Bernie or Bust the Sanders Fans who will never vote for Biden

MANY MANY of us in the movement left Trump behind LONG ago after realizing he was full of shit. All talk little action.

This "movement" you speak think Bern was going to help you advance the "movement"?
Sanders fans are among the craziest in political history. Maybe it's fitting since he is a socialist. I recall a Sanders supporter a couple of years ago who had no criminal record but felt so strongly about a capitalist like Trump winning the election that he bought a gun and went on a suicide mission to kill every republican congressman.

Charlottesville car attack - Wikipedia
Is that worse than a black lives matter radical killing six cops in Dallas?

No one has the right to take the life of another outside of direct self defense. The point being that there are unhinged people of all beliefs and all walks of life unfortunately.
I agree
Bernie treats union members the way Democrats treat blacks: "vote for me, and i'll give you nothing"
Democrats know they cant beat Trump, but they intend to enjoy being hysterical about the Trump v Biden matchup
Yeah … the Dem divide is way too wide.
JFTR, are you by chance bipolar? I mean, that is funny and lucid. Then there are the rest of your posts ... :spinner:
Sanders fans are among the craziest in political history. Maybe it's fitting since he is a socialist. I recall a Sanders supporter a couple of years ago who had no criminal record but felt so strongly about a capitalist like Trump winning the election that he bought a gun and went on a suicide mission to kill every republican congressman.
Not having a criminal record doesn't mean one can't be a nut in need of a trigger. Watching and listening to the TDS crazies has made clear the edge is near.
Democrats know they cant beat Trump, but they intend to enjoy being hysterical about the Trump v Biden matchup
With Biden? Hell no. The man is BORING! Sanders brings excitement and energy to the campaign...It would be interesting as hell to watch a Sanders vs Trump campaign.
I would love to see a head-to-head "America vs Socialism" election. Once Dems are out in the open Americans would have a clear choice.
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Bernie or Bust: the Sanders fans who will never vote for Biden

LMAO...told yall so. NeverBiden is starting to spread all over social media. Same thing happened 4 years ago. Meh I will be in the same boat. I refuse to vote for Trump, Not a chance I will vote for Biden but Sanders I could consider, if he ain't a choice I just won't vote for president or VP.
YOU are the same type voter that gave us Trump!

Trump loves you, that should make you proud of your:

My way
the highway,


some day, you will grow up, release your own selfishness to the wastelands, and love your country enough, to know picking the lesser of two evils of those you dislike, is better than walking away....imho.
Last time he received 7% of Bernie voters, this time he will get how many? 15-20%? Who knows? He has had 4 years in the WH, it's not as if they are going to be more inclined to fear that America is going to collapse if he is re-elected.

Also, they are looking for a fighter. Trump may not be the one they idealized but they are basically looking for the Outsider. Trump represents that. They might even juxtapose Trump with Bernie and consider, "maybe Bernie is just part of the Establishment, he's been here for decades while Trump has been in politic for 4 years".

Trump just has to hit Biden few times in the debates and the same Bernie supporters who are angry at him will cheer Trump on, even if grudgingly at first.

I just can't see how Trump this time around get LESS voters than in 2016. They are sure to come from many different directions.
Believe it or not, there are less irrational Dems who can see the Trump Train coming.

Van Jones Gives His Take on Dem Candidates' Chances Against Trump

Here's why:

"We’re losing our damn minds": James Carville unloads on the Democratic Party
Burnie Bros should all write-in the Burn.... you deserve better!


Have to wait to see who the candidate actually is and who the (G) and (L) party run.

Ill go out on a limb and say youll vote for Biden.

Why? I didn't vote for Hillary. Biden is Hillary. I don't vote for people I do not agree with much they stand for. I see where Vermine Supreme is doing pretty well. I wrote him in 2012. If we can't get UHC at least UDC is closer than nothing.
Bernie or Bust: the Sanders fans who will never vote for Biden

LMAO...told yall so. NeverBiden is starting to spread all over social media. Same thing happened 4 years ago. Meh I will be in the same boat. I refuse to vote for Trump, Not a chance I will vote for Biden but Sanders I could consider, if he ain't a choice I just won't vote for president or VP.

At least Bernie believes in and is passionate about his beliefs. Biden is nothing more than this week's list of poll-tested talking points handed him to promise the public by his party handlers.
Bernie or Bust: the Sanders fans who will never vote for Biden

LMAO...told yall so. NeverBiden is starting to spread all over social media. Same thing happened 4 years ago. Meh I will be in the same boat. I refuse to vote for Trump, Not a chance I will vote for Biden but Sanders I could consider, if he ain't a choice I just won't vote for president or VP.

