Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

You can see the ODS crowd is almost in tears here, given how quickly this fell off the page. Their phony scandals are getting progressively less traction.

It gets better.

Bergdhal may have had mental problems.

Before he became a Taliban prisoner, before he wrote in his journal “I am the lone wolf of deadly nothingness,” before he joined the Army, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was discharged from the Coast Guard for psychological reasons, said close friends who were worried about his emotional health at the time.

The 2006 discharge and a trove of Bergdahl’s writing — his handwritten journal along with essays, stories and e-mails provided to The Washington Post — paint a portrait of a deeply complicated and fragile young man who was by his own account struggling to maintain his mental stability from the start of basic training until the moment he walked off his post in eastern Afghanistan in 2009.

“I’m worried,” he wrote in one journal entry before he deployed. “The closer I get to ship day, the calmer the voices are. I’m reverting. I’m getting colder. My feelings are being flushed with the frozen logic and the training, all the unfeeling cold judgment of the darkness.”

Bergdahl?s writings reveal a fragile young man - The Washington Post
It seems in their desperation to get bodies into Iraq..they took a guy that really wasn't mentally up for the job.

That's really something else.:mad:

He wasn't in Iraq, genius! I said..those who are smearing him..should get their day in court.

Where they are criminally liable for what they say.

There should also be restrictions against book deals and such.

So there is no profit motivation to lie.
In other words, threaten them so they're afraid to testify? That's the Chicago way.

What threat?

You lie under oath and you are in trouble.

That's basic law 101.

Got it?
Bullshit, you know what you were implying. And what's that crap about "no book deals (and such)"? Now you want to take away their 1st amendment rights just for good measure? Screw you. Every man on that base who knew him says the same thing, he's a deserter, which is why you and your commie friends think they should all be silenced.
Your post makes no sense, whatsoever. Are you drunk by any chance?

It made perfect sense. People run their mouths and judge when they have no experience or knowledge on the subject. This one especially. Some people choose to post in general terms as he did. Some post in detail like I made a point to do. And just because I can remember something perfectly doesn't mean someone else can. Some have had their brains rattled so much they can't remember. But again if you had served you would know that.

You will need to explain the difference between Navy & Army to some. Navy can travel in & out of combat zones, obviously. I will continue to post though I have never served, except as a child without my daddy for weeks, when he went to the Med. Laugh all you wish, US Courts have ruled military families also serve. I have lived on military installations, with a career Navy father, and a disabled Army Vet sister, grandfather, and career Army brother in law.

One does the fighting. The others give them a ride.

Oh snap! Hold onto your hats folks lol.:D
Your post makes no sense, whatsoever. Are you drunk by any chance?

It made perfect sense. People run their mouths and judge when they have no experience or knowledge on the subject. This one especially. Some people choose to post in general terms as he did. Some post in detail like I made a point to do. And just because I can remember something perfectly doesn't mean someone else can. Some have had their brains rattled so much they can't remember. But again if you had served you would know that.
This is what I was talking about that makes no sense.

Now feel free with your internets anonymity to go ahead and defend your leader and tell me how my opinion does not count somehow.

And speaking of anonymity, we don't know anything about you or anything you've done. You can say anything but you can't prove anything, so drop the shit about being a POW unless you're prepared to show some proof. Otherwise it's just talk. Now feel free to go fuck yourself.
Yet another chink in the conservative "Leave him behind to die" armor..

PARIS (AP) — U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has told people treating him at an American military medical facility in Germany that he was tortured, beaten and held in a cage by his Taliban captors in Afghanistan after he tried to escape, a senior U.S. official said Sunday.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss what Bergdahl has revealed about the conditions of his captivity. The New York Times first reported on the matter.
Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

I would hesitate to believe anything Bergdahl said.

