Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors


Many Righties live in a fact-free world.

We're getting the same facts you are.

We just are able to apply common-sense to it.

We tend to wait until all the facts are in, so that we have less egg on our faces.

Like the latest RW-nutbag meme that Obama, via the Pentagon, paid a ransom for Bergdahl.

Fehlanzeige (WRONG!!!). There was no ransom.

You see, just a little patience brings great rewards with it.

How's that bow-tie doing?


That didn't stop Susan Rice from spreading lies on 5 Sunday talk shows.

We''re still waiting on all of the facts on JFK.

When do you figure the facts will be in on all of Obama's screw ups?

Meanwhile we''re supposed to remain silent while the White House decides on their next lie.
Like I've said in another of the main reasons that our military is willing to go into harms way is because they know that we will leave no man behind.

Even if they did screw up and leave their post and get captured.

If it was his own fault, then the military is going to investigate and see if charges and a courts martial is warranted or not.

Remember.....................we can't bring someone to justice until they are returned to military jurisdiction, because you can't be tried in absentia.

And..................fwiw....................I find it interesting that most of those on the right who are calling the loudest for his head are people who have never served and don't know squat about how the UCMJ works.

Also....................attacking his family??????? What's that all about? His father learned to speak the language that Bergdahl's captors used because he wanted to send telegrams to them to them to get his son released, and speaking in someone's native language gets them to look a bit more favorable towards your request. His beard? It was grown as a protest and he wasn't going to shave until his son came back.

I find it interesting that because Bergdahl's father grew a beard and speaks an Arabic language, you call him a "terrorist sympathizer", yet you have no problems with the Duck Dynasty people being bigots.

Slap a turban on the Duck Dynasty dudes, and they'll look like Muslims as well.

Problem is, this may all be just another lie by the White House.

It looks like we paid a ransom for Bergdahl and Obama simply released 5 Taliban generals just for shits and giggles.

Obama is trying to empty GITMO so he can fulfill a promise he made when he was elected. He doesn't really give a flying-fuck who they are. They're gone as soon as he can figure out a way of dumping them. It's just that silly constitution that keeps getting in his way. You know, upholding the laws and all that. Just a hassle he'd rather not deal with.

The Constitution actually favors what he is doing.

It's Scalia's "unique and nuanced" take on individual rights that do not. As well as the conservatives in congress. The Constitution provides a slew of protections for people that are held by the government of the United States. As well as our Military Codes. As well as the Geneva conventions. Scalia has circumvented all of that with his curious reasoning that "detainees" aren't POWs or inmates..and as long as they haven't been charged? They do not have Constitutional protections.

The Court rebuked that notion and ruled that the people being held at Gitmo CAN challenge their detention.

However? Most detainees are still in judicial never never land.

It's pretty appalling.

Many Righties live in a fact-free world.

We're getting the same facts you are.

We just are able to apply common-sense to it.

We tend to wait until all the facts are in, so that we have less egg on our faces.

Like the latest RW-nutbag meme that Obama, via the Pentagon, paid a ransom for Bergdahl.

Fehlanzeige (WRONG!!!). There was no ransom.

You see, just a little patience brings great rewards with it.

How's that bow-tie doing?


Yes, we see you did that with George Zimmerman as well!!!:cuckoo:
Like I've said in another of the main reasons that our military is willing to go into harms way is because they know that we will leave no man behind.

Even if they did screw up and leave their post and get captured.

If it was his own fault, then the military is going to investigate and see if charges and a courts martial is warranted or not.

Remember.....................we can't bring someone to justice until they are returned to military jurisdiction, because you can't be tried in absentia.

And..................fwiw....................I find it interesting that most of those on the right who are calling the loudest for his head are people who have never served and don't know squat about how the UCMJ works.

Also....................attacking his family??????? What's that all about? His father learned to speak the language that Bergdahl's captors used because he wanted to send telegrams to them to them to get his son released, and speaking in someone's native language gets them to look a bit more favorable towards your request. His beard? It was grown as a protest and he wasn't going to shave until his son came back.

I find it interesting that because Bergdahl's father grew a beard and speaks an Arabic language, you call him a "terrorist sympathizer", yet you have no problems with the Duck Dynasty people being bigots.

Slap a turban on the Duck Dynasty dudes, and they'll look like Muslims as well.

Problem is, this may all be just another lie by the White House.

It looks like we paid a ransom for Bergdahl and Obama simply released 5 Taliban generals just for shits and giggles.

