Bernie is on the Senate floor posting pictures of Jeff Bezos' assets and demanding we stop giving him so much damn money

No Don't you start showing the Trumpanzees pictures. THEY NEED SOMETHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IN LINKS.
If that is the best source of government 'subsidizing' Amazon, your case is really falling apart.

Outline how you think that Amazon is using tax payer monies through USPS....
pknopp didnt read the link in his daily talking points telling him what to think, and is now playing his usual game when caught in a lie…”It’s in there, you just can’t find it”.

Let me help the moron out on these supposed USPS “subsidies”…..the USPS made $1.6 BILLION in profit off Amazon in 2019. Can’t wait to see how this constitutes the USPS subsidizing Bezos.

pknopp didnt read the link in his daily talking points telling him what to think, and is now playing his usual game when caught in a lie…”It’s in there, you just can’t find it”.

Let me help the moron out on these supposed USPS “subsidies”…..the USPS made $1.6 BILLION in profit off Amazon in 2019. Can’t wait to see how this constitutes the USPS subsidizing Bezos.

He didn't build that!!!
There is nothing radical about saying that the wealthiest people in this country ought to pay their fair share of taxes.

What's radical is Bezos making $142,667 every 60 seconds while more than half our people live paycheck to paycheck.

I don’t care if Bezos makes twice that amount every 30 seconds. Policies rooted in class warfare and economic envy accomplishes nothing. Further, Bezos is a Liberal. Sanders is probably using this opportunity to not only stir up class warfare but also as a signal to Bezos to throw Sanders some hush money. Remember, Sanders has made his millions off the taxpayers and cronies.
Bernie should move back to Israel and take another shot at Kibbutz living.

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