Berkeley Whole Foods Get Restraining Order Against Vegans

I thought this was from The Onion, Scrappleface or Babylon Bee, but it's real.

What a hoot. The Occupy Movement has gotten so desperate that it is now targeting Whole Foods. Talk about the Left cannibalizing itself.

A Berkeley, California, Whole Foods Market was forced to apply for a blanket restraining order after becoming the target of a radical vegan group hell-bent on "exposing" the natural foods chain's animal welfare violations.

The Guardian reports that Whole Foods filed for the order after a group called Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, threatened to "Occupy Whole Foods" for the entire month of September, subjecting the store and its shoppers to in-person protests, demonstrations of "animal slaughter," and, perhaps most horrifying, a drum circle.

DxE, which reportedly advocates for "total animal liberation," began the month by unfurling a giant black "Occupy Whole Foods" banner above a group of chanting protesters, but since the order went into effect, DxE has been relegated to handing out pre-printed leaflets from a set of tables just beyond the Whole Foods parking lot...

Whole Foods Forced To Get A Restraining Order Against Berkeley Vegans
Like I’ve always said progressives are fucked in the head
Progressives attacking progressives. The natural consequence of their ideology.

Omigawd that is so true.

Vegans are the only people who feel the need to constantly talk about what they eat and what other people should eat.

It is BEYOND tiresome.
They're up there with lesbians and wiccans who need to eternally pronounce their sexuality and their anti-Christian wiccan beliefs..but who whine and claim they're being discriminated against if anybody ELSE talks about it.

Vegans also continually talk about their own poop..what it looks like, smells like, the texture..what they can use it for. It's alarming.
Why is it that every vegan I've ever met has that Gollum look? Grayish-colored complexion and deeply sunken eyes. If veganism is so healthy, vegan-psychotics, then WHY does every vegan look sickly and malnourished? Even obese vegans!

Perhaps you simply haven't seen all of them?

Speaking for myself, I'm 6' 3'', 200 pounds, probably be 210 by the end of the month, I'm packin 18 inch guns, and I hit harder than the Backstreet Boys with a new Single.

Watch your mouth, runt.

Even if I believed your Internet Tough Guy bullshit, (which I most certainly don't, you blustering punk), you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object. You can take your macho attitude and shove it up your boyfriend's ass. Punk. What a typical, petulant vegan sickness you have. Punk. See folks, this is the bullying mentality all these leftist vegan human leftovers have to offer. Punk.
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If there’s one thing that this thread demonstrates it’s that people are so extremely attached to their favorite “foods” (animal products) that even the mere existence of vegans comes across as a threat to them. The burning hatred and foaming at the mouth hysteria is ugly...but to be expected.
I don't care what they eat, or don't. They do not have the privilege to dictate what I eat, or don't. If they don't like what a place of business is selling, they are most welcome not to patronize that establishment. But they DO NOT have the privilege of making said establishment unavailable to me. I do not understand why extremists like vegans feel they should have the "right" to shut down what they don't like.

They're protesting, and exposing places who claim to offer "free range" or "humanely raised" products, when it's typically a big fat lie. I didn't see anything about them wanting to shut down the place, but they are obviously trying to get attention and raise awareness overall.

I don't think you understand how other people view this issue. I will try to get back to this later… I just got a phone call.
No one has the right to tell someone else what to eat one why the other so shut the fuck up
I never told you what to eat. And no, I won't shut up. Ever.

Your pics are making me hungry for some juicy meat.
you haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk.

You know, mother mammal weans her baby mammal from her titty. That's how nature works. Mommy kicks the little one off the titty when she feels the little one is ready to go graze on his own like a big boy, as nature intended. If you're not ready to be weaned from mothers milk, though, that's your business. I can see how some folks aren't yet ready for weaning. Even at adulthood. Some men are simply needy for mother's milk beyong their infancy, I get it. It'sa big world, after all. It's tough out there. Weird that you'd pick a cow to satisfy your adult dependence on mother's milk, though. Do you moo? Of course, human moms aren't likely to just whip out their titty at the breakfast table to fill your glass before high school starts for the day, so, I understand the need for alternative mammal nurturing, if one really feels like they still need mother's milk to get through their tough day. Do you still wear a bib when you have mothers milk?

