Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

Kerry isn't a chickenhawk.

He served and won the Silver Star, Bronze Star..

Along with 3 Purple Hearts.

He already "risked his own neck". Bub.
The ones he threw over the White House fence?

We've already proved Kerry is a coward and no hero. Lets just stick with the current situation before you embarrass yourself further.

The only thing that has been proven is that the Swiftboat attack on Kerry was nothing but political nonsense.

Of course it was...moron!

Abdullah Bergdahl was accused of being a deserter and collaborator by men who served and served with him. We're just agreeing with them.
Quick many of you who have said that Berghdal was a traitor have actually been where he was?

I'd also ask that how many of you have ever served?

If you never served in the military, keep your mouths shut. Wait until the military figures it out.

I'm kinda tired of those who never spent time in a war zone speaking out, and saying what the military should do.

Most of the posters here have never spent time in a war zone. Me? I've been there around 5 or 6 times.

You will need to explain the difference between Navy & Army to some. Navy can travel in & out of combat zones, obviously. I will continue to post though I have never served, except as a child without my daddy for weeks, when he went to the Med. Laugh all you wish, US Courts have ruled military families also serve. I have lived on military installations, with a career Navy father, and a disabled Army Vet sister, grandfather, and career Army brother in law.
Quick many of you who have said that Berghdal was a traitor have actually been where he was?

I'd also ask that how many of you have ever served?

If you never served in the military, keep your mouths shut. Wait until the military figures it out.

I'm kinda tired of those who never spent time in a war zone speaking out, and saying what the military should do.

Most of the posters here have never spent time in a war zone. Me? I've been there around 5 or 6 times.

You will need to explain the difference between Navy & Army to some. Navy can travel in & out of combat zones, obviously. I will continue to post though I have never served, except as a child without my daddy for weeks, when he went to the Med. Laugh all you wish, US Courts have ruled military families also serve. I have lived on military installations, with a career Navy father, and a disabled Army Vet sister, grandfather, and career Army brother in law.

Actually, if your daddy was in the Navy, he would have been gone for months, not weeks, as the standard deployment is 6 to 9 months, depending on the ship and the captain. I've said before, you can't take someone to task for going AWOL until they come back to military control.

Bergdahl was a U.S. Military man who was being held as a POW, and as such, he deserved to be brought home. a U.S. Military man, he is also subject to the UCMJ.

I'm glad he's home, and I'm glad that the U.S. Military held up their promise to him in that the U.S. doesn't leave anyone behind on the battlefield.

I also hope he understands that he's got to stand trial for his actions.

Anyone that says he should have been left behind doesn't understand squat about how the military works or thinks.
Quick many of you who have said that Berghdal was a traitor have actually been where he was?

I'd also ask that how many of you have ever served?

If you never served in the military, keep your mouths shut. Wait until the military figures it out.

I'm kinda tired of those who never spent time in a war zone speaking out, and saying what the military should do.

Most of the posters here have never spent time in a war zone. Me? I've been there around 5 or 6 times.

You will need to explain the difference between Navy & Army to some. Navy can travel in & out of combat zones, obviously. I will continue to post though I have never served, except as a child without my daddy for weeks, when he went to the Med. Laugh all you wish, US Courts have ruled military families also serve. I have lived on military installations, with a career Navy father, and a disabled Army Vet sister, grandfather, and career Army brother in law.

Actually, if your daddy was in the Navy, he would have been gone for months, not weeks, as the standard deployment is 6 to 9 months, depending on the ship and the captain. I've said before, you can't take someone to task for going AWOL until they come back to military control.

Bergdahl was a U.S. Military man who was being held as a POW, and as such, he deserved to be brought home. a U.S. Military man, he is also subject to the UCMJ.

I'm glad he's home, and I'm glad that the U.S. Military held up their promise to him in that the U.S. doesn't leave anyone behind on the battlefield.

I also hope he understands that he's got to stand trial for his actions.

Anyone that says he should have been left behind doesn't understand squat about how the military works or thinks.

It will be fun to see if the folks that spoke out against him, testify under oath.
Abdullah Bergdahl's release from captivity is just temporary. He will make it back to Afghanistan and his true home as soon as he can.
Quick many of you who have said that Berghdal was a traitor have actually been where he was?

I'd also ask that how many of you have ever served?

If you never served in the military, keep your mouths shut. Wait until the military figures it out.

