Bennett's Visit: Why???

With what expectation?

The Atlantic, which is not a right-leaning publication, explains why Obama's deal with Iran was a joke:

"It was surely Barack Obama’s profound aversion to the use of American military power that so enfeebled his nuclear diplomacy and made his atomic accord with Iran the worst arms-control agreement since the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922."

Read the full article, you might learn something.
Well, I read the article and it gave me dubious feelings. Clearly, it was written by a 'hawk' who supports a hard line in relations with Iran in particular.

But then again, if not the deal, what options were on the table? Military operation against Iran's nuclear facilities?

I support the point that this deal could have opened Iran and integrated it in the world economy. It could have given so called reformators there an upper hand. The mullahs there aren't that stupid and they understand that something should be done with dire economic situation because oppression won't work endlessly.

The worst case scenario is Iran turning into China, becoming economically dependent on it, and developing its nuclear program with silent approval of the Chinese.
Well, I read the article and it gave me dubious feelings. Clearly, it was written by a 'hawk' who supports a hard line in relations with Iran in particular.

But then again, if not the deal, what options were on the table? Military operation against Iran's nuclear facilities?

I support the point that this deal could have opened Iran and integrated it in the world economy. It could have given so called reformators there an upper hand. The mullahs there aren't that stupid and they understand that something should be done with dire economic situation because oppression won't work endlessly.

The worst case scenario is Iran turning into China, becoming economically dependent on it, and developing its nuclear program with silent approval of the Chinese.

"...a 'hawk' who supports a hard line in relations with Iran in particular."

Can you articulate what other possible attitude is possible for normal people????

".... what options were on the table?"


“Iran's rial hits record-low 100,000 to the dollar” Iran's rial hits record-low 100,000 to the dollar

“British Airways and Air France Suspend Flights to Tehran”
British Airways and Air France suspend flights to Tehran

“European airlines are scrapping flights to Iran… Some of Europe's biggest airlines are scrapping flights to Iran just two years after relaunching their services when international sanctions were eased.
British Airways (ICAGY) said it will operate its last flight from Tehran on September 23. Dutch carrier KLM, part of the Air France KLM (AFLYY) group, will stop flying there on September ..” European airlines are scrapping flights to Iran

“German banks pull plug on trade with Iran

Despite Berlin's pledge to keep the Iranian nuclear deal alive, German banks are so scared of breaching US sanctions that they are refusing to process payments from “

"The US Sanctions on Mullahs are Working

  • "The golden days are gone and will never return. Iran doesn't have enough money to give us." -- A militant with an Iranian-backed militia in Syria, New York Times, March 26, 2019.
  • Feeling the pressure of sanctions on Iran, Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Iran's proxy, Hezbollah, has also called on his group's fundraising arm "to provide the opportunity for jihad with money and also to help with this ongoing battle."
  • Iran's national currency, the rial, has dropped to historic lows — one US dollar, which equaled approximately 35,000 rials in November of 2017, now buys you nearly 130,000 rials."
    The US Sanctions on Mullahs are Working

"Iranian Regime Deploys Snipers Against Demonstrators, Death Toll Crosses 100

“Iran Protests suggest Trump sanctions are inflicting serious pain.”

Now, why don't you explain why it is soooooo important that Iran have nuclear weapons.
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Biden did not look good. he was looking at notes the entire time and did not speak well. i say he should be retired an i am being nice saying that.
Biden did not look good. he was looking at notes the entire time and did not speak well. i say he should be retired an i am being nice saying that.

It doesn't matter how Biden looks or what he says.

The problem is the Democrat Party, and their agenda:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
1. Democrat voters are no more than trained seals, bloodless automatons, who never confront, never question, simply vote as ordered.

The single and central "achievement" of the man they voted into office, twice, is the guarantee of nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, 7th century savages who have openly declared war on civilization and the desire for world wide conflagration.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

No Democrats voter can give a substantive answer.

2. Today..... "Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s visit to the Oval Office on Aug. 26 will prompt the Biden administration to refocus on the slow-motion Iran nuclear crisis, which is fast approaching a critical juncture.

Iran’s nuclear brinkmanship has reached dangerous proportions. Not only has Tehran violated the 2015 nuclear agreement that the U.S. withdrew from in 2018, it also has repeatedly violated its obligations under its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Safeguards Agreement by concealing nuclear activities and restricting the access of inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Iran also has failed to address the nonproliferation concerns of International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors who discovered discrepancies at three nuclear sites. If Tehran continues to stonewall the agency on these issues, the issue could be referred to the U.N. Security Council in the coming months.

In recent months, Iran also has orchestrated a steady drumbeat of proxy attacks on U.S. military advisers in Iraq, sought to kidnap an Iranian dissident in New York City, and ratcheted up covert attacks on Israeli-owned cargo ships.
Yet, the Biden administration remains publicly committed to rejoining the fundamentally flawed nuclear agreement."

3. One more unanswered question:
Why would those who have benefitted so very greatly from Western Civilization, particularly allegedly Jewish folks, ..... Democrat?????

Bennet ought to shut up, go home and attack Iran.
Why is that?

Bennet is a dick... just like Bibi. He pesters our president and wants a war on Iran.. So have at it.. The US prefers diplomacy. Israel has been threatening Iran since 1994. They are 75% of the problem.
Bennet is a dick... just like Bibi. He pesters our president and wants a war on Iran.. So have at it.. The US prefers diplomacy. Israel has been threatening Iran since 1994. They are 75% of the problem.
Israel wants some guarantees of its security. And Iran can't be called too friendly towards them.
Israel wants some guarantees of its security. And Iran can't be called too friendly towards them.

Israel has nuclear weapons and they've been threatening Iran for 25 years. Do they really expect the US to baby them?
Israel has nuclear weapons and they've been threatening Iran for 25 years. Do they really expect the US to baby them?
Well, at least Israel doesn't call Iran the Persian regime and doesn't support militant groups attacking Iran from neighbouring countries.
1. RWer needs to change the newspaper at the bottom of his birdcage.

2. Iranians want to get the hell out of Iran because a mass murderer is now leading Iran.

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