To your other babble, I'm a lover, not a fighter. There's nothing to be had by it. Not really. I can't help it that I have good genes. Plus, you know, I've been weaned from mother's milk, so, I'm a man.
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Even if I believed your Internet Tough Guy bullshit, (which I most certainly don't, you blustering punk), you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object. You can take your macho attitude and shove it up your boyfriend's ass. Punk. What a typical, petulant vegan sickness you have. Punk. See folks, this is the bullying mentality all these leftist vegan human leftovers have to offer. Punk.

Another foaming at the mouth, rage filled post. Careful, you're inadvertently proving the claims that carnivorism and violence go hand-in-hand.

you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object.

I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
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You know, mother mammal weans her baby mammal from her titty. That's how nature works. Mommy kicks the little one off the titty when she feels the little one is ready to go graze on his own like a big boy, as nature intended. If you're not ready to be weaned from mothers milk, though, that's your business. I can see how some folks aren't yet ready for weaning. Even at adulthood. Some men are simply needy for mother's milk beyong their infancy, I get it. It'sa big world, after all. It's tough out there. Weird that you'd pick a cow to satisfy your adult dependence on mother's milk, though. Do you moo? Of course, human moms aren't likely to just whip out their titty at the breakfast table to fill your glass before high school starts for the day, so, I understand the need for alternative mammal nurturing, if one really feels like they still need mother's milk to get through their tough day. Do you still wear a bib when you have mothers milk?

To your other babble, I'm a lover, not a fighter. There's nothing to be had by it. Not really. I can't help it that I have good genes. Plus, you know, I've been weaned from mother's milk, so, I'm a man.


Best post ever. Thank you for making me laugh out loud. And thank you for being a real man.
you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object.

I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...
you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object.

I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.

zacly. Some people...
you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object.

I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object.

I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
Yeah, yeah...I'm aware of that modified definition of "milk". Sorry, it doesn't wash with me, or with anyone with some grasp on reality. Of course, there are all those apologists who like to excuse themselves by consuming "milk" made of seeds, etc. Why don't these fakes just find some other name, like "juice"? If they are so damned proud of their status as vegans, or whatever, why make an effort to use names that signify something they abhor?
you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object.

I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object.

I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
Yeah, yeah...I'm aware of that modified definition of "milk". Sorry, it doesn't wash with me, or with anyone with some grasp on reality. Of course, there are all those apologists who like to excuse themselves by consuming "milk" made of seeds, etc. Why don't these fakes just find some other name, like "juice"? If they are so damned proud of their status as vegans, or whatever, why make an effort to use names that signify something they abhor?

Again, pretty much all words have more than one meaning.

Why does it bother you so much? I suppose the reason the word "milk" is used is because it lets people know that it is a direct alternative to cow’s milk. It’s similar in look, taste, etc.

The dairy industry doesn’t like it, because it’s taking away their sales. And it really is doing that… sales of plant-based milks are soaring, while the dairy industry is slowly but surely dying.
you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object.

I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
you still haven't disproved my point that it is HEALTHY for a MAMMAL to drink milk, you worthless, hot-air-blowing, toilet-floating-object.

I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
Yeah, yeah...I'm aware of that modified definition of "milk". Sorry, it doesn't wash with me, or with anyone with some grasp on reality. Of course, there are all those apologists who like to excuse themselves by consuming "milk" made of seeds, etc. Why don't these fakes just find some other name, like "juice"? If they are so damned proud of their status as vegans, or whatever, why make an effort to use names that signify something they abhor?

Again, pretty much all words have more than one meaning.

Why does it bother you so much? I suppose the reason the word "milk" is used is because it lets people know that it is a direct alternative to cow’s milk. It’s similar in look, taste, etc.

