Berkeley Whole Foods Get Restraining Order Against Vegans

Why is it that every vegan I've ever met has that Gollum look? Grayish-colored complexion and deeply sunken eyes. If veganism is so healthy, vegan-psychotics, then WHY does every vegan look sickly and malnourished? Even obese vegans!
Yeah, just look at how unhealthy these vegans look, ha ha. (You need to get out more.)

Pro surfer Tia Blanco

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram (@fullyrawkristina)

Bianca Taylor

Nimai Delgado (vegetarian since birth, vegan since 2015)

Jon Venus


Carly Taylor (@carlytaylor269)

Nina and Randa (vegans since birth)


Hannah Hagler

I could post tons more, but just get out more and get past your false and outdated stereotypes. Thank you!
Too bad they are not vegans... Every one of them is a closet meat eater...
Thank you for the laugh. You know each of them personally, do you? Or maybe you're omniscient, like God? lolol
If there’s one thing that this thread demonstrates it’s that people are so extremely attached to their favorite “foods” (animal products) that even the mere existence of vegans comes across as a threat to them. The burning hatred and foaming at the mouth hysteria is ugly...but to be expected.
I don't care what they eat, or don't. They do not have the privilege to dictate what I eat, or don't. If they don't like what a place of business is selling, they are most welcome not to patronize that establishment. But they DO NOT have the privilege of making said establishment unavailable to me. I do not understand why extremists like vegans feel they should have the "right" to shut down what they don't like.

They're protesting, and exposing places who claim to offer "free range" or "humanely raised" products, when it's typically a big fat lie. I didn't see anything about them wanting to shut down the place, but they are obviously trying to get attention and raise awareness overall.

I don't think you understand how other people view this issue. I will try to get back to this later… I just got a phone call.
No one has the right to tell someone else what to eat one why the other so shut the fuck up
Meat is tasty

You know how they say that once you see certain things, you can't unsee it? I completely lost my appetite for meat, and I was someone who used to love meat so much that I emphatically stated I could never go vegan. But now the thought of eating a dead body is disgusting to me, and I don't say that to offend anyone here, just sharing a very different perspective.
If there’s one thing that this thread demonstrates it’s that people are so extremely attached to their favorite “foods” (animal products) that even the mere existence of vegans comes across as a threat to them. The burning hatred and foaming at the mouth hysteria is ugly...but to be expected.
I don't care what they eat, or don't. They do not have the privilege to dictate what I eat, or don't. If they don't like what a place of business is selling, they are most welcome not to patronize that establishment. But they DO NOT have the privilege of making said establishment unavailable to me. I do not understand why extremists like vegans feel they should have the "right" to shut down what they don't like.

They're protesting, and exposing places who claim to offer "free range" or "humanely raised" products, when it's typically a big fat lie. I didn't see anything about them wanting to shut down the place, but they are obviously trying to get attention and raise awareness overall.

I don't think you understand how other people view this issue. I will try to get back to this later… I just got a phone call.
No one has the right to tell someone else what to eat one why the other so shut the fuck up
I never told you what to eat. And no, I won't shut up. Ever.
If there’s one thing that this thread demonstrates it’s that people are so extremely attached to their favorite “foods” (animal products) that even the mere existence of vegans comes across as a threat to them. The burning hatred and foaming at the mouth hysteria is ugly...but to be expected.
I don't care what they eat, or don't. They do not have the privilege to dictate what I eat, or don't. If they don't like what a place of business is selling, they are most welcome not to patronize that establishment. But they DO NOT have the privilege of making said establishment unavailable to me. I do not understand why extremists like vegans feel they should have the "right" to shut down what they don't like.

They're protesting, and exposing places who claim to offer "free range" or "humanely raised" products, when it's typically a big fat lie. I didn't see anything about them wanting to shut down the place, but they are obviously trying to get attention and raise awareness overall.

I don't think you understand how other people view this issue. I will try to get back to this later… I just got a phone call.
No one has the right to tell someone else what to eat one why the other so shut the fuck up
I never told you what to eat. And no, I won't shut up. Ever.
I honor vegans several times a week at the altar of St. Weber on my patio. In the last week we’ve offered up the remains of some cows, pigs, chickens, and fish to the vegan lunatics.

