack. guess that dog won't hunt.

Yes they were wrong about that. But they admitted that fact by late September, so that dog ain't been huntin for a while.

What about your claim that no one saw or knew about that video? Weren't there protest in like 20 or more countries?

Explain why they have refused to give congress the statements from the survivors on 5 occasions? Come on this one should be easy.

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