Bernie-Mania spreads to Red States

Hillary will get the nomination, but Sanders won't because she will cut off donors to his campaign.
How will she do that, dopey, since the vast majority of his donations are from regular people, averaging around $50?
How won't she? You don't even read the news. Bureaucrats at a teachers union went against its members to support Hillary over Sanders. It has already begun.
That doesn't explain how she will keep people from donating to Sanders. Try again Short Bus.
I did before, but you must be a Hillary drone to discount it, and deny that a teachers union dropped to the floor and kissed Hillary's feet. If it wasn't for Sanders I wouldn't even be voting a Democrat for President.
I will try one more time, for the retards:

Sanders is getting his donations from small-dollar donors, at an average of $50 each. So how will Hillary keep those people from donating?
Actually $35 is the average contribution: Sanders Draws Huge Crowd in Houston Houston Press
In Sunday's speech, Sanders said he has secured campaign contributions from "hundreds of thousands" of people— and, in keeping with one of Sanders' main campaign promises to remove big money from politics, he said the average contribution is $35.
She won't be able to keep small donors away, and Obama's donors are 'flocking' to Bernie: Obama s Donors Flocking To Sanders Romney s Going To Rubio - US News
The Vermont senator has already received contributions from 24,582 of Obama's donors; whereas Clinton has only tapped just over 9,000 of them. Martin O'Malley, the former Maryland governor, has grabbed 383 Obama donors. That means Sanders has nabbed 72 percent of the 34,340 Obama donors who have given to a candidate in 2016, according to Crowdpac.
But Hillary has already worked her magic with a teacher's union.
I don't think many unions are going to follow the path of that teachers union that pledged early. There is too many problems in how that union handled their endorsement and still a slight chance that Hillary may lose it.

Come to think about it, it is rare for Unions to endorse someone this early. Too many issues arises if they endorse someone before everyone in the union got a good look at the candidates.

But that is the advantage of stardust--quick commitment from donor before they can analyze the field.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.
Hillary has far too much baggage and too many corruption scandals dogging her to pull that off... but... we'll know for sure, in a few months.
Name one "scandal" that has been proven with facts that are indisputable.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.
You're too much of a moron to continue reading your posts.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.
Elizabeth Warren would be my pick. First woman VP. That would win the women vote.
Warren isn't interested. She wants to Chair the banking committee, where she can do the most good, not being the one flying around the world to attend foreign leaders' funerals.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.

The primaries haven't started. Why are we talking about presidential tickets now?
Because he's a moron.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.
Elizabeth Warren would be my pick. First woman VP. That would win the women vote.
Warren isn't interested. She wants to Chair the banking committee, where she can do the most good, not being the one flying around the world to attend foreign leaders' funerals.

You are just one of Hillary's useful idiots, and the petty insults over intelligence don't improve your position.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.

The primaries haven't started. Why are we talking about presidential tickets now?
Because he's a moron.
Whatever you say, ad hominem boy. :rolleyes:

Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.

The primaries haven't started. Why are we talking about presidential tickets now?
Because Biden is polling behind Sanders, and thus is more likely to be a ticket than a serious candidate at the moment. But things could change as it isn't 2016 yet.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.
Hillary has far too much baggage and too many corruption scandals dogging her to pull that off... but... we'll know for sure, in a few months.
Name one "scandal" that has been proven with facts that are indisputable.
It's like when they say Obama's economy sucks. Do they remember the bush economy?

Or when they cry about Benghazi after Iraq and 9-11.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.
Elizabeth Warren would be my pick. First woman VP. That would win the women vote.
Warren isn't interested. She wants to Chair the banking committee, where she can do the most good, not being the one flying around the world to attend foreign leaders' funerals.

You are just one of Hillary's useful idiots, and the petty insults over intelligence don't improve your position.
It he's right you're wrong.
...Name one "scandal" that has been proven with facts that are indisputable.
I can't.

And we both know it.

Doesn't matter.

That only means that Bubba and Hil are slippery as eels.

New-era Teflon Dons who cover their tracks well enough to avoid indictment or conviction.

Surviving several high-visibility scandals and investigations does not shield against having one's image and reputation and trustworthiness damaged beyond repair.

One need look no further than recent polls designed to survey Americans' perceptions of her trustworthiness, to know the truth of that observation.

America doesn't need an Obama 3rd Term right about now... we've had quite enough, thank you.

America also doesn't need any more Political Family Dynasties - on EITHER side of the aisle.

Time for some fresh blood... new ideas, new faces, new strategies and tactics.
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I like Bernie - but I believe he's too liberal to win the General Election. However, I think he could beat Trump.

Bernie Sanders is a grasshopper, as in the tale of The Grasshopper and the Ant. The grasshopper fiddled and played all summer while the ant worked hard, gathered food for the winter, and when winter came he was comfortably set to survive till the next spring.

When the grasshopper started to starve, he wanted what the ant had, worked for and therefore, deserved. The grasshopper was crying injustice, inequality, he was driven by envy and jealousy, in other words the grasshopper was a socialist.

I guess Bernie can point to the roaring success of socialism in the former East Germany and in the former Soviet Union.

That will surely win him the Presidency.

It always cracks me up how you liberals both say nuh uh to that Hillary is a weak candidate then you glory in the attention Bernie is getting because Hillary is an unpleasant candidate.

She lost to an empty suited nobody loser from Illinois who had never accomplished anything significant on his own in his life, now she's in it in a race with a Democrat who actually admits to being a socialist. Ready to admit Hillary isn't exactly a strong pick?
best we can hope for is that Hillary is not the second choice of these crowds, if they like bernie, and hillary just barely wins the primary, and bernie voters will turn to the GOP winner as their second choice, hillary is toast.
If Bernie loses I will most likely vote for the Green party candidate, as I have no faith in Hillary to support the poor or middle class.

Then your vote will ensure two ounces of spinach and a pound of broccoli every four years to all poor or middle class families.

Congratulations on your wise choice.
Bernie is the only politician that actually seems to want to middle class to thrive. Thats why he doesnt have a chance. Too many middle classers will vote against themselves for the rich who do nothing for them.

Bernie Sanders is driven by envy as all socialists are. Not being able earn anything on their own merit, they lust for what smart and hard working people have.

When they cry about inequality, they should remember the only inequality that is the inequality of brains, effort, desire and work between those who have and those who have not.

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