I'm a long-time BBQ nut myself, sir! In my local, small-town area (tucked into a secret corner of Califuckia) I'm rather legendary for the baby-back ribs I grill outdoors. I hope vegans can't stand that scenario.
Good for you. Ribs have long been a BBQing bane for me. I’ve tried all sorts of different rib grilling techniques but I always end up feeling I’ve tasted better ones elsewhere. I’m a master at just about anything else when it comes to grilling but ribs are definitely my weakness. Anyway, happy lots of sauce on your chin!
If there’s one thing that this thread demonstrates it’s that people are so extremely attached to their favorite “foods” (animal products) that even the mere existence of vegans comes across as a threat to them. The burning hatred and foaming at the mouth hysteria is ugly...but to be expected.
I don't care what they eat, or don't. They do not have the privilege to dictate what I eat, or don't. If they don't like what a place of business is selling, they are most welcome not to patronize that establishment. But they DO NOT have the privilege of making said establishment unavailable to me. I do not understand why extremists like vegans feel they should have the "right" to shut down what they don't like.

They're protesting, and exposing places who claim to offer "free range" or "humanely raised" products, when it's typically a big fat lie. I didn't see anything about them wanting to shut down the place, but they are obviously trying to get attention and raise awareness overall.

I don't think you understand how other people view this issue. I will try to get back to this later… I just got a phone call.
Frankly, I don't care how other people view this issue. They are entitled to their views, but so am I and others like me. Wouldn't it be great if folks like these vegans would just mind their own business and allow others to mind theirs? If they don't like the way the store does business, don't shop there. BTW, the only burning hatred and foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria I keep seeing and hearing about comes from those vegans protesting something they don't agree with.
Frankly, I don't care how other people view this issue. They are entitled to their views, but so am I and others like me. Wouldn't it be great if folks like these vegans would just mind their own business and allow others to mind theirs? If they don't like the way the store does business, don't shop there. BTW, the only burning hatred and foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria I keep seeing and hearing about comes from those vegans protesting something they don't agree with.

Yeah because posts 10, 18, 20 and a few others aren't hateful at all. Nothing hateful in the sentence: "Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today." With all due respect, get real.

And no one is saying that you aren't entitled to your views. As for minding one's own business, when something affects the entire world, on a number of levels, it is not only right to speak out, it is wrong not to, imo.

At the very least, people should get educated on what they are supporting. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.”

I'll post this brand new documentary (just came out yesterday) and I challenge everyone on this thread to watch it. I've been plant-based for over two years, I've done the research, and even I didn't know things were that bad. Let me put it this way… It is pure evil. The things shown in that documentary are satanic. I honestly don't understand how anyone could knowingly support that… So, I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt that they just don't realize how bad it is.

Frankly, I don't care how other people view this issue. They are entitled to their views, but so am I and others like me. Wouldn't it be great if folks like these vegans would just mind their own business and allow others to mind theirs? If they don't like the way the store does business, don't shop there. BTW, the only burning hatred and foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria I keep seeing and hearing about comes from those vegans protesting something they don't agree with.

Yeah because posts 10, 18, 20 and a few others aren't hateful at all. Nothing hateful in the sentence: "Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today." With all due respect, get real.

And no one is saying that you aren't entitled to your views. As for minding one's own business, when something affects the entire world, on a number of levels, it is not only right to speak out, it is wrong not to, imo.

At the very least, people should get educated on what they are supporting. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.”

I'll post this brand new documentary (just came out yesterday) and I challenge everyone on this thread to watch it. I've been plant-based for over two years, I've done the research, and even I didn't know things were that bad. Let me put it this way… It is pure evil. The things shown in that documentary are satanic. I honestly don't understand how anyone could knowingly support that… So, I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt that they just don't realize how bad it is.

You do realize that all you plants destroy the environment? Every acre used to grow you plants takes that much away from the natural order of things...unless you are wild crafting all you food. One reason I grow my own meat, dairy, and eggs is because I know exactly how it was raised and butchered. Personally, I view big agribusiness as a bane on decent food sources. The people who run big ag, factory farms, don't give a rat's ass about the nutritional value of what they produce, or how it is raised and butchered. Big Ag is all about the bottom dollar and producing food the cheapest way possible.
You know, I prefer selling my excess animals to certain ethnic groups because of their respect for the animals.
Frankly, I don't care how other people view this issue. They are entitled to their views, but so am I and others like me. Wouldn't it be great if folks like these vegans would just mind their own business and allow others to mind theirs? If they don't like the way the store does business, don't shop there. BTW, the only burning hatred and foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria I keep seeing and hearing about comes from those vegans protesting something they don't agree with.