The dairy industry doesn’t like it, because it’s taking away their sales. And it really is doing that… sales of plant-based milks are soaring, while the dairy industry is slowly but surely dying.
It doesn't bother me. I raise dairy goats, so I am familiar with that look askance. I just think it amusing that people who make such a big deal about not consuming dairy insist on calling their substitutes by the same name. I've tried both almond and soy "milk". Soy is heavily GMO, so I really have no interest in further consumption of such adulterated products. Almond milk is tasty but in other places it is called horchata, not "milk". It's been a long time since I suckled a teat, puss-infected or otherwise. I don't even drink goat's milk, but I do make cheese and yogurt, both of which are healthy foods suitable for a mature digestive system. But, hey, who am I to spoil your fantasy. Drink your "milk", if you must lie to yourself in order to make it palatable and acceptable to others who prefer not to consume meat or other animal products.
What are your thoughts about GMOs?
I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
Yeah, yeah...I'm aware of that modified definition of "milk". Sorry, it doesn't wash with me, or with anyone with some grasp on reality. Of course, there are all those apologists who like to excuse themselves by consuming "milk" made of seeds, etc. Why don't these fakes just find some other name, like "juice"? If they are so damned proud of their status as vegans, or whatever, why make an effort to use names that signify something they abhor?

Again, pretty much all words have more than one meaning.

Why does it bother you so much? I suppose the reason the word "milk" is used is because it lets people know that it is a direct alternative to cow’s milk. It’s similar in look, taste, etc.

The dairy industry doesn’t like it, because it’s taking away their sales. And it really is doing that… sales of plant-based milks are soaring, while the dairy industry is slowly but surely dying.
It doesn't bother me. I raise dairy goats, so I am familiar with that look askance. I just think it amusing that people who make such a big deal about not consuming dairy insist on calling their substitutes by the same name. I've tried both almond and soy "milk". Soy is heavily GMO, so I really have no interest in further consumption of such adulterated products. Almond milk is tasty but in other places it is called horchata, not "milk". It's been a long time since I suckled a teat, puss-infected or otherwise. I don't even drink goat's milk, but I do make cheese and yogurt, both of which are healthy foods suitable for a mature digestive system. But, hey, who am I to spoil your fantasy. Drink your "milk", if you must lie to yourself in order to make it palatable and acceptable to others who prefer not to consume meat or other animal products.
What are your thoughts about GMOs?

Pretty much all food is littered with preservatives and various other weird various chemicals, how is regular cow milk any worse than anything else anyone eats?
I am a vegan, accept I sometimes love a big fat juicy steak. I hate that an innocent animal died to appease my appetite. Loved every guilty little bite. So back to soy for the next six weeks. Humans are omnivores. Man does not live by gluten free bread alone.
I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
I know that this wasn't to me, but I responded to your point about drinking milk earlier on the thread, and you ignored it.

So just in case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said. Vegans have no problem with mammals drinking their mother's milk.

The problem vegans have is the unnatural, cruel, completely exploitative process that takes place in order to get the animal milk you drink.

First you forcibly artificially inseminate a cow, then not long after she gives birth, you steal her calf, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. Then if the calf is male, he is treated like a waste product… either callously killed almost immediately, or kept in a crate to be sold for veal. Then the mother cow is literally treated like a milking machine, and the above process is repeated over and over and over and over, causing suffering both physical and psychological. It only ends when she finally collapses, and ends up being slaughtered for cheap hamburger meat.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry, because you have a lifetime of cruelty, enslavement and exploitation, before getting killed… unlike the cows who are only raised for beef.

And all of it is completely unnecessary, since there are tons of alternatives that not only taste better, but are much healthier and completely cruelty-free.

As Natural Citizen already went over, you're a man, not a baby, you should've been weaned off of milk decades ago. And there was never a need to suck on the teat of a different species, and one that is filled with pus, hormones, and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
Yeah, yeah...I'm aware of that modified definition of "milk". Sorry, it doesn't wash with me, or with anyone with some grasp on reality. Of course, there are all those apologists who like to excuse themselves by consuming "milk" made of seeds, etc. Why don't these fakes just find some other name, like "juice"? If they are so damned proud of their status as vegans, or whatever, why make an effort to use names that signify something they abhor?

Again, pretty much all words have more than one meaning.

Why does it bother you so much? I suppose the reason the word "milk" is used is because it lets people know that it is a direct alternative to cow’s milk. It’s similar in look, taste, etc.