I'm kinda tired of those who never spent time in a war zone speaking out, and saying what the military should do.

Most of the posters here have never spent time in a war zone. Me? I've been there around 5 or 6 times.

You will need to explain the difference between Navy & Army to some. Navy can travel in & out of combat zones, obviously. I will continue to post though I have never served, except as a child without my daddy for weeks, when he went to the Med. Laugh all you wish, US Courts have ruled military families also serve. I have lived on military installations, with a career Navy father, and a disabled Army Vet sister, grandfather, and career Army brother in law.

Actually, if your daddy was in the Navy, he would have been gone for months, not weeks, as the standard deployment is 6 to 9 months, depending on the ship and the captain. I've said before, you can't take someone to task for going AWOL until they come back to military control.

Bergdahl was a U.S. Military man who was being held as a POW, and as such, he deserved to be brought home. a U.S. Military man, he is also subject to the UCMJ.

I'm glad he's home, and I'm glad that the U.S. Military held up their promise to him in that the U.S. doesn't leave anyone behind on the battlefield.

I also hope he understands that he's got to stand trial for his actions.

Anyone that says he should have been left behind doesn't understand squat about how the military works or thinks.

Actually the ships CO has no say how long the deployment is. That is determined by the battle group commander.
You will need to explain the difference between Navy & Army to some. Navy can travel in & out of combat zones, obviously. I will continue to post though I have never served, except as a child without my daddy for weeks, when he went to the Med. Laugh all you wish, US Courts have ruled military families also serve. I have lived on military installations, with a career Navy father, and a disabled Army Vet sister, grandfather, and career Army brother in law.

Actually, if your daddy was in the Navy, he would have been gone for months, not weeks, as the standard deployment is 6 to 9 months, depending on the ship and the captain. I've said before, you can't take someone to task for going AWOL until they come back to military control.

Bergdahl was a U.S. Military man who was being held as a POW, and as such, he deserved to be brought home. a U.S. Military man, he is also subject to the UCMJ.

I'm glad he's home, and I'm glad that the U.S. Military held up their promise to him in that the U.S. doesn't leave anyone behind on the battlefield.

I also hope he understands that he's got to stand trial for his actions.

Anyone that says he should have been left behind doesn't understand squat about how the military works or thinks.

Actually the ships CO has no say how long the deployment is. That is determined by the battle group commander.

Depends................if you have a CO that is willing to volunteer his ship for anything, you can end up with some really interesting deployments. I remember that the CO for the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69) volunteered us to do a run up to the North Sea in the middle of Feb when we were coming back from the Persian Gulf. Yes, the battle group commander has the final say, but the CO has a lot to do with it if they like to volunteer.

Ask someone who served onboard the EISENHOWER about Bill and Redd's Bogus Journey if they served in the early 90's onboard that ship.
You will need to explain the difference between Navy & Army to some. Navy can travel in & out of combat zones, obviously. I will continue to post though I have never served, except as a child without my daddy for weeks, when he went to the Med. Laugh all you wish, US Courts have ruled military families also serve. I have lived on military installations, with a career Navy father, and a disabled Army Vet sister, grandfather, and career Army brother in law.

Actually, if your daddy was in the Navy, he would have been gone for months, not weeks, as the standard deployment is 6 to 9 months, depending on the ship and the captain. I've said before, you can't take someone to task for going AWOL until they come back to military control.

Bergdahl was a U.S. Military man who was being held as a POW, and as such, he deserved to be brought home. a U.S. Military man, he is also subject to the UCMJ.

I'm glad he's home, and I'm glad that the U.S. Military held up their promise to him in that the U.S. doesn't leave anyone behind on the battlefield.

I also hope he understands that he's got to stand trial for his actions.

Anyone that says he should have been left behind doesn't understand squat about how the military works or thinks.

It will be fun to see if the folks that spoke out against him, testify under oath.

Hey.................those who served with him probably will be called upon to testify, or at the very least, provide official statements about his behavior.

Like I said............I'm glad he's back, and I'm glad he's no longer a POW, but because of the circumstances under which he was captured are questionable, he's still got to be held accountable for his actions under the UCMJ.
Actually, if your daddy was in the Navy, he would have been gone for months, not weeks, as the standard deployment is 6 to 9 months, depending on the ship and the captain. I've said before, you can't take someone to task for going AWOL until they come back to military control.