Bergdahl is not only a deserter but also a liar. In a video, he claimed to have been captured when he lagged behind members of his patrol; However, according to members of his platoon that was a lie. MALKIN: The Story You Haven't Yet Heard About Bowe Bergdahl's Desertion - Fox Nation

“Bergdahl was relieved from guard duty, and instead of going to sleep, he fled the outpost on foot …. There wasn’t any other explanation — he must have intentionally left the guys in his unit behind.” Bergdahl Accused by at Least a Dozen Soldiers and Bereaved Family Members | National Review Online

“But, on the day Bergdahl disappeared, June 30, 2009, there was in fact no patrol, according to other soldiers who were there. On that night, instead of patrolling, they slept in the earthen bunkers of OP Mest, an outpost scraped from a hillside in Afghanistan’s rugged and remote Paktika Province.” Bowe Bergdahl: Perspective of a Marine in Afghanistan | New Republic

“Make no mistake: Bergdahl did not 'lag behind on a patrol,' as was cited in news reports at the time. There was no patrol that night. Bergdahl was relieved from guard duty, and instead of going to sleep, he fled the outpost on foot. He deserted. I’ve talked to members of Bergdahl’s platoon—including the last Americans to see him before his capture. I’ve reviewed the relevant documents. That’s what happened.” We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdahl, a Guy Who Walked Off in the Dead of Night - The Daily Beast

Further, every man and woman who served in the military knows that if Bergdahl had gone missing during a patrol it would have been reported as soon as the patrol returned to base. The fact that no such report was made proves it never happened.

Bergdahl lied.
What is t he truth?

He deserted.

You figure because he was mistreated that excuses his deserting.

Being mistreated is a given. He's lucky they didn't cut his head off.

The fact that they didn't is quite an indictment on his true intentions. Don't you think?

And there's absolutely ZERO to indicate that.

The military didn't even consider him AWOL.

But keep repeating it.

It's all you folks know how to do.

Yeah, who cares what everyone in his unit says.

You believe the White House.


Actually, I do care a bit about what his squadmates said, but I care more about what the upper chain of command did in handling this case.

Trust me.................if you go AWOL, after 10 days, the military stops your paycheck and it won't be restarted until AFTER you return to military jurisdiction. After 30 days, they then declare you a deserter. How do I know this? Because I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and part of my job was to prepare paperwork like that.

Berghdahl never had his pay stopped, and as a matter of fact, he was advanced to Sgt. while he was being held as a POW.

The military would never advance a deserter in absentia. They DO however advance those who are being held as POW's.

Let the military do the investigation, and if it's found that he did something wrong, let him pay for it THEN.

Personally? I think everyone else in the country should keep their noses out of it and let the Army take care of it.
And there's absolutely ZERO to indicate that.

The military didn't even consider him AWOL.

But keep repeating it.

It's all you folks know how to do.

Yeah, who cares what everyone in his unit says.

You believe the White House.


Actually, I do care a bit about what his squadmates said, but I care more about what the upper chain of command did in handling this case.

Trust me.................if you go AWOL, after 10 days, the military stops your paycheck and it won't be restarted until AFTER you return to military jurisdiction. After 30 days, they then declare you a deserter. How do I know this? Because I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and part of my job was to prepare paperwork like that.

Berghdahl never had his pay stopped, and as a matter of fact, he was advanced to Sgt. while he was being held as a POW.

The military would never advance a deserter in absentia. They DO however advance those who are being held as POW's.

Let the military do the investigation, and if it's found that he did something wrong, let him pay for it THEN.

Personally? I think everyone else in the country should keep their noses out of it and let the Army take care of it.

Bergdahl Was Never Listed by US as a POW!

In his five years of captivity, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was never listed by the Pentagon as a prisoner of war.

Nor has the U.S. applied that term to any of its Taliban prisoners — including the five senior Taliban figures who were released last weekend from detention at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for Bergdahl's freedom.

Bergdahl Was Never Listed by US as a POW - ABC News
Yeah, who cares what everyone in his unit says.

You believe the White House.


Actually, I do care a bit about what his squadmates said, but I care more about what the upper chain of command did in handling this case.

