Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

Speaking of Chickenhawks: John Kerry stated this weekend that it doesn't matter that 5 terrorists are claiming they will go back to killing, and called it baloney. He said our troops are very effective, and these terrorists we had locked up will get killed by our troops. Still, I would love it if John Fucken Kerry had to hunt them down personally and risk his own neck.

Kerry isn't a chickenhawk.

He served and won the Silver Star, Bronze Star..

Along with 3 Purple Hearts.

He already "risked his own neck". Bub.

Yet another chink in the conservative "Leave him behind to die" armor..

Probably wouldn't have happened if he hadn't deserted his post.

If he hadn't walked away from his unit none of this would have happened.

Sallow wants us of feel sorry for him because he fucked up.

I noticed the Democrats want us to celebrate mediocrity. Up until now. Now Obama wants us to celebrate treason.

Oh, please.

Was that another bow-tie moment?

Like I've said in another of the main reasons that our military is willing to go into harms way is because they know that we will leave no man behind.

Even if they did screw up and leave their post and get captured.

If it was his own fault, then the military is going to investigate and see if charges and a courts martial is warranted or not.

Remember.....................we can't bring someone to justice until they are returned to military jurisdiction, because you can't be tried in absentia.

And..................fwiw....................I find it interesting that most of those on the right who are calling the loudest for his head are people who have never served and don't know squat about how the UCMJ works.

Also....................attacking his family??????? What's that all about? His father learned to speak the language that Bergdahl's captors used because he wanted to send telegrams to them to them to get his son released, and speaking in someone's native language gets them to look a bit more favorable towards your request. His beard? It was grown as a protest and he wasn't going to shave until his son came back.

I find it interesting that because Bergdahl's father grew a beard and speaks an Arabic language, you call him a "terrorist sympathizer", yet you have no problems with the Duck Dynasty people being bigots.

Slap a turban on the Duck Dynasty dudes, and they'll look like Muslims as well.
Like I've said in another of the main reasons that our military is willing to go into harms way is because they know that we will leave no man behind.

Even if they did screw up and leave their post and get captured.

If it was his own fault, then the military is going to investigate and see if charges and a courts martial is warranted or not.

Remember.....................we can't bring someone to justice until they are returned to military jurisdiction, because you can't be tried in absentia.

And..................fwiw....................I find it interesting that most of those on the right who are calling the loudest for his head are people who have never served and don't know squat about how the UCMJ works.

Also....................attacking his family??????? What's that all about? His father learned to speak the language that Bergdahl's captors used because he wanted to send telegrams to them to them to get his son released, and speaking in someone's native language gets them to look a bit more favorable towards your request. His beard? It was grown as a protest and he wasn't going to shave until his son came back.

I find it interesting that because Bergdahl's father grew a beard and speaks an Arabic language, you call him a "terrorist sympathizer", yet you have no problems with the Duck Dynasty people being bigots.

Slap a turban on the Duck Dynasty dudes, and they'll look like Muslims as well.


Bbbut, bbbut, bbbut that's diffrunt, theyrer raaaaht with Gawd!

Like I've said in another of the main reasons that our military is willing to go into harms way is because they know that we will leave no man behind.

Even if they did screw up and leave their post and get captured.

If it was his own fault, then the military is going to investigate and see if charges and a courts martial is warranted or not.

Remember.....................we can't bring someone to justice until they are returned to military jurisdiction, because you can't be tried in absentia.

And..................fwiw....................I find it interesting that most of those on the right who are calling the loudest for his head are people who have never served and don't know squat about how the UCMJ works.

Also....................attacking his family??????? What's that all about? His father learned to speak the language that Bergdahl's captors used because he wanted to send telegrams to them to them to get his son released, and speaking in someone's native language gets them to look a bit more favorable towards your request. His beard? It was grown as a protest and he wasn't going to shave until his son came back.

I find it interesting that because Bergdahl's father grew a beard and speaks an Arabic language, you call him a "terrorist sympathizer", yet you have no problems with the Duck Dynasty people being bigots.

Slap a turban on the Duck Dynasty dudes, and they'll look like Muslims as well.