Yeah because posts 10, 18, 20 and a few others aren't hateful at all. Nothing hateful in the sentence: "Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today." With all due respect, get real.

And no one is saying that you aren't entitled to your views. As for minding one's own business, when something affects the entire world, on a number of levels, it is not only right to speak out, it is wrong not to, imo.

At the very least, people should get educated on what they are supporting. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.”

I'll post this brand new documentary (just came out yesterday) and I challenge everyone on this thread to watch it. I've been plant-based for over two years, I've done the research, and even I didn't know things were that bad. Let me put it this way… It is pure evil. The things shown in that documentary are satanic. I honestly don't understand how anyone could knowingly support that… So, I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt that they just don't realize how bad it is.

You do realize that all you plants destroy the environment? Every acre used to grow you plants takes that much away from the natural order of things...unless you are wild crafting all you food. One reason I grow my own meat, dairy, and eggs is because I know exactly how it was raised and butchered. Personally, I view big agribusiness as a bane on decent food sources. The people who run big ag, factory farms, don't give a rat's ass about the nutritional value of what they produce, or how it is raised and butchered. Big Ag is all about the bottom dollar and producing food the cheapest way possible.
You know, I prefer selling my excess animals to certain ethnic groups because of their respect for the animals.

Yes, I am not a fan of Big Ag either. I try to buy my food at the local farmer's market. But the reality is animal agriculture is far worse for the environment, for a number of reasons. I talked a little bit about that on another thread, last night.

Anyway, I'm glad that at least you try to sell your extra animals to people who have respect for life.
Frankly, I don't care how other people view this issue. They are entitled to their views, but so am I and others like me. Wouldn't it be great if folks like these vegans would just mind their own business and allow others to mind theirs? If they don't like the way the store does business, don't shop there. BTW, the only burning hatred and foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria I keep seeing and hearing about comes from those vegans protesting something they don't agree with.

Yeah because posts 10, 18, 20 and a few others aren't hateful at all. Nothing hateful in the sentence: "Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today." With all due respect, get real.

And no one is saying that you aren't entitled to your views. As for minding one's own business, when something affects the entire world, on a number of levels, it is not only right to speak out, it is wrong not to, imo.

At the very least, people should get educated on what they are supporting. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.”

I'll post this brand new documentary (just came out yesterday) and I challenge everyone on this thread to watch it. I've been plant-based for over two years, I've done the research, and even I didn't know things were that bad. Let me put it this way… It is pure evil. The things shown in that documentary are satanic. I honestly don't understand how anyone could knowingly support that… So, I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt that they just don't realize how bad it is.

You do realize that all you plants destroy the environment? Every acre used to grow you plants takes that much away from the natural order of things...unless you are wild crafting all you food. One reason I grow my own meat, dairy, and eggs is because I know exactly how it was raised and butchered. Personally, I view big agribusiness as a bane on decent food sources. The people who run big ag, factory farms, don't give a rat's ass about the nutritional value of what they produce, or how it is raised and butchered. Big Ag is all about the bottom dollar and producing food the cheapest way possible.
You know, I prefer selling my excess animals to certain ethnic groups because of their respect for the animals.

Yes, I am not a fan of Big Ag either. I try to buy my food at the local farmer's market. But the reality is animal agriculture is far worse for the environment, for a number of reasons. I talked a little bit about that on another thread, last night.

Anyway, I'm glad that at least you try to sell your extra animals to people who have respect for life.

You need to mind your own business, other peoples animals are none of your business.
Frankly, I don't care how other people view this issue. They are entitled to their views, but so am I and others like me. Wouldn't it be great if folks like these vegans would just mind their own business and allow others to mind theirs? If they don't like the way the store does business, don't shop there. BTW, the only burning hatred and foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria I keep seeing and hearing about comes from those vegans protesting something they don't agree with.

