Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

You know, it wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the usual Obama fluffers constantly making excuses for his incompetence.

If you people would face up to reality for once and admit this guy is a soup-sandwich and needs a bunch of slobbering sycophants to support his stupidity. The guy is a laughing-stock all over the world. A total disgrace. He needs your lies to be able to even function these days. The truth is too well known now.

Please point out to me where "Obama incompetence" as you like to call it (lol) had anything to do with

a.) Bowe Bergdahl being captured 5 years ago
b.) The Right screaming for a trade for him 3 years ago.
c.) The Right screaming AGAINST the trade once it happened.

Thank you for your kind attention in this very important matter.

And isn't a fluffer a dude who sucks a porn-star's cock real hard so he can be "up" for the next scene (which I find totally weird, but hey, ok...)? So, what is this Right-Wing looneybird obsession with gay blowjobs vis-a-vis politics?

Dude, that is weird.

Please do enlighten us. Thank you again for your kind attention in this very important matter.

I'm sure you've heard of metaphors.

Well, fluffer describes it to a T.

If it weren't for fluffers he couldn't function. He needs people lying for him just to be able to go on to the next screw up.

Either he's a total nincompoop or he's intentionally causing trouble through chaos.

I personally think he doesn't give a flying fuck.

Besides, he has an army of idiots to make excuses for him so he can at least show his face in public. Even though he has to be selective at where he shows his face. Going to a place that isn't full of hand picked suckups is out of the question. College campuses are pretty safe. Places where the troops are under orders not to make cat-calls is another.
Republicans think torture is a "good" thing. Course, they don't even know it was al Qaeda that attacked us, not the Taliban.
ok and?

does that justify Obama trading Five terrorist who is known to have been in on attacks that has harmed and killed Americans for him

You know there was other way to find this man, our military has done many of extractions

on top over everything thing else coming about him, I am disgusted, ashamed, and I think Obama should be Impeach.... but the real topper is he has now put us and our military still on the ground over there in danger...

you people should take up a collection and adopt the don't care about him, you care saving Obama's ass and reputation
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Speaking of Chickenhawks: John Kerry stated this weekend that it doesn't matter that 5 terrorists are claiming they will go back to killing, and called it baloney. He said our troops are very effective, and these terrorists we had locked up will get killed by our troops. Still, I would love it if John Fucken Kerry had to hunt them down personally and risk his own neck.

Kerry isn't a chickenhawk.

He served and won the Silver Star, Bronze Star..

Along with 3 Purple Hearts.

He already "risked his own neck". Bub.
Speaking of Chickenhawks: John Kerry stated this weekend that it doesn't matter that 5 terrorists are claiming they will go back to killing, and called it baloney. He said our troops are very effective, and these terrorists we had locked up will get killed by our troops. Still, I would love it if John Fucken Kerry had to hunt them down personally and risk his own neck.

Kerry isn't a chickenhawk.

He served and won the Silver Star, Bronze Star..

Along with 3 Purple Hearts.

He already "risked his own neck". Bub.


Who's Nancy Pleosi?
This seems to be going the way most conservative conspiracy crapola goes.

They say a bunch of disgustingly stupid shit.

The truth comes out.

Conservatives repeat the same disgustingly stupid shit.
This seems to be going the way most conservative conspiracy crapola goes.

They say a bunch of disgustingly stupid shit.

The truth comes out.

Conservatives repeat the same disgustingly stupid shit.

What is t he truth?

He deserted.

You figure because he was mistreated that excuses his deserting.

Being mistreated is a given. He's lucky they didn't cut his head off.

The fact that they didn't is quite an indictment on his true intentions. Don't you think?
Yet another chink in the conservative "Leave him behind to die" armor..

PARIS (AP) — U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has told people treating him at an American military medical facility in Germany that he was tortured, beaten and held in a cage by his Taliban captors in Afghanistan after he tried to escape, a senior U.S. official said Sunday.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss what Bergdahl has revealed about the conditions of his captivity. The New York Times first reported on the matter.
Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

Probably wouldn't have happened if he hadn't deserted his post.
Yet another chink in the conservative "Leave him behind to die" armor..

PARIS (AP) — U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has told people treating him at an American military medical facility in Germany that he was tortured, beaten and held in a cage by his Taliban captors in Afghanistan after he tried to escape, a senior U.S. official said Sunday.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss what Bergdahl has revealed about the conditions of his captivity. The New York Times first reported on the matter.
Bergdahl says he was tortured by Taliban captors

Probably wouldn't have happened if he hadn't deserted his post.

If he hadn't walked away from his unit none of this would have happened.

Sallow wants us of feel sorry for him because he fucked up.

I noticed the Democrats want us to celebrate mediocrity. Up until now. Now Obama wants us to celebrate treason.
Republicans think torture is a "good" thing. Course, they don't even know it was al Qaeda that attacked us, not the Taliban.

Damn Mr Rdean-----welcome to today--the Taliban, while not directly responsible for flying hijacked planes into anything, have indeed attacked Americans in Afghanistan. We are in 2014 now. Buy a new calendar.

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