Bbbut, bbbut, bbbut that's diffrunt, theyrer raaaaht with Gawd!

Gawd, are you still scrambling to cover Obama's ass?!

Oh, that's right, you care deeply about Bergdahl and his family.:badgrin:
Like I've said in another of the main reasons that our military is willing to go into harms way is because they know that we will leave no man behind.

Even if they did screw up and leave their post and get captured.

If it was his own fault, then the military is going to investigate and see if charges and a courts martial is warranted or not.

Remember.....................we can't bring someone to justice until they are returned to military jurisdiction, because you can't be tried in absentia.

And..................fwiw....................I find it interesting that most of those on the right who are calling the loudest for his head are people who have never served and don't know squat about how the UCMJ works.

Also....................attacking his family??????? What's that all about? His father learned to speak the language that Bergdahl's captors used because he wanted to send telegrams to them to them to get his son released, and speaking in someone's native language gets them to look a bit more favorable towards your request. His beard? It was grown as a protest and he wasn't going to shave until his son came back.

I find it interesting that because Bergdahl's father grew a beard and speaks an Arabic language, you call him a "terrorist sympathizer", yet you have no problems with the Duck Dynasty people being bigots.

Slap a turban on the Duck Dynasty dudes, and they'll look like Muslims as well.

Problem is, this may all be just another lie by the White House.

It looks like we paid a ransom for Bergdahl and Obama simply released 5 Taliban generals just for shits and giggles.

Obama is trying to empty GITMO so he can fulfill a promise he made when he was elected. He doesn't really give a flying-fuck who they are. They're gone as soon as he can figure out a way of dumping them. It's just that silly constitution that keeps getting in his way. You know, upholding the laws and all that. Just a hassle he'd rather not deal with.
This seems to be going the way most conservative conspiracy crapola goes.

They say a bunch of disgustingly stupid shit.

The truth comes out.

Conservatives repeat the same disgustingly stupid shit.

What is t he truth?

He deserted.

You figure because he was mistreated that excuses his deserting.

Being mistreated is a given. He's lucky they didn't cut his head off.

The fact that they didn't is quite an indictment on his true intentions. Don't you think?

And there's absolutely ZERO to indicate that.

The military didn't even consider him AWOL.

But keep repeating it.

It's all you folks know how to do.
This seems to be going the way most conservative conspiracy crapola goes.

They say a bunch of disgustingly stupid shit.

The truth comes out.

Conservatives repeat the same disgustingly stupid shit.

What is t he truth?

He deserted.

You figure because he was mistreated that excuses his deserting.

Being mistreated is a given. He's lucky they didn't cut his head off.

The fact that they didn't is quite an indictment on his true intentions. Don't you think?

And there's absolutely ZERO to indicate that.

The military didn't even consider him AWOL.

But keep repeating it.

It's all you folks know how to do.


Many Righties live in a fact-free world.
This seems to be going the way most conservative conspiracy crapola goes.

They say a bunch of disgustingly stupid shit.

The truth comes out.

Conservatives repeat the same disgustingly stupid shit.

What is t he truth?

He deserted.

You figure because he was mistreated that excuses his deserting.

Being mistreated is a given. He's lucky they didn't cut his head off.

The fact that they didn't is quite an indictment on his true intentions. Don't you think?

And there's absolutely ZERO to indicate that.

The military didn't even consider him AWOL.

But keep repeating it.

It's all you folks know how to do.

Yeah, who cares what everyone in his unit says.

You believe the White House.

What is t he truth?

He deserted.

You figure because he was mistreated that excuses his deserting.

Being mistreated is a given. He's lucky they didn't cut his head off.

The fact that they didn't is quite an indictment on his true intentions. Don't you think?

And there's absolutely ZERO to indicate that.

The military didn't even consider him AWOL.

But keep repeating it.

It's all you folks know how to do.


Many Righties live in a fact-free world.

We're getting the same facts you are.

We just are able to apply common-sense to it.
And there's absolutely ZERO to indicate that.

The military didn't even consider him AWOL.

But keep repeating it.

It's all you folks know how to do.


Many Righties live in a fact-free world.

We're getting the same facts you are.