Yeah because posts 10, 18, 20 and a few others aren't hateful at all. Nothing hateful in the sentence: "Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today." With all due respect, get real.

And no one is saying that you aren't entitled to your views. As for minding one's own business, when something affects the entire world, on a number of levels, it is not only right to speak out, it is wrong not to, imo.

At the very least, people should get educated on what they are supporting. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.”

I'll post this brand new documentary (just came out yesterday) and I challenge everyone on this thread to watch it. I've been plant-based for over two years, I've done the research, and even I didn't know things were that bad. Let me put it this way… It is pure evil. The things shown in that documentary are satanic. I honestly don't understand how anyone could knowingly support that… So, I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt that they just don't realize how bad it is.

You do realize that all you plants destroy the environment? Every acre used to grow you plants takes that much away from the natural order of things...unless you are wild crafting all you food. One reason I grow my own meat, dairy, and eggs is because I know exactly how it was raised and butchered. Personally, I view big agribusiness as a bane on decent food sources. The people who run big ag, factory farms, don't give a rat's ass about the nutritional value of what they produce, or how it is raised and butchered. Big Ag is all about the bottom dollar and producing food the cheapest way possible.
You know, I prefer selling my excess animals to certain ethnic groups because of their respect for the animals.

Yes, I am not a fan of Big Ag either. I try to buy my food at the local farmer's market. But the reality is animal agriculture is far worse for the environment, for a number of reasons. I talked a little bit about that on another thread, last night.

Anyway, I'm glad that at least you try to sell your extra animals to people who have respect for life.

You need to mind your own business, other peoples animals are none of your business.

You should take your own advice. Even the meat-eater guy I was posting to agreed that factory farming cares only about profit and not about people, animals, or the environment. If even meat eaters understand that, your comment implies that you have no problem with the cruelty and exploitation of sentient beings, not to mention the other horrible practices that affect humans and the environment. And you think that is minding your own business? Ha ha. If you truly believed in minding your own business, you wouldn't support the satanic, abhorrent treatment of other beings, and needless killing just to satisfy your tastebuds.

In almost every post, you keep telling me what to do. That makes it even more ironic. No, I will not stop speaking the truth. If you want to debate, that's great. But stop trying to silence me, because it will only make me want to work harder to protect animals from people like you.
Frankly, I don't care how other people view this issue. They are entitled to their views, but so am I and others like me. Wouldn't it be great if folks like these vegans would just mind their own business and allow others to mind theirs? If they don't like the way the store does business, don't shop there. BTW, the only burning hatred and foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria I keep seeing and hearing about comes from those vegans protesting something they don't agree with.

Yeah because posts 10, 18, 20 and a few others aren't hateful at all. Nothing hateful in the sentence: "Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today." With all due respect, get real.

And no one is saying that you aren't entitled to your views. As for minding one's own business, when something affects the entire world, on a number of levels, it is not only right to speak out, it is wrong not to, imo.

At the very least, people should get educated on what they are supporting. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.”

I'll post this brand new documentary (just came out yesterday) and I challenge everyone on this thread to watch it. I've been plant-based for over two years, I've done the research, and even I didn't know things were that bad. Let me put it this way… It is pure evil. The things shown in that documentary are satanic. I honestly don't understand how anyone could knowingly support that… So, I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt that they just don't realize how bad it is.

You do realize that all you plants destroy the environment? Every acre used to grow you plants takes that much away from the natural order of things...unless you are wild crafting all you food. One reason I grow my own meat, dairy, and eggs is because I know exactly how it was raised and butchered. Personally, I view big agribusiness as a bane on decent food sources. The people who run big ag, factory farms, don't give a rat's ass about the nutritional value of what they produce, or how it is raised and butchered. Big Ag is all about the bottom dollar and producing food the cheapest way possible.
You know, I prefer selling my excess animals to certain ethnic groups because of their respect for the animals.

Yes, I am not a fan of Big Ag either. I try to buy my food at the local farmer's market. But the reality is animal agriculture is far worse for the environment, for a number of reasons. I talked a little bit about that on another thread, last night.

Anyway, I'm glad that at least you try to sell your extra animals to people who have respect for life.

You need to mind your own business, other peoples animals are none of your business.

