Bernie-Mania spreads to Red States

The spongers have to keep the gravy train rolling.
The majority of which live in Red States and vote Republican.
How much does Hillary pay you by post, to silence Hillary's critics?
Nothing you wish you loved one of your 15 like we love Hillary. Who do you like best? Not one carli fiorino fan? That's the best woman the GOP has? Just like Cain was a joke of a black token.
Curious. Are you a useful idiot for Hillary? Because I have never voted Republican in my life.

Though, calling me a Republican is funny, as plenty of Republicans on this forum would point out I am not.
I saw you crying about hillary and assumed.

I like Bernie better than hillary. If we could convince enough people I'm on board. Bernie is best! He'd be a great VP. Very well spoken and tells GOP why they are fos.
if bernie takes the first three primaries, u have to wonder if the DNC will demand voter fraud in the next primaries,,aka, let dead people vote !!!
If this thread is any indication, Republicans are going to get a few laughs from the Hillary camp of the Democratic party in this forum. Those in the DNC stuffing ballot boxes (if they exist) would be more likely to sabotage Bernie's campaign than help.
if bernie takes the first three primaries, u have to wonder if the DNC will demand voter fraud in the next primaries,,aka, let dead people vote !!!
I would love a revolutionary fdr new deal type like Bernie in the white house. Of course you'll say he's a socialist but didn't you lie and say that about Clinton and Obama? Now you say there's no difference?
if bernie takes the first three primaries, u have to wonder if the DNC will demand voter fraud in the next primaries,,aka, let dead people vote !!!
If this thread is any indication, Republicans are going to get a few laughs from the Hillary camp of the Democratic party in this forum. Those in the DNC stuffing ballot boxes (if they exist) would be more likely to sabotage Bernie's campaign than help.
Who do you like? Why didn't the hillary camp do that to Obama in 2008?
if bernie takes the first three primaries, u have to wonder if the DNC will demand voter fraud in the next primaries,,aka, let dead people vote !!!
If this thread is any indication, Republicans are going to get a few laughs from the Hillary camp of the Democratic party in this forum. Those in the DNC stuffing ballot boxes (if they exist) would be more likely to sabotage Bernie's campaign than help.
Who do you like? Why didn't the hillary camp do that to Obama in 2008?
The Hillary camp played a dirty tricks campaign in 2008, and it wouldn't be surprising if they do it again in 2016 to Bernie.
Bernie is the only politician that actually seems to want to middle class to thrive. Thats why he doesnt have a chance. Too many middle classers will vote against themselves for the rich who do nothing for them.
Hey, this reminds me of the excitement surrounding the Obama campaign!!

Did someone mention Ron Paul? Sorry, buddy. Democratic primaries are different from Republican primaries. You are comparing apples to oranges.

Democrats have a tendency to spread their support over the long term. That forces guys who were polling poorly early to get out there and tell people for what they stand for.Early polls are not reflective of the outcome

Republicans tend to rally around the flavor of the month. Which is too bad since it is possible you discard your best candidate for some plain old stuff suit variety. All the polls look basically like a game of musical chairs.

Just like when dems turned on a dime for the community organizer and kicked the hil out the back door.....only to revive that corpse 8 years later?

Is the corpse revived? Don't put all your eggs in one basket,conservatives. You guys did that 8 years ago and found the dems pulled a switch a roo!
Bernie is the only politician that actually seems to want to middle class to thrive. Thats why he doesnt have a chance. Too many middle classers will vote against themselves for the rich who do nothing for them.
Bernie has a good chance, just like Obama did in 2008.

Here's an article from back in June: Clinton camp sharpens attack on Sanders TheHill
“I think the Clinton people would have to say he’s not really a threat, but he’s starting to get a little traction,” said Tobe Berkovitz, a Boston University professor who specializes in political communications. “I don’t think going after Bernie is the best strategy because what you’re doing is giving him bundles of oxygen. On the other hand, if they ignore him, he can generate more and more buzz.”

The other dynamic that complicates Team Clinton’s pushback against Sanders is the degree to which the Democratic primary electorate has moved leftward. A few election cycles ago, establishment candidates such as Gore in 2000 or then-Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) in 2004 could assail their left-wing rivals as beyond the mainstream.

But criticisms of Sanders for backing, say, universal healthcare or a new Wall Street tax to pay for vast increases in education spending, would likely backfire, and undo Clinton’s efforts to energize progressives for the general election campaign ahead.

Insisting that the recent attacks are “not going to go anywhere,” Devine said, “Bernie Sanders hasn’t hid from his political identity. His ideas — like universal healthcare, for example? We are happy to debate those.”
Hillary Clinton is very weak on issues close to home like universal healthcare, wall street regulation, education, and so on.
if bernie takes the first three primaries, u have to wonder if the DNC will demand voter fraud in the next primaries,,aka, let dead people vote !!!
If this thread is any indication, Republicans are going to get a few laughs from the Hillary camp of the Democratic party in this forum. Those in the DNC stuffing ballot boxes (if they exist) would be more likely to sabotage Bernie's campaign than help.
Who do you like? Why didn't the hillary camp do that to Obama in 2008?
The Hillary camp played a dirty tricks campaign in 2008, and it wouldn't be surprising if they do it again in 2016 to Bernie.
That's politics. Remember what the bush camp said about John McCain in 2000? That he fathered an illegitimate black child. Cost mccain a key state down south cause people down there are racist. John McCain and George Bush are good friends now.
Bernie is the only politician that actually seems to want to middle class to thrive. Thats why he doesnt have a chance. Too many middle classers will vote against themselves for the rich who do nothing for them.
Bernie has a good chance, just like Obama did in 2008.

Here's an article from back in June: Clinton camp sharpens attack on Sanders TheHill
“I think the Clinton people would have to say he’s not really a threat, but he’s starting to get a little traction,” said Tobe Berkovitz, a Boston University professor who specializes in political communications. “I don’t think going after Bernie is the best strategy because what you’re doing is giving him bundles of oxygen. On the other hand, if they ignore him, he can generate more and more buzz.”

The other dynamic that complicates Team Clinton’s pushback against Sanders is the degree to which the Democratic primary electorate has moved leftward. A few election cycles ago, establishment candidates such as Gore in 2000 or then-Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) in 2004 could assail their left-wing rivals as beyond the mainstream.

But criticisms of Sanders for backing, say, universal healthcare or a new Wall Street tax to pay for vast increases in education spending, would likely backfire, and undo Clinton’s efforts to energize progressives for the general election campaign ahead.

Insisting that the recent attacks are “not going to go anywhere,” Devine said, “Bernie Sanders hasn’t hid from his political identity. His ideas — like universal healthcare, for example? We are happy to debate those.”
Hillary Clinton is very weak on issues close to home like universal healthcare, wall street regulation, education, and so on.
Truth is, Americans like social programs. It's nice to get something for what were paying. Screw putting all we pay into expensive defense when it won't stop lone wolves.

Why do we have a military all around the globe? So GE she'll and Pepsi can sell their shit around the world. So why don't they pay taxes?
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.
Hillary has far too much baggage and too many corruption scandals dogging her to pull that off... but... we'll know for sure, in a few months.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.
Hillary has far too much baggage and too many corruption scandals dogging her to pull that off... but... we'll know for sure, in a few months.
Voters snubbed Hillary for Obama in 2008, and hopefully they snub Hillary again in 2016.

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