We just are able to apply common-sense to it.

We tend to wait until all the facts are in, so that we have less egg on our faces.

Like the latest RW-nutbag meme that Obama, via the Pentagon, paid a ransom for Bergdahl.

Fehlanzeige (WRONG!!!). There was no ransom.

You see, just a little patience brings great rewards with it.

How's that bow-tie doing?

Like I've said in another of the main reasons that our military is willing to go into harms way is because they know that we will leave no man behind.

Even if they did screw up and leave their post and get captured.

If it was his own fault, then the military is going to investigate and see if charges and a courts martial is warranted or not.

Remember.....................we can't bring someone to justice until they are returned to military jurisdiction, because you can't be tried in absentia.

And..................fwiw....................I find it interesting that most of those on the right who are calling the loudest for his head are people who have never served and don't know squat about how the UCMJ works.

Also....................attacking his family??????? What's that all about? His father learned to speak the language that Bergdahl's captors used because he wanted to send telegrams to them to them to get his son released, and speaking in someone's native language gets them to look a bit more favorable towards your request. His beard? It was grown as a protest and he wasn't going to shave until his son came back.

I find it interesting that because Bergdahl's father grew a beard and speaks an Arabic language, you call him a "terrorist sympathizer", yet you have no problems with the Duck Dynasty people being bigots.

Slap a turban on the Duck Dynasty dudes, and they'll look like Muslims as well.


Bbbut, bbbut, bbbut that's diffrunt, theyrer raaaaht with Gawd!

Gawd, are you still scrambling to cover Obama's ass?!

Oh, that's right, you care deeply about Bergdahl and his family.:badgrin:

I care about getting the facts right.

Many Righties live in a fact-free world.

We're getting the same facts you are.

We just are able to apply common-sense to it.

We tend to wait until all the facts are in, so that we have less egg on our faces.

Like the latest RW-nutbag meme that Obama, via the Pentagon, paid a ransom for Bergdahl.

Fehlanzeige (WRONG!!!). There was no ransom.

You see, just a little patience brings great rewards with it.

How's that bow-tie doing?


Yeah, like when Reid stated someone told him that Romney didn't pay taxes for a year, or when all those mass shooters were tea party members? Until we found out that they were lefties, or when y'all were spouting it was a movie that caused what happened in bengazi? No, liberals never have egg on their face.
We're getting the same facts you are.

We just are able to apply common-sense to it.

We tend to wait until all the facts are in, so that we have less egg on our faces.

Like the latest RW-nutbag meme that Obama, via the Pentagon, paid a ransom for Bergdahl.

Fehlanzeige (WRONG!!!). There was no ransom.

You see, just a little patience brings great rewards with it.

How's that bow-tie doing?


Yeah, like when Reid stated someone told him that Romney didn't pay taxes for a year, or when all those mass shooters were tea party members? Until we found out that they were lefties, or when y'all were spouting it was a movie that caused what happened in bengazi? No, liberals never have egg on their face.

Oh, my, deep case of butthurt.

Tissue, perhaps?

Now, the actual topic is:

Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

Hope that helps.

I care about getting the facts right.
The only thing you're doing is denying the obvious in a rear-guard defense of the president who dropped the proverbial bar of soap.

Listen, if this had been executed in a low-key manner, it might have blown over. The Rose Garden fiasco and Rice's claim that Bergdahl served with honor and distinction which no one believes exposed Obama's ass and no amount of hissy fitting, disingenuity or smearing those who did actually served honorably and with distinction is going to cover it now.
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Speaking of Chickenhawks: John Kerry stated this weekend that it doesn't matter that 5 terrorists are claiming they will go back to killing, and called it baloney. He said our troops are very effective, and these terrorists we had locked up will get killed by our troops. Still, I would love it if John Fucken Kerry had to hunt them down personally and risk his own neck.

Kerry isn't a chickenhawk.

He served and won the Silver Star, Bronze Star..

Along with 3 Purple Hearts.

He already "risked his own neck". Bub.
The ones he threw over the White House fence?

We've already proved Kerry is a coward and no hero. Lets just stick with the current situation before you embarrass yourself further.

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