Bernie Plans To Formally Apologize For Slavery....Here Comes Another Handout

Sanders plans to formally apologize to Blacks for slavery?

Whatever for?

And, when it comes to Reparations...

Might as well sue the Black tribes of Africa who sold their neighbors and their human war-booty to the slavers and who provided slave-hunters for the Arabs.

Might as well sue the Arab-Berbers of Africa who hired large numbers of Blacks to lure and trap and hunt and capture their fellow Blacks and bring them to slaver camps.

Might as well sue the UK and Spain and Portugal and Holland and other countries whose Euro-Trash ancestors dominated the slave trade for centuries.



Vast numbers of so-called Blacks in the US have as much White blood as they do Black, so, perhaps they can pay reparations to themselves...

Vast numbers of Whites in the country are descended from immigrants who arrived after slavery had been abolished, and owe no Reparations to anyone...

Vast numbers of Blacks in this country could not reliably trace their family trees back to slavery days.

Vast numbers of Whites in this country are the descendants of families who lost loved ones in the Civil War, which began as a means to preserve the Union, and which morphed into a war to end slavery - paying John Brown's envisioned price of blood to end that great sin.

Most of the benefits and outputs of slavery evaporated during the Civil War years and the years immediately following the war - very little remains of the profits of that shameful practice, and parsing any remaining economic benefit or byproduct is more trouble than it's worth to the Nation at large...

Whatever compensation was possible for that ancient wrongdoing was marked Paid-in-Full by both the Civil War and 50 years of Affirmative Action, beginning in 1964.

Enough of this happy horseshit already.

For those waiting for Uncle Bernie or some other wrong-headed LibTard to give them the Keys to the Kingdom, or just 40 acres and a mule...

Snap out of it...

Muster your courage and wits, get off your dead asses, and go make your own goddamned way in the world, and stop leaning on the rest of us.

After 150 years, this shit is getting really old...
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Slavery was a horrible legacy. So was Jim Crowe.

Nothing will change that except to remember the sacrifices people made, and to keep trying to be a better society.

Reparations won't do that. I don't think many truly support it anyway.

Excuse me? Remind us again what party enacted the Jim Crowe laws
Sanders' relatives were part of the 1% who could afford those mansions at Newport because of their involvement in the slave trade. Sanders should pay back what he owes, with interest.
Well, here's a real eye opener...

....just because someone is black......doesn't mean they were related to slaves.. Obama for example. Father was from Kenya.....not a slave...Mother was white.....not a slave..

...and just because someone is doesn't mean they had family members that supported slavery.....or even were in this country when there were slaves.

So I figure all of the Southern Democrats should pay reparations and leave us Yankees out of it.

I think we need to do some serious genealogy work and find out who really deserves slave reparations and who doesn't.

Exactly - and, what about those who are mixed race? Those who immigrated after slavery? It can't be done in a way that is just or fair. (Most of the southern dems became repubs btw)
Yeah.....what about half-white half-blacks.......should they pay reparations to themselves?
ANOTHER? Handout? Where was the first one? Besides in your mind
Oh.....didn't you hear????

He's gonna cost us $18 trillion over 10 years in spending on free college tuition for everyone.

He's gonna? I thought you said ANOTHER handout as if one happened. Did you misspeak?

And do you have a point?

Nope......didn't think so.

Yeah, the point is where is the first handout you spoke about?
Slavery was a horrible legacy. So was Jim Crowe.

Nothing will change that except to remember the sacrifices people made, and to keep trying to be a better society.

Reparations won't do that. I don't think many truly support it anyway.

Excuse me? Remind us again what party enacted the Jim Crowe laws
Seems to me, the political party known for slavery should pay reparations.
Sanders' relatives were part of the 1% who could afford those mansions at Newport because of their involvement in the slave trade. Sanders should pay back what he owes, with interest.
Well, here's a real eye opener...

....just because someone is black......doesn't mean they were related to slaves.. Obama for example. Father was from Kenya.....not a slave...Mother was white.....not a slave..

...and just because someone is doesn't mean they had family members that supported slavery.....or even were in this country when there were slaves.

So I figure all of the Southern Democrats should pay reparations and leave us Yankees out of it.

I think we need to do some serious genealogy work and find out who really deserves slave reparations and who doesn't.

Exactly - and, what about those who are mixed race? Those who immigrated after slavery? It can't be done in a way that is just or fair. (Most of the southern dems became repubs btw)
Yeah.....what about half-white half-blacks.......should they pay reparations to themselves?

Exactly - how do you determine who is black, who isn't, who is "black enough", who descended from slaves, or who was a black slave owner - it's impossible.
Slavery was a horrible legacy. So was Jim Crowe.

Nothing will change that except to remember the sacrifices people made, and to keep trying to be a better society.

Reparations won't do that. I don't think many truly support it anyway.

Excuse me? Remind us again what party enacted the Jim Crowe laws
Seems to me, the political party known for slavery should pay reparations.

Slavery was widely supported regardless of political party.

The south was heavily conservative and still is. Perhaps conservatives should pay reparations.

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