Obama is trying to empty GITMO so he can fulfill a promise he made when he was elected. He doesn't really give a flying-fuck who they are. They're gone as soon as he can figure out a way of dumping them. It's just that silly constitution that keeps getting in his way. You know, upholding the laws and all that. Just a hassle he'd rather not deal with.

The Constitution actually favors what he is doing.

It's Scalia's "unique and nuanced" take on individual rights that do not. As well as the conservatives in congress. The Constitution provides a slew of protections for people that are held by the government of the United States. As well as our Military Codes. As well as the Geneva conventions. Scalia has circumvented all of that with his curious reasoning that "detainees" aren't POWs or inmates..and as long as they haven't been charged? They do not have Constitutional protections.

The Court rebuked that notion and ruled that the people being held at Gitmo CAN challenge their detention.

However? Most detainees are still in judicial never never land.

It's pretty appalling.

Seems one of your own says Obuma broke the laws!

Democrat Dianne Feinstein: Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap

Democrat Dianne Feinstein: Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap - Katie Pavlich
Like I've said in another of the main reasons that our military is willing to go into harms way is because they know that we will leave no man behind.

Even if they did screw up and leave their post and get captured.

If it was his own fault, then the military is going to investigate and see if charges and a courts martial is warranted or not.

Remember.....................we can't bring someone to justice until they are returned to military jurisdiction, because you can't be tried in absentia.

And..................fwiw....................I find it interesting that most of those on the right who are calling the loudest for his head are people who have never served and don't know squat about how the UCMJ works.

Also....................attacking his family??????? What's that all about? His father learned to speak the language that Bergdahl's captors used because he wanted to send telegrams to them to them to get his son released, and speaking in someone's native language gets them to look a bit more favorable towards your request. His beard? It was grown as a protest and he wasn't going to shave until his son came back.

I find it interesting that because Bergdahl's father grew a beard and speaks an Arabic language, you call him a "terrorist sympathizer", yet you have no problems with the Duck Dynasty people being bigots.

Slap a turban on the Duck Dynasty dudes, and they'll look like Muslims as well.

Problem is, this may all be just another lie by the White House.

It looks like we paid a ransom for Bergdahl and Obama simply released 5 Taliban generals just for shits and giggles.

Obama is trying to empty GITMO so he can fulfill a promise he made when he was elected. He doesn't really give a flying-fuck who they are. They're gone as soon as he can figure out a way of dumping them. It's just that silly constitution that keeps getting in his way. You know, upholding the laws and all that. Just a hassle he'd rather not deal with.

The Constitution actually favors what he is doing.

It's Scalia's "unique and nuanced" take on individual rights that do not. As well as the conservatives in congress. The Constitution provides a slew of protections for people that are held by the government of the United States. As well as our Military Codes. As well as the Geneva conventions. Scalia has circumvented all of that with his curious reasoning that "detainees" aren't POWs or inmates..and as long as they haven't been charged? They do not have Constitutional protections.

The Court rebuked that notion and ruled that the people being held at Gitmo CAN challenge their detention.

However? Most detainees are still in judicial never never land.

It's pretty appalling.

And Obama's doing.

Holder haulted the trials.

They would been over and done with by now.

Obama now wants to simply release these murderers. John Kerry believes they aren't a threat anymore.

They're victims, not murderers.
Yet another chink in the conservative "Leave him behind to die" armor..

PARIS (AP) — U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has told people treating him at an American military medical facility in Germany that he was tortured, beaten and held in a cage by his Taliban captors in Afghanistan after he tried to escape, a senior U.S. official said Sunday.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss what Bergdahl has revealed about the conditions of his captivity. The New York Times first reported on the matter.
Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

Bergdahl has told people... he was tortured, beaten and held in a cage by his Taliban captors

i would NOT believe one word a deserting traitorous asshole said......., BUT.., i do believe he assisted in the killing of other American soldiers.., like the SIX who went looking for him ! :up:
So what if the guy was tortured? What did he expect when he decided to walk away from his unit in a combat area full of the types who've been known to saw off the heads of infidels on video for the world to see. So if he was tortured he was the author of his own misfortune.