You should take your own advice. Even the meat-eater guy I was posting to agreed that factory farming cares only about profit and not about people, animals, or the environment. If even meat eaters understand that, your comment implies that you have no problem with the cruelty and exploitation of sentient beings, not to mention the other horrible practices that affect humans and the environment. And you think that is minding your own business? Ha ha. If you truly believed in minding your own business, you wouldn't support the satanic, abhorrent treatment of other beings, and needless killing just to satisfy your tastebuds.

In almost every post, you keep telling me what to do. That makes it even more ironic. No, I will not stop speaking the truth. If you want to debate, that's great. But stop trying to silence me, because it will only make me want to work harder to protect animals from people like you.

I hunt for me and my family’s food, my wife has a garden every year and cans for the winter...
I don’t buy meat from the grocery store because it’s full of steroids and hormones
Yeah because posts 10, 18, 20 and a few others aren't hateful at all. Nothing hateful in the sentence: "Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today." With all due respect, get real.

And no one is saying that you aren't entitled to your views. As for minding one's own business, when something affects the entire world, on a number of levels, it is not only right to speak out, it is wrong not to, imo.

At the very least, people should get educated on what they are supporting. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.”

I'll post this brand new documentary (just came out yesterday) and I challenge everyone on this thread to watch it. I've been plant-based for over two years, I've done the research, and even I didn't know things were that bad. Let me put it this way… It is pure evil. The things shown in that documentary are satanic. I honestly don't understand how anyone could knowingly support that… So, I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt that they just don't realize how bad it is.

You do realize that all you plants destroy the environment? Every acre used to grow you plants takes that much away from the natural order of things...unless you are wild crafting all you food. One reason I grow my own meat, dairy, and eggs is because I know exactly how it was raised and butchered. Personally, I view big agribusiness as a bane on decent food sources. The people who run big ag, factory farms, don't give a rat's ass about the nutritional value of what they produce, or how it is raised and butchered. Big Ag is all about the bottom dollar and producing food the cheapest way possible.
You know, I prefer selling my excess animals to certain ethnic groups because of their respect for the animals.

Yes, I am not a fan of Big Ag either. I try to buy my food at the local farmer's market. But the reality is animal agriculture is far worse for the environment, for a number of reasons. I talked a little bit about that on another thread, last night.

Anyway, I'm glad that at least you try to sell your extra animals to people who have respect for life.

You need to mind your own business, other peoples animals are none of your business.

You should take your own advice. Even the meat-eater guy I was posting to agreed that factory farming cares only about profit and not about people, animals, or the environment. If even meat eaters understand that, your comment implies that you have no problem with the cruelty and exploitation of sentient beings, not to mention the other horrible practices that affect humans and the environment. And you think that is minding your own business? Ha ha. If you truly believed in minding your own business, you wouldn't support the satanic, abhorrent treatment of other beings, and needless killing just to satisfy your tastebuds.

In almost every post, you keep telling me what to do. That makes it even more ironic. No, I will not stop speaking the truth. If you want to debate, that's great. But stop trying to silence me, because it will only make me want to work harder to protect animals from people like you.

I hunt for me and my family’s food, my wife has a garden every year and cans for the winter...
I don’t buy meat from the grocery store because it’s full of steroids and hormones

Well the post you were replying to was about Big Ag, so I wasn't talking about hunting. Not that I agree with it, but I do think it's less hypocritical to hunt, than to claim to love animals and not want to hurt them, yet pay others to torture and abuse and kill them. So that's why I usually focus on trying to get people to see what they are supporting, because I think most people don't realize how bad it actually is.
Yeah because posts 10, 18, 20 and a few others aren't hateful at all. Nothing hateful in the sentence: "Vegan filth are perhaps the sorriest pieces of human floating sewage chunks wandering around today." With all due respect, get real.

And no one is saying that you aren't entitled to your views. As for minding one's own business, when something affects the entire world, on a number of levels, it is not only right to speak out, it is wrong not to, imo.

At the very least, people should get educated on what they are supporting. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.”

I'll post this brand new documentary (just came out yesterday) and I challenge everyone on this thread to watch it. I've been plant-based for over two years, I've done the research, and even I didn't know things were that bad. Let me put it this way… It is pure evil. The things shown in that documentary are satanic. I honestly don't understand how anyone could knowingly support that… So, I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt that they just don't realize how bad it is.

