Berkeley Whole Foods Get Restraining Order Against Vegans

Meat is tasty

You know how they say that once you see certain things, you can't unsee it? I completely lost my appetite for meat, and I was someone who used to love meat so much that I emphatically stated I could never go vegan. But now the thought of eating a dead body is disgusting to me, and I don't say that to offend anyone here, just sharing a very different perspective.

Yeah well cauliflower and brussel sprouts make me gag till I bout fuckin die,
Meat is tasty

You know how they say that once you see certain things, you can't unsee it? I completely lost my appetite for meat, and I was someone who used to love meat so much that I emphatically stated I could never go vegan. But now the thought of eating a dead body is disgusting to me, and I don't say that to offend anyone here, just sharing a very different perspective.

Yeah well cauliflower and brussel sprouts make me gag till I bout fuckin die,

There are thousands of plant-based foods, you don't have to eat brussels sprouts. :) The funny thing is, people think that being vegan is limiting, but for me and a lot of vegans I've talked to, I've tried so many new things that I never tried before, and eating is much more enjoyable for me now…experimenting with different cuisines and recipes, etc. Plus, I love to cook now, which is a miracle because in the past I hated to cook and rarely did it.
If there’s one thing that this thread demonstrates it’s that people are so extremely attached to their favorite “foods” (animal products) that even the mere existence of vegans comes across as a threat to them. The burning hatred and foaming at the mouth hysteria is ugly...but to be expected.
I don't care what they eat, or don't. They do not have the privilege to dictate what I eat, or don't. If they don't like what a place of business is selling, they are most welcome not to patronize that establishment. But they DO NOT have the privilege of making said establishment unavailable to me. I do not understand why extremists like vegans feel they should have the "right" to shut down what they don't like.
Meat is tasty

You know how they say that once you see certain things, you can't unsee it? I completely lost my appetite for meat, and I was someone who used to love meat so much that I emphatically stated I could never go vegan. But now the thought of eating a dead body is disgusting to me, and I don't say that to offend anyone here, just sharing a very different perspective.

Yeah well cauliflower and brussel sprouts make me gag till I bout fuckin die,

There are thousands of plant-based foods, you don't have to eat brussels sprouts. :) The funny thing is, people think that being vegan is limiting, but for me and a lot of vegans I've talked to, I've tried so many new things that I never tried before, and eating is much more enjoyable for me now…experimenting with different cuisines and recipes, etc. Plus, I love to cook now, which is a miracle because in the past I hated to cook and rarely did it.

Whatever works for you. For me... I could tell myself that for the next two hundred years and not believe it.
Meat is tasty

You know how they say that once you see certain things, you can't unsee it? I completely lost my appetite for meat, and I was someone who used to love meat so much that I emphatically stated I could never go vegan. But now the thought of eating a dead body is disgusting to me, and I don't say that to offend anyone here, just sharing a very different perspective.
I hunt and I raise my own meat. I know exactly how the process works, what goes into my meat, and how it is processed. All that doesn't make me disgusted. I am rather picky about how my meat is handled and I am pleased that I can "make" my own meat. I love a good goat roast, and there's nothing to beat a free-range chicken.
I thought this was from The Onion, Scrappleface or Babylon Bee, but it's real.

What a hoot. The Occupy Movement has gotten so desperate that it is now targeting Whole Foods. Talk about the Left cannibalizing itself.

A Berkeley, California, Whole Foods Market was forced to apply for a blanket restraining order after becoming the target of a radical vegan group hell-bent on "exposing" the natural foods chain's animal welfare violations.

The Guardian reports that Whole Foods filed for the order after a group called Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, threatened to "Occupy Whole Foods" for the entire month of September, subjecting the store and its shoppers to in-person protests, demonstrations of "animal slaughter," and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

DxE, which reportedly advocates for "total animal liberation," began the month by unfurling a giant black "Occupy Whole Foods" banner above a group of chanting protesters, but since the order went into effect, DxE has been relegated to handing out pre-printed leaflets from a set of tables just beyond the Whole Foods parking lot...