Bergdahl was a U.S. Military man who was being held as a POW, and as such, he deserved to be brought home. a U.S. Military man, he is also subject to the UCMJ.

I'm glad he's home, and I'm glad that the U.S. Military held up their promise to him in that the U.S. doesn't leave anyone behind on the battlefield.

I also hope he understands that he's got to stand trial for his actions.

Anyone that says he should have been left behind doesn't understand squat about how the military works or thinks.

It will be fun to see if the folks that spoke out against him, testify under oath.

Hey.................those who served with him probably will be called upon to testify, or at the very least, provide official statements about his behavior.

Like I said............I'm glad he's back, and I'm glad he's no longer a POW, but because of the circumstances under which he was captured are questionable, he's still got to be held accountable for his actions under the UCMJ. I said..those who are smearing him..should get their day in court.

Where they are criminally liable for what they say.

There should also be restrictions against book deals and such.

So there is no profit motivation to lie.
It will be fun to see if the folks that spoke out against him, testify under oath.

Hey.................those who served with him probably will be called upon to testify, or at the very least, provide official statements about his behavior.

Like I said............I'm glad he's back, and I'm glad he's no longer a POW, but because of the circumstances under which he was captured are questionable, he's still got to be held accountable for his actions under the UCMJ. I said..those who are smearing him..should get their day in court.

Where they are criminally liable for what they say.

There should also be restrictions against book deals and such.

So there is no profit motivation to lie.
In other words, threaten them so they're afraid to testify? That's the Chicago way.
You can see the ODS crowd is almost in tears here, given how quickly this fell off the page. Their phony scandals are getting progressively less traction.
It's an insult to every serviceman and woman that a deserter is getting so much attention. Court Marshall his butt ASAP and then give him time served. Spending that much time with the Taliban listening to their insane rantings,crappy porkless food and the whole cage thing is punishment enough. Then keep a close eye on Bergdahl because he might have Stockholm syndrome and now be a terror threat.
Hey.................those who served with him probably will be called upon to testify, or at the very least, provide official statements about his behavior.

Like I said............I'm glad he's back, and I'm glad he's no longer a POW, but because of the circumstances under which he was captured are questionable, he's still got to be held accountable for his actions under the UCMJ. I said..those who are smearing him..should get their day in court.

Where they are criminally liable for what they say.

There should also be restrictions against book deals and such.

So there is no profit motivation to lie.
In other words, threaten them so they're afraid to testify? That's the Chicago way.

What threat?

You lie under oath and you are in trouble.

That's basic law 101.

Got it?
You can see the ODS crowd is almost in tears here, given how quickly this fell off the page. Their phony scandals are getting progressively less traction.

It gets better.

Bergdhal may have had mental problems.

Before he became a Taliban prisoner, before he wrote in his journal “I am the lone wolf of deadly nothingness,” before he joined the Army, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was discharged from the Coast Guard for psychological reasons, said close friends who were worried about his emotional health at the time.

The 2006 discharge and a trove of Bergdahl’s writing — his handwritten journal along with essays, stories and e-mails provided to The Washington Post — paint a portrait of a deeply complicated and fragile young man who was by his own account struggling to maintain his mental stability from the start of basic training until the moment he walked off his post in eastern Afghanistan in 2009.

“I’m worried,” he wrote in one journal entry before he deployed. “The closer I get to ship day, the calmer the voices are. I’m reverting. I’m getting colder. My feelings are being flushed with the frozen logic and the training, all the unfeeling cold judgment of the darkness.”

Bergdahl?s writings reveal a fragile young man - The Washington Post

It seems in their desperation to get bodies into Iraq..they took a guy that really wasn't mentally up for the job.

That's really something else.:mad:
Hey.................those who served with him probably will be called upon to testify, or at the very least, provide official statements about his behavior.

Like I said............I'm glad he's back, and I'm glad he's no longer a POW, but because of the circumstances under which he was captured are questionable, he's still got to be held accountable for his actions under the UCMJ. I said..those who are smearing him..should get their day in court.

Where they are criminally liable for what they say.

There should also be restrictions against book deals and such.

So there is no profit motivation to lie.
In other words, threaten them so they're afraid to testify? That's the Chicago way.

It's called putting them under oath to tell the truth. If you consider that a "threat" then you must want and expect them to lie.....right?

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