Or, maybe he wasn't at all and it's all a ploy to gain some sympathy. Keep in mind he knows there can be severe consequences for desertion in a combat area so he might be hoping to mitigate them somewhat now that it's time to face the music.
Speaking of Chickenhawks: John Kerry stated this weekend that it doesn't matter that 5 terrorists are claiming they will go back to killing, and called it baloney. He said our troops are very effective, and these terrorists we had locked up will get killed by our troops. Still, I would love it if John Fucken Kerry had to hunt them down personally and risk his own neck.

haaaaaaaa, "kin i git me a huntin license here".., Chickenshitkerry.., you mean THAT fucking traitor ?

here is just a little bit about that fucking lying son-of-a-bitch !! :up:
Bergdahl seeks out Taliban. What was he expecting? A medium rare steak with a fine chianti?
What a jamoke!

And where is your evidence that he sought out the Taliban?

Righties, righties, righties, living in a fact-free world....

how is this for your asking for fucking facts........, HUH ?

Bergdahl was about to go on guard duty, but when a fellow soldier went to wake him, he was not in his tent. He had left behind his weapons, his bullet-proof vest, and night vision gear.

"I immediately knew, I said, 'He walked away. He walked away,'" said Buetow.

here are my FACTS where are yours that proves he did NOT walk away to join with the taliban ?
We're getting the same facts you are.

We just are able to apply common-sense to it.

We tend to wait until all the facts are in, so that we have less egg on our faces.

Like the latest RW-nutbag meme that Obama, via the Pentagon, paid a ransom for Bergdahl.

Fehlanzeige (WRONG!!!). There was no ransom.

You see, just a little patience brings great rewards with it.

How's that bow-tie doing?


That didn't stop Susan Rice from spreading lies on 5 Sunday talk shows.

We''re still waiting on all of the facts on JFK.

When do you figure the facts will be in on all of Obama's screw ups?

Meanwhile we''re supposed to remain silent while the White House decides on their next lie.

Except, she did not lie.
He went over to the enemy and found out that they still hated Americans. He is not only a traitor but he is a stupid traitor.
Like I've said in another of the main reasons that our military is willing to go into harms way is because they know that we will leave no man behind.

Even if they did screw up and leave their post and get captured.

If it was his own fault, then the military is going to investigate and see if charges and a courts martial is warranted or not.

Remember.....................we can't bring someone to justice until they are returned to military jurisdiction, because you can't be tried in absentia.

And..................fwiw....................I find it interesting that most of those on the right who are calling the loudest for his head are people who have never served and don't know squat about how the UCMJ works.

Also....................attacking his family??????? What's that all about? His father learned to speak the language that Bergdahl's captors used because he wanted to send telegrams to them to them to get his son released, and speaking in someone's native language gets them to look a bit more favorable towards your request. His beard? It was grown as a protest and he wasn't going to shave until his son came back.

I find it interesting that because Bergdahl's father grew a beard and speaks an Arabic language, you call him a "terrorist sympathizer", yet you have no problems with the Duck Dynasty people being bigots.

Slap a turban on the Duck Dynasty dudes, and they'll look like Muslims as well.

Problem is, this may all be just another lie by the White House.

It looks like we paid a ransom for Bergdahl and Obama simply released 5 Taliban generals just for shits and giggles.

Obama is trying to empty GITMO so he can fulfill a promise he made when he was elected. He doesn't really give a flying-fuck who they are. They're gone as soon as he can figure out a way of dumping them. It's just that silly constitution that keeps getting in his way. You know, upholding the laws and all that. Just a hassle he'd rather not deal with.

The Constitution actually favors what he is doing.

It's Scalia's "unique and nuanced" take on individual rights that do not. As well as the conservatives in congress. The Constitution provides a slew of protections for people that are held by the government of the United States. As well as our Military Codes. As well as the Geneva conventions. Scalia has circumvented all of that with his curious reasoning that "detainees" aren't POWs or inmates..and as long as they haven't been charged? They do not have Constitutional protections.

The Court rebuked that notion and ruled that the people being held at Gitmo CAN challenge their detention.

However? Most detainees are still in judicial never never land.

It's pretty appalling.

only to you muslime loving bleeding heart ultra liberal fools :up: .... :lmao:
Problem is, this may all be just another lie by the White House.

It looks like we paid a ransom for Bergdahl and Obama simply released 5 Taliban generals just for shits and giggles.

Obama is trying to empty GITMO so he can fulfill a promise he made when he was elected. He doesn't really give a flying-fuck who they are. They're gone as soon as he can figure out a way of dumping them. It's just that silly constitution that keeps getting in his way. You know, upholding the laws and all that. Just a hassle he'd rather not deal with.

The Constitution actually favors what he is doing.

