Bernie-Mania spreads to Red States

Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.
Hillary has far too much baggage and too many corruption scandals dogging her to pull that off... but... we'll know for sure, in a few months.
Nah. That's just what Republicans have been saying since 1992.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.
Elizabeth Warren would be my pick. First woman VP. That would win the women vote.

So all of his supporters show up at his rallies. He will need more than 24k in Texas to defeat Hillary in the primaries. Bernie reminds me a lot of Ron Paul. That does not bode well for him.
Eh? Clinton drew only 2200 to Bernie's 5000: Sanders Draws Huge Crowd in Houston Houston Press
And so far the self-described Democratic-Socialist has seen massive turnouts in the south— 12,000 in Phoenix on Saturday and 7,000 in Dallas earlier on Sunday. By comparison, when Clinton visited Houston a few weeks ago, she drew about 2,200.
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.

The primaries haven't started. Why are we talking about presidential tickets now?
All I have seen is major candidates mentioning cutting Social Security for wealthy Seniors...

What's the down side to that?
A severe shortage of
Don't hold your breath.

America isn't very keen on an Obama 3rd Term - which is what we get with either Hillary or Bernie.

Fun-time is over for the Dems for a while, I'm afraid.
Republicans are hoping they can pull off a gore 2000. Forget it. Women and liberals want to see the first woman president.

But there is still a chance that won't happen this time around.

To make matters worst, Biden might still declare in September. If he does, the Democratic primaries is wide open, and Biden maybe the oldest candidate running!!(He is a year older than Sanders)
Bernie still hasn't decided who is going to be on his ticket, and Biden is more likely to support Sanders than Hillary.

The primaries haven't started. Why are we talking about presidential tickets now?
They are counting their chickens....
best we can hope for is that Hillary is not the second choice of these crowds, if they like bernie, and hillary just barely wins the primary, and bernie voters will turn to the GOP winner as their second choice, hillary is toast.
No way. Democrats would vote Hitler first. Given the levels of anti semtism in the Democrat party, they would prefer him.
best we can hope for is that Hillary is not the second choice of these crowds, if they like bernie, and hillary just barely wins the primary, and bernie voters will turn to the GOP winner as their second choice, hillary is toast.
No way. Democrats would vote Hitler first. Given the levels of anti semtism in the Democrat party, they would prefer him.
Why aren't you worrying about the Republican ticket and let us worry about who we run.

Hillary makes you shit your pants. 8 more years of Clinton.

So all of his supporters show up at his rallies. He will need more than 24k in Texas to defeat Hillary in the primaries. Bernie reminds me a lot of Ron Paul. That does not bode well for him.
Eh? Clinton drew only 2200 to Bernie's 5000: Sanders Draws Huge Crowd in Houston Houston Press
And so far the self-described Democratic-Socialist has seen massive turnouts in the south— 12,000 in Phoenix on Saturday and 7,000 in Dallas earlier on Sunday. By comparison, when Clinton visited Houston a few weeks ago, she drew about 2,200.

A little point to make out

The turn out is highly dependent on timing , place and how well you announced your arrival. Hillary was first in an very early primary season so it is likely for her to draw a smaller crowd(although it is still strange to get outdrawn by 3 to 5 factors).

I am pretty sure there are places where Hillary will draw larger crowds than Bernie. Like Wall st, or K street, for example.
Hillary will get the nomination, but Sanders won't because she will cut off donors to his campaign.
How will she do that, dopey, since the vast majority of his donations are from regular people, averaging around $50?
How won't she? You don't even read the news. Bureaucrats at a teachers union went against its members to support Hillary over Sanders. It has already begun.
That doesn't explain how she will keep people from donating to Sanders. Try again Short Bus.
I did before, but you must be a Hillary drone to discount it, and deny that a teachers union dropped to the floor and kissed Hillary's feet. If it wasn't for Sanders I wouldn't even be voting a Democrat for President.
I will try one more time, for the retards:

Sanders is getting his donations from small-dollar donors, at an average of $50 each. So how will Hillary keep those people from donating?

So all of his supporters show up at his rallies. He will need more than 24k in Texas to defeat Hillary in the primaries. Bernie reminds me a lot of Ron Paul. That does not bode well for him.
Eh? Clinton drew only 2200 to Bernie's 5000: Sanders Draws Huge Crowd in Houston Houston Press
And so far the self-described Democratic-Socialist has seen massive turnouts in the south— 12,000 in Phoenix on Saturday and 7,000 in Dallas earlier on Sunday. By comparison, when Clinton visited Houston a few weeks ago, she drew about 2,200.

A little point to make out

The turn out is highly dependent on timing , place and how well you announced your arrival. Hillary was first in an very early primary season so it is likely for her to draw a smaller crowd(although it is still strange to get outdrawn by 3 to 5 factors).

I am pretty sure there are places where Hillary will draw larger crowds than Bernie. Like Wall st, or K street, for example.
Still. Hillary is at a greater disadvantage in red states than Bernie, even if it isn't always apparent. That is why I disagreed with Auditor. Running Hillary in deep red states is like running Romney in deep blue ones.
By the way, if we were talking VP for Democratic candidates, then it is best to look for someone young, energetic and somewhat popular that is not running.

It will not be a good ticket if you have 2 retiree's running as a team for the democrats. Who is the youngest dem running now? O'Malley at 52. I doubt anyone would pick him as VP

Truth be told, Obama may have needed to switch VP after the second election if Biden was not going to run. Biden, by not announcing, is keeping the Dem primaries in a bit of stagnation.
Hillary will get the nomination, but Sanders won't because she will cut off donors to his campaign.
How will she do that, dopey, since the vast majority of his donations are from regular people, averaging around $50?
How won't she? You don't even read the news. Bureaucrats at a teachers union went against its members to support Hillary over Sanders. It has already begun.
That doesn't explain how she will keep people from donating to Sanders. Try again Short Bus.
I did before, but you must be a Hillary drone to discount it, and deny that a teachers union dropped to the floor and kissed Hillary's feet. If it wasn't for Sanders I wouldn't even be voting a Democrat for President.
I will try one more time, for the retards:

Sanders is getting his donations from small-dollar donors, at an average of $50 each. So how will Hillary keep those people from donating?
She won't She gets her "donations" in the huge $ amount. She gets her money from the unions compulsory dues, Bernie gets donations from the membership. hillary gets money from mega corp, Bernie gets his from the employees. Hillary thinks she can get more money this way. I very much doubt it

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