You do realize that all you plants destroy the environment? Every acre used to grow you plants takes that much away from the natural order of things...unless you are wild crafting all you food. One reason I grow my own meat, dairy, and eggs is because I know exactly how it was raised and butchered. Personally, I view big agribusiness as a bane on decent food sources. The people who run big ag, factory farms, don't give a rat's ass about the nutritional value of what they produce, or how it is raised and butchered. Big Ag is all about the bottom dollar and producing food the cheapest way possible.
You know, I prefer selling my excess animals to certain ethnic groups because of their respect for the animals.

Yes, I am not a fan of Big Ag either. I try to buy my food at the local farmer's market. But the reality is animal agriculture is far worse for the environment, for a number of reasons. I talked a little bit about that on another thread, last night.

Anyway, I'm glad that at least you try to sell your extra animals to people who have respect for life.

You need to mind your own business, other peoples animals are none of your business.

You should take your own advice. Even the meat-eater guy I was posting to agreed that factory farming cares only about profit and not about people, animals, or the environment. If even meat eaters understand that, your comment implies that you have no problem with the cruelty and exploitation of sentient beings, not to mention the other horrible practices that affect humans and the environment. And you think that is minding your own business? Ha ha. If you truly believed in minding your own business, you wouldn't support the satanic, abhorrent treatment of other beings, and needless killing just to satisfy your tastebuds.

In almost every post, you keep telling me what to do. That makes it even more ironic. No, I will not stop speaking the truth. If you want to debate, that's great. But stop trying to silence me, because it will only make me want to work harder to protect animals from people like you.

I hunt for me and my family’s food, my wife has a garden every year and cans for the winter...
I don’t buy meat from the grocery store because it’s full of steroids and hormones

I hunt when I can, too. But farming takes a lot of time and leaves me little for hunting. Next year, though, I'll be retiring and I'll have time to start practicing with my bow again, as well as scouting for game. I own 200 acres on the edge of a huge wilderness area, so opportunities to hunt are many, if you have the time.
You do realize that all you plants destroy the environment? Every acre used to grow you plants takes that much away from the natural order of things...unless you are wild crafting all you food. One reason I grow my own meat, dairy, and eggs is because I know exactly how it was raised and butchered. Personally, I view big agribusiness as a bane on decent food sources. The people who run big ag, factory farms, don't give a rat's ass about the nutritional value of what they produce, or how it is raised and butchered. Big Ag is all about the bottom dollar and producing food the cheapest way possible.
You know, I prefer selling my excess animals to certain ethnic groups because of their respect for the animals.

Yes, I am not a fan of Big Ag either. I try to buy my food at the local farmer's market. But the reality is animal agriculture is far worse for the environment, for a number of reasons. I talked a little bit about that on another thread, last night.

Anyway, I'm glad that at least you try to sell your extra animals to people who have respect for life.
You need to mind your own business, other peoples animals are none of your business.

You should take your own advice. Even the meat-eater guy I was posting to agreed that factory farming cares only about profit and not about people, animals, or the environment. If even meat eaters understand that, your comment implies that you have no problem with the cruelty and exploitation of sentient beings, not to mention the other horrible practices that affect humans and the environment. And you think that is minding your own business? Ha ha. If you truly believed in minding your own business, you wouldn't support the satanic, abhorrent treatment of other beings, and needless killing just to satisfy your tastebuds.

In almost every post, you keep telling me what to do. That makes it even more ironic. No, I will not stop speaking the truth. If you want to debate, that's great. But stop trying to silence me, because it will only make me want to work harder to protect animals from people like you.
I hunt for me and my family’s food, my wife has a garden every year and cans for the winter...
I don’t buy meat from the grocery store because it’s full of steroids and hormones

Well the post you were replying to was about Big Ag, so I wasn't talking about hunting. Not that I agree with it, but I do think it's less hypocritical to hunt, than to claim to love animals and not want to hurt them, yet pay others to torture and abuse and kill them. So that's why I usually focus on trying to get people to see what they are supporting, because I think most people don't realize how bad it actually is.
You know, most people don't care. Too many people are unable to equate a chicken, cow, pig, or other livestock (animals) with the stuff they buy packaged at the supermarket.

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