Berkeley Whole Foods Get Restraining Order Against Vegans

I think it’s the lack of fine cheeses is what makes these people go insane. I would cut a fool without diary.

Our youngest will sit and watch her DVDs and eat an entire 8 oz block of cheese for a snack.

It's a toss up between cheese and Reeses with her

You’re not providing healthy choices for her, and now we are going to send people to your house to either take your child or make you raise her our way....errr...I mean the right way.
I love meat.(especially venison) I also love fresh fruits and vegetables. Up where I live, both are plentiful.
Meat is tasty

You know how they say that once you see certain things, you can't unsee it? I completely lost my appetite for meat, and I was someone who used to love meat so much that I emphatically stated I could never go vegan. But now the thought of eating a dead body is disgusting to me, and I don't say that to offend anyone here, just sharing a very different perspective.

Unless you get your nourishment thru photosynthesis no matter what you eat once was a living thing.

Stop being sanctimonious.
I hope you’re not equating plants and animals, because that is by far the most idiotic 'argument' against veganism. Hands down.
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I honor vegans several times a week at the altar of St. Weber on my patio. In the last week we’ve offered up the remains of some cows, pigs, chickens, and fish to the vegan lunatics.
and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

:rofl: Touché. :beer:

If you've ever witnessed a radical Berkeley drum circle (vegan or otherwise) you would know that doing so is like standing in the mouth of HELL.

As you can see the mentality of comments can't figure it out if tey make them do this for this situation it can and will spill over into other areas just the population included.
I thought this was from The Onion, Scrappleface or Babylon Bee, but it's real.

What a hoot. The Occupy Movement has gotten so desperate that it is now targeting Whole Foods. Talk about the Left cannibalizing itself.

A Berkeley, California, Whole Foods Market was forced to apply for a blanket restraining order after becoming the target of a radical vegan group hell-bent on "exposing" the natural foods chain's animal welfare violations.

The Guardian reports that Whole Foods filed for the order after a group called Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, threatened to "Occupy Whole Foods" for the entire month of September, subjecting the store and its shoppers to in-person protests, demonstrations of "animal slaughter," and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

DxE, which reportedly advocates for "total animal liberation," began the month by unfurling a giant black "Occupy Whole Foods" banner above a group of chanting protesters, but since the order went into effect, DxE has been relegated to handing out pre-printed leaflets from a set of tables just beyond the Whole Foods parking lot...

Whole Foods Forced To Get A Restraining Order Against Berkeley Vegans

Occupy Wall st.? Just another militia wing of the democrat party...

Indeed, but also infiltrated by total anarchists and thugs. I'll note that when Occupy Oakland was active, its agenda against CAPITALISM always included looting the local Footlocker, a liquor store, and a wee sandwich shop owned by an Asian immigrant. Who knew the latter was the Global Mastermind of Evul Capitalism?

Just because someone uses the word “occupy” doesn’t necessarily mean they’re affiliated with the Occupy movement. I’m pretty sure they are not part of “Occupy” but if I am wrong about that, then please show me where you got that idea. Yes, they might be using some of the same protesting tactics, and they used the word occupy in a hashtag, but when I looked up info on DxE, I didn’t see anything about it being part of “Occupy.”

And I’ve said this before, but again, it is wrong to assume that veganism is a left-wing thing. I’ve encountered tons of vegans who are not left wing at all… conservatives, moderates, Christians, etc. I’m not denying that many are “liberal” ( I always put quotes around that word) but there’s nothing inherently left-wing about caring about animals and disagreeing with animal abuse/ exploitation.
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Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today. Think about the fucked-up mentality it must take for people to become so raging psychotic and delirious over the concept of us MAMMALS drinking MILK. I consider vegan filth every bit the lunatic-fanatics as the Westboro Baptist Church and the rabidly psychotic anti-circumcision assholes you see online: in all cases they are baby tantrum moron, potentially violent criminals driving themselves into a psychotic breakdown over what other people do with their own bodies.

Will, does smoke ever come outta your ears?