Whole Foods Forced To Get A Restraining Order Against Berkeley Vegans

Occupy Wall st.? Just another militia wing of the democrat party...
If there’s one thing that this thread demonstrates it’s that people are so extremely attached to their favorite “foods” (animal products) that even the mere existence of vegans comes across as a threat to them. The burning hatred and foaming at the mouth hysteria is ugly...but to be expected.
I don't care what they eat, or don't. They do not have the privilege to dictate what I eat, or don't. If they don't like what a place of business is selling, they are most welcome not to patronize that establishment. But they DO NOT have the privilege of making said establishment unavailable to me. I do not understand why extremists like vegans feel they should have the "right" to shut down what they don't like.

They're protesting, and exposing places who claim to offer "free range" or "humanely raised" products, when it's typically a big fat lie. I didn't see anything about them wanting to shut down the place, but they are obviously trying to get attention and raise awareness overall.

I don't think you understand how other people view this issue. I will try to get back to this later… I just got a phone call.
Vegans are loons...much like PETA nut jobs

I quit eating meat,so I guess I'm classified as a vegan, but I don't agree with this group's so-called 'occupation' of the company. Though, I do eat fish and chicken if I'm bulking. Maybe a couple of times a year.

The company had every right to seek a restraining order. My two cents.
Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around all cases they are baby tantrum moron, potentially violent criminals driving themselves into a psychotic breakdown over what other people do with their own bodies.

That's no fair to say. The right to freedom of choice is fundamental, so long as others arenlt forced to do the same. I'm pretty much vegan, and I don't give a darn what other people eat. Whenever I find a good bulking source for protein during the few weeks out of the year I eat fish to bulk up, I'll go full vegan.

Agreed that the protestors were trespassing, however, so the restraint was in order.
Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today. Think about the fucked-up mentality it must take for people to become so raging psychotic and delirious over the concept of us MAMMALS drinking MILK.

There's nothing wrong with mammals drinking their mother's milk. Do you not understand what vegans disagree with in regard to dairy? I posted a video earlier, which sums it up. But here's a quote that describes one of the problems with dairy....and to me this alone is enough to ditch cow's milk (taking away calves from their mothers) but there are numerous other reasons as well.

“I became a vegan the day I watched a video of a calf being born on a factory farm. The baby was dragged away from his mother before he hit the ground. The helpless calf strained its head backwards to find his mother. The mother bolted after her son and exploded into a rage when the rancher slammed the gate on her. She wailed the saddest noise I’d ever heard an animal make, and then thrashed and dug into the ground, burying her face in the muddy placenta.

I had no idea what was happening respecting brain chemistry, animal instinct, or whatever. I just knew that this was deeply wrong. I just knew that such suffering could never be worth the taste of milk and veal. I empathized with the cow and the calf and, in so doing, my life changed.”

― James McWilliams

I consider vegan filth every bit the lunatic-fanatics as the Westboro Baptist Church and the rabidly psychotic anti-circumcision assholes you see online: in all cases they are baby tantrum moron, potentially violent criminals driving themselves into a psychotic breakdown over what other people do with their own bodies.

There’s so much wrong with that paragraph, it would take me too long to go through all of it. But I find it incredibly ironic that you’re trying to paint vegans as violent, when you’re the one who supports violence, exploitation and death, on a massive scale. All completely unnecessary. The industries you support are extremely violent, so much so that many slaughterhouse workers end up having posttraumatic stress disorder. There’s a reason why Leo Tolstoy said "as long as there are slaughterhouses there will be battlefields." So please don’t talk about violence, that’s as hypocritical as it gets.

And the last thing you said actually made me laugh out loud. Are you serious? Over what people do with “their own bodies”? Look, I'm not trying to tell you not to eat meat, but let's revisit reality... you’re not doing something with your own body, you’re doing something with other beings' bodies.