It's Scalia's "unique and nuanced" take on individual rights that do not. As well as the conservatives in congress. The Constitution provides a slew of protections for people that are held by the government of the United States. As well as our Military Codes. As well as the Geneva conventions. Scalia has circumvented all of that with his curious reasoning that "detainees" aren't POWs or inmates..and as long as they haven't been charged? They do not have Constitutional protections.

The Court rebuked that notion and ruled that the people being held at Gitmo CAN challenge their detention.

However? Most detainees are still in judicial never never land.

It's pretty appalling.

And Obama's doing.

Holder haulted the trials.

They would been over and done with by now.

Obama now wants to simply release these murderers. John Kerry believes they aren't a threat anymore.

They're victims, not murderers.

Not really sure what you are talking about..

Googled and found this..

Obama Seeks Halt to Legal Proceedings at Guantanamo
Judge Denies Government's Request to Halt Guantanamo Detainee's Legal Proceedings
FBI ends investigation that delayed Gitmo 9/11 hearings | Circa News

It seems be the hearing of KSM and some 20 others. might want to clarify this.
We're getting the same facts you are.

We just are able to apply common-sense to it.

We tend to wait until all the facts are in, so that we have less egg on our faces.

Like the latest RW-nutbag meme that Obama, via the Pentagon, paid a ransom for Bergdahl.

Fehlanzeige (WRONG!!!). There was no ransom.

You see, just a little patience brings great rewards with it.

How's that bow-tie doing?


That didn't stop Susan Rice from spreading lies on 5 Sunday talk shows.

We''re still waiting on all of the facts on JFK.

When do you figure the facts will be in on all of Obama's screw ups?

Meanwhile we''re supposed to remain silent while the White House decides on their next lie.

When he commits a really big one, let's talk then.

Now, to the smaller ones, how does your calender look in November, of say, 2028?
Torture? HA! He doesn't know what torture is yet. Wait until the GOP loons get their hands on him.
Problem is, this may all be just another lie by the White House.

It looks like we paid a ransom for Bergdahl and Obama simply released 5 Taliban generals just for shits and giggles.

Obama is trying to empty GITMO so he can fulfill a promise he made when he was elected. He doesn't really give a flying-fuck who they are. They're gone as soon as he can figure out a way of dumping them. It's just that silly constitution that keeps getting in his way. You know, upholding the laws and all that. Just a hassle he'd rather not deal with.

The Constitution actually favors what he is doing.

It's Scalia's "unique and nuanced" take on individual rights that do not. As well as the conservatives in congress. The Constitution provides a slew of protections for people that are held by the government of the United States. As well as our Military Codes. As well as the Geneva conventions. Scalia has circumvented all of that with his curious reasoning that "detainees" aren't POWs or inmates..and as long as they haven't been charged? They do not have Constitutional protections.

The Court rebuked that notion and ruled that the people being held at Gitmo CAN challenge their detention.

However? Most detainees are still in judicial never never land.

It's pretty appalling.

And Obama's doing.

Holder haulted the trials.

They would been over and done with by now.

Obama now wants to simply release these murderers. John Kerry believes they aren't a threat anymore.

They're victims, not murderers.

If I remember correctly Holder's law firm represented GITMO prisoners. Pretty sure of that.

I don't think Holder himself had any AQ or Taliban clients, but the firm did.
We tend to wait until all the facts are in, so that we have less egg on our faces.

Like the latest RW-nutbag meme that Obama, via the Pentagon, paid a ransom for Bergdahl.

Fehlanzeige (WRONG!!!). There was no ransom.

You see, just a little patience brings great rewards with it.

How's that bow-tie doing?


That didn't stop Susan Rice from spreading lies on 5 Sunday talk shows.

We''re still waiting on all of the facts on JFK.

When do you figure the facts will be in on all of Obama's screw ups?

Meanwhile we''re supposed to remain silent while the White House decides on their next lie.

When he commits a really big one, let's talk then.

Now, to the smaller ones, how does your calender look in November, of say, 2028?

Your world must be an interesting one devoid of reality.

Obama has released five top echelon Taliban leaders for this hostage. One was a commander in the Taliban army and is a known mass murderer.

He really gets off on Shiite massacres. I doubt he's about to retire and take up lawn bowling and macrame as hobbies.

And Obama gives back their leaders a time of war with the Taliban. This is the equivalent of releasing Rommel and 4 Cabinet Ministers to Hitler for a hostage during WWII.

I'd say that's up there on the Obama fucked up again richter scale.
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Okey dokey. I was remembering correctly. Holder's former law firm was and is terrorist friendly.

Covington and Burling. Pro terrorist.

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