I'm just curious.

No, lol, I'm a very-low emissions guy and when I get enraged my ears spew clouds of this pine/rosemary-scented fresh air. I have a very "green" environmentally friendly body in that regard.

You forgot your shit doesnt stink and releases no methane.

That's true, I'm too pure and saint-like for my body to produce methane. Instead I fart that nice-smelling Febreeze air freshener they always use in motel rooms and airplane cabins. I'm so pure and saint-like that sometimes I don't even need to fly to get to the Pacific island paradises I adore; some trips I strap on my backpack and march across the ocean.
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I thought this was from The Onion, Scrappleface or Babylon Bee, but it's real.

What a hoot. The Occupy Movement has gotten so desperate that it is now targeting Whole Foods. Talk about the Left cannibalizing itself.

A Berkeley, California, Whole Foods Market was forced to apply for a blanket restraining order after becoming the target of a radical vegan group hell-bent on "exposing" the natural foods chain's animal welfare violations.

The Guardian reports that Whole Foods filed for the order after a group called Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, threatened to "Occupy Whole Foods" for the entire month of September, subjecting the store and its shoppers to in-person protests, demonstrations of "animal slaughter," and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

DxE, which reportedly advocates for "total animal liberation," began the month by unfurling a giant black "Occupy Whole Foods" banner above a group of chanting protesters, but since the order went into effect, DxE has been relegated to handing out pre-printed leaflets from a set of tables just beyond the Whole Foods parking lot...

Whole Foods Forced To Get A Restraining Order Against Berkeley Vegans

Occupy Wall st.? Just another militia wing of the democrat party...

Indeed, but also infiltrated by total anarchists and thugs. I'll note that when Occupy Oakland was active, its agenda against CAPITALISM always included looting the local Footlocker, a liquor store, and a wee sandwich shop owned by an Asian immigrant. Who knew the latter was the Global Mastermind of Evul Capitalism?

Just because someone uses the word “occupy” doesn’t necessarily mean they’re affiliated with the Occupy movement. I’m pretty sure they are not part of “Occupy” but if I am wrong about that, then please show me where you got that idea. Yes, they might be using some of the same protesting tactics, and they used the word occupy in a hashtag, but when I looked up info on DxE, I didn’t see anything about it being part of “Occupy.”

And I’ve said this before, but again, it is wrong to assume that veganism is a left-wing thing. I’ve encountered tons of vegans who are not left wing at all… conservatives, moderates, Christians, etc. I’m not denying that many are “liberal” ( I always put quotes around that word) but there’s nothing inherently left-wing about caring about animals and disagreeing with animal abuse/ exploitation.

Occupy is a franchise operation.

And seriously, if you think Berkeley Vegans are Christian Conservatives, you are going to be sorely disappointed.
Why is it that every vegan I've ever met has that Gollum look? Grayish-colored complexion and deeply sunken eyes. If veganism is so healthy, vegan-psychotics, then WHY does every vegan look sickly and malnourished? Even obese vegans!
I thought this was from The Onion, Scrappleface or Babylon Bee, but it's real.

What a hoot. The Occupy Movement has gotten so desperate that it is now targeting Whole Foods. Talk about the Left cannibalizing itself.

A Berkeley, California, Whole Foods Market was forced to apply for a blanket restraining order after becoming the target of a radical vegan group hell-bent on "exposing" the natural foods chain's animal welfare violations.

The Guardian reports that Whole Foods filed for the order after a group called Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, threatened to "Occupy Whole Foods" for the entire month of September, subjecting the store and its shoppers to in-person protests, demonstrations of "animal slaughter," and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

DxE, which reportedly advocates for "total animal liberation," began the month by unfurling a giant black "Occupy Whole Foods" banner above a group of chanting protesters, but since the order went into effect, DxE has been relegated to handing out pre-printed leaflets from a set of tables just beyond the Whole Foods parking lot...

Whole Foods Forced To Get A Restraining Order Against Berkeley Vegans

Occupy Wall st.? Just another militia wing of the democrat party...

