Berkeley Whole Foods Get Restraining Order Against Vegans

P.S., It is a physiological fact that the human brain is made of very fatty, cholesterol-filled tissue you CANNOT get from plants alone. Which our primitive ancestors never would have achieved without learning to kill & eat meat, thereby flooding themselves with various fats and proteins that caused their proto-human brains to grow larger and larger and more complex over the long eons of time. We humans are the only regularly meat-eating members of the primate family and unlike apes, we achieved intelligence astronomically beyond any of our vegetarian, genetic cousin-species in the gorilla family.
This is part of the growing mob mentality. A group of protesters can close a restaurant, chase select customers away, wipe away a business. It is axiomatic that this will spread into minute control.
Or people won't take their shit anymore and start shooting those assholes in the face.
Just fighting them off. Smash a few drums. It can be done.

**NEVER** do harm to a musical instrument. :nono:

VERY bad karma.

Not that yours is anywhere near redeemable at this point............
Cows are delicious.

Cows eat only vegetables.

Vegans eat only vegetables....

Draw your own conclusions.
Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today. Think about the fucked-up mentality it must take for people to become so raging psychotic and delirious over the concept of us MAMMALS drinking MILK. I consider vegan filth every bit the lunatic-fanatics as the Westboro Baptist Church and the rabidly psychotic anti-circumcision assholes you see online: in all cases they are baby tantrum moron, potentially violent criminals driving themselves into a psychotic breakdown over what other people do with their own bodies.

Will, does smoke ever come outta your ears?

I'm just curious.

No, lol, I'm a very-low emissions guy and when I get enraged my ears spew clouds of this pine/rosemary-scented fresh air. I have a very "green" environmentally friendly body in that regard.

You forgot your shit doesnt stink and releases no methane.

Omigawd that is so true.

Vegans are the only people who feel the need to constantly talk about what they eat and what other people should eat.

It is BEYOND tiresome.
It is also a physical fact that the human digestive tract is omnivorous and has features of both carnivores and vegetarians - ergo we're designed to eat a combo of plants and animals. Human front teeth are sharp incisors designed for tearing through meat and our rear molars are flat mesas for crushing plants. Our tongues have both "salty" tastebuds to recognize the flavor of meat and "sweet" tastebuds to recognize the flavor of fruit. Our intestines are shorter than vegetarian mammals but longer than pure carnivores. Like vegetarian species, we evolved to see in color to recognize fruit (because most fruit is brightly-colored) but like carnivore species we have eyes close to the front of our heads and evolved various other physical/mental means of hunting down other creatures for food.

This logically proves that human veganism is a deviant, unnatural perversion. Much like raccoons and pigs, we humans are designed to eat anything.
I thought this was from The Onion, Scrappleface or Babylon Bee, but it's real.

What a hoot. The Occupy Movement has gotten so desperate that it is now targeting Whole Foods. Talk about the Left cannibalizing itself.

A Berkeley, California, Whole Foods Market was forced to apply for a blanket restraining order after becoming the target of a radical vegan group hell-bent on "exposing" the natural foods chain's animal welfare violations.

The Guardian reports that Whole Foods filed for the order after a group called Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, threatened to "Occupy Whole Foods" for the entire month of September, subjecting the store and its shoppers to in-person protests, demonstrations of "animal slaughter," and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

DxE, which reportedly advocates for "total animal liberation," began the month by unfurling a giant black "Occupy Whole Foods" banner above a group of chanting protesters, but since the order went into effect, DxE has been relegated to handing out pre-printed leaflets from a set of tables just beyond the Whole Foods parking lot...

Whole Foods Forced To Get A Restraining Order Against Berkeley Vegans
You lefties are weird.
If there’s one thing that this thread demonstrates it’s that people are so extremely attached to their favorite “foods” (animal products) that even the mere existence of vegans comes across as a threat to them. The burning hatred and foaming at the mouth hysteria is ugly...but to be expected.
The markets in France and the customers are fighting militant vegans every day.

This is part of the growing mob mentality. A group of protesters can close a restaurant, chase select customers away, wipe away a business. It is axiomatic that this will spread into minute control.

Veganism is even worse in Europe? That's difficult to even visualize........and to think of all this raging melodrama caused by nutcases who can't accept that we human being are MAMMALS and every MAMMAL on this planet is designed to have healthy effects from milk! Why do these SJW's get so sobbingly, public-meltdown, batshit insane over the most common bodily function in our mammal genetic family of life?
Vegans are loons...much like PETA nut jobs

Yes because it's so crazy to care about animals and not want to support cruelty and exploitation. And it's so crazy to want to eat healthier and make choices that are better not only for the animals but for this world we live in.

But we do live in an upside down world, and this is just one more thing that the majority is upside down on, iyam.
If there’s one thing that this thread demonstrates it’s that people are so extremely attached to their favorite “foods” (animal products) that even the mere existence of vegans comes across as a threat to them. The burning hatred and foaming at the mouth hysteria is ugly...but to be expected.

I've never once thought of you vegans as a threat to me. I'm simply saying I find the likes of you vegans and your public, enraged melodrama to be an embarrassment to watch and an embarrassment to human society in general. It's your own public obnoxiousness that earns my verbal abuse, not any fear of what you do or don't put into your body.
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Vegans are loons...much like PETA nut jobs

Yes because it's so crazy to care about animals and not want to support cruelty and exploitation. And it's so crazy to want to eat healthier and make choices that are better not only for the animals but for this world we live in.

But we do live in an upside down world, and this is just one more thing that the majority is upside down on, iyam.

Meat is tasty
Meat is tasty

You know how they say that once you see certain things, you can't unsee it? I completely lost my appetite for meat, and I was someone who used to love meat so much that I emphatically stated I could never go vegan. But now the thought of eating a dead body is disgusting to me, and I don't say that to offend anyone here, just sharing a very different perspective.

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