The dairy industry doesn’t like it, because it’s taking away their sales. And it really is doing that… sales of plant-based milks are soaring, while the dairy industry is slowly but surely dying.
It doesn't bother me. I raise dairy goats, so I am familiar with that look askance. I just think it amusing that people who make such a big deal about not consuming dairy insist on calling their substitutes by the same name. I've tried both almond and soy "milk". Soy is heavily GMO, so I really have no interest in further consumption of such adulterated products. Almond milk is tasty but in other places it is called horchata, not "milk". It's been a long time since I suckled a teat, puss-infected or otherwise. I don't even drink goat's milk, but I do make cheese and yogurt, both of which are healthy foods suitable for a mature digestive system. But, hey, who am I to spoil your fantasy. Drink your "milk", if you must lie to yourself in order to make it palatable and acceptable to others who prefer not to consume meat or other animal products.
What are your thoughts about GMOs?

I don’t make a big deal about it. I don’t care what it’s called… just that it’s available. :)

There is non-GMO soy milk, btw. As for what you said about cheese, I disagree. There are plenty of studies that show that cheese and dairy are not healthy, and in fact linked to certain types of cancer. We've been lied to for many years....and studies that show animal products are healthy are typically funded by those industries.

I don’t like GMOs, I always try to buy non-GMO, locally grown foods.
Just remember, vegans, if a cow or chicken had the chance to kill & eat you and everyone you care about, they wouldn't hesitate. So it makes sense us humans should eat these animals as a form of proactive self-defense.
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
I assume you approve of almond, soy, etc "milk"? Milk comes from mammary glands. Anything else is juice or extract. Unless you know how to milk an almond?...

Most words have more than one sense or meaning. The same goes for milk. See for yourself: Definition of MILK
Yeah, yeah...I'm aware of that modified definition of "milk". Sorry, it doesn't wash with me, or with anyone with some grasp on reality. Of course, there are all those apologists who like to excuse themselves by consuming "milk" made of seeds, etc. Why don't these fakes just find some other name, like "juice"? If they are so damned proud of their status as vegans, or whatever, why make an effort to use names that signify something they abhor?

Again, pretty much all words have more than one meaning.

Why does it bother you so much? I suppose the reason the word "milk" is used is because it lets people know that it is a direct alternative to cow’s milk. It’s similar in look, taste, etc.

The dairy industry doesn’t like it, because it’s taking away their sales. And it really is doing that… sales of plant-based milks are soaring, while the dairy industry is slowly but surely dying.
It doesn't bother me. I raise dairy goats, so I am familiar with that look askance. I just think it amusing that people who make such a big deal about not consuming dairy insist on calling their substitutes by the same name. I've tried both almond and soy "milk". Soy is heavily GMO, so I really have no interest in further consumption of such adulterated products. Almond milk is tasty but in other places it is called horchata, not "milk". It's been a long time since I suckled a teat, puss-infected or otherwise. I don't even drink goat's milk, but I do make cheese and yogurt, both of which are healthy foods suitable for a mature digestive system. But, hey, who am I to spoil your fantasy. Drink your "milk", if you must lie to yourself in order to make it palatable and acceptable to others who prefer not to consume meat or other animal products.
What are your thoughts about GMOs?

I don’t make a big deal about it. I don’t care what it’s called… just that it’s available. :)

There is non-GMO soy milk, btw. As for what you said about cheese, I disagree. There are plenty of studies that show that cheese and dairy are not healthy, and in fact linked to certain types of cancer. We've been lied to for many years....and studies that show animal products are healthy are typically funded by those industries.

I don’t like GMOs, I always try to buy non-GMO, locally grown foods.
We agree on GMOs, then. The dairy I consume consists almost entirely of milk and milk products produced by my own goats and made by me. I make sure to by non-GMO, non-medicated feeds for both my goats and my chickens.
Anyone who looks more closely at how any of our common foodstuffs are grown and produced would be shocked at how that is accomplished. Sad that more people do not have either the opportunity nor the will to take a stand and produce their own food to a greater extent.

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