Bernie Opens Up Double Digit Lead -- Corporate Dems Are So Triggered


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Sanders holds double-digit lead in national poll

Despite all of the blatant anti-Bernie bias in the so called "liberal media" -- Bernie continues to stay ahead in the polls, ahead in campaign fund raising and ahead in general head to head polls against Trump....and as one woman who was interviewed said, with all of the anti-Bernie bias she has seen from the media, it made her change her vote over to Bernie....which is similar to what many voters were saying about Trump during the 2016 primaries..

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) leads his Democratic presidential rivals by double digits in a new poll released just days before the next nominating contest in Nevada. Sanders holds a 12-point lead over his nearest rivals in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday."

Sanders - 27%
Biden - 15% (and dropping)
Warren & Bloomberg tied at 14%

I anticipate Biden dropping out or at least losing the support or corporate hacks in the media once they see all of the smearing of Bernie they did failed to get him the win in Nevada or South Carolina -- they will most assuredly turn to Bloomberg as their best hope at stopping Bernie......but what Bernie has shown time and time again is that when people hear his policies versus the others, they prefer his....period..and the fearmongering and calling him a communist who is going to mass execute his opponents isn't working..
Sanders holds double-digit lead in national poll

Despite all of the blatant anti-Bernie bias in the so called "liberal media" -- Bernie continues to stay ahead in the polls, ahead in campaign fund raising and ahead in general head to head polls against Trump....and as one woman who was interviewed said, with all of the anti-Bernie bias she has seen from the media, it made her change her vote over to Bernie....which is similar to what many voters were saying about Trump during the 2016 primaries..

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) leads his Democratic presidential rivals by double digits in a new poll released just days before the next nominating contest in Nevada. Sanders holds a 12-point lead over his nearest rivals in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday."

Sanders - 27%
Biden - 15% (and dropping)
Warren & Bloomberg tied at 14%

I anticipate Biden dropping out or at least losing the support or corporate hacks in the media once they see all of the smearing of Bernie they did failed to get him the win in Nevada or South Carolina -- they will most assuredly turn to Bloomberg as their best hope at stopping Bernie......but what Bernie has shown time and time again is that when people hear his policies versus the others, they prefer his....period..and the fearmongering and calling him a communist who is going to mass execute his opponents isn't working..
Bernie is the Dem version of Trump. Dems are just as angry as GOPers. They too want to burn down the establishment pols and start over with all new policies.
Sanders holds double-digit lead in national poll

Despite all of the blatant anti-Bernie bias in the so called "liberal media" -- Bernie continues to stay ahead in the polls, ahead in campaign fund raising and ahead in general head to head polls against Trump....and as one woman who was interviewed said, with all of the anti-Bernie bias she has seen from the media, it made her change her vote over to Bernie....which is similar to what many voters were saying about Trump during the 2016 primaries..

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) leads his Democratic presidential rivals by double digits in a new poll released just days before the next nominating contest in Nevada. Sanders holds a 12-point lead over his nearest rivals in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday."

Sanders - 27%
Biden - 15% (and dropping)
Warren & Bloomberg tied at 14%

I anticipate Biden dropping out or at least losing the support or corporate hacks in the media once they see all of the smearing of Bernie they did failed to get him the win in Nevada or South Carolina -- they will most assuredly turn to Bloomberg as their best hope at stopping Bernie......but what Bernie has shown time and time again is that when people hear his policies versus the others, they prefer his....period..and the fearmongering and calling him a communist who is going to mass execute his opponents isn't working..

Don't worry

Bloomberg has much deeper pockets than Bernie.

He'll buy this election yet
Sanders holds double-digit lead in national poll

Despite all of the blatant anti-Bernie bias in the so called "liberal media" -- Bernie continues to stay ahead in the polls, ahead in campaign fund raising and ahead in general head to head polls against Trump....and as one woman who was interviewed said, with all of the anti-Bernie bias she has seen from the media, it made her change her vote over to Bernie....which is similar to what many voters were saying about Trump during the 2016 primaries..

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) leads his Democratic presidential rivals by double digits in a new poll released just days before the next nominating contest in Nevada. Sanders holds a 12-point lead over his nearest rivals in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday."

Sanders - 27%
Biden - 15% (and dropping)
Warren & Bloomberg tied at 14%

I anticipate Biden dropping out or at least losing the support or corporate hacks in the media once they see all of the smearing of Bernie they did failed to get him the win in Nevada or South Carolina -- they will most assuredly turn to Bloomberg as their best hope at stopping Bernie......but what Bernie has shown time and time again is that when people hear his policies versus the others, they prefer his....period..and the fearmongering and calling him a communist who is going to mass execute his opponents isn't working..
Bernie is the Dem version of Trump. Dems are just as angry as GOPers. They too want to burn down the establishment pols and start over with all new policies.

Bloomy is in no way an equivalent to Trump. First off, President Trump doesn't have to stand on a box when he speaks.

Second, President Trump's many accomplishments stand tall on their own.
Bernie is the Dem version of Trump. Dems are just as angry as GOPers. They too want to burn down the establishment pols and start over with all new policies.
Bloomy is in no way an equivalent to Trump. First off, President Trump doesn't have to stand on a box when he speaks.

Second, President Trump's many accomplishments stand tall on their own.
And Bloomy is in no way an equivalent to Bernie. Good work, an entirely fact-free post. Not easy but you did it.
Everyone should be triggered. That authoritarian wants to take over entire sectors of the economy and shit all over the bill of rights.
Fuck bernies non integrity having ass.

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