At least Bernie believes in and is passionate about his beliefs. Biden is nothing more than this week's list of poll-tested talking points handed him to promise the public by his party handlers.
Biden hasn't really promised we the people anything, other than stability and putting humpty dumpty back together again.... kind of thing.... it is not an exciting agenda such as Bernie's.... but Bernie's agenda, can't be accomplished in congress, unless seats drastically change, which is unlikely to change that much.... so you can have all the excitement in the world for Bernie, but it will be a fruitless venture in the end, imho.... so why waste time with it?

There are no exciting candidates, as far as I am concerned... but that won't stop me for voting for either one of the Democrats, to remove President Trump from the helm of this ship....before it sinks...and drowns us all.
.... so you can have all the excitement in the world for Bernie, Biden hasn't really promised we the people anything, other than stability and putting humpty dumpty back together again.... kind of thing....... but that won't stop me for voting for either one of the Democrats, to remove President Trump from the helm of this ship....before it sinks...and drowns us all.

Interesting. So Biden offers nothing of interest other than "stability" (something we have now, except in the minds and mouths of disgruntled democrats who keep crying the sky is falling), and to put something back together that hasn't fallen apart, except in the minds and mouths of disgruntled democrats who keep crying the sky is falling because they want elected. So you will vote to get Trump out of office for a lackluster no-idea old candidate going senile whose only promise to the electorate to be sure is to shut up once the Democrats are back in power.

No wonder this country languishes unable to get anything done.
Bernie has no real path to the nomination, so why rock the boat, and complicate things for the Democrats?
MANY MANY of us in the movement left Trump behind LONG ago after realizing he was full of shit. All talk little action.

This "movement" you speak think Bern was going to help you advance the "movement"?
Nope. But he will either help the working class which I am apart of OR he will quicken the collapse of the US which is fine with me as well.
Bernie or Bust: the Sanders fans who will never vote for Biden

LMAO...told yall so. NeverBiden is starting to spread all over social media. Same thing happened 4 years ago. Meh I will be in the same boat. I refuse to vote for Trump, Not a chance I will vote for Biden but Sanders I could consider, if he ain't a choice I just won't vote for president or VP.
I'm a Bernie fan.

If Joe gets the nomination he gets my vote.
I doubt it will be a majority of Sanders voters that won't vote for Biden but a large minority won't vote for Biden.
Democrats know they cant beat Trump, but they intend to enjoy being hysterical about the Trump v Biden matchup
With Biden? Hell no. The man is BORING! Sanders brings excitement and energy to the campaign...It would be interesting as hell to watch a Sanders vs Trump campaign.
I would love to see a head-to-head "America vs Socialism" election. Once Dems are out in the open Americans would have a clear choice.
View attachment 312346 vs View attachment 312347
Indeed. Do we want 4 more years of rich capitalist swine to get richer off the hard work of Americans or do we want Democratic Socialism which will benefit the working class.
Bernie or Bust: the Sanders fans who will never vote for Biden

LMAO...told yall so. NeverBiden is starting to spread all over social media. Same thing happened 4 years ago. Meh I will be in the same boat. I refuse to vote for Trump, Not a chance I will vote for Biden but Sanders I could consider, if he ain't a choice I just won't vote for president or VP.
YOU are the same type voter that gave us Trump!

Trump loves you, that should make you proud of your:

My way
the highway,


some day, you will grow up, release your own selfishness to the wastelands, and love your country enough, to know picking the lesser of two evils of those you dislike, is better than walking away....imho.
I voted for Trump actually. I have principles and I won't go against them PERIOD. If both candidates suck then I won't vote for either of them. I didn't vote for Obama,McCain or Romney...I voted Constitution Party and Libertarian Party those years. The GOP should have learned their lesson the first time around. This year as its looking like Biden vs Trump I won't be voting at all for president because libertarians make me sick and I see no decent choice for any other 3rd party. Oh and I never put Amurica above my own principles or my people and never will.
This "movement" you speak think Bern was going to help you advance the "movement"?
Nope. But he will either help the working class which I am apart of OR he will quicken the collapse of the US which is fine with me as well...
You know what I always say at moments like this … :fu:
...I have principles and I won't go against them PERIOD... Oh and I never put Amurica above my own principles or my people and never will.
And if "Amuricans" are not your "people," pray tell who is?

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