Indeed, but also infiltrated by total anarchists and thugs. I'll note that when Occupy Oakland was active, its agenda against CAPITALISM always included looting the local Footlocker, a liquor store, and a wee sandwich shop owned by an Asian immigrant. Who knew the latter was the Global Mastermind of Evul Capitalism?

Just because someone uses the word “occupy” doesn’t necessarily mean they’re affiliated with the Occupy movement. I’m pretty sure they are not part of “Occupy” but if I am wrong about that, then please show me where you got that idea. Yes, they might be using some of the same protesting tactics, and they used the word occupy in a hashtag, but when I looked up info on DxE, I didn’t see anything about it being part of “Occupy.”

And I’ve said this before, but again, it is wrong to assume that veganism is a left-wing thing. I’ve encountered tons of vegans who are not left wing at all… conservatives, moderates, Christians, etc. I’m not denying that many are “liberal” ( I always put quotes around that word) but there’s nothing inherently left-wing about caring about animals and disagreeing with animal abuse/ exploitation.

Occupy is a franchise operation.

And seriously, if you think Berkeley Vegans are Christian Conservatives, you are going to be sorely disappointed.
I never said they were. I was asking you why you're assuming they're affiliated with the official Occupy Movement, when there's nothing about that on their webpage, Wikipedia, or the founder's bio. (As far as I saw.) Not saying you're wrong, just asking you to back yourself up on that.
I thought this was from The Onion, Scrappleface or Babylon Bee, but it's real.

What a hoot. The Occupy Movement has gotten so desperate that it is now targeting Whole Foods. Talk about the Left cannibalizing itself.

A Berkeley, California, Whole Foods Market was forced to apply for a blanket restraining order after becoming the target of a radical vegan group hell-bent on "exposing" the natural foods chain's animal welfare violations.

The Guardian reports that Whole Foods filed for the order after a group called Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, threatened to "Occupy Whole Foods" for the entire month of September, subjecting the store and its shoppers to in-person protests, demonstrations of "animal slaughter," and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

DxE, which reportedly advocates for "total animal liberation," began the month by unfurling a giant black "Occupy Whole Foods" banner above a group of chanting protesters, but since the order went into effect, DxE has been relegated to handing out pre-printed leaflets from a set of tables just beyond the Whole Foods parking lot...

Whole Foods Forced To Get A Restraining Order Against Berkeley Vegans

Occupy Wall st.? Just another militia wing of the democrat party...

Indeed, but also infiltrated by total anarchists and thugs. I'll note that when Occupy Oakland was active, its agenda against CAPITALISM always included looting the local Footlocker, a liquor store, and a wee sandwich shop owned by an Asian immigrant. Who knew the latter was the Global Mastermind of Evul Capitalism?

Just because someone uses the word “occupy” doesn’t necessarily mean they’re affiliated with the Occupy movement. I’m pretty sure they are not part of “Occupy” but if I am wrong about that, then please show me where you got that idea. Yes, they might be using some of the same protesting tactics, and they used the word occupy in a hashtag, but when I looked up info on DxE, I didn’t see anything about it being part of “Occupy.”

And I’ve said this before, but again, it is wrong to assume that veganism is a left-wing thing. I’ve encountered tons of vegans who are not left wing at all… conservatives, moderates, Christians, etc. I’m not denying that many are “liberal” ( I always put quotes around that word) but there’s nothing inherently left-wing about caring about animals and disagreeing with animal abuse/ exploitation.

Occupy is a franchise operation.

And seriously, if you think Berkeley Vegans are Christian Conservatives, you are going to be sorely disappointed.
I never said they were. I was asking you why you're assuming they're affiliated with the official Occupy Movement, when there's nothing about that on their webpage, Wikipedia, or the founder's bio. (As far as I saw.) Not saying you're wrong, just asking you to back yourself up on that.

*sigh* The quote in my signature is eternally TWOO.

I said the Occupy Movement, not Centralized Occupy INCORPORATED.