Trust me.................if you go AWOL, after 10 days, the military stops your paycheck and it won't be restarted until AFTER you return to military jurisdiction. After 30 days, they then declare you a deserter. How do I know this? Because I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and part of my job was to prepare paperwork like that.

Berghdahl never had his pay stopped, and as a matter of fact, he was advanced to Sgt. while he was being held as a POW.

The military would never advance a deserter in absentia. They DO however advance those who are being held as POW's.

Let the military do the investigation, and if it's found that he did something wrong, let him pay for it THEN.

Personally? I think everyone else in the country should keep their noses out of it and let the Army take care of it.

Bergdahl Was Never Listed by US as a POW!

In his five years of captivity, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was never listed by the Pentagon as a prisoner of war.

Nor has the U.S. applied that term to any of its Taliban prisoners — including the five senior Taliban figures who were released last weekend from detention at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for Bergdahl's freedom.

Bergdahl Was Never Listed by US as a POW - ABC News

Quick question....................where has it been proven that Bergdahl is proven to be a deserter?

Matter of fact, where is it proven that he is been proven to be Taliban?

Most of those who said he's a traitor have never served.

I wonder how many of them would succeed in a firefight?

I'm guessing most would not succeed. Matter of fact, I'm guessing that most of the Tea Party would end up in that most silent of majorities, because they'd be dead.

Go ahead and refute it. Most of you have never served.

Google it as a matter of fact. The REAL one percent are those who work for a sub par wage and defend this country.

Yeah......................check out how much you pay those in the military.

And the check out their pensions.
Actually, I do care a bit about what his squadmates said, but I care more about what the upper chain of command did in handling this case.

Trust me.................if you go AWOL, after 10 days, the military stops your paycheck and it won't be restarted until AFTER you return to military jurisdiction. After 30 days, they then declare you a deserter. How do I know this? Because I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and part of my job was to prepare paperwork like that.

Berghdahl never had his pay stopped, and as a matter of fact, he was advanced to Sgt. while he was being held as a POW.

The military would never advance a deserter in absentia. They DO however advance those who are being held as POW's.

Let the military do the investigation, and if it's found that he did something wrong, let him pay for it THEN.

Personally? I think everyone else in the country should keep their noses out of it and let the Army take care of it.

Bergdahl Was Never Listed by US as a POW!

In his five years of captivity, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was never listed by the Pentagon as a prisoner of war.

Nor has the U.S. applied that term to any of its Taliban prisoners — including the five senior Taliban figures who were released last weekend from detention at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for Bergdahl's freedom.

Bergdahl Was Never Listed by US as a POW - ABC News

Quick question....................where has it been proven that Bergdahl is proven to be a deserter?

Matter of fact, where is it proven that he is been proven to be Taliban?

Most of those who said he's a traitor have never served.

I wonder how many of them would succeed in a firefight?

I'm guessing most would not succeed. Matter of fact, I'm guessing that most of the Tea Party would end up in that most silent of majorities, because they'd be dead.

Go ahead and refute it. Most of you have never served.

Google it as a matter of fact. The REAL one percent are those who work for a sub par wage and defend this country.

Yeah......................check out how much you pay those in the military.

And the check out their pensions.
Then go match those figures against what we pay illegals in welfare benefits. Then check out Obama's policies regarding the two. Then shut up.
Yet another chink in the conservative "Leave him behind to die" armor..

PARIS (AP) — U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has told people treating him at an American military medical facility in Germany that he was tortured, beaten and held in a cage by his Taliban captors in Afghanistan after he tried to escape, a senior U.S. official said Sunday.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss what Bergdahl has revealed about the conditions of his captivity. The New York Times first reported on the matter.
Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

Conservatives weren't saying leave him behind to die. They were saying they didn't agree with swapping him for the Obama five.
In other words, threaten them so they're afraid to testify? That's the Chicago way.

What threat?

You lie under oath and you are in trouble.

That's basic law 101.