You remind me of proaborts who completely disregard the baby in the womb, as if it doesn’t exist. You’re doing the exact same thing, but with the victims you eat.
The man who was so saddened watching the calf born probably supports abortion.

I don't know if he does or not, many vegans are left-leaning and secular, but as I'm sure you'd agree, one can agree with people on some things and not on others.
Meat is tasty

You know how they say that once you see certain things, you can't unsee it? I completely lost my appetite for meat, and I was someone who used to love meat so much that I emphatically stated I could never go vegan. But now the thought of eating a dead body is disgusting to me, and I don't say that to offend anyone here, just sharing a very different perspective.

Unless you get your nourishment thru photosynthesis no matter what you eat once was a living thing.

Stop being sanctimonious.
I thought this was from The Onion, Scrappleface or Babylon Bee, but it's real.

What a hoot. The Occupy Movement has gotten so desperate that it is now targeting Whole Foods. Talk about the Left cannibalizing itself.

A Berkeley, California, Whole Foods Market was forced to apply for a blanket restraining order after becoming the target of a radical vegan group hell-bent on "exposing" the natural foods chain's animal welfare violations.

The Guardian reports that Whole Foods filed for the order after a group called Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, threatened to "Occupy Whole Foods" for the entire month of September, subjecting the store and its shoppers to in-person protests, demonstrations of "animal slaughter," and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

DxE, which reportedly advocates for "total animal liberation," began the month by unfurling a giant black "Occupy Whole Foods" banner above a group of chanting protesters, but since the order went into effect, DxE has been relegated to handing out pre-printed leaflets from a set of tables just beyond the Whole Foods parking lot...

Whole Foods Forced To Get A Restraining Order Against Berkeley Vegans
You lefties are weird.

If you think I'm a leftie, your powers of perception are seriously flawed.

Just sayin'.
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Whole Foods has a bar.

That makes them The Greatest Grocery Store in History.

I'm still not a fan. I only shop there sporadically when it's the most convenient place. I've actually shopped at the Berkeley store in question, but have avoided for some time due to the lunacy of the staff.

During the financial crisis in early 2009, I stopped by said WH to buy some produce. I was wearing a t-shirt from a tech company I used to work at. Whilst perusing the tomatoes, a somewhat obese dreadlocked dirtbag looking WH employee interrupted me to ask if I worked at the tech company. I told him no, but that I did a few years earlier. He gave me this baleful look and said that he had lost all of his money on the stock of that company. The only thing I could tell him was: Diversity, bub.

And then there was the female employee who yelled at me when I asked if they carried Airborne. Apparently it kills people.
I thought this was from The Onion, Scrappleface or Babylon Bee, but it's real.

What a hoot. The Occupy Movement has gotten so desperate that it is now targeting Whole Foods. Talk about the Left cannibalizing itself.

A Berkeley, California, Whole Foods Market was forced to apply for a blanket restraining order after becoming the target of a radical vegan group hell-bent on "exposing" the natural foods chain's animal welfare violations.

The Guardian reports that Whole Foods filed for the order after a group called Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, threatened to "Occupy Whole Foods" for the entire month of September, subjecting the store and its shoppers to in-person protests, demonstrations of "animal slaughter," and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

DxE, which reportedly advocates for "total animal liberation," began the month by unfurling a giant black "Occupy Whole Foods" banner above a group of chanting protesters, but since the order went into effect, DxE has been relegated to handing out pre-printed leaflets from a set of tables just beyond the Whole Foods parking lot...

Whole Foods Forced To Get A Restraining Order Against Berkeley Vegans

Occupy Wall st.? Just another militia wing of the democrat party...

Indeed, but also infiltrated by total anarchists and thugs. I'll note that when Occupy Oakland was active, its agenda against CAPITALISM always included looting the local Footlocker, a liquor store, and a wee sandwich shop owned by an Asian immigrant. Who knew the latter was the Global Mastermind of Evul Capitalism?

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