Jeebus, get a grip.
I honor vegans several times a week at the altar of St. Weber on my patio. In the last week we’ve offered up the remains of some cows, pigs, chickens, and fish to the vegan lunatics.

I'm a long-time BBQ nut myself, sir! In my local, small-town area (tucked into a secret corner of Califuckia) I'm rather legendary for the baby-back ribs I grill outdoors. I hope vegans can't stand that scenario.
Why is it that every vegan I've ever met has that Gollum look? Grayish-colored complexion and deeply sunken eyes. If veganism is so healthy, vegan-psychotics, then WHY does every vegan look sickly and malnourished? Even obese vegans!

Perhaps you simply haven't seen all of them?

Speaking for myself, I'm 6' 3'', 200 pounds, probably be 210 by the end of the month, I'm packin 18 inch guns, and I hit harder than the Backstreet Boys with a new Single.

Watch your mouth, runt.
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Why is it that every vegan I've ever met has that Gollum look? Grayish-colored complexion and deeply sunken eyes. If veganism is so healthy, vegan-psychotics, then WHY does every vegan look sickly and malnourished? Even obese vegans!
Yeah, just look at how unhealthy these vegans look, ha ha. (You need to get out more.)

Pro surfer Tia Blanco

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram (@fullyrawkristina)

Bianca Taylor

Nimai Delgado (vegetarian since birth, vegan since 2015)

Jon Venus


Carly Taylor (@carlytaylor269)

Nina and Randa (vegans since birth)


Hannah Hagler

I could post tons more, but just get out more and get past your false and outdated stereotypes. Thank you!
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I thought this was from The Onion, Scrappleface or Babylon Bee, but it's real.

What a hoot. The Occupy Movement has gotten so desperate that it is now targeting Whole Foods. Talk about the Left cannibalizing itself.

A Berkeley, California, Whole Foods Market was forced to apply for a blanket restraining order after becoming the target of a radical vegan group hell-bent on "exposing" the natural foods chain's animal welfare violations.

The Guardian reports that Whole Foods filed for the order after a group called Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, threatened to "Occupy Whole Foods" for the entire month of September, subjecting the store and its shoppers to in-person protests, demonstrations of "animal slaughter," and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

DxE, which reportedly advocates for "total animal liberation," began the month by unfurling a giant black "Occupy Whole Foods" banner above a group of chanting protesters, but since the order went into effect, DxE has been relegated to handing out pre-printed leaflets from a set of tables just beyond the Whole Foods parking lot...

Whole Foods Forced To Get A Restraining Order Against Berkeley Vegans
Like I’ve always said progressives are fucked in the head
Why is it that every vegan I've ever met has that Gollum look? Grayish-colored complexion and deeply sunken eyes. If veganism is so healthy, vegan-psychotics, then WHY does every vegan look sickly and malnourished? Even obese vegans!
Yeah, just look at how unhealthy these vegans look, ha ha. (You need to get out more.)

Pro surfer Tia Blanco

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram (@fullyrawkristina)

Bianca Taylor

Nimai Delgado (vegetarian since birth, vegan since 2015)

Jon Venus


Carly Taylor (@carlytaylor269)

Nina and Randa (vegans since birth)


Hannah Hagler

I could post tons more, but just get out more and get past your false and outdated stereotypes. Thank you!
Too bad they are not vegans... Every one of them is a closet meat eater...
Vegans are loons...much like PETA nut jobs

Yes because it's so crazy to care about animals and not want to support cruelty and exploitation. And it's so crazy to want to eat healthier and make choices that are better not only for the animals but for this world we live in.

But we do live in an upside down world, and this is just one more thing that the majority is upside down on, iyam.
Animals are put on this earth to be food…
Meat is tasty

You know how they say that once you see certain things, you can't unsee it? I completely lost my appetite for meat, and I was someone who used to love meat so much that I emphatically stated I could never go vegan. But now the thought of eating a dead body is disgusting to me, and I don't say that to offend anyone here, just sharing a very different perspective.

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