Got it?
Bullshit, you know what you were implying. And what's that crap about "no book deals (and such)"? Now you want to take away their 1st amendment rights just for good measure? Screw you. Every man on that base who knew him says the same thing, he's a deserter, which is why you and your commie friends think they should all be silenced.

What crap?

This kind of thing happens all the time.

They aren't in or with the General population, they are in the military.

"Rights" are completely different for military folks.

Check it.

That's why at the present time? So many of them get away with rape.
Yet another chink in the conservative "Leave him behind to die" armor..

PARIS (AP) — U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has told people treating him at an American military medical facility in Germany that he was tortured, beaten and held in a cage by his Taliban captors in Afghanistan after he tried to escape, a senior U.S. official said Sunday.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss what Bergdahl has revealed about the conditions of his captivity. The New York Times first reported on the matter.
Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

Conservatives weren't saying leave him behind to die. They were saying they didn't agree with swapping him for the Obama five.

Well..had they not "swapped"? What do you think the outcome would have been..
Actually, I do care a bit about what his squadmates said, but I care more about what the upper chain of command did in handling this case.

Trust me.................if you go AWOL, after 10 days, the military stops your paycheck and it won't be restarted until AFTER you return to military jurisdiction. After 30 days, they then declare you a deserter. How do I know this? Because I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and part of my job was to prepare paperwork like that.

Berghdahl never had his pay stopped, and as a matter of fact, he was advanced to Sgt. while he was being held as a POW.

The military would never advance a deserter in absentia. They DO however advance those who are being held as POW's.

Let the military do the investigation, and if it's found that he did something wrong, let him pay for it THEN.

Personally? I think everyone else in the country should keep their noses out of it and let the Army take care of it.

Bergdahl Was Never Listed by US as a POW!

In his five years of captivity, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was never listed by the Pentagon as a prisoner of war.

Nor has the U.S. applied that term to any of its Taliban prisoners — including the five senior Taliban figures who were released last weekend from detention at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for Bergdahl's freedom.

Bergdahl Was Never Listed by US as a POW - ABC News

Quick question....................where has it been proven that Bergdahl is proven to be a deserter?

Matter of fact, where is it proven that he is been proven to be Taliban?

Most of those who said he's a traitor have never served.

I wonder how many of them would succeed in a firefight?

I'm guessing most would not succeed. Matter of fact, I'm guessing that most of the Tea Party would end up in that most silent of majorities, because they'd be dead.

Go ahead and refute it. Most of you have never served.

Google it as a matter of fact. The REAL one percent are those who work for a sub par wage and defend this country.

Yeah......................check out how much you pay those in the military.

And the check out their pensions.

"Most of those who said he's a traitor have never served"

That's bullshit. I know two marines and one air force pilot. They are adamant he's a traitor. Every military man I heard interviewed believe he's at best a deserter. The only people I've seen that claim to have served who don't have a negative opinion on the guy are USMB liberals.
Yet another chink in the conservative "Leave him behind to die" armor..

Conservatives weren't saying leave him behind to die. They were saying they didn't agree with swapping him for the Obama five.

Well..had they not "swapped"? What do you think the outcome would have been..

Don't know. And that doesn't justify the trade. Following your logic any trade we made for him would have been a good one.
Bergdahl Was Never Listed by US as a POW!

In his five years of captivity, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was never listed by the Pentagon as a prisoner of war.

Nor has the U.S. applied that term to any of its Taliban prisoners — including the five senior Taliban figures who were released last weekend from detention at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for Bergdahl's freedom.

Bergdahl Was Never Listed by US as a POW - ABC News

Quick question....................where has it been proven that Bergdahl is proven to be a deserter?

Matter of fact, where is it proven that he is been proven to be Taliban?

Most of those who said he's a traitor have never served.

I wonder how many of them would succeed in a firefight?

I'm guessing most would not succeed. Matter of fact, I'm guessing that most of the Tea Party would end up in that most silent of majorities, because they'd be dead.

Go ahead and refute it. Most of you have never served.

Google it as a matter of fact. The REAL one percent are those who work for a sub par wage and defend this country.

Yeah......................check out how much you pay those in the military.

And the check out their pensions.

"Most of those who said he's a traitor have never served"

That's bullshit. I know two marines and one air force pilot. They are adamant he's a traitor. Every military man I heard interviewed believe he's at best a deserter. The only people I've seen that claim to have served who don't have a negative opinion on the guy are USMB liberals.

Michael Hastings wrote a pretty good piece about 2 years back..

This is what it says about the Unit:

The prolonged aspect of the war was also forcing the Pentagon to send more and more recruits who were unprepared and undisciplined, like Bowe's unit. To meet its recruiting goals, the Army had lowered its standards for intellectual aptitude, and allowed more waivers for recruits with felony convictions and drug problems. "One of every five recruits required a waiver to join the service, leading military analysts to conclude that the Army has lowered its standards," Col. Jeffrey McClain wrote in a definitive study for the Army War College in 2008, the year many in Bowe's unit joined up.

Bowe's platoon of some 25 men – under-manned by more than a third – was sent to a small combat outpost called Mest-Malak, near the village of Yaya Kheyl, where they were supposed to conduct counterinsurgency operations, attempting to win the local population over to the side of the Americans. Bowe had a serious staph infection in his leg, so he arrived at the outpost late. With his customary zeal, he'd been preparing for the deployment by learning how to speak Pashto and reading Russian military manuals. Almost as soon as he joined his fellow soldiers, he began to gravitate away from his unit. "He spent more time with the Afghans than he did with his platoon," Fry says. His father, recalling that time, would later describe his son to military investigators as "psychologically isolated."

The discipline problems that had plagued Bowe's unit back home only got worse when immersed in the fog of war. From the start, everything seemed to go wrong. In April, Lt. Fancey was removed from his post for clashing with a superior officer. He was replaced by Sgt. 1st Class Larry Hein, who had never held such a command – a move that left the remote outpost with no officers. According to four soldiers in the battalion, the removal of Fancey was quickly followed by a collapse in unit morale and an almost complete breakdown of authority.

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Oh and..

The Pentagon insists that it is "doing everything possible" to get Bowe home, and a large photo of the captive soldier hangs in CENTCOM headquarters, a daily reminder to those working to free him. Last year, according to officials close to the negotiations, Bowe's name took center stage during peace talks with the Taliban. The negotiations are being handled by an interagency team comprised of representatives from the State Department, the Defense Department and the White House, who have traveled to Germany and Qatar to meet with the Taliban. (One of Obama's top advisers on national security, Denis McDonough, has been intimately involved in the talks.) In return for Bowe, U.S. officials have offered to swap five of the 3,000 Afghan prisoners being held by American forces. At least one of those prisoners, according to a senior U.S. official familiar with the talks, is more or less a moderate. "I've seen the files, and it's slim," says the official. "Things like, he used to meet with Iranian officials when he worked in the government of Herat. That's nothing."

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Again..that was written 2 year ago.
Oh and..

The Pentagon insists that it is "doing everything possible" to get Bowe home, and a large photo of the captive soldier hangs in CENTCOM headquarters, a daily reminder to those working to free him. Last year, according to officials close to the negotiations, Bowe's name took center stage during peace talks with the Taliban. The negotiations are being handled by an interagency team comprised of representatives from the State Department, the Defense Department and the White House, who have traveled to Germany and Qatar to meet with the Taliban. (One of Obama's top advisers on national security, Denis McDonough, has been intimately involved in the talks.) In return for Bowe, U.S. officials have offered to swap five of the 3,000 Afghan prisoners being held by American forces. At least one of those prisoners, according to a senior U.S. official familiar with the talks, is more or less a moderate. "I've seen the files, and it's slim," says the official. "Things like, he used to meet with Iranian officials when he worked in the government of Herat. That's nothing."

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Again..that was written 2 year ago.

And where did you serve BIG PUSSY????...I'd been there, done that